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Interesting, yet funny fact about Hitler.

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

...and this is where the circle closes again:

Where do you think Mother's Day originated / who "invented" it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh oh. I just KNOW I'm not going to be telling my mother the answer to this...


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Well his body was burnt, but only so-much.

There was a very good BBC doco on it which talked to some russians who were involved. And had KGB documents and stuff.

As far I as I recall he was autopsied, then burried then dug up when the russian police unit moved, then burried, and so on.. about 5 times, autopsied twice, burnt to i think and finally burried in what is now a auto-shop in East Germany


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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

...and finally burried in what is now a auto-shop in East Germany


Okay, I know I just read in the last few days that only survivor of the ash-scattering party refuses to divulge the location where the deed was done, lest the site become some sort of neo-nazi mecca.

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Was this the one they republished on the History Channel just last night?

The saddest story was the death of the Goebbles children by the mother's hand and the gruesome relevation that, since the unit involved was a mobile unit, and no orders as to what to do with the bodies was given, the bodies were transported around with the unit for awhile.

The other wierd part was that the Russian unit involved had to "steal" the bodies from another unit.

The question I would like to have an answer too is why the Soviets are so wierd about this. One explanation I have heard was a concern for the location of his body bein a point of worship for some.

If they ever bury McVeigh, won't that be a concern? (At this point, I doubt it will ever happen.)

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

...and this is where the circle closes again:

Where do you think Mother's Day originated / who "invented" it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It began in 1905 when an American woman (whose name I regret to say I did not catch) suggested it as a way to heal the still festering antagonisms left by the Civil War. It was made a national holiday in 1914 by the decree of President Wilson.

Will that do?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Well his body was burnt, but only so-much.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And I read many, many years ago that Stalin had an ashtray made from Hitler's skull.

This whole issue is one vast tangle of modern mythology. It is virtually impossible to prove anything one way or another. BTW, as I posted in another thread last week, the version of the goat-bitten story that was published in the New Yorker was that it was not a testicle but the end of his penis that became goat food. The one-ball story has been around for years. Might even have been a creation of British propaganda. Sort of like the condom story.


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Guest Babra


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...Questions about the authenticity of the Russian autopsy records were more or less resolved in 1972. Dr. Reidar Sognnaes, a dental expert at the University of California at Los Angeles, compared the Russky data with previous X-rays of Hitler's skull and pronounced the former genuine. (Sognnaes used similar methods to confirm that a body dug up in Berlin was that of Hitler's secretary, Martin Bormann.) So I guess we have to conclude that in some departments, at least, Hitler really wasn't all there.

As you can imagine, historians with a weakness for Freudian woolgathering have had a field day with this news. Perhaps the most elaborate treatment was The Psychopathic God by Robert G.L. Waite. Waite believed Hitler's left testicle either failed to descend at puberty or was missing at birth. He regarded the deficiency as one of the formative experiences of Hitler's life, and said it contributed to all manner of psychosexual complications. He stopped short, however, of saying it caused World War II.

Why did the Russians wait so long to reveal the autopsy results? Trevor-Roper thinks Stalin arbitrarily decided that Hitler had escaped and compelled everybody else to go along. Later, he thinks, the Russians decided to keep things murky lest the Fuehrer's death and/or remains somehow inspire future generations of Nazis. They may have suppressed evidence about the bullet wounds in order to make Hitler's demise seem less heroic.

Others, of course, have their own ideas. They see the missing testicle as evidence that the man who died in 1945 was a double. They think the Russians faked the dental evidence for unknown reasons and that Maria Schickelgruber's grandson ended up leading a life of ease in some South American banana republic.

You never know. After all, Trevor-Roper, the staunchest proponent of the Hitler-is-dead theory, was the same guy who pronounced the so-called Hitler diaries authentic. But the more likely explanation is that your landlord's dirty ditty, in one respect at least, was the simple truth.


Lifted that one wholesale from The Straight Dope

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