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A New Beginning-Invitational Tourney

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Shandorf has been MIA since Sunday night, and it's now Tuesday evening here in California. Has he switched from conventional warfare to some bizarre gamer's guerilla warfare involving randomly ambushing me with a turn every few days? Have the aliens reclaimed him?

Has he been recalled to the colors of some covert unit?

Frankly, I don't know, but I would like to conclude what has long since become a protracted fight. With three turns to go, it's hard waiting days for a single turn.

I renew my challenge to one or two of you I've yet to fight. No one responded last time. Surely not every one of you has a full combat schedule?


John Kettler

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It has been really quiet recently. The only game proceeding one or more turns per day is with Ari. I have two games starting and one with Shandorf still going on very slowly. I still have the games with Berli and Claymore ready in the PBEM helper, Berli probably continues but Claymore not.

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It's now Thursday, 9:30 p.m. PDT here. Four days and still no Shandorf! Where is Shandorf? The world watches and wonders.

Fortunately, Ben Galanti has contacted me and is looking for a game. Negotiations are well begun, and shortly we'll be asking Treeburst155 for a map or side assignments.


John Kettler

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Okay, I have been busy plus with all that is going on in the world I have lost my ambition to play on my computer...plus I am just busy with crap.

So, tonight I pick up my new puppy so I will be home bound. I am sure I will find time to get my turns out.

BTW did Manpie drop by yet and gloat over his crushing defeat of me?


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MickOZ trounces Berlichtingen in the Bonus Prize game!! Not content with the mere 75 point victory necessary to win the $50 bonus prize, he went on to a 93-7 rout of the Evil One. Congratulations, Mick!! Your cash is on its way!

Keep in mind this game will not affect the standings since Berli has withdrawn from the tournament. The bonus game was well underway before Berli withdrew, and since the prize was offered, I didn't think it was right to withdraw the offer just because Berli had to bow out.


Did you get your map for your game with MickOZ? I've got his purchases. We're waiting on you.

Again, Congratulations to MickOZ, the winner of the $50 Bonus Prize!!

Treeburst155 out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Did you get your map for your game with MickOZ? I've got his purchases. We're waiting on you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh yes, I have the map (I will post the MickOZ units tomorrow), as well as the Texas Toast map. I am a bit confused about these Short-75/Panther-76 rules, though. I have to discuss more with Texas Toast about the rules.

I sent the Dorosh units already. So I have three games starting, and two (Ari and Shandorf) going.

I understand that the happenings in NY affect everyone, and it will take awhile before the things get back to normal, if ever.

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Herr Jarmo has kicked off the opening moves in our Short-75 game with a quick arty probe of the wooded heights in one corner of the map.. wiping out an entire allied platoon. Ok, that's a lie. But he did frighten a few squirrels. Do they have squirrels in Normandy? On the second move he's revealed a bunch of nasty German armour to pound the ridge on my left.. and looks to be advancing some infantry there. He's supported by three tanks and what appears to be a Hotchkiss. Jarmo clearly isn't the shy type. Warning to Jarmo: the squirrels are armed and not very impressed!

My game with Herr Berli couldn't have gone much better and my British paratroops are now drinking themselves silly amidst the charred wrecks of five German stugs near the town square. I am grateful to Mike et al for the opportunity to become a big cash winner in the CM world. It helps ease the pain of a somewhat um.. uneven performance in the tourney thus far. That $50 will pay for my children's university education considering the present value of the Aussie currency.

I'd be very pleased to compete for further cash prizes if any are going .. ;) This could be the beginning of something beautiful...

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His recent representations here notwithstanding, I still have no turn from Shandorf, and it is now just after midnight Sunday here. That new puppy must really be cute!

Treeburst155 has been sent my force buy for my game against Ben Galanti. We're playing a game much like the one against Jarmo, but ours will be under Combined Arms category limits. Currently, I'm playing the German side. Whether that situation survives the next random draw remains to be seen.


John Kettler

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The match with Captitalistdoginchina is proceeding nicely.

We have a long road going from my end to his, a forested patch in the middle of the road. The treasure is in the forest.

The road is separated from the rest of the map with long hills alongside it (what's the name for those?). The remaining area is very bumpy and covered with scattered trees on my right, and with brushes on my left side.

So far all the action has been outside the road and very favourable to me. On my left, a tankling shot at my advancing infantry with little effect. Then my AT gun shot at the tank and the effect was much greater.

On my right both sides are advancing, but not to a fighting distance. My assault gun took out what looks like an armored car.

I suspect both kills were M8 howitzers.

The map we have with Mick_Oz is also an interesting one. A wooded hill dividing the map in "my area" and "his area". Then we both have a huge hill on our opposite corners. You could dominate most of the battlefield from there. But you'd be taken out in a second if you tried. (Too bad Jagdtigers and pillboxes were both on the no-go list.)

So far it's been only movement and random arty on both sides.

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Shandorf was finally heard from with turn in hand Sunday afternoon.

Germans seem to be popping up all over the place; in the church, to the right of the church, to the left of the church (possible StuG blasting my house) and way down on my extreme right, where my infantry probe met a very hot reception but some damage was done to his troops as well.

My German force buy in my game vs. Ben Galanti is in Treeburst 155's hands, but I may or may not go to war with those troops. Am waiting to find out whether or not I'm really going to be German. If so, I'll soon have the map.


John Kettler

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Hello gentleman,

Back after a strenous full week of fitness/theory tests from FIFA's High Level referees course for the CAF panel. Passed it, but boy, did they nail us! Up at crack of dawn. Warm-up(!) consist of 5-8km runs every morning. They seem to think we all have to be bloody Kenian long distance Olympic athletes...

Anyways, Treeburst, please mail me developments. Did you send any AAR's to me?

Regards to all,

Charl Theron



"I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret."

-- John Cleese in "Fawlty Towers"

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Shandorf sent me a turn. No movie, just orders

for my merry men. They're on the move in many sectors, and Shandorf's men are doing a bit of their own, but with sound contacts it's hard to say exactly what.

There is an undetermined holdup in my game with Ben Galanti. I don't know whether Treeburst155 is waiting on Ben's force buy, whether Treeburst155 is backlogged on his end and hasn't been able to send the map and/or troops to whomever is German, or whether Ben is German, has the map, but hasn't sent me his turn yet. A whole day has passed with no apparent progress toward actual santioned strife in "Rumblings."


John Kettler

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Having lost 2 M8 Howitzers early on to Jarmo my men have now avenged their comrades, 2 of Jarmo's AFV lie abandoned - and his AFV are much bigger than my AFV smile.gif:D

Jarmo did make a very good start, destroying my 2 M8's and capturing both large flags early on, my men were a little more cautious - Now my Arty is raining down on his positions, but i cannot guage how effective it is right now. I see many armour sound contacts - at least 3 seem to be Jpanzer 1V (70) another 2 are still unidentified.....my infantry will have a tough time to knock these out, one bazooka team scored 3 direct frontal hits before the AFV abandoned.

The battle is now raging at full speed. More from the front later.

Ari and i are about to start another battle - his average score needs to be trimmed down a little ;)


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Shandorf and I have continued to abuse each other, so casualties continue to mount. A lateral move by my guys from postions near the center got a guns blazing rise from earlier recipients of VT fires in houses between the far right and center crossroads, who saw a chance to dish some out and did so. My support fires (155 and VT) continue to crash down with frightening positional randomness, generating a mixed bag of good and bad news.

An apparent AFV of his appeared out of nowhere to the right of the church and when last seen, was racing up the road to the far left VL. I remain mystified as to how he was able to afford hordes of infantry and so much armor. Maybe he broke all his squads down and FOW is showing full squads to me when he really has only teams. Given the generally abysmal (I suspect negative fanaticism) combat performance of my men so far (freak at sight of mouse shadow; don't even wait for mouse), whatever he's got seems to work just great.

We have one more turn to go in a game which seems very much up in the air, with everything potentially hinging on the tiniest changes.

I'd hoped long since to be in battle with Ben Galanti, but we remain plagued by a bizarre technical problem which results in getting everything except the right terrain when the setup turn is opened (am German).


John Kettler

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A fierce fight is raging around the middle flag areas. Both Mick_Oz and I are throwing a lot of infantry into the woods surrounding the flags. Mick is also throwing in a lot of arty. Luckily the dispersion area is large enough to guarantee him a lot of friendly fire.

I was thrown backwards first, then seemed to make good progress with my reinforcements. But now a pesky flamethrower is routing my lines again!

I'm beginning to wonder if green strurmcompanies were such a great idea afterall..

Seems Oz had only a single MG guarding his leftmost little flag. I easily suppressed and captured the demoralized men and now the flag is mine.

Meanwhile, not all is well in the fight with Capital Dog, as already mentioned, he managed to kill two of my lovely PzIV/70's. Now he has pushed a platoon through my frontline, right next to another lang. Whatever he is up to, I have no idea. Always a bad sign.

I still hold the flags and do well at the edges, but Cap has quite a bit more infantry. At least it seems that way. He also has a ton of good sized arty. My men are not delighted.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I remain mystified as to how he was able to afford hordes of infantry and so much armor. Maybe he broke all his squads down and FOW is showing full squads to me when he really has only teams. Given the generally abysmal (I suspect negative fanaticism) combat performance of my men so far (freak at sight of mouse shadow; don't even wait for mouse), whatever he's got seems to work just great.



It is called buying Green Troops. ;)

Green Troops = "hordes of infantry and so much armor."


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Originally posted by Jarmo:

[QB]Mick is also throwing in a lot of arty. Luckily the dispersion area is large enough to guarantee him a lot of friendly fire.\\

Unless my guys are wearing German uniforms, I politely beg to differ.

'Seems Oz had only a single MG guarding his leftmost little flag. I easily suppressed and captured the demoralized men and now the flag is mine.'

Yup.. all yours. Don't want it. Never liked that flag anyway.

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I have Green troops in part myself, but yours are hunkered down, while mine are trying to advance across fairly exposed ground. Mine, even when in command, seem to be highly risk averse, often turning tail without losing so much as man, hence the crack about negative fanaticism ratings. It seems to take an awful lot to get your guys to flee the area, so I suspect you did better on fanaticsm than did I.

Now, stop gloating and send me a turn.


John Kettler

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TexasToast: Just sent the units to Mike.

Mick: Don't remember.

Ari: He gets a win today.

Shandorf: Still a few turns until he gets a win. My damned tanks can't hit anything! We had a fight, my tank had three shots, the last was 40% probability, kill: good. He shot twice, and I lost again. My other tank tried to kill his halftrack, but missed about four shots. :(

Dorosh: See Mick above. Both games are in the beginning, nothing happened so far.

[ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: Fuerte ]

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