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AAR Aesopo vs. Terif


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Bid of 200 - UK 200, US 1000, and USSR 4000.

I open as the Axis. Northern Polish army decimated- other army brought to 2. Warsaw falls and the Warsaw garrison melted like butter. Denmark is pinged by cruisers. Polish air reduced to 7. Sometimes when I open this way, Poland surrenders by turn 1 and definitely by rd 2. Atlantic is pinged by subs - they are gonna die, might as well die fighting!

This is for fun and not on the SC league.

Let's see how the wehrmacht fares against the vaunted SC maestro.

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I bet CT is gonna watch this closely.

I bet CT already is selling tickets to this game at his place.

I bet CT is printing T-shirts already.

Do you like the front logo ??



Actually this isn't so funny as 90% of the SC players are newbies when they face Terif.

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Standard opening moves for Terif - pinged Ireland with carriers and BB. Polish AF slinked away to the north.

Germany decimates all Polish defenders except for remaining corps at 4 and air at 6. Denmark is pinged again. Transport appears to take Denmark the next turn. Atlantic is pinged again for 26 mpp by subs.


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Allies turn 2:

Germany still concentrates on Poland, so Allies have enough time to prepare their defences in the west smile.gif .

Both subs moved to Canada - adjacent to the port. Since a port can spot enemy units, all 3 french ships can attack the subs without taking own losses. Subs reduced to str 6 and 7 (1xdiving).

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Allies turn 3:

Nothing new in the west...german forces still busy in Poland and Denmark (transport sitting outside Kopenhagen, capital not surrounded, so it can reinforce until 8)...allied forces entrenching in France.

Subs found again by french ships - one of them sunk by british battleships, the other sub reduced to 4 (french ships only slightly damaged)

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Allied turn 4:

Last sub sunk. Only 3 str. point losses in total for the french ships during the sub hunt smile.gif

LC still neutral - Denmark under air attack, but reinforced to 8 again. Since there are no battles, UK continues following its isolation politic (no troops for France...) and is spending its mpps for research.

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Allied turn 5:

Allies are waiting for german soldiers, but they don´t come. So french forces are sitting in their country drinking wine and eating cheese until they become fat and round and can´t fight any more... ;)

But perhaps it is not necessary anyway: every hex between paris and the border is now occupied by a french corps or army smile.gif

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Allied turn 6:

French forces occupy the 2 open LC hexes S and SW of Brussel. Naval bombardements all along the coast - including a tank sitting at the coast in Denmark.

Italy will only join when german forces reach Paris since Allies didn´t move their Med units ;) .

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Ireland being pinged. French corps killed. UK corps reduced to str 1. A killin we go! No AF presence intercepting us - gotta take Zapp's rule book on this one. But he is getting his delay for the axis so how much time do I have left to plunder the remaining countries before USSR comes into play? That's the critical point.


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Ireland pinged. Destroyed one French Corps and one French army. Two hexes from Paris. Navy beats a hasty retreat and hides. In line with schedule as planned of destroying two units per turn.

I am impressed with the speed of how Terif gets his rounds to you. Very professional like.

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May 12, 1940:

Some nasty german soldiers drinking french whine were thrown out of the country. French soldiers wanted to keep it for themselves, so they were motivated for a counterattack :D . German corps killed in the first Bloodhex. Again no german feet on french soil.

French ships follow the fleeing german navy and reduces the sub to str 5.

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June 23, 1940:

Ireland surrenders, Kopenhagen bombarded. Germany is not advancing where they just killed again the defenders - so still 3 hexes to Paris.

Germany developes jets lv 1. Allied command estimates Germany has now used up a good part of the luck they can have during a war... :D very good combat results each turn, Warsaw turn 1 and researching jets very early with 3 HQs and 5 airfleets in the field - so probably only 1 research chit. But doesn´t matter - Germany waited too long with attacking LC smile.gif .

[ August 15, 2004, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Reinforcing around Paris.

Germany removes the training object from Kopenhagen, so french navy goes kamikaze attacking the german ships in port. The str 3 cruiser didn´t repair, so it gets destroyed. The other one reduced to str 6 (thanks to some Gun laying radar for the british battleships smile.gif ).

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