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New fan of Flak guns

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Was playing a game last night where I was defending. I had 2 88 flak guns, and a Pak43. I also grabbed 2 Quad 20mm flak guns for the hell of it.

I had to defend a hill, all of the flags but 1 were on this nice hill. So this may have helped. There was really only one easy way for the armor to get through the tree line so I setup an ambush. Stupid Flak 88 when I told it to rotate and hide got itself knocked out early. And I lost the Pak43 while it was dueling at long range with a couple of tanks. It took out 2 vehicles which was good.

So I waited and then I setup the arty perfect. They had to have had 6 light vehicles and a M4 sherman with at least 2-3 companies of men.

I let them get to about 300 meters and then opened up with everything I had.

my last 88 flak, 2 Quad flak guns, about 10 MG nests, 3 platoons of SS rifle. 1 battery of 105s on a TRP.

It was quite a site. And my enemy was quite surprised. He obviously thought I was going to do what I did in the last game. (Let him take the flags then drop arty and pound him with 105s, then lead a counterattack on his hurting units. Anywho I was surprised at how the Quad 20mms did. On the first turn they knocked out 4 enemy light vehicles. The 88 took out a Sherman. But what really surprised me was how they lasted without fleeing or running for cover. Even when the arty was landing on them and they were being shot to hell by infantry. I mean they both unloaded all of there arsenal and survived the battle. Eventhough they were in the front lines.

They packed a punch also. They just tore up the Halftracks and ACs of my enemy and then proceeded to chew up squad after squad that rushed.

SO now I have a new respect for the Flak guns and will be using them more often.


P.S. God the PZIV is weak. The thing just gets torn up by Allied tanks.

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H:

But what really surprised me was how they lasted without fleeing or running for cover. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They're one of the most difficult units to spot.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H:

SO now I have a new respect for the Flak guns and will be using them more often.


Flak guns are the best value for the bang in the game. Their super-stealth mode allows them to bang away until they run out of ammo or until your enemy is walking on top of them. Okay I'm exaggerating a little. Yet, it's easier to spot a HMG at 1,000 meters than a 40mm or small flak gun. The 40mm Bofors is quite the Flak gun! The German side has cheap, high ROF, 20 mm flak guns which chew through light Allied vehicles like a samurai sword through a liquid pool of margarine. The high ROF gives them insanely high accuracy within a few short seconds.

The overuse of flak guns will grant you the label, “Gamey Bastard.” So be careful!

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speaking of low caliber Flaks, which one would local gurus here recommend the most? single 20mm, quad 20mm or 37mm based on a price-performance assesment.

btw i once had a 20mm Flak route a Churchill crew! it damaged its gun at first and after 20 more seconds of punding the crew bailed out. i was quite surprised honestly (that same flak had been pounding that same churchill for 5 turns prior to that!).

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I have burned churchills with my flak. In about 6 turns of continuous fire it first immobilized it then gun damaged it, and finally the crew abandoned. And it only took about 50 rounds!

I ususlly run out of ammo before they are destroyed. And I usually buy about 3 times as many 20mm as 20mm Quads, to wit, if I were to buy 6 20's (which is a lot) than I would get 2 Quads. The quads are great with their super rate of fire, and I think they turn faster too, but they are a bigger target. Best used against infantry from medium to long range. I will place them back and on hills. Butthe 20's, these I will place just behind the main line

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I try not to get gamey. And I dont mind if my opponents play gamey. But Ill probably keep it to a dual setup on the Quad 20mms.


P.S. is it me or do the Quad 20mms look like something out of Star Wars?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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From experience and preference, for the Axis the 37mm FlaK is the best all around small calibre FlaK. It has a high ROF just like the 20mm FlaK, lots of ammo, MUCH better penetration over the 20mm, and a MUCH better blast to kill infantry. The 20mm FlaK has a measly 6 while the blast value of the 37mm is a whopping 26. Add to the fact that the 37mm has a high ROF and you've got an infantry killer.

I have not really compared the 37mm to the Quad 20mm. I'll withold my judgement between the two.

BTW, for mobile FlaK, the Whirbelwind is quite good, but the Ostwind has quite a good punch.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I have burned churchills with my flak. In about 6 turns of continuous fire it first immobilized it then gun damaged it, and finally the crew abandoned. And it only took about 50 rounds!

I ususlly run out of ammo before they are destroyed. And I usually buy about 3 times as many 20mm as 20mm Quads, to wit, if I were to buy 6 20's (which is a lot) than I would get 2 Quads. The quads are great with their super rate of fire, and I think they turn faster too, but they are a bigger target. Best used against infantry from medium to long range. I will place them back and on hills. Butthe 20's, these I will place just behind the main line<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Remind me in our next game to limit these units. ;)


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I got a nice kill on one of the sherman variants with the 37mm truck mounted gun. I put him in scattered trees with plenty of room to back deeper into trees to hide. as the sherman came into view *plink plink plink* I immobilized him then gun damaged him then routed the crew. My opponent was somewhat pissed smile.gif

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played a QB agains the AI today for fun on the defense. 2000 point game.

2 88 flak

1 Pak43

2 37mm flak guns

2 Quad 200mm flak guns

6 HMG42

2 companies

6 75mm FOs

2 TRPs

1 hetzer

4 250/9s

The flags we kind of in a depression so I set up the guns in a ring around the depression. Two platoons in the depression covering a flag in heavy trees and the rest scattered about.

I waited and waited and finally on turn 20 they got somewhat into the depression. They sent a sherman upto the flag and my squads got it with a faust smile.gif Then on turn 21 I opened up after 3 FOs unloaded 150 75mm arty round onto the oncomming troops. My 37mm flak gun killed a Sherman 76 with a side upper turret penetration smile.gif They had had at least 4 M10s, 6 HTs, and 3 Scout cars. My flak just ripped trhough them in about 2 mins. And then I proceeded to just pound them until turn 26. I then counter attacked with 3 platoons and captured all the points by turn 30.

Allied loss


10 vehicles knocked out

6 mortars lost

Axis loss

89(51 KIA)

3 guns lost

3 vehicles lost

37mm flak is a sweet gun for vehicle killing.

Quad flak and 37mm flak have the same blast radius so they both can tear through infantry.

I dont know why it took my almost a year to find these sweet weapons smile.gif


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