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AAR: Terif vs Avatar


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Note: I'm writing about a game that was started yesterday, but hasn't finished yet. It needs mentioning, since I'm playing my best game ever. However, it's not over yet.

Avatar (Axis), Terif (Allies)

- Poland Breakthru didn't happen, but I manage to rollup polish forces anyhow by turn 3. Denmark falls turn 4.

- LC falls turn 2, and attack commences on Fr soil. Terif puts up a corps defense, and manages to hold back the horde until June 28th, when Paris falls. Game was fairly standard at this point, nothing spectacular.

July 40:

- I move over 3 AF's to Denmark to prepare for Norway/Sweden campaign. I leave 2 AF's in France, and build 2 more, 1 in Paris, 1 in Brussels. Brest is still held, Bordeaux was abandoned turn after Paris surrendered.

- Moved forces to take Brest, including a corps and a Pz unit. Terif attempts an ambush near Brest with 3 carriers, 2 AF's, some BB's and some landed troops, including a FF army. He manages to destroy the corps and Pz. I counter-attack with the LW, destroy a UK AF, a corps, and damage all the carriers. Terif retreats.

- Operations run very smoothly in the rest of the map. Egypt overrun by 2 It armies, 2 It corps alone. Terif has AF there, does some damage, but it ends up going back to UK after 2 turns. I lose an Italian army, but capture Alexandria/Suez.

- Vichy France invasion goes off well, but I fail to capture Marseilles. Terif attacks the next turn east of Gibraltar with 3 BB's (out of range from AF's on Sicily), and takes out a Italian BB. I counter-attack, and block his escape route with corps. He loses 1 BB that turn, and the other 2 the next turn.

- Around March 41, I have LR3, getting LR4 in April. I move both german CL's and sub from Baltic to Brest, and build another sub. Supporting AF's are around Brest. I recon around and find a BB. I attack, and find carriers nearby. I attack them too, not sinking any ships, but heavily damaging 4. He counter attacks and destroys a sub and CL. Next turn, I attack with LR air and damage his carriers again, as well as sinking 2 more BB's. US readiness is around 75-80%.

- May 41, took Scapa Flow. Raiding heavily for last few turns, taking average of 30mpps. Subs are all around Liverpool. 1 It BB (GL2) and 1 It sub around Brest. The other 2 ships, CL and BB are still bombarding Gibraltar, which will fall next turn. Spain surrender a few turns ago.

- June 41, bombarding Ireland, Ireland almost taken, or will be taken shortly. German transports all around England. Manchester has 0 ent, and only 3 units are in England, on all 3 cities. Corps are moving in from the north trying to land near Scapa flow. All ports (Liverpool, London, Scapa) being guarded/closed-off.

Note: I did get quite some luck by getting LR4 in May 41, and I acknowledge that. I did however, invest 5 chits in it since late 40. Also, before we started this game, we had 2 quick (2 turns) games where I, as Axis, gave up after not conquering LC. Terif was very nice in letting me restart after such a bad start smile.gif . Other than that piece of luck, England looks to fall relatively shortly.... will Terif lose his first game within 100 consecutive wins?

The game continues another day....

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Hmm...perhaps it´s time to loose my next game since in average I loose 1 out of 100 games :D - we will see smile.gif .

But nothing is over. Until now everything went perfect for Axis - including the minors joining at the earliest possible opportunity and Yugo already couping. But Allies evacuated 10 corps and armies from France, they still have all carriers in good shape and all research chits.

On the other side Axis built lots of subs (4 subs, cruiser and battleship sunk so far.., at least 4 more subs active, probably more...) and had to use a lot of mpps to repair their ships. Report screen shows they have no significant ground forces built - it seems Germany only owns its 5 starting armies (3 of them sitting in transports near England, the other 2 in Spain), 2 tanks and some corps + the minor units smile.gif .

To conquer England will be not as easy as the axis commander believes ;) . Against LR lv4, UK air and Montgomery had to be removed and only the necessary ground units had been placed to protect the cities (to avoid unnecessary losses against the german air). Since USA + Russia will join in a few turns, it´s now time to occupy the defence positions. UK main naval forces are moving towards Scapa Flow to help the besieged Island smile.gif ...half a dozen army/corps transports - ready to disembark - should be now in sighting range of the german air in Norway ;) . Ireland reinforced to 10, should not fall so easily too cause it is still entrenched...

Since UK scientists refused to work (LongRange lv 0 vs Germany LR 4...) they also can be fired - or executed :D - and the chits be sold, if it should be necessary for defence purposes smile.gif .

[ October 01, 2004, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Sounds like UK has taken some heavy damage due to German LR. The carriers have been touched up & the RAF has been forced to leave. With the early German success of minors plus tech advantage, Avatar could pull of the upset.

On the otherhand, is Avatar's Russian front play his weakest link? We shall see.

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Is this game being played via tcip or via email??

LR4 so early for the Axis - WOW. Dont think I have ever gotten it in all my games that early. Also sounds like the Axis has spent a lot of money into subs which was helpful but it may also take away from the Russian front. What was the bid anyway.?

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Bid is 225-1125-4500

So Russia will be pretty strong when they enter and has more than enough mpps to win the war on its own even if UK should fall smile.gif

The game is played via TCP - Axis restarted twice (1st time LC failed, 2nd time Germany got LC but was not fast enough in France for the taste of the axis commander tongue.gif , so Axis surrendered in turn 4 again). But LR 4 for Axis in the third try was simply luck (no other influences... smile.gif ). Since no catch-up helped (UK LR 0), it was very lucky, but happens once in a while - perhaps every 100 games or so :D .

Game should be continued on Monday evening (european time) smile.gif

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I admit, I did buy some extra subs. Germany bought 2, Italy bought 1. I do have a total of 4. I lost 3 in total, but 2 were the starting ones (almost don't count!). I lost 1 of them in the naval battle off Brest (along with a CL). IMO, I barely invested anything in a 'fleet'. I simply moved the Italian navy up, and the Baltic fleet to Brest. Nothing huge. I repaired (once) 3 points of damage to one sub. Also, Terif's carriers have been badly hit, not just minor damage. They were each took around 2 hits, and I believe the strongest one has str. 6. The RN has lost 5 BB's. 1 BB is at 10 str, 1 CL is at 5 str, 1 CL at full, all 3 carriers damaged. I've lost 1 CL, 1 It BB (exchange for 3 RN BB's tho), and 3 subs. A worthy exchange! IMO, Terif is in a really bad position, and I've been thinking about what to do. Since I have ~5 turns before Russia joins, I'll poll you all on what I should do hehe. Ok, I have complete COMPLETE air mastery over England, and I intend to permanently keep it that way. 2nd, although I didn't want to reveal this, I don't really plan to invade England (even though there is nothing on the isle). The reason is, is my army IS small still (4 pz units, 5 army units only, but I DO have 5 turns left, ~3000mpps)I'm only threatening the isles now because I want Terif to THINK I'm going to invade England, so he brings forces back sooner (so I can sink transports smile.gif I want to deal Russia a crushing blow, investing most of my forces (all of my army, half the air force (9 AF's) ). With the mpp advantage, I can keep both allies on the defensive. By my next turn (July 7 `41), I will have destroyed another UK air (2 total destroyed), and have sunk at least 1 transport off scapa flow. UK has around ~75 mpp income (or less), and so western allies will be no threat for a long time. And THIS time hehe, I won't move as many forces east. I know better now. Furthermore, yes, my russian capabilities might be my weakpoint, but I think I will suprise you all this time. In all honesty, I think Terif has no chance. I'm pretty sure around mid-42 I'll be invading England AND crushing Russia. But we will see.

You might think I got really lucky with LR4 (i did smile.gif , but I did invest 5 chits. Besides, i AM playing Terif, so some luck is in order!!!

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@Avatar --- Yes, anykind of luck against Terif is a good thing! Throwing in a different little "slight twist" like subs or something, might just catch the Champ off balance. Who knows? Obvioulsy I don't know. Come on Avatar, can you pull this off? If so, you can join the lucky few "who have beaten Yoda".

@Terif --- You were lucky again in our game! Just because you have over 50 wins against me, it means nothing smile.gif I'm planning a new move, so you'd better be prepared. You'd better start shaking in your boots smile.gif And just because you've been kicking my ass for 2-years, well, I'm just getting warmed up.

To the Rest of You --- I'm still #2 smile.gif And if somebody takes that Silver Medal from me, then I'll still be #3! And if SomeBra can get a winning record against me, then I'm #4!

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

To the Rest of You --- I'm still #2 smile.gif And if somebody takes that Silver Medal from me, then I'll still be #3! And if SomeBra can get a winning record against me, then I'm #4!

Oh man. Fantastic, #4 you say? Man something to write on your tombstone... tongue.gif
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Some war propaganda to weaken the defence will of the english population...hihi :D

Yes, the main part of the Royal Navy lies at the bottom of the sea (thanks to the german LR), but fortunately one of the carriers is still at full strength and the other 2 repaired in Canada - UK population still trusts in its military leaders and final victory about the evil forces smile.gif .

Germany lost in fact 2 subs during the Brest battle (4 in total, not 3 - check the report screen ;) ) - and a german AF..- , so Axis built 5 new subs - a lot of mpps ;) . The italian navy had major repairs (cruiser from str 3 to 11 reinforced, battleship 6 ->10 and the third one took some damage too).

I also don´t believe in your 4 tank units - only if they consist of some ghost divisions :D (2 are realistic...nobody uses tanks as guarding units at the russian border and only there the other 2 could be, and only if you disbanded 2 corps to build them instead... ;) ). Allied secret service is still convinced of - and prepares for - an axis invasion in England, despite all misinformation from the axis side :D .

[ October 02, 2004, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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I love it! This is great, misinformation everywhere! Ok, I lied, I did lose 4 subs (2 were original tho), and repaired some major damage to the Italian BB's. Seriously, I AM intending to invade England..... or am I?? To be completely honest, I'm still thinking about it. Hard choice honestly.

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And the game continues... smile.gif

October 1941

UK executed some of its lazy scientists (=sold chits) and it worked: during the next 2 turns the surviving ones developed several new LR techs :D

In the meantime:

German air killed one of the allied transports near Scapa Flow, but the others landed successfully, reducing the german corps in Scapa to str. 3. At the end of the turn 10 allied ground units were defending England against invasion smile.gif .

Germany decided to retreat its forces towards Russia - Scapa Flow reoccupied by british forces. 4 turns after the last AAR entry axis forces invaded Russia. All 9 border armies, both tanks and an AF (killed by german air from Sweden) were lost after 2 turns - but no newly bought unit so far - German ground forces are comparatively weak smile.gif .

No attack on Greece or Iraq, Allies DoWed Portugal.

Since Germany used 8 of its 9 AFs in the east, Allies operated some AFs back to England. Axis subs retreat from Manchester - saves 30-40mpps/turn they can´t raid at the moment. In the next turns german air is expected back near England due to decreased air activity in the east... (now 10 german AFs in service)

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Don't forget to mention the UK AF that was lost the same turn the transport was sunk (transport was a FF army). And my subs are simply changing positions to attack ;) Also, 1 corps adjacent of London was also killed. UK losses very heavy. I expect little attack from the west any time soon. Well, at least if I keep some sort of defence.

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Okay folks, the game is on. Was just playing a turn with Avatar in a side match. Yoda has entered the battlefield.

Below is a picture of Yoda on webcam, the dude is really close to the screen on this one, tough battle ahead. My money is on Terif, the underdog in me wants Avatar, let the best player (and a little luck) win! Terif, dude, the Champ, Yoda, don't get too close to the screen, it's bad for your vision!


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Germany conquered Odessa, Kiev (abandoned) and Riga. Iraq attacked and surrendered to Axis.

In November 1941 the allied counterattack on all fronts starts:


North - german army, italian corps destroyed near Minsk, german HQ under attack.

South - german tank destroyed near the central mine, italian corps survives at str 2. German AF near Odessa under attack

Iraq: Strong russian forces with several tanks, commanded by Zhukov and supported by several AFs enter the country to liberate it from the oppressors. Italian army destroyed, one iraqi mine liberated.

Simultaneously Western Allies start an offensive in southern Spain - Northafrica. Tangier liberated, Africa supply for Axis cut off. Heavy carrier-AF battles with some german AFs in Portugal. Italian corps transport sunk. German forces - including tanks - operated away from the russian front to Spain.

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and the crowd gets up on their feet...The Champ cutting off the oil route near the Rock. Soviet forces making an end run on Iraq, I love it. Front cities gone, he'll try to hold at Dnieper & make counters. Allies need G.I. Joe in the action w/ RAF.

Avatar, here's your chance to shine. Lets see if you have what it takes to close! Even with your good luck (LR), this guy is a biotch to beat.

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January 1942:

Germany researched Jets lv 2 - USA catched up, UK still at lv 1, Russia lv 0.

Heavy losses for Russia in the german counterattack, but there are a lot of holes in the german combat line...another german tank destroyed in the allied turn, russian partisans appear in the Pripjet marshes, german HQ and AF under attack. Russian forces in the south retreat to defence positions after the loss of a tank. In the north russian forces are still advancing at the moment.

Iraq: next italian army killed, 4 italian defenders left.

Spain: US Army near Tangier under heavy german air bombardement, axis navy and tank transport around the city, fall is expected next turn. Nevertheless some US reinforcements land in the southern desert of spanish Northafrica.

Partisans in Yugoslavia cut of Albania and reduce supply from 10 to 5.

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April 1942:

Germany had luck with LR, now it has the same luck with jets...they developed lv 3 extremely fast too while Allies stay at low levels. In Iraq this will be the decision, since Russias lv 0 AFs without LR (not a single tech until now for Russia...) have now no chance against several german AFs placed around Beirut and Alexandria. Both oilfields in Iraq are liberated, but strong axis forces operated this turn to Baghdad and Beirut includingt italian and german HQs. With 3 jet levels behind the german ones, Russia can´t take Baghdad any more and prepares for retreat.

In mother Russia all defence lines are still holding - russian attack forces retreat (one HQ lost to german airstrikes) and entrench again around Minsk.

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Minsk taken. Russian losses in Iraq were 2 tanks vs my 2 italian armies. US army destroyed near Tangiers, US corps about to suffer same fate. Russian battle losses have been very heavy in last 4 turns. 3 tanks, 3 armies, 5-6 corps + 1 HQ to LR air. German losses also heavy as Terif said, but I'm getting the better loss ratio. Only bad thing now is allied corps preparing to disembark and cut off Scandinavia! I'm reacting, but will it be fast enough??

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Originally posted by Avatar:

Minsk taken. Russian losses in Iraq were 2 tanks vs my 2 italian armies. US army destroyed near Tangiers, US corps about to suffer same fate. Russian battle losses have been very heavy in last 4 turns. 3 tanks, 3 armies, 5-6 corps + 1 HQ to LR air. German losses also heavy as Terif said, but I'm getting the better loss ratio. Only bad thing now is allied corps preparing to disembark and cut off Scandinavia! I'm reacting, but will it be fast enough??

Axis having second wind, Terif on the ropes!

Now Terif is throwing wild punches and Avatar seems stunned. This fight will not end on points, question is who will hit the Canvas. Terif's eye is badly swollen but Avatar has started to breathe heavily due to fatigue.

Nice AAR Guys smile.gif

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