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@pino: the transfers from north to south are a myth, i can know i am belgian.. if u think the walloons suck, then u are a rascist, how would you react if i told you that flemmish pple are outdated, close-minded and cold

@the others smile.gif you cannot say that the us has 'more culture' just because a lot of cultures live next to each other. the american culture does not exist in se.. except maybe some cow-boy stories. Culture is something that is built over time, and we wont start to argue about our founding data, will we :D

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"@pino: the transfers from north to south are a myth"

Yeah, 200.000.000 euro's a year is a myth...

No they are called facts, don't deny it ffs, that's the way it is!!!!!!

But who know, maybe Belgium will split in a couple of years....

(I hope not but probably after the next elections since BHV hasn't been splitted yet and so next elections will be illegal and then we're in big trouble smile.gif )

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Sorry, those 200 000 000 euros were just about a small thing with Aquafinn.

According to the Financial Economic time(a finacial magazine) there is a transaction of euro of Flemish tax money to Wallonie, most of that is for social security...

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Alright 77, now your in the spirit, let's keep this political thread going.....was showing signs of wilt. :D

Okay, here's my comeback,

Yeah, but you weren't suppose to give us the cultural flaws along with the good stuff. tongue.gif

Now we have to sort all your crap out again, thanks for not letting us linger. ;) Do you think we might count on you guys in the next 270 years and make it a bit better for all of us? :cool:

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Humanity in 270 Years.

Earth finally contacts intelligent life in outer space and we come together as a single culture.

"Earthlings come in different colors, are much tastier than anything back on Zorkumf and are packed with nutrition, so what are you waiting for? Come to earth today before the supply of humans becomes depleted. And bring your appetite, yum-yum!"


[ August 29, 2005, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Wait a minute 77, do I detect a direct contradiction here.

If it wasn't for y'all, Europeans I'm guessing, the discovery of the NA continent wouldn't have occurred...right?

So y'all discovered it? I agree. So who took it from the Natives? :confused:

Oh...I see you must be talking about the American West....not the original 13 colonies which became the USA later, which was made up of European immigrants who discovered and settled it.....There wasn't any Natives there when you guys landed? :D

Oh right....they gave it to you :D .

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How does anyone discover two continents that are already inhabited by millions of people? They don't, it just means one group of people became aware of another group in a place they'd only heard vague legends about.

The Americas were really discovered by the Asians who crossed over the Alaskan Land Bridge during the last Ice Age, working their way south over the course of thousands of years. By the time the Europeans came many of them were very advanced. What they lacked, and what the Europeans had in abundance, was firearms and immunity to a spectrum of diseases that the white people no longer gave a thought to: like, measles!

Anyway, North America was visited along the Pacific coast by the Chinese long before anyone came over via the Atlantic. Except even there we have to consider the Phoenicians might have popped over by accident.

As for anyone being more cultured than anyone else -- come on already, there isn't much to distinguish one group of humans from another.

In the discovery game, the level of weaponry always defined who was civilized, and who wasn't. Which is why the Vikings didn't take root in North America, their weapons weren't superior enough to the locals. The Vikings lacked the essential tools of a higher civilization, muskets and cannons.

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@pino: all you say is true, but as i consider myself BELGIAN i dont care how much capital is moving from whatever side to whatever other side, as there r no sides for me. + according to a inquiry of the MR (walloon liberals) who wanted, of course to weaken those facts, all aspects of the transfers must be taken with caution, as a lot of money that flanders gives 'away' in fact is redirected towards flanders itself under other forms. Belgium will never split. Too many people like me out here, who know both languages, both regions (i live near namur but study in ghent). The close-minded morons (on both sides) will try but they will fail.

@JJ: ur right, culture is something you learn about, stupid pple r not confined to fronteers.. :D

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As for anyone being more cultured than anyone else -- come on already, there isn't much to distinguish one group of humans from another.
Really? So if we're all the same, how can there be a thing such as culture?

"You think the difference between those two guys is luck?" --- Gordan Gecko speaking to Bud Fox comparing a bum & a rich dude, in the movie Wallstreet.


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I didn't say we're all the same. I said there isn't enough difference between groups of human beings to make a big deal over.

Or do you feel one race is superior to another? If so, it contradicts almost everything I've been reading of yours for the past three years.

-- To give an example of what I'm talking about, regarding weapons for instance, if there'd had been regular contact between the Western Hemisphere and Europe and / or Asia going back to ancient times, there wouldn't have been any Spanish conquests or American colonial period. The American Indians (who wouldn't have been called that) would have had their iron age (introduced through trade) and known about firearms through contact with the rest of the world. They'd also have built up immunities to the European diseases that decimated them. All that prevented that course was the absence of a few islands between the continents where ships could have put in instead of having to cross the entire ocean.

In other words, it wasn't that the American Indians were stupid or lazy or backwards, it was just that they were out of the loop, as were most of the Africans.

-- As for the culture aspect, how can that possibly be defined and who's to say which society is more cultured than another? If the Europeans exist on a higher cultural plane than the less developed people, then you'll need to include the Holocaust as one of their cultural achievements along the good things they've done. If you're pushing the Asians, then there are similar cases of massive barbarity -- the Japanese slaughter of Chinese and other Asians ranks with the Holocaust. The United States? No, I think the white man's treatment of the American Indians is as bad as anything done by any other group to a victim race.

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@Sir Jersey --- Culture is culture, something to enjoy, not a matter of right or wrong, well...by my definition. Far as the American Indian issue (which came out of nowhere) I remember being in college when a professor demanded the United States payback the Indians...he shouted, yelled, accused, & pointed the finger. After he was done with his rant, I raised my hand and asked,"Professor, why don't you sell your house & all your possessions, give the proceeds to the nearest Indian reservation, then sail back to Europe." I never understood why he got mad, LOL smile.gif

To keep my post related to SC, it's simple. SC is part of this Legend's culture.

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Brother Rambo,

We agree. It isn't possible to make ammends for past wrongs by talking that way and your response was excellent. :D

The point I was trying to make wasn't so much about the American Indians but about civilizations themselves. Higher civilizations are those that are exposed to the most contact with the rest of the world. End of story.

Africa, most of it, was cut off, as was North and South America, Australia and the Pacific Islands (to a smaller degree, Japan also). The inevitable result was those countries fell hopelessly behind the others. Europe, where there has always been the greatest degree of contact among different civilizations, has maintained the highest technology till the present day, when the world has become a level playing field due to the Internet.

Culture is usually closely related to the level of technology. Once again, the degree of interaction with other cultures generally insures that a given people will either have a higher or a lower level in this regard.

For technological and cultural purposes I regard the United States as part of Europe. I don't think we can get away from that and, traditionally, ideas and traditions have always flowed quickly back and forth across the Atlantic.

Ergo, the earlier discussion about whether the U. S. A. or Europe is further along, culturally, makes little or no sense. I'm sure the people involved thought so too and it was all tongue in cheek, except for the Belgian financial figures.

Has this thread gone off topic? I didn't notice. With a title like, hum it's kind of difficult to pin it down to anything in particular, so I started talking about land bridges and ice ages. :D

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