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COMBAT MISSIONS: "Beyond Overload"

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It is with deep regret that i have to inform you that within the next 24 hours COMBAT MISSIONS will have to close.

I have been informed today by the site hosts that COMBAT MISSIONS has exceeded it's MONTHLY bandwidth quota in the space of just 1 DAY!!. The site has notched up the biggest amount of traffic within the past 20 days or so than any other site they have EVER hosted before...and that includes well known multi-national companies and famous pop/rock groups!. In fact, they wanted to know what the hell i was doing to generate that much traffic!.

I have spoken to the host admin over the phone and i am currently trying to sweet-talk the bastards into giving the site a stay of execution but it doesn't look promising.

I will tell you the figures:- to run the site at it's present capacity (20GB PM) will cost £580 per year with that figure rising if this is exceeded. Now there is no way i can afford to pay out that sum of money for a site that doesn't make a penny in return so unless i can reach some sort of compromise with them then site will have to close.

I have put in many, many hours of hard work into the site and i will do all in my power to make sure it isn't wasted.


[This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 02-27-2001).]

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What if everyone with CM sites put up a page for Combat Missions? Have a couple mods on a page as part of The Last Defense, some scenarios on a page as part of say, Der Kessel, the links on a page as part of say, MoJo's CM page. That way all the files would be downloaded from different pages, lowering the bandwith of the mother site.

I have no idea whatsoever if this would work, but I'd be willing to go along with it.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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The site is generating 1GB of bandwidth per day (the initial bandwidth limit i am paying for per month!). It has reached 20GB since February 4th. It would cost me a fortune to keep it running on that basis.

Believe me...i don't want it to close, but it's obvious that with those sorts of figures, an any independent non-profit making site would find it impossible to continue.

BTW - My username is screwed up. Won't accept my password so i have had to start over again.

Not my day! P-(


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Manx that doesn't sound right. 1 gig per day?? That's 999 megs +1 per day and there's no way it could be generating that much. Methinks you might want to have the admins run a check before they shut you down and ask if they can be absolutely sure that's all being caused by your site. As example, my mods are at most around a meg each, sometimes slightly more, sometimes a bit less. To generate a gig of bandwidth, 999 +1 mods would have to be downloaded each day. That ain't happening. Yeah I know, not all bandwidth is mods but you see the point. I'd check with your isp to make sure first, because something is fishy.


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Tiger - They add up ALL site bandwidth in that figure. Page/graphic loads, downloads, uploads, everything.

The 20GB approx. figure i was given, is since Feb 4th, so it works out at less than 1GB, but 1GB is still the site limit for the whole month.

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Manx - if someone hasn't suggested it already... have you talked to Madmatt ? He's in the process of moving over CMHQ (off of TGN and onto something more local). Maybe you could co-host with him (though I'm not sure what the fees are for the service he'll go with). The FTPs may take longer (since the provider will be in the US rather than the UK).

Since Madmatt doesn't have a scenario section setup (that was TGN's function), maybe yours could be used in its place.

Yadda, yadda, yadda... send him some email. It would be a real loss to the CM community for your site to disappear next.

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Originally posted by Clubfoot:

Or, Manx could post a snail mail shipping address and everyone of you grunts could send him 5 bucks.

I'm out of food, but I would send 5 bucks for Combat Missions. Maybe you could set up a banner ad that we could each click on a few hundred times?


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Well, i've got a day or so (i think) to try and sort something out before the site becomes inaccessible. I'll see what can be done.

I've gotta get some sleep (too many late nights spent trying to satisfy MODSLUTS!)...so goodnite folks and thanks for the messages & e-mails of support. Appreciated!

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