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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Well, looks like Berlichtssnatchenlicker's gone off to sulk in the Eagle's Areshole or somewhere, so I should pay some attention to this fool I suppose.....

MY GOD - you're right - so why not STFU or at least post something vaguely interesting?

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You've got to be kidding me. Are you feeling comfy? Can we fetch you a drink or something?

Do you honestly think you can stay a while? When the darkness claws at your mind and you wake up wetting yourself, will you still feel "oh so peachy keen"? Find somewhere else to go. You're searching for banter? This isn't that place.

This is only a warning. Wait til one of the "grown up knights" find you squatting in our garden.

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Originally posted byPhillies Phallus <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Begone or we will be forced to swat at you repeatedly with our Cesspool Idiot Swatter. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I should imagine I'd have no trouble getting past your so-called-idiot swatter, as you clearly managed to get in here without much effort.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thermopylae:

Originally posted byPhillies Phallus

I should imagine I'd have no trouble getting past your so-called-idiot swatter, as you clearly managed to get in here without much effort.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You aren't worth the attention, but I am bored. I noticed that you opened your dictionary and looked up the word that corresponds with what you see in the mirror on a daily basis. Just because you want to be like me, doesn't mean that you should saunter in with your Gitano jeans.

I have to remind you of a book I read called Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. Those who really want to be here are qualified to leave. The inverse of that is that you are a hot steaming pile of feces.

My logic is not to be questioned!!

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Phillies Phan ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

You've got to be kidding me. Are you feeling comfy? Can we fetch you a drink or something? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah - thanks. G&T .....lots of ice and a slice of lemon since you're such a sour puss!


This is only a warning. Wait til one of the "grown up knights" find you squatting in our garden.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well I'm glad you're able to admit that you're neither a grown up nor a knight.

However when one of these fearsome mythical beasts turn up I shal be sure to be afraid,...very afraid. Suer thing I will...just like you told me..thanks......quaking in my boots I'll be....

Now go away and get me my drink boy!

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Would all newbies and wannabees kindly take a number and wait by the front door....we'll come get you when your presence is required.

No no, the other side of the door.

Yes, thats it. Now close the door behind you.

We'll call your number in due course. {giggle}

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Hey Phillies-


We now return you to our regularly scheduled program program, 101 Ways to Torture People in the Snow, starring <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Berli as, well, himself

and featuring <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Mace as the little lost shepherd boy who discovers the minefield all by himself<LI>Stuka as the token Australian love interest whose tragic death will be milked for all it is worth<LI>wildboy, as the little boy who just wanted to get big {NOTE: tonight, the role formerly played by wildboy will be performed by his understudy, Gary Coleman}<LI>David Aitken as the English officer who volunteers to throw himself on the barbed wire even after his commander has cancelled the attack<LI>Lawyer, as the REMF who breaks all the rules by putting his shoes and socks on in that order<LI>Phillies Phan as the new kid who can't stop wetting himself<LI>jd, as the evil German subcommander who tortures his prisoners by reading them poetry<LI>mensch as the village idiot<LI>Seanachai {gesundheit} as the old guy who rambles<LI>Kitty, as the poor German barmaid who needs a place to sleep (wait, no, its not THAT kind of movie), errr, as the cruel Gestapo agent who always gets results<LI>Bauhaus as Jamie Farr<LI>Iskander, as Jamie's "good friend"<LI>Joe Pshaw as the grumpy old man who liked okra<LI>MrSpkr, who was on a quest for his lost vowels

and <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Pansyliter, thermos-pile, and a cast of other morons as the fecal parasites.

And now a word from our sponsor, Madmatt's ChromeDome Shine, for those occasions when having hair is too much to ask.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thermopylae:

How could I presume to question something which so obviously does not exist?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ..and the point of your waste of bandwith is?

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Thermoploppy - don't hassle JD - it's not his fault he's the result of months of inbreeding by all these kay-nig-its round here - so he's inhereted ALL the stupidity that's on offer.

The poor guy is, as you rightly point out, struggling to have the brain power to breath, let alone undestand anything!

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Game Updates:

MrSpkr has completed the destruction of my brave troops. I am not proud of this result, but cannot be blamed as he is obviously a gamey bastiche.

dalem appears to be pursuing a alternate version of the gamey tactic of edge hugging. However, the idgit is doing it on the defense. So far, I have casually advanced up the center of the map to take the high ground and the victory locations. I suppose I should wait for the obligatory flag rush...

Mace has in his inbox a setup of a Wild Bill scenario. It will be interesting whether Mace's scout cars can take out my Super Kitties, errr I should say broken down 20mm Halftracks!

armornut is still AWOL, and my troops are still picnicking by the river!

The rest of you are beneath my notice.


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Let's see if I've got this right - these are all the kay-nig-it's and their good points:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Berli - Berlisnatchenlicker.....wants nothing more than to be home base for a dictator or 2

<LI>Mace - really likes to get in people's faces

<LI>Stuka - goes down on anything

<LI>wildboy - well it's better than calling himself wilddog I guess....

<LI>David Aitken - what f-wit thought up this name??

<LI>Lawyer - jeez, like we need any more of them!

<LI>Phillies Phan - what needs to be said about someone who names himself after a bunch of losers??

<LI>jd - can't spell or read, just hit 2 keys and that's him done....

<LI>mensch - he's still trying to figure out if that's uber or unter

<LI>Seanachai - wannabe samurai huh? well remember to blunt thse swords before ripping your guts out

<LI>gesundheit - bless you...probably been done before, but for heaven's sake use a tissue!

<LI>Kitty - wanna pet something soft & furry??

<LI>Bauhaus - not a bad cover band as far as oldies go

<LI>Iskander - what's a kebab doing here???

<LI>Joe Pshaw - another sneezer - get the box of tissues out again!

<LI>MrSpkr - boring old fart who everybody pretends to take notice of

<LI>Pansyliter - what you put down a gun barrel to stop water getting in

Did I leave out any??

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncle Joe's Johnson and Thermalpiles:

nothing more than pointless ****e that shows a lack of understanding of the basic rules governing the conduct of worthless, newbie gits<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As I see it, there really are two options available to you...

1) Read the rules (1st post) and give them a try (you do realize you are morons, right?)

2) You may (now this would be considered the prefered choice) SOD OFF!!!!

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Stalin's Organ (funny enough w/o a name change)you have managed to accentuate your own inherent lack brain power in pointing out Jd as an imbred. Remember, people like Stuka and Mensch, could not ever hope to breed, even with the likes of each other, which as I understand it is a common fantasy among the senior poolers. The end result is horrible genetic experiments that produce the likes of you and Jd.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Stuka as the token Australian love interest whose tragic death will be milked for all it is worth<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But it will be a heroic,dashing ANZAC type of death where I will take all the newbie scum with me and be cheated out of life by a stray shot from a randomly dieing wannabee.

*Roll credits*

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Please disregard this post as its sole purpose is to deposit some chlorine into the Pool. You will feel no pain. You will simply Die-A-Lot now.


Listen here, you poor excuse for possum stool, I'm the designated Pool Boy, and we don't want any of your fancy schmancy attempts at disinfection in here!! Why, you're naught but the warts on a nutria's butt, and not worthy to be flailing your over-rated, ineffective, and completely disgusting excuse for a 'Cess-member wannabe chemistry set about in attempts to "clean-up" this pool of excrement, incitement, and general disdain. You are to us as a turd to a toilet, fit only to be flushed and ignored. Take a long walk off a short pier, play catch with a fully laden dump truck, and, above all, Sod off and die, ya Git!

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Ahh......Thermoploppy thank yuo for your erudite explaination of JD's genetic origins.

Of course you have mine ALL wrong. I am in fact Stinka's fantasy ANZAC Hero, but a Kiwi one, and so polite and intelligent rather than a cretinous dork.

And so I can laugh at Berlisnatchenlicker's rather good parody ("Uncle Joe's Johnson - not bad!) while suggesting that if he wants someone to sod off then he can bloody well do so himself.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

yuo for your erudite <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kinda says it all, don't it. Y'all don't come back now, hear?

So, just for the sake of instruction, at what point have you singled anyone out and challenged them? At what point have you sounded off like ya got a pair? A frickin' amoeba from the Cretaceous could've deciphered the proper ettiquette. Get a clue! You are not worthy to feed the worms that squirm in the muck of this here pool. Why don't you just head off to where you're welcome? You'd make a fine inspector of Chernobyl's latrine trenches. Listen; can't you here them calling?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

Kinda says it all, don't it. Y'all don't come back now, hear??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah...thank you Leo for your own most erudite contribution to English grammar.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

So, just for the sake of instruction, at what point have you singled anyone out and challenged them? At what point have you sounded off like ya got a pair? A frickin' amoeba from the Cretaceous could've deciphered the proper ettiquette. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh I'm sure I've done all that at least as often as anyone else on this thread...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Get a clue! You are not worthy to feed the worms that squirm in the muck of this here pool. Why don't you just head off to where you're welcome? You'd make a fine inspector of Chernobyl's latrine trenches. Listen; can't you here them calling?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And I'm glad of it you carrion eating feline throwback.

I mean who the f**k want's to feed worms? And who would want to admit to being a worm squirming in the muck here except an imbecillic fool like you??

Why do you bother raising your head out of the much at all huh? I mean it's not like yo're showing us all how big and brassy your own ones are or anything!

Go chase an antelope or something else that can give a **** (so then you'll have something to roll in), there's a good little beastie.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Thermoploppy, no-one here (with the possible exception of Mace and Bauhaus) is in the least bit interested in you or what you have to say.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ummm, did Thermopoop say something....yawn. Wake me when the talking piece of crap is done yapping through its sphincter. You smell like flowers.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]

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