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RyderCup2004 Archibald vs JJ -- Part II


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Archibald Axis v JerseyJohn Allies

Please see Pt I for bidding etc. ...

To Date Axis has conquered the following countries:

Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Low Countries, France, Vichy France (Italy), Yugoslavia (Italy) and Greece (Italy)

U. S. A. entered on Sept 7, 1941

USSR Declared War on Axis Nov 2, 1941.


2 Nov 1941


Relations between the USSR and Germany become frayed and then snap completely as Germany falls hopelessly behind in payments for raw materials and food already delivered by the Soviets.

Additionally, the Norwegian port and city of Bergen was not transferred as promised nor was the connecting rail line across northern Scandinavia begun as promised.

The deadline of Oct 15 came and passed and Soviet Army and Air Force units began mobilizing for war and preparing defensive lines.

An ultimatum was issued on Oct 20th demanding the withdrawl of Axis units from the Soviet border to a distance of not less than 200 miles, to be reciprocated by the Soviets, except in the case of major cities lying within the zone.

This too was ignored.

And so, with great reluctance, the Soviet Union declares war on Germany, Italy and all their allies on Nov 2, 1941.

Elsewhere, the Free French Syrian Corps reclaims Damascus without resistance. Local Frenchmen and Syrians alike celebrate the extension of Allied protection despite the arrival, via Turkey, of the first Italian Police officials, who have now been interred for the duration.

[ April 30, 2004, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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16 Nov 41

The Peace of Europe Destroyed

The 2nd November will live forever in German history as a Day of Infamy. A day when the hand of friendship was pushed away.


Peace loving Germans were shocked to hear the announcement that Stalin and his Bolsheviks had declared war on the Reich for the most capitalist of motives - money!

Due to simple accounting errors, and an insistence by the Soviets that they be paid in US dollars, the Reich had temporarily fallen behind in paying for the recent shipments of Ukrainian wheat. That this should be used as a casus belli for war beggars belief. Who could possibly have persuaded the Soviet Union to sacrifice itself in a senseless war? Who indeed? Who else but...



Luckily, massive troop exercises were taking place along the Soviet border when the Russians declared war. Rather than the light frontier force they expected, the Bolsheviks met the full might of the Wehrmacht.


In great confusion, the Red Army has fallen back. German units are advancing with all speed in order to maintain contact. Two Soviet armies have already been destroyed, with a third all but annihalated.

Grateful Balts, White Russians and Ukrainaians have greeted the Wehrmacht as liberators, and terrible stories are emerging of the two year nightmare that was the Russian occupation.


Weary and ruined faces characterize the neglected children of the Soviet state. Cheerful and healthy on the other hand, the youth of Greater Germany are participating in sports festivals everywhere in the country.

(Our thanks to Das Deutsche Madel)


Great news on the home front. Under the aegis of Dr Todt, a series of reorganisations and technical improvements has resulted in yet another improvemant in the Reich's war production.

In the Mediterranean the Regia Marina has been stung into action by England's manipulation of the Soviets. Valleta's Grand Harbour has been utterly smashed by naval gunfire.

[ April 30, 2004, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Appreciated, more is on the way, it's just starting to heat up at his point! ;)

30 November 1941

But first, I'm off to dinner!

With the first snow Soviet ski troops begin deploying at the front.


There fighter planes less advanced than those of the fascists, the Red Army turns to stop gap measures to help protect the ground troops from German air attacks.


Despite having taken up good defensive positions behind major rivers, two Soviet Armies, the 5th and 6th are utterly destroyed. Replacements are rushed in to fill the gaps but there is little hope of stopping the Huns west of Kiev, Minsk and Riga.


Elsewhere, the Italian Navy shells Malta Port to a shambles and a British squadron consisting of the BB Royal Oak and the carriers Courageous and Glorious strike the German defenders of Bergen but are unable to inflict appreciable damage. The failure of this expedition is attributed to rough seas and stormy weather.

[ April 30, 2004, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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14 Dec 41

Achtung! Panzer!


Germany and her allies have caught up with the fleeing Russians and made a major breakthrough in the Ukraine.


Under the leadership of General "Hurrying Heinz" Guderian, four German panzergruppe have destroyed the Soviet front line west of Kiev.


Four Soviet armies have been destroyed, and our units have pentrated so deep that they are currently fighting Marshal Budenny's headquarters only 50 kilometres from Kiev itself.

Newsreel footage taken in the thick of of the action shows the grit, determination and high morale of our brave heroes. Vorwarts!

In the Mediterranean, the Italian bombardment of Malta continues. A pitiful British attack against Bergen has caused no damage whatsoever.

Christmas - A Time for Giving

The "must have" present this year is the new "Stuka Attack" game.

First, we have the cover of the game:


The game itself is a variant of Chinese Checkers. The board, set up as it begins, is below:


The object of the game is to move one's pieces to the other side of the board (the enemy airbase) and back, avoiding enemy searchlights (in yellow) and flak (in red) along the way.

Buy now, while stocks last!

(All profits go to Winterhilfe)

[ April 30, 2004, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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8 Feb 42

To Kharkov!


Never pausing for rest, ever eager for battle, our heroic panzergruppen continue their headlong advice in the Ukraine. Smashing their way through several Soviet armies south of Kiev, forward elements are reported to be on the Dnieper.

Rumanian and German infantry have fought their way into Odessa and taken the first Soviet city.


The Soviets' left flank is now hanging in the air.

On the home front, Dr Todt's inspirational leadership has made the national waste paper drive an outstanding success.


Industrial production is reported to have increased by a further 5%. We are winning the war of production!


While our advance in the Ukraine continues unchecked, those of you with warm winter clothing are requested to donate them to Winterhilfe. Our boys at the front have need of them!


Contact your local block leader for collection details.

Keep our lads warm! Do your duty for Germany!

[ April 30, 2004, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Mid-February 1942

Sadly, the Soviet Union has been forced to withdraw from the Odessa District and that proud ancient city has fallen under the Axis boot.

The Galland Soviet Defenders continue to hold in the north, where the fascists have not penetrated the frontier.

A Great Counter Offensive has been launched north of the Crimea and a Panzerguppe has been utterly destroyed.


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22 Mar 42

Hard Fighting in the Ukraine


Just as German Red Cross nurses are constantly at work on all fronts to do their duty, so also young Norwegian girls cheerfully serve their comrades on the Eastern Front.

(Our thanks to Das Deutsche Madel Magazine)

After fierce defensive fighting in appalling weather, the German Army has succeeded in straightening the line on the Dnieper.


The Red Army is reported to have suffered dreadful casualties.


Soviet troops around Kiev are fighting with a courage born of despair. Stiff fighting has brought our troops to the western suburbs of the city. Another Soviet army has been wiped out, with another all but destroyed.

OKW are confident that Stalin has committed all his reserves to the battle for Kiev. The day of decision is at hand!

[ April 30, 2004, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Early April 1942 (move 36 [both sides counting as one turn)

His Majesty's Government has long known of Axis actity taking place in both Ireland and Iraq -- we've got the documented proof over here someplace, -- what? well write it now you fool we've already moved on the infernal places! -- Fortunately the Empire happened to have troops, planes and warships on hand near both countries and has attacked the scoundrels!


The Irish army has been destroyed and Dublin declared an open city, unless the Axis would care to fly something into it.

The Iraqi Army has been badly decimated and Baghdad is espected to fall shortly.

A combined U. S. British Free French naval action has been conducted against the German defencers of Brest. The Admiratly confirms that some improvement has been achieved over it's previous Bergen exercise.


The Red Army has continued it counter offensive North of the Crimea and the entire front has been stabilized, but sometimes these things have a habit of changing quickly.

[ April 30, 2004, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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19 Apr 42

Breaking the Line

The great battle in the east is reaching it's crescendo as the Wehrmacht smash their way towards Kiev.


Four Soviet corps defending Kiev have been crushed, and the city is now all but encircled. OKW are confident that the enemy's Ukraine front is on the verge of collapse.

Elsewhere, Army Group North have succeeded in breaching the Soviet defence line on the Neman River. The road to Riga lies open!


Bringing their full enthusiasm and the fresh strength of youth, our Labor Service girls are serving in the regained German territory in the East.

(Our thanks to Das Deutsche Madel Magazine)

England Finds New Victims

Unable to face the Axis in open battle, England has taken the novel step of invading countries she recently granted self government to.

The Irish Free State's tiny armed forces have been overwhelmed by a massive invasion from Ulster. For the second time in twenty five years Dublin lies devastated, awaiting the will of the English.


Around the world the truth will echo:

Cromwell's men are here again!

England's name again is sullied

In the eyes of honest men.

(Lyrics from "The Men Behind The Wire" by Pat McGuigan)

Iraq's tiny military have also felt the English knout.


Despite constant attacks from Anglo-American aircraft, forces loyal to Rashid Ali and the Golden Square are fighting with exemplary fanaticism among the ruins of Baghdad.

British Shell Brest - Lido Destroyed

Newsreel at eleven.

[ May 01, 2004, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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17 May 1942

Forced by the sheer number of casualties, the Red Army finds itself forced to fall back to positions along the Dvina and Dnieper Rivers though this will almost certainly result in the loss of Kiev and possibly Minsk as well.


British troops led by General Auchenleck enter the Iraqi Capital of Bhagdad and find hundreds of crates marked WMD. Nobody knows what the hell they are but they smell bad so a shepard named Sadaam Hussein and his two sons are hired to bury them out in the desert, with various other things.


Canadian troops enter Dublin amid roaring cheers and waved banners of "Welcome Back, We Missed You Brits!" Yes, Ireland, it's good to have you back in the fold.


Meanwhile something else might be afoot, or rather afloat, but we can't discuss it at the moment. :D


[ May 01, 2004, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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xwormwood knows what he is talking about, this is a great read,

And beyond that, one of the best pictorials I have EVER seen, well, since

I first was eerily astonished by... The Wind in the Willows! smile.gif

I do believe we are receiving an advance preview of the future... of "serialized Internet story-board fiction"... though, an adept and insightful "fact-fiction," is more like it.

Gives one pause... just what might be done with a this avant garde Pop art form?

Anyhow, you two guys are nothing short of amazing!

BTW, Archibald, wherever did you find those original old Propoganda posters... I NEED that link! Seriously. :cool:

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Many Thanks, I'm as much a spectator in this thing as a participant, really enjoying Archibald's posts and his pictures -- especially his DoW justifications! :D

Completely and emphatically agreed about this virtual story board form having a great future, as soon as the details, mainly legal, are sufficiently worked out. ;)

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We both thank you sir, taking the liberty of speaking for Archibald as well and are especially honored as you are an acknowledged master of the art form! smile.gif

[ May 01, 2004, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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17 May 42


The entire Bolshevik front, from the Baltic to the Black Sea, has broken. Disorganized Soviet forces have been pushed back behind the Dnieper and Dvina rivers with dreadful casualties. Hundreds of thousands have surrendered without a struggle.


The capital of the Ukraine is now under German control. Minsk is all but surrounded. The vital Ukrainian coalfields are in Germany's hands.

East of Kiev, a titanic armoured battle has been won. In the greatest tank battle in history, our panzergruppen have utterly destroyed two Soviet tank armies. Stalin's last hope, his "advanced" armour, has been crushed by German industry and valour!


(Our thanks to Die Wehrmacht Magazine for the aerial photograph)

A gigantic hole has been torn in the centre of the enemy's front. Nothing stands between us and Smolensk, and from Smolensk the road leads to MOSCOW!

England Panics!

Alarmed by the prospect of another of their stooges facing collapse, England is threatening to leave her island den and meet the Reich in battle.


Doubtless this is a frantic ploy to divert us from the death blow being delivered to the Bolsheviks. Let them come! We are ready!

Auchinleck Sacked

The WMD scandal has rocked England to her core. Only after the several thousand crates had been buried was it discovered that WMD stood for "Whisky, Malt, Distilled (officers for the use of)".


Churchill is reported to have struck Auchinleck with a decanter on hearing the news.

[ May 01, 2004, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

BTW, Archibald, wherever did you find those original old Propoganda posters... I NEED that link! Seriously. :cool:

The bandwidth-guzzling posters are actually from a number of sites. To find an image's source right-click on it, then click on Properties. The Properties window has the URL of the image's source, so all you have to do is cut and paste it into your browser address window and you're almost there.

Thanks you for all the compliments. As ever, JerseyJohn is much more gracious at acknowledging them than I am.

[ May 01, 2004, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Late May 1942

Well, he tried being nice but that didn't work so from now on the USSR will see a new, nastier Uncle Joe Stalin. He is very distraught about the recent catastrophic losses and calmed himself by attending what he referred to as, "A bunch of People's shootings and a dozen people hangings, we all had a good time and it's like I always say, the dead don't make any mistakes!"

Generals Dudsky and Budsky, formerly commanding generals of the 1st and 2nd Red Guards Tank Corps (RIP) are honored for their brilliant leadership in the Great Soviet Tank VICTORY northeast of Minsk.


The Red Army has wirthdrawn further east hoping the Huns will run out of petrol. Geez, do these damn fascists ever sleep! They give ground to the invaders so Mother Russia's gallant soldiers, those who haven't been purged, will be able to fight heroically tomorrow.

The Soviet Baltic Fleet attacks German cruisers outside of Riga and a lot of them were pretty damn brave! -- R.I.P. :(

In a wild fit of Teutonic arrogance the city of Odessa and it's environs were left ungarrisoned by the invaders and hey, the Partisans rose up and reclaimed the place! Hurrah for Mother Russia! :cool:


Uncle Joe Stalin, perhaps not quite himself since the Great Peoples Tank Trap Sucker Battle Ha! Ha! treats the US and British Ambassadors to a reenactment of the secret eulogy he delivered at Comrade Lenin's funeral.


Elsewhere, Commonwealth troops have been staging amphibious maneuvers somewhere around Great Britain or Occupied France, geography has gotten so confusing these days, and the US Navy, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force have taken a liking to shooting up the German garrison of Brest, causing 60% of that garrison to become the heroic dead!


Somewhere in the Middle East, General Auchinleck, back in command, pins a special Order of the Decanter on the New Zealand Lt Col who located the buried stocks of WMD, which were sent back to London along with the PM. In a speech reported through unofficial channels, the General is said to have thanked the colonel for,

"Saving my ass, when that fat old stumblebum is upset about something really important, like his precious booz, there's no telling what he might do. Glad that crazy bugger has set sail for home and, I hate to say this, but it would be bloody wonderful if the vessel he's polluting does a Titanic routine while rounding the Cape of Good Hope!"

[ May 01, 2004, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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14 Jun 42

Across thr Donets

The Wehrmacht continue to advance at lightning speed through the Ukraine. Our panzergruppen smashed through the Soviet positions south of Kharkov and are racing across the Donets Basin.


Forward units are approaching Rostov from the north. In the Crimea, the Sevastapol garrison has been bypassed, the Kerch Strait crossed, and a corps landed in the Taman Peninsula. They are now approaching Rostov from the south.

Army Group Centre have chased the fleeing Red Army to the outskirts of Smolensk. In White Russia, a desperate but futile defence of Minsk led to savage streetfighting before the city could be pacified.


The Wehrmacht and the Todt Organisation are working closely with grateful White Russians to restore the battered city.

In Odessa, stay-behind NKVD units have attempted to blow up large parts of the city and foment a popular uprising.This was speedily crushed by elements of the 1st SS Panzer Korps, who were refitting in the area. The city is now enjoying the benefits of German rule again.

Great Victory at Sea


The Soviet Baltic Fleet have sortied from Kronstadt in an attempt to engage our squadrons bombarding the port of Riga.

In a short sharp engagement, the superior gunnery of the Kriegsmarine utterly destroyed their attackers.

England Postures

The empty show of strength in the Channel continues. English units aare scurrying back and forth in a frantic attempt to distract our attention from the great struggle in the east.

The Allied regatta is now hovering off the port of Brest, which is standing up well under continuous air and naval attacks.


Two luftflotten, equipped with the brand new Focke Wulf TA152, are waiting in France to greet Churchill's so-called "invasion" in person.

Italian Economy Surges Ahead!


With her industrial plant now operating at peak output, Italian munitions production is reported to have increased by another 5%. The economic powerhouse of the Mediterranean continues to grow in strength, and is keeping pace with the steady growth in German production.

[ May 03, 2004, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Late July 1942

A German Corps that ventured across the Kerch Straits is reduced to 10% of it's normal stregnth and cut off by combined actions of US-UK-and USSR forces. Allied Commander Auchinleck was not pleased with the performance of his troops in their first taste of real combat.

The Red Army continues to adjust it's defensive line after further hideous losses near Kahrkov.

The Waffen SS is said to have retaken Odessa and reports about of attrocities having been committed upon the Russian citizenry there. A smuggled proclomation states that all those who are found to have either participed in or aided those who participated in the uprising will be subject to summary execution. No age restrictions were listed by the military tribunal and it is reported that the Nazi definition of Partisan is so all encompassing that, as one Ukranian put it, "To be a Russian under Fascist rule is to be a Partisan to the invader and a collaborator in the eyes of one's countrymen."


American General Hap Arnold, Commander USAF, reports that Germany has apparently developed a new and faster kind of aircraft that renders all allied fighter planes obsolete! He urges greater emphasis on research and development by both the United States and it's British Ally.

In other action, the United States and Britain have reportedly postponed Operation Murat in favor of another, unspecified amphibious operation.

[ May 02, 2004, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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28 Jun 42

Thunder on the Don


Our panzergruppen continue their headlong charge into the Soviet hinterland. Another breakthrough in the Donets Basin has brought our boys to the banks of the Don within 50 km of Voronezh. In the course of their pursuit another Soviet army, trying to fall back to Voronezh, was encircled and destroyed.

The rich resources of the Ukraine are now in our hands, and are being reorganized along German lines.


After a short battle with a dispirited local militia, Kharkov has fallen. With the hated red banner torn down, the swastika now flies over the Gosprom building.

To the north, Army Group Centre have punched a hole through the Soviet line west of Smolensk, and exploiting units are now poring through the gap. This is expected to precipitate another panicked withdrawal on the part of the Bolsheviks.

Our corps in the Taman Peninsula has been subjected to a massive attack by American, Canadian and Soviet forces under the command of General Claude "Whisky Sniffer" Auchinleck.


In an epic defensive battle our corps has inflicted gigantic losses. Luftwaffe transport crews are flying round the clock to keep them supplied during their temporary encirclement.

That Stalin has called for the assistance of "capitalist" armies is a measure of the desperation now being felt in the Kremlin. It is a measure of the alarm felt by Roosevelt and and Churchill that they should have agreed to the dispatch of troops to a land beset by wicked tyranny.


"Lincoln: My dear colleague, I shed blood to end slavery."

Washington: "...and I think that our colleague today is doing exactly the opposite!"

(Our thanks to HEIL! Magazine)

The English have characteristically declined to commit any ground forces to the battle of the Taman Pocket. It would also seem that their "showing the flag" cruise in the Channel has come to an end, with the motley English regatta returning in shame to their own ports.


Our luftflotten patrolling the Atlantic Wall report no more English activity. Churchill's bluff has been called!

[ May 03, 2004, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Early July 1942 1945.jpg

The Italian Navy continues it's relentless shelling of Malta and has staged a raid against Malta.

In the Caucasus American and Commonwealth forces under the command of General Auchinleck have come to assist the Red army in it's desperate battle. The destruction of a veteran German corps that unwisely crossed the Kerch Sts without support has been completed by Soviet Naval action.

The Red Army has once again been forced to stage a Strategic withdrawl to reform it's lines. Smolensk, defended by a brave army of volunteers, appears doomed to be surrounded and captured during the month.


Withdrawing it's forces to what one Western Observer has called the last line of defense, the Soviet Union is determined to survive this invasion of lucusts regardless of the cost in wealth or the price in human life.


In a radio broadcast to all the Citizens of the Soviet Union, Comrade Stalin pronounces:

"We are a Proud and Happy people pushed to desperate circumstances by evil men who, unlike ourselves and our Wester Allies, know nothing of the simple joys of Freedom and the Rights of Man. Were I a butcher like Hitler I would be at this moment fearing for my life. But I am not, I only a simple man of the people and, together with our friends, we shall drive the murdering Huns from our Sacred Soil. Comrades, Kill Your German!"


[ May 03, 2004, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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12 Jul 42

To Moscow!

the headlong advance towards the Kremlin continues with a huge breakthrough by army groups Centre and North and the capture of Smolensk.


The city fell so quickly that the NKVD did not have time to carry out their usual destructive rampage.


The Wehrmacht are now only a hundred kilometres from Leningrad and Moscow, Riga is now cut off, and is steadily being reduced.

The Battle of the Taman Pocket has ended in a heroic fight to the last man and the last round.

Outnumbered by over ten to one, our troops fought until their positions were overrun. At the end, General Staff officers were manning guns side by side with the ordinary landser.


The Luftwaffe saved many thousands by the efforts of their transport aircraft, flying missions until American armour arrived on the runway itself

A New Era in the Mediterranean


The Regia Marina has unveiled it's latest and most powerful weapon, the aircraft carrier Aquila, whose aircraft saw their first combat over Malta.

The arrival of this powerful new asset will further discourage the English from any adventures in the Mediterranean.

Not that the English seem to require much to discourage them. Their fleet's summer cruise has brought them to Bergen, where they are making the usual absurd posturings of imminent invasion.

[ May 07, 2004, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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19 July 1942

"You told everyone you know that all the kid's daddies are going to Norway?"

-- "Yes sir, we did."

"Good lads."


An Italian aircraft carrier attacks the Malta port.


The American defenders of Rostov are attacked but hold their positions in hard fighting.

Smolensk, after an heroic battle, falls to the Teutonic Barbarians.

Riga is attacked by land, sea and air, but holds the line.

In a counter-attack south of the city a Soviet corps hits the HQ of German general Erwin Rommel but fails to locate the so called "Fox of the Steppes."


Soviet Partisans strike near Minsk, disrupting German supply lines.

In a massive air battle near Moscow the Red Air Force suffers further grevious losses.


[ May 04, 2004, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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