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Go tell the Outerboards, Stranger,That Here Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I, and anything I touch, create, approve, or even CHIME IN on, is immediately to be discarded as crap by all kaniggets, and all simpering squires?


Quite true, and the Consigliori knows that you are crap, too.

Question for the Ages: "Why do witless losers have so much time to post?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I've stolen many a man's soul and faith<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

and sends a many mens souls to hell or limbo... hhahahaha.. it was a wonderful barrage.. look.. look at'm run, DIE! and cry "oh berli you egg! your killing us!!"


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Question for the Ages: "Why do witless losers have so much time to post?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Simple, because they don't steal (bill) by the hour!

Or conversely, they only work 20 minutes, but charge for the full hour.


[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

only work 20 minutes, but charge for the full hour.



DAMN GOVERMENT WORKERS!! Lawyers are worse they charge you while

1. eating

2. taking a crap

3. breathing

4. nose picking.

at least they have the decency of labeling it

1. business lunch meetings

2. Talking

3. Business Enviorment Evaluation

4. Resourcing

{edited for an stupid fecking hard return Mensch - uh today}

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Poultry Larder wrote:

why is it that you jump up and down, yap at my heels, and from the other side of the fence hurl your spittle-encrusted verbosities at me, but in such as an oblique way that I cannot respond?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seems like a good plan to me. Do I need a reason?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>you seem to think you can insult and challenge me with every post but NEVER accept the fact that I accepted your challenge.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't know who you are (my guess is something along the lines of Benny Hill meets Brainy Smurf) but there are rules, you ninny, and though not elevated to your status(yet) I have my rights, sir, and I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There is only one rule: There are no rules.

We made the rules, of which there are none, and we reserve the right either to follow them or not. But newbies must adhere strictly, or be regarded as a git for all eternity. Adhesion to the rules, of course, labels one as a git for all eternity. Especially considering they don't exist.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Lawyers are worse <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lawyers are much like prostitutes in many ways. They are only acceptable in public when they are really, really needed. Other times, they are relegated to the dark alleys of society.

Thank goodness that I have not had the need of either's services.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Um, Mr. SenileTea sir,

I don't mean to impugn your elevated status, but you are aware that I, and anything I touch, create, approve, or even CHIME IN on, is immediately to be discarded as crap by all kaniggets, and all simpering squires?

Now, jd went against the atatus quo, but are you sure you want to link hands with him and walk down that path together?



As unlikely as that currently seems, history has shown us that inevitably something even more scaly than yourself will eventually shuffle in here, unzipped and drunk, and provide us with a useful purpose for you.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Speedbuggy has lost one of his last two tanks and is surrounded. From their vantage points, my troops have observed JAG officers helping his men draft their wills. Good thinking.

Wildman just overran a Sicherung platoon, capturing the lower Bavarian Kaffeeklatsch in the process. He also destroyed one of my Panthers with his gamey “deathbeam fired through a house” tactic. However, a few surprises are in store for him.

Iskander and I are redecorating the floors, walls, and ceilings of one house in nice, deep red and maroon colors. We are both locked in a particularly evil setup coauthored by, no surprise here, Berli. This one will be bloody and long.

Mace and I have turned a minor skirmish on one flank into the focal point of the battle. His troops are dying under continued artillery barrages while mine are just plain dying. Again, a long and bloody struggle.

Leeoooooo has been aaaayyywoooollllll for a while now. This nasty little ME will probably end up a draw or a minor victory (for me, of course).

Pansyleader has shown a pretty picture of the five or six tanks he has managed to kill. I present the following party pix:


This is a nice snapshot of about 80% of the battlefield. Notice there are so many “eliminated” labels over his dead troops, broken guns, and knocked out tanks that it makes viewing difficult. In light of this unfortunate reality, I provide the following picture sans labels:


If you look VERY carefully, you can see my rather bored British troops playing volleyball in the distance with one of his company commander's heads.

As for the rest of you, I hate you all; with the possible exception of lawyer, whom I truly despise.

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YEah, those barely obscured Thermoplyae references just refuse to die don't they?!?

Now where is Burt Lancaster when you need him? Ok figure out THAT reference Pengoids!


"My command is spread thinner than the hairs on a babies ass..."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:


"My command is spread thinner than the hairs on a babies ass..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is that what you're calling that chrome-dome of yours these days?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Now where is Burt Lancaster when you need him? Ok figure out THAT reference Pengoids!


Go Tell the Spartans.

Perhaps one of the best Vietnam movies made.

Gonna have to try harder than that O one of great Madness.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

For further information please contact our Solicitors at the Old Firm.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Look, just because we make a living out of torturing people (australians and barnyard animals by arrangement) to death there is really no need to call us names.

And we haven't solicitiated anyone since uh, let's see, no those doesn't count, 1873. But that was a very proper and, dare I say it, thorough solicitation.

Since this is no longer the century of the fruitbat, we've realised that times have changed and so have we, even if our methods remain.

We're consultants nowadays. Of the mortally expensive kind. Capisce?

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]

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Attention all you limp wristed, girly boys. It is I, ass-kicker extrordinaire, here to report to you the crushing of another within your ranks, and when I say "your ranks" I mean "pansy wussified butt munchers, who couldn't command a tank platoon out of a Hefty bag".

Alrighty then...

LORAK! Please chaulk up this one...

Berli: Glue sniffin' loser.

ME: Da frickin' winner.



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Heads up guys. was waiing for the new thread to post this because I did't want it to get lost in the shuffle.

This Sunday June 3rd, 2001 I would like to do a Cesspool (or anyone else for that matter) beers around the world gig. Some of you may have seen my afternoon beer drinkin session.

I would like to see if a bunch of us can get together on Sunday various cities around the world at the same time. I amthinking about 1pm EDT which I think is 5pm in London and noon in Chicago.

The name of the bar in London is the Elbow Room and in Chicago it's in the Twisted Spoke. There is also a place in Scotland in Edinburgh called EH1. Here is the link to to site : http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp

You can check it out and see if there is a place near you.

Sound off if you think it will work for you guys. I will email Peng, Hiram and Croda to see if they can make it in this area. In London I hope Germangirl, Cuppy and Peter (who I owe a couple rounds to) can be on. And Berli, Moriarty, baushaus ect..in Chicago. Again there are other plces so check it out. And if you aren't near one of the bars you can still watch us and buy us beers online.

Let me know guys.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thermopylae:

While I realize you are all drawn to my good looks and far superior intellect, probably in hopes of living out some perverted fantasy I dare not imagine, stop hitting on me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Look over there. Is that your mommy? You are nothing more than a toddler waiting for spanking. You need to stop leaving little brown gifts on our carpet. When you thought that perhaps you would be welcome, you were sadly incorrect. Your reasoning is in serious disrepair and your likeness is quite the opposite of pulchritudinous. Begone or we will be forced to swat at you repeatedly with our Cesspool Idiot Swatter.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Phillies Phan ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Please disregard this post as its sole purpose is to deposit some chlorine into the Pool. You will feel no pain. You will simply Die-A-Lot now.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you honestly think you can tinkle in the pool and get away with it? By all that is unholy I will rend you asunder if you should think you can meander over and piddle in our puddle. You should be hogtied and thrown into Delaware for that kind of behavior. Find somewhere else to not post.

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Well, looks like Berlichtssnatchenlicker's gone off to sulk in the Eagle's Areshole or somewhere, so I should pay some attention to this fool I suppose.....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

My Dear Master Organ, please read #1 and #2 and since you apparently can't and are obviously defective may I suggest you shoo along back to your mama. There's a good lad..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm....another fixation on my parents....but hey - they're wise people, so i doubt you'd get anywhere.


*sigh* the early posts are so tedious.......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MY GOD - you're right - so why not STFU or at least post something vaguely interesting?

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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