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Declaring War on the US


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Has anyone ever done this just to spice up the game? I did it after securing 6 U-Boats off the Eastern seaboard. I knocked out their Navy, evaded their Air Force, and succesfully hunted down their troop convoys with my pair of back up subs I had waiting in the mid-atlantic. I suggest you try it, loads of fun.

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I've actually invaded the USA several times. It can be done against the AI, as it tends not to commit the Royal Navy to the defence of it's former colonies. I'm not sure it would work against a competent human opponent, but it'll be fun trying at least once.

How I did it was to take France using only the forces available at the start of the game. I don't even build the extra air fleet I usually deem necessary for France's early demise.

Once France has fallen, concentrate all your ground units around the two French atlantic ports. The aim should be to have three units immediately around each port, with another three units close by ready to form the second wave of transports. This will necessitate using the two Italian armies.

Build build build carriers. Aim to have three carriers on hand for the initial move across the Atlantic with a final target of five carriers. If possible, bring your U-boat in the Atlantic back for a refit and upgrade him to full strength. Leave all the Luftwaffe with an HQ on the Channel coast to discourage the British from attacking Brest. I wouldn't advise trying to force the Channel with the remainder of the Kriegsmarine, as you'll just get into an exchange of MMPs with the Brits which will affect your ability to build carriers. As far as possible, leave the UK alone.

In the Med, use the whole Italian navy to force the Straits of Gibraltar. You won't always manage it in time, but it can destroy the US Atlantic Fleet in one turn if you can make it through in time.

By late September you should be ready to go. The first wave of six transports should include an HQ unit. I've never yet encountered opposition crossing the Atlantic. Within two turns you'll be off the coast of the USA waiting to land with three carriers and a sub in attendance, possibly the Italian navy, and a fourth shiny new carrier en route across the Atlantic.

You don't have much choice in the initial landing, as there's very little spare room! The HQ unit's probably best deployed in the north. The Americans are surprisingly powerful, but find it difficult to leave their starting locations because it risks surrendering supply sources to the Axis. Your submarines and carriers should launch their own Pearl Harbour on the American fleet. If the Italians have turned up on time you've got it made.

You'll take losses in the invasion, but with a second wave on hand you can just send in more cannon fodder and capture unguarded enemy resources. Within a few turns the Americans will struggle as their supply of MMPs decreases; expect to have them down to an income of 80 MMP after 2-3 turns.

Once the Axis manage to attrite the Americans into losing a supply base the end is certain. Unfortunately the old demo always finished at the point where I'd got a resource, I can't wait till I get the full game to play this one to a conclusion.

I've also tried invading Canada, which is an absolute cinch against the AI. I even got 335 MMPS after it surrendered, which was a nice bonus. Unfortunately an invasion of Canada seems to bring the USA into the war before you can launch a surprise attack.

An unexpected advantage of attacking the USA is that, unlike attacking the UK, it doesn't seem to increase the chances of bringing the Russians in. This is just as well, as the whole Reich is usually defended by a few corps and minor allies while the rest of the Wehrmacht is making New Jersey safe for the herrenvolk.

As I said earlier, I doubt this would be as successful against a human player. If someone did it to me I would throw the whole Royal Navy at them. A submarine screen in the Western Approaches combined with the Italians might slow them down. Hmmm.... Have to try that one...

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As originally posted by Archibald:

I've actually invaded the USA several times. It can be done against the AI, as it tends not to commit the Royal Navy to the defence of it's former colonies. I'm not sure it would work against a competent human opponent, but it'll be fun trying at least once.

Ah, and now (... yet again) the Apocalypse. As the one and only Shadow Man said -- this is -- The End, my friend...

Enjoy it while you can, the human opponent may well be surprised :eek: but likely could rally enough Brit support to hold onto The Puritan Wilderness Vision, yes? We'll see... ;)

... oh, did they make you a Major yet? Or, are you still admiring the pretty pyrotechnics somewhere in the approximate vicinity of Kurtz City?

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Actually they made me a major five years ago. smile.gif

I've tried a quick invasion of America several times in the full game. Each time I managed to take the Americans out, and each time the Russians rolled over the top of me. The horror...

As you say, it'll probably be a different story against a hu-man.

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