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RyderCup2004 Archibald vs JJ -- Part II


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26 Jul 42

Baltic States Liberated


After fierce streetfighting, Riga has been taken. Thousands of cheering Latvians, thankful that the two year nightmare of Soviet rule is over, greeted their liberators with garlands of flowers.

Elsewhere, the German advance into the Soviet interior continues.


Our troops have smashed a Soviet army south west of Moscow and begun the task of reducing the American army holding Rostov. Advancing units in the Donets Basin are now only a hundred kilometres from Stalingrad.

The Wehrmacht's main problem now is not the Red Army or the Anglo-Americans, but the sheer size of the area conquered and the spiteful devastation left behind by the retreating Soviets. The Todt Organisation, with the enthusiastic help of the local population, are working flat out to restore the shattered infrastructure of the liberated territories.

Our labours have been hampered by die hard bolsheviks left behind by the speed of the German advance.


Hated by the local population, these fanatics have attempted to cause destruction and disorder in our rear areas. A recent anti-partisan drive in the Pripet Marshes saw thousands of them hunted down and mercilessly destroyed.



Focke-Wulf has been building airplanes for 20 years

We join in the vastly increased use of labor and technology in the German aircraft industry. We are thus helping to solve the great tasks of the day, the fulfillment of which will bring about a New Order in Europe.

After the victorious end to this war for European self-determination. we will return to peacetime production. Using the knowledge we have gained as well as our proven productivity, we will build better planes to meet the high expectations of coming European air traffic.


Off Norway, the English summer cruise has sailed away. Presumably they have returned to port to stock up on gin.

[ May 06, 2004, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Early August 1942

The Red Army goes to the counteroffensive on the Moscow front and United States forces attack out of Rostov. German losses are said to be heavy, including a panzer gruppe and an army with another army reduced to only 10% it's normal stregnth.


Comrade Stalin has ordered that the film, Alexander Nevsky by Sergei Eisenstein, commemorating the great Russian victory over the Evil Teutonic Knights seven hundred years earlier, be shown throughout the Soviet Union. Sergei Prokoffiev, who penned the film score, has been sent on a tour of the front lines to conduct the story's cantata.


In the Mediterannian the British Eastern Squadron locates a force of Italian submarines near Alexandria and destroys them. Also spotted was an Italian land force commanded by Italo Balbo poised to move against Egypt.


[ May 05, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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9 Aug 42

Americans Defeated at Rostov


In some of the fiercest combats of this war, the Soviets have launched a major attack. After fierce defensive fighting, they have been stopped with heavy losses. Army Group Centre have reached the Moscow suburbs, and are preparing for the final push to the Kremlin.


Army Group South have won a major victory. The American army in Rostov broke and ran in their first major battle. Tens of thousands of terrified yankees have been taken prisoner, and the city is now safely in German hands. The habitual American arrogance must have taken a knock on receiving the news.

Army Group North's drive towards Leningrad has been given a fillip by Finland's declaring war on the Soviet Union.


This fierce nation, of impeccable nordic stock, will prove a valuable ally as the war in the east approaches it's climax.



On the roads of Europe, German Ford trucks testify to the work of German industry. The agile, reliable and easy to maintain Ford truck will be a welcome help in solving the major tasks that await our continent after the war.


[ May 06, 2004, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Mid-August 1942

The Red Army Launches a Counter Offensive -- Minsk and Smolensk retaken! Entire German Army Group surrounded!


German Field Marshall Gerdt von Rundstedt and three German armies have been cut off and enveloped in a huge isolated pocket west of Moscow. Other units of the Red Army, cut off and decimated have advanced to recapture both Minsk and Smolensk with another Soviet corps on the suburbs of undefended Kharkov.

United States and Free French forces has begun advancing out of Egypt and have inflicted serious losses upon an Italian force near the Mediteranean coast.

[ May 06, 2004, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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23 Aug 42

Bitter Fighting in the East


The Foreign Armies East section of the Abwehr assess that Stalin has brought his Siberian Army west to face the Wehrmacht in front of Moscow. They have launched a series of reckless attacks which temporarily encircled much of Army Group Centre and captured Minsk and Smolensk.

In a series of bold counter attacks we have succeeded in straightening the line. The Rundstedt Pocket, Minsk and Smolensk have all been relieved. The Soviets have taken the usual massive casualties.



Rolling wheels: vitally important elements of traffic in the war economy of today and for the peace time economy of tomorrow.

After we are victorious, the rich wartime experiences of the German auto industry will benefit all the nations in a free and happy Europe. The proven Borgward truck will once again be one of the most useful.

Borgward: Automobile and Motor Works


[ May 06, 2004, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Early September 1942

The Red Army resumes the offensive west of Moscow once more cutting off von Rundstedt and his remaining forces. In the South American, British and Soviet forces strike north of Rostov.


Allied naval units in the Mediteranean strike from both east and west. Another Italian sub groub is sunk and another reduced to 30% while an Italian BB and it's escorting vessels are sent to the bottom near Gibraltar.

A UK force of unspecified proportions prepares to land on Norway's North Sea coastline.


[ May 06, 2004, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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6 Sep 42

Desperate Fighting in the East


Stalin is throwing the remainder of his reserves into battle in a last effort to save the tottering Soviet Union. Much of Army Group Centre was briefly surrounded, but bold counter attacks from both inside and outside the pocket established contact with them again.

At least four Soviet corps were smashed in the kesselschlacht, with many more heavily damaged. The Bolsheviks are losing men faster than they can replace them, which should soon allow the Wehrmacht to return to the offensive and final victory!

The Anglo-American navies appear to be attempting a simultaneous attack against the Regia Marina from the eastern and western Mediterranean. The initial Italian losses have been quickly avenged with the complete destruction of an American battleship squadron off Oran. Only the American Air Force remains to be bested by the Axis in combat!

The English naval regatta has appeared again, this time off the coast of Norway. The Luftwaffe attacked the transports carrying the English First Army, causing heavy damage. No doubt they will scuttle back to port again after this.



Since 1891 Hauff has been a leader in the chemistry of photography.

Hauff film and plates are preferred by professional and amateur photographers alike for their excellent technical qualities: a fine grain which allows for enlargements, and the ability to show contrast even under weak lighting conditions

Hauff developers are the result of experience and a demanding tradition: Metol, one of the first and today still the most common developer in the world, was developed in the Hauff laboratories.

Indeed, the photographs taken by creative Germans during their vacations on Strength through Joy trips are convincing evidence of peace! They demonstrate our desire to peacefully enjoy all that life has to offer, to see the world's marvels, and to meet the peoples of other nations not only through diplomatic notes, but through direct person- to-person contact.

After the weapons of Germany and its allies have built a true and lasting peace in Europe, creative Germany will once more explore the wide world, visiting the nations of our liberated continent, and we will be happy to welcome guests from other nations to our beautiful homeland.

Hauff film and Hauff plates, long-tested and improved during the war, will be ready to capture these coming happy memories of peace.


[ May 06, 2004, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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04 Oct 42



The savage fighting in the east continues, as yet another bolshevik attack is beaten back.


Masters of mobile warfare, our Wehrmacht have launched a lightning counter attack between Leningrad and Moscow. Two Soviet armies and a corps were destroyed, and for the first time in this war a Front HQ was captured in the course of a daring 150 km penetration by the three panzergruppen.


General Ivan Petrov was caught in his shirt tails by the surprise dawn arrival of our panzers. He is now enjoying the hospitality of Field Marshal von Rundstedt's table before beginning his stay as a guest of the Reich.

Fierce defensive fighting has seen the line successfully straightened in the south. A panzergruppe is still cut off in Rostov, but has inflicted tremendous damage on its besiegers at little cost to itself.

Meanwhile, the Donets Basin has been the scene of the destruction of another American army. The Anglo-American contribution to Stalin's survival is being whittled away.


She: Have we lost many dollars, Delano?

He: Don't worry, Eleanor, we are paying only in human lives.

(Our thanks to HEIL! magazine)

So desperate is Auchinleck that he has been forced to place English ground forces in the front line against the Wehrmacht. After three years of fighting through it's puppets, England will at last begin to pay the butcher's bill.

Triumph of Axis Soldarity in the Mediterranean

The two pronged Anglo-American naval attack in the Mediterranean has been decisively defeated in a breathtaking display of Axis co-operation.

Ju-88s and Stukas flying from Sicily have worked in conjuction with the Regia Marina to win a gigantic naval victory.

In the Western Mediterranean, another US battleship squadron has been sent to the bottom. Off Southern Italy, utter disaster has unfolded for the Royal Navy.


Italian submarines, battleships, and carrier aircraft have combined with our torpedo and dive bombers to sink two battleship squadrons and a precious carrier group. It is the greatest defeat in England's naval history.

Sieg Heil!



Viennese Fashion: the bridge of elegance from nation to nation.

Women throughout time have always loved things that are elegant, beautiful and delight the eye. Viennese fashion has always fulfilled these womanly longings and has built a bridge of elegance and beauty for the women of all countries with its world famous creations.

Although the struggle for the future of Europe claims all our resources, Viennese fashion is still exported to friendly countries, and in Vienna we are already working toward peace.

It is a testament to Germany's strength. A symbol of its willingness to serve beauty even when battles are raging. Proof that when victory has been achieved, an abundance of fashionable things will go from Vienna into the world.


[ May 07, 2004, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Finished, The Allies Concede.

My congratulations to Archbald for playing a great game and creating a really fantastic pair of AAR Threads.

The Allied Powers sign a negotiated peace in Europe, which descends into a new Dark Age of Nazi barbarism.


German Fieldmarshall Wilhelm Keital signs the treaty on behalf of the victorious Axis Powers.


[ May 07, 2004, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Field Marshal Keitel, on behalf of the Fuhrer, has accepted the unconditional surrender of the allied powers.


Germany and her allies look forward to the the rebuilding of Europe and the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity.


My thanks to JerseyJohn for an exciting game. Things were getting very tense in the USSR for a while.

I look forward to Ryder Cup 20005 and SC2.

[ May 07, 2004, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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General Rambo

You're right of course, but we both made about the same number of mistakes; we're both very inactive and the last time either of us played was the last Ryder Cup, and that was against each other! :D

The good part is when I tell people how terrible I play they won't think I'm putting them on. ;)

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Archibald & JerseyJohn, you both know how to tell a story right. Thanks for all your efforts.

Your AAR broght me back to the SC forum each and every day. Great fun.

Winning or losing doesn't matter as long as someone still plays for fun.

Good played games or bad one doesn't matter as well, because THIS are the games we all will remember. smile.gif

And to all the other AAR-Player: Read this one before starting your own thread, and pleeeease: watch & learn. :D;):D

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Many thanks, very glad you enjoyed it -- I just hope those people don't learn from our playing of the game! But I did enjoy that too. Reading Archibald's entries and trying to come up with something in response was always a constant treat for me as well. ;)

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Thanks and it's an honor.

Being 0-2 in the Ryder my team-mates might suggest I confine myself to a moral support role in the next match! :D

But, if they allow me to actually move things around, I'll be overjoyed to cross swords again with my Scottish friend. He can keep running me through as long as he doesn't cut the old head off -- oops, wasn't supposed to let the secret out. :D

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Thanks and appreciated -- the history channel would probably fun to work for. Some of their stuff now, since they've decided to move away from mainline history is really wild. I think Modern Marvels one night had the history of indoor plumbing with special emphasis on comodes! :D

I'm glad they had so many clips with Stephen Ambrose and other historians who are no longer on our celestial plane.

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