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With New System Comes New Gun Sounds...Strange

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Finally updated after a year and a half and picked up this the other day:

ASUS A7V133 Motherboard

1.33GHZ AMD Processor

60Gig IBM Hard Drive

Hercules 3D Prophet II GeForce 2 Vid Card

Then I ran out of money smile.gif so I took my old CD Writer, Reader, floppy, RAM sticks, and sound card and put those in the new tower.


Now for the strange part...even though I'm using my old sound card which is some Sound Blaster Pro knock off, I can now hear new gun sounds which I never heard before. In fact, it almost sounds like it's in stereo too.

Before, the mg's on my tanks would make one sound only no matter which gun was firing. Now, I can hear different sounds for different guns.

In addition to this, infantry guns also have seperate sounds to them which really enhances the game. Add to this the fact that I can now spin 360 degrees without slowdowns and this game rocks now!

The quest-ionee though is why am I hearing all these different gun sounds now if I'm using the same sound card?

P.S.--Thanks to all who made recommendations in the General Forum on what specific components to buy. I think it was money wisely spent.

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Maybe your old processor couldn't process all those sounds at once, so you only heard a few. That's just my guess, and until someone comes along who knows what he is talking about, that's the answer you are going to get. Enjoy your new system!

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Pvt Ryan is probably correct. Being that your soundcard was a SB Pro knock-off, it doesn't have its own processor. So it probably relies on your computer CPU to receive and playback sounds.

Now if you had a SB Live! that has its own processor, then you would have probably heard all the sounds all along. That's kind of why I bought mine in the first place. I bought my SB Live! in anticipation of CM coming out last June. So I never knew what the full game sounded like on my old SoundBlaster 64 PCI.

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I also own the Live! card. I was extremeley impressed with its performance, when I received for my Bday. It really enchances alot of games. Half life sounded completely different.

The great thing about it is that Creative updates the architecture of the chip and other little things like sound schemes right online and the software tells you when you need to download these updates.

Last weekened I hooked up my Comp to my stereo. Man you wanna play CM like that! Unbelievable!


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Woh! Back the tractor up! You mean that my Soundblaster 64 PCI is actually causing me to miss out on certain audio delights?

I do have a 900MHz CPU though, so would that mean the SB64 is still capable producing the full range of sounds? :confused:

As a direct result of this thread I am considering upgrading to a SB Live. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Pvt Ryan is probably correct. Being that your soundcard was a SB Pro knock-off, it doesn't have its own processor. So it probably relies on your computer CPU to receive and playback sounds.

Now if you had a SB Live! that has its own processor, then you would have probably heard all the sounds all along. That's kind of why I bought mine in the first place. I bought my SB Live! in anticipation of CM coming out last June. So I never knew what the full game sounded like on my old SoundBlaster 64 PCI.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm...I wonder if this will be a problem with large maps since even a 1.3G will have a hard time keeping up with all the objects on screen. I hope it can still produce those new sounds I've been hearing...

As for the system, I love it. Although I had to upgrade the case fan to something that can cool up to a 1.5G processor. Lemme tell you, the thing is considerably louder than my last one. I feel like I'm standing on the tarmac at LAX. smile.gif

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Game performance will be most affected by

(in order):

Processor class and speed (1.3Gig Athlon is very good)

Amount of RAM (128 at least, hopefully you have 256MB or better)

Hard drive free space (too little free space means little HD cache and frequent writes)

Video card & Video RAM (32MB card of recent vintage is very good)

Sound card capabilities (SB Live is way capable and will take a load off your CPU by the way)

CD-ROM access times if you haven't loaded the full game on to your HD (shame on you!)

These are rules of thumb of course, but the machine you have now should be quite capable!

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I experienced the same kind of relevation last week when I installed a SB Live card (128 bit). I am very happy with how it has enhanced my PCs audio capabilities.

Somewhere in the SB controls/setup, there was a dialog box which asked you to set the number of WAV files that can be played simultaneously. I know this is relevant to CM becasue all its sounds are WAV files. I bumped it up to about 8 (though I could have choosen more). I was never aware that such a parameter existed for sound cards and wondered what this limit was for my older SB 32AWE card

When I booted up CM, it was obvious how limited the audio expereince had been. The game now is much richer in sounds as more WAV files are being played. An immediate indicator that the new sound card allowed a fuller audio playback was the "ding" sound which I now can hear if I incorrectly do something in CM eg. try to place a vehicle movement marker in woods.

There is also an option to have the sound card automatically "enhhance" the sounds when particular applications are run. I have yet to play around with it but Im sure there would a setting that would make the sounds from CM sound even better. If anyone has tried this, I would be happy to hear about there experiences with it.

Lt Bull

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