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Research Points Survey


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I,m taking a survey on research point usage. After chatting with Terif about his usage of research points I have done much experimenting.

Here are the Catagories numbered 1 thru 11.

12 is total used per nation

1. Anti-tank weapons

2. Heavy tanks

3. AA Radar

4. Long range aircraft

5. Jets

6. Heavy Bombers

7. Sonar

8. Advance Subs

9. Gun laying radar

10. Rockets

11. Industrial Tech.

12. How many pts spent per nation

Respond with "0-4" for points used for each item, "n" for never. "0" for sometimes.

e.g. here is mine

Ge: 0,2,n,2,3,0,n,n,0,0,2,10

It: 0,n,n,n,1,n,n,n,n,n,2,4

SU: 0,2,n,n,2,n,n,n,n,n,2,6

Fr: 0,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,1,1

Br: 0,2,0,2,2,0,n,n,n,n,2,10

US: 0,2,0,2,3,0,n,n,n,n,3,10

the 0's are where I sometime put one point.

Thanks, hope this helps us all understand this catagory better. Take the time to respond, you have nothing better to do. :D

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At this point I spread them around. With Germany and Russia I don't research Sonar and with England, US I don't research rockets.

My priorities are:

Industrial tech,


Long Range Aircraft,

Anti-Aircraft Radar,

Heavy tanks,

Anit-Tank Guns,

Strategic Bombers

Gun Laying Radar

Advanced Subs (Germany) Sonar (England)

Rockets (Germany) Advanced Subs (England).

Doubling and tripling on a given field gets mixed results. If enough time passes and I still haven't advanced in the basic areas I'll start reducing the lowest priority items and doubling on the more essential areas.

A good reason to keep a wide research net is you may benefit from discoveries made by other nations (including your allies) but there's no chance of that happening if you aren't researching the field. At least that's my understanding on Hubert's revision.

Contrary to the views of many fine players I find Bombers and Rockets to be very useful weapons but only in very specific roles.

Glad you've revived the topic SeaWolfe. I've noticed that each time it comes around the general view of things shifts a little. smile.gif

[ March 11, 2003, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Good subject, interesting to see how it changes over time. in the past few weeks with a shift to the 'super carrier' plan and a total air war only I've shifted what and when i place chits in R&D. As the Germans I now try to get 2 chis in AA rader ASAP, nothing like see those expensive cariers beat themselves to death on a port or city and all I have to do is sit and watch (and get lucky with 2-3 upgrades in 1940).

GE 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 9

SU 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5

Br 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 8

US Changes every game depending on UK

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I am not a proffessional yet. Though I say Jets & Industrial tech... That's it unless you're rich!

Most people need more HQs before they need more Tech and the only other two I'd invest in is AT tech, and Heavy Armor.

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Good thread Seawolf, but I've got to do too much scrollin' to work out your coding! tongue.gif

So I'll just say, for Germany I like:

Industrial Production, Jets and Tanks. Possibly subs and Anti-Tank. Almost never for all the others. AA doesn't apply to units, so I don't like it. And Iron Ranger sez he spends 9 chits for Germany. I thought the max was 8? :confused:

For UK: Jets, Range and Industrial. Nothin' else.

For US: Jets, Range, Industrial. Sometimes Anti-Tank.

For Russia: Industrial, Anti-Tank and later, Jets. And if they survive, possibly tanks.

For Italy: Usually industrial production. Then maybe Jets or Anti-Tank.

Never research Sonar, Gun Laying, Anti-Aircraft, Heavy Bombers, or Rockets (except in early games and found out how poor they are compared to other advances). I recognize I probably don't use bombers right, but they are too expensive for the little damage they do (and the suceptibility to be damaged). Sometimes I have used heavy bombers for a strong naval attack successfully.

A caveat would be that I may research something I see my opponent successful at.

I think Jets are the whole game (exaggerating ... kinda).

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Here are the Hollywood Legend's BASICS.



Long-Range: 2-3 chits

Jets: 2-3 chits

IT: 1 chit

Gun-Radar---Maybe 1-chit if I have ships



Jets: 1

Long-Range: 1

IT: 1

Anti-Tank: 1 (pending my plans)



Anti-Tank: 1-2

Jets: 2-3

IT: 1



Jets: 3-chits

Long-Range: 2-chits

IT: 2-chits

Anti-Tank: 1-chit

Heavy Tanks: 1-chit

then maybe

subs: 1-chit if some survive early



IT: 2

Anti-Tank: 1

Gun Radar: 1 (if the navy is healthy already)

Jets: rarely

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I'd revist this post and put in a change before I have to head out for the day.

I've just finished several games that went into 1944 and beyond. This means that both players were experenced and didn't make any major mistakes or play any of the "rush" gambits that are all or nothing. In every game it has come down to who wins the tech advance war, wins the game, aka who wins the air war wins the game. With this in mind I thought I'd relist my distibution of R&D for GERMANY, they are the only country that has the money and time and need to cover every area, and has two distinct fronts. All other countrys have specific area's they need to look at.

Germany: MAX research is 10 chits

Before Invason of russia:

Jets - 2 chits : air is King and UK will have 5 in jets ASAP but you need other areas right now.

AA radar - 2 chits : helps greatly in defending france or the Fatherland.

Ind - 4 chits : Get in soon so that when you buy your eastern army it will be cheaper

Armor - 1 chit : Hope for 1-2 advances before the attack on russia

Odd ball - 1 chit where you want, subs, beef up armor ect...

After the invasion of russia you need to change where your going to focus your attacks/defence. Hopefully you've recived several advances and can pull chits and redistibue.

Jets - 4 - air war is all that matters, need to save your HQs

AA - 2 - keep getting advances, need to stop allies from turning germany into smoking ruins

Infantry - 3 - The war will degenerate down to camand of the air and destorying HQs - only high quaility infantry is required to hold the line (corps are usless in the west at this point)

Odd ball - 1 - depending on where the brits are at with LR, Russia with tanks, and USA in ?. Put this where you want.

[ April 02, 2003, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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Every game, whether played solo or against the AI (... actually versus... H.A.L.) is different, depending also on mood and daily inclinations and electrical storms in the area, etc.

In general, I would say that 1) Anti-Air, and 2) Strategic Bombers are tremendously under-rated. .

I almost always buy some of each of these. :cool:

Of course, as we all realize, Industrial Tech is first & foremost important.

No question, no debate, which is why I have always suggested that there either be NO REFUND on infrastructure improvements, or, that IT should somehow cost more... anyway, something that delays the powerful effects... which would also go a long way toward reducing the start-of-game Axis impact. ;)

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Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

Every game, whether played solo or against the AI (... actually versus... H.A.L.) is different, depending also on mood and daily inclinations and electrical storms in the area, etc.

In general, I would say that 1) Anti-Air, and 2) Strategic Bombers are tremendously under-rated. .

I almost always buy some of each of these. :cool:

Of course, as we all realize, Industrial Tech is first & foremost important.

No question, no debate, which is why I have always suggested that there either be NO REFUND on infrastructure improvements, or, that IT should somehow cost more... anyway, something that delays the powerful effects... which would also go a long way toward reducing the start-of-game Axis impact. ;)

Immer Etwas. A while ago I also was positive about Bombers. I did not sell the bomber and I put 1 chit on heavy Bomber quite early. The problem was that the "anti research areas" are TOO POWERFUL in SC. Anti-Tank Weapons and Anti-Aircraft weapons have such a large impact already at L1. When I get L1 anti-tank weapons with Russia the Tank vs Army suddenly evens out. At L2 you would be foolish to attack an army or corps with a tank. The same goes for Anti-Aircraft research.

Who could attack a city or port when it has L1 AA? It usually means you will lose 1-2 bomber points i.e 25-50 MPP.

The counter techs are way too powerful.

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(This is against AI)

Germany: IT and Jets, then long range aircraft for Sealion. I typically invest 1 chit at a time alternating between IT and Jets until both are at '5' investment. When the research level reaches 4 or 5, I cash out and invest in another area.

Italy: Same

==== as Allies ====

US: IT, Jets, bombers

Britain: same

Russia: IT, anti-tank, heavy tanks, jets

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