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Curious effect - reload times

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Situation: There I am doing my typical allied assault against a German hamlet, which means levelling everything in sight with flame and 75s. Four Sherman Vs, in line abreast, all regular, are used to target two small, light buildings. One building is about 400m further away than the other. All shots are seen to hit. The closer building disintegrates about fifteen seconds before the other. Neither building was previously damaged and neither was in the vicinity of previously plotted artillery.

So I have to ask: Does the time taken for a tank/gun to reload start when the weapon fires, or does it not commence until the round hits the target? Inquiring minds want to know.


Mein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht,

Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht? -

Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind;

In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind.


The Un-Rant

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Give me a second and I'll test it out. Sherm 75 firing at a target 2000m away should give me plenty of hang time.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Sorry about the delay. Reloading starts the instant that a shell is fired. To test it, I had a sherm 75 area fire at a target 1000m away. There was about a 1.5 sec hang time that the round was in the air.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Guest Michael emrys

Yeah. A lot of times while I play a rerun, I watch the target unit while having my firing unit selected. That way I know the exact instant my unit fires. Unless the range is awfully short, it begins reloading before the round reaches the target.

Some weapons just take longer to reload than others. Probably effected by the experience of the crew, if they've been shocked, etc. too.

But to try to address Babra's original question, it may have just been a random thing that determined the order and interval of the houses falling. If you're really bored, you could set up a test of several identical houses and identical tanks/guns but seperated by varying ranges, and watch if there is any pattern to how quickly they fall.


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 02-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Babra, can you translate your sig for us?

"'Oh! father! my father! and dost thou not hear,

What words the Erl-King whispers low in mine ear?'

—'Now hush thee, my darling, thy terrors appease;

Thou hear'st, 'mid the branches, where murmurs the breeze..."

From "The Erl-King"

EDIT: Oh, what the heck, here's the whole thing. This poem used to scare the bejesus outa me when I was a kid. Parents can be so cruel. wink.gif

Who is it that rides through the forest so fast,

While night frowns around him, while shrill roars the blast?

The father, who holds his young son in his arm,

And close in his mantle has wrapp'd him up warm.

—'Why trembles my darling? why shrinks he with fear?'—

—'Oh, father! my father! the Erl-King is near!

The Erl-King, with his crown and his beard long and white!'

—'Oh! your eyes are deceived by the vapours of night.'—

—'Come, baby, sweet baby, with me go away!

Fine clothes you shall wear, we will play a fine play;

Fine flowers are growing, white, scarlet, and blue,

On the banks of yon river, and all are for you.'—

'Oh! father! my father! and dost thou not hear,

What words the Erl-King whispers low in mine ear?'—

—'Now hush thee, my darling, thy terrors appease;

Thou hear'st, 'mid the branches, where murmurs the breeze.'

—'Oh! baby, sweet baby, with me go away!

My daughter shall nurse you, so fair and so gay;

My daughter, in purple and gold who is dress'd,

Shall tend you, and kiss you, and sing you to rest!'

—'Oh! father! my father! and dost thou not see

The Erl-King and his daughter are waiting for me?'—

—'Oh! shame thee, my darling, 'tis fear makes thee blind:

Thou see'st the dark willows which wave in the wind.'—

—'I love thee! I dote on thy face so divine!

I must and will have thee, and force makes thee mine!'—

—'My father! my father! oh! hold me now fast!

He pulls me! he hurts, and will have me at last!'—

The father he trembled, he doubled his speed;

O'er hills and through forests he spurr'd his black steed;

But when he arrived at his own castle door,

Life throbb'd in the sweet baby's bosom no more.


Mein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht,

Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht? -

Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind;

In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind.


The Un-Rant

[This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 02-26-2001).]

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