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Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on Peng Thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Something long and boring about taunting people. And possibly about the love between a man and his Hiram, I didn't read that far.


Hell, if taunting was all it took, Id've had turns from PolTroon months ago. Even so, worth a shot I guess.

PushBroom, you unfortunately ugly Frenchman. Remove that baguette from your pants, you're not fooling anyone. I know it is hard work being French and stupid, but plonk tes fesses down on la chaise et sendez-moi une goddamn turn, espece de chameaux. Or else I will tie you down and read Victor Hugo to you until your head explodes.

Scrota is following his normal brilliant gameplan - revealing his forces too early and then dying. Let's all congratulate him for sticking with an unpopular plan, huh?

Sneakytea - Since I've gotten sick my luck has improved about a million percent. He thinks I have to "dig him out" of something. If you can count a few shell-shocked squads as something that merit a 'digging out.' I suspect I'll have more difficulty digging the change out of my jeans when I buy Mr. Minnesota a clue.

Berli is dropping tons of artillery on me. This is the most unbalanced scenario I've ever played that I haven't designed myself. "But it's fun for the Germans to always lose!" Sure, Timmy, sure. This map would give Rommel the squirts if he wasn't dead. And who knows, maybe it is.

Snoriarty is doing a brilliant job of walking forward. Good man.

Machu Picchu is pressing onwards. Slowly. And ineffectively. He'll probably win, but good god man, you had it in the bag five turns ago. Let's get on with it already.

Hiram - You said you wanted games? Send me a setup. Boy, I'm gonna make you a man. Chupa style.

I don't think I'm forgetting anyone. If I am, may you be doomed to listen to Seanachai talk.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

I'm just jealous that Ethan wrote a story and mentioned everybody else's name and not me.


Chuppy, old bean, I'm killing you at my own pace, thank you very much. Unlike you, I'm not particulary in to throwing away my soldiers' lives like so many used Ribbed Magnums™.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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tome updates.





Cripes! now we are getting spam mail posted to the pool?

Better silence than that drivil.... ahh silence...

Let me grab my seanachai's hat.. and tell you a little story about Silence...

There are many tells on the ways of Heaven and Hell. Many tell the pains and pleasures of both.. but few tell of the the courts that have grown there...

Now they Say that Sin has an only son and his name is Death. And he is rightful heir to the kingdom of man. And all must come at last to pay him homage.

But that Devil, he also has his Pride. A lone daughter, the apple of his eye. And he named her Silence. And even when Death has passed, she follows after.

It is always a terrible moment when Silence enters the Halls of Hell. Pain-wracked visages wordlessly mouth cries, curses, entreaties. Talon, scourge and hot iron bite soundlessly into yielding flesh. The sound of each and every shuffling footstep, creaking joint, rasping breath, magnified to the power of countless millions of lost souls crammed into every fissure, niche, and crevice... all gone suddenly, compleatly, and hauntingly still.

It was not just the absence of sound; it was its utter negation. All that takes place in her presence has an eerie, unreal feel about it. It was if all the torments of the Legions of the Dead were a sad sort of pantomime. A ritual act whose meaning had become obscure, lost long, long, ago...

well... I guess that is enough for now. I have left you, my students, too long with out guidence. What has it shown? That as much knowledge as I pour out, flows through your heads as if they are nothing more than rotted drain pipes.

I guess the time has come again to resume my teachings and bring a little culture to you heathens.

Lorak the loathed

Omnipresent authority figure

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Just one question, if Meeks is now the keeper of this thread, does that mean that I get to be the doorman, being his squire and all? Or how about custody of the dungeon?, ... priesthole? ... broom closet? ... wardrobe ... small hole in the floor ???

One other point, I am in agreement with some of the other posters, and I am not entirely sure of the veracity of the Meeks in the Arctic thing. I mean, I have been watching the local news, and there haven't been any reports of any depressed arctic foxes, despondent polar bears, or anything unusual with the local fauna. If Meeks had really been in the Arctic, there would have been an immediate mass exodus of wildlife to safer latitudes. And for the last time, there are no penguins in the arctic, wrong pole (sit down ..., ummm no, it's too easy).

I hope someone devises a truly evil setup for Meeks TCP/IP cherry tonight.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Bottom of the first page?


There once was a thing named Jshandjob

Who defended a village without a plumb-bob

He blew up my tanks

Like they were made by the Yanks

And killing that StuH's gonna be a tough job

Thank you, thank you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:


Keeps mentioning works of classic Australian writers when he forwards me the turns. Sheesh, as if I care! I prefer to restrict my reading to the fine articles in Penthouse or Playboy.

As to the game, another one almost complete. Savage early game combat has meant we are a both nearly out of ammo and resources, with both of us controlling one VL each. Our time is now spent glaring at one another and name calling. And trying to get the odd kill to drive that percentage up just a little higher.


This was true until this evening. Lorak, please note that as of tonight, I have crushed the first of a string of Australian players, when I defeated Mace. Well, perhaps 'crush' overstates it a bit. It was an Allied Minor Victory for my brave Brits, final score 57 to 43. While my troops fought on tenaciously to the last, Mace's volk spent a large part of the end of the game doing laundry, or something. On the other hand, Mace did wrest one of the VLs away from my troops in a masterful assault about mid way through the game, and held it until the bitter end. The other, major VL was held by my troops throughout the game, was never seriously in danger of reverting over to German control, and, in fact, Mace had better than a platoon hopelessly savaged in his attempts just to wander by and ask for directions. A more satisfying destruction of Mace's troops was largely made impossible by a lone Pz IV(70), that Mace kept in such perpetual motion that the center of the map looked like a stage on which a large armoured vehicle was doing a spritely version of Swan Lake. Because of it's interference, the 'crushing' of Mace turned into more of a sound whacking, than anything else.

Next, I shall defeat the Lizard King, in our game begun many decades ago before he became so heavily involved with Onan. After that, of course, there are other Australians who will be given a sound thrashing, then stood in a corner, smarting, rubbing their welted buttocks, and contemplating the glory that even losing to me has brought them.

Lorak, your little story was quite nice. An interesting cosmology, to be sure. But please take the time to record my victory over Mace. Also, you never responded to my question as to whether you'd noted my victory over Germanboy. There was that long, tedious, dark period in the Thread when I wasn't able to post much, and I've only barely begin to catch up, so don't know whether you caught that one or not.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Originally posted by Daid Aitken:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Let's see... okay; prevention is better than cure; a stitch in time saves nine; honesty is the best policy; the truth is out there; trust nobody; never assume people know what they're talking about; and most importantly of all... umm... I've forgotten.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh gee, thanks for that. I try to reach out, and all I get is pissed on.

And roborat, where do you get off asking to be the doorman. I try imagining you dressed up in some epaulet laden monkey suit, but picturing your oafish visage in anything other than rags is enough to make me blow milk out of my nose.

You constantly duck me in our 5 month Peng Thread challenge. Blah blah blah.. something about incompatable CM versions.Blah Blah Blah.. I am sick of your excuses, you squire-whore. What happened to Berlichtengensenden? I thought you were HIS squire?

[This message has been edited by *Captain Foobar* (edited 01-16-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I love Australians so much, I honestly wish I could rise, Phoenix like, out of the mire that is my life and become Australian.

Australia..Ahhh, the very word is enough to fill my sunken chest with pride and cause my nether regions to quiver.

I will play any and all Australians in a pathetic attempt to glean some of their righteousness, which I hope will complement nicely my slouch hat/Safari suit/knee sock outfit.


I await your set up oh windy one.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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I have now sent files to dear Elvis and the evil lawyer, who I refuse to call jd because it makes me feel like he's my southern cousin or something.

Yo, jd! Get me another Coors, man.

Hey, jd! You still sleepin' with your sister?

Well I'll be damned, jd! How y'all doin'?

Holy jehusefat!!!

Wait, that last one isn't true. No, neither is this one. As this was directed at a lawyer and I do not want to be sued for libel, I will not issue my legal disclaimer:

Ergo chumchuck fatbat whosawald, ipso facto walla walla, washington, wapakenucket and winniebago. Past performance is not indicative of a damn thing. Don't read this while having sex, unless she's cantonese, in which case she'll find it hot. Never pet a burning dog. Don't eat lead. Do not mix Hirams with antidepressants, nor should you operate a dalem while under the influence of anything except the unconditional love of your mother. Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what the hell is Kevin Costner doing for me. Void where prohibited by law, thought to be prohibited by law or necessitating the murder of the dictator of any former Belgiumic territory to be considered legal.

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Now Elijah, a good southern name by the way,my father's from Oaklahoma, my mother from the Texas panhandle, why shoot there Elijah, growing up I was jd all along. Now my ex (from Texas), her aunts names were Louella Posey, Flossie Bell and Mattie Cad hell boy we all got two names. Since I have become just a simple country lawyer why I reckin some of thses big city folks, well....they gots their ways. Now the citified folk out there in Walla Walla, why we don't have much truck with their kind.

My father was in the 87th Calvary recon (M8 howitzers - he was too big to fit in the Stuarts so he got to get out of them. Good move btw. Anyway, there they are in Normandy near St Lo durning the preparation for the breakout. His captain is shooting the breeze with him and says..."Maus, he drawled [i think he was from the ozarks] have ya ever had sheep. Ain't lived till you had sheep. (Mace, PNZ SITDOWN) True story, btw he hadn't and hasn't, at least that's what he told my mother, but there was this cute mme. he met in the south of france immed after the war...but that's another story.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Help, I need a new sig!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

how about

"Destroyer of Peng Thread est. 2001"


"It hurts to be me"


"not in the FACE! not in the FACE!"


"I don't make threads, I don't promote Threads, I just encourage the other threads to be better"

nuff said.. ya this is mensch in a pissed off mood.. Lorack.. silence is for the lambs, not crazy jerks like me who frustrate poolers, who would of thought the peng thread would ever hit page two on a average three times a week.

WAR all

mensch insideout


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-17-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

hyuck!.. yeha!... my grandma, who is me sister.. hyuck!.... southernboys! yup, hyuck wees it, heck! hyuck wees southernboys made it to dat whitehoose thing in dem northern parts.. betcha in a pickup truck with gun rack.. WHERES PA!


feck, crap, sheit! bloody inbreeds here... rolleyes.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:


...trying to sound like a man while following Moron around with dustpan and brush wearing a rather fetching lace pinney and rubber gloves...


Am I looking forward to fertilizing the battlefield with you!

I shall be standing there atop the highground pointing and laughing in hysterical fits while you and your troops fumble around packing your vases and wallhangings into battle.

Get a f'ing move on.

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*Captain Foobar* wrote:

> Oh gee, thanks for that. I try to reach out, and all I get is pissed on.

Ha, what do you expect? We're men, we don't know how to express our feelings and honesty embarrasses us, so instead of reflecting it we ridicule it. Anyway, I am suffering from sleep deprivation and any loud noise is likely to break what remains of my sanity, so feel honoured that I deemed you worthy of my pointless rambling.

I also think that some of the recent posts here were extremely funny, which illustrates just how buggered up I am in the head.

Enough of this merriful gaiety! To arms! Into the breach!

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You know when you get a pain and as soon as you go to the doctor to ask him about it, it goes away? Well so it is with this 'router problem' as they called it. 'What does this mean?' stevetheratfelchingfreak asks. It means that I'm back. After that lengthy 3 day sabatical, I am back and fresher than ever. I've wanted little more than to post a few mots to this Mutha Heretical Thread, and now I get my chance.

First, I'd like to thank the legal staff for posting my letter. I hope you all found it errr...well, I just hope you all found it. I noticed that nobody cared to comment on it...except of course, stevetheweasellikebastardwhopeeksintheboysshower. He felt it right to mock and taunt me in my absence. What a brave lad. They must be breeding them dumber and dumber since the blitz, as this moron seems to have taken the cake and mastered moronory.

I'll tell you what stevethedweebwithnothinguphissleeve, should you prevail over WildMan, then I will give you the game that you are so avidly seeking, if only because it may actually shut you up to leave you dead on the battlefield.

As for the rest of you, I shall return to my games with increased vigor, and a decreased mortality rate post haste.

Hi Emma!





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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For those of you that I currently have games going with (except Moriarty)... You are all worthless bastards. I was online all night hoping turns would appear in my e-mail... but nothing arrived. Rot in hell all of you.

For those of you that I don't have games going with... You are all worthless bastards (just on general principle).

Moriarty, you are a worthless bastard (just 'cus you are).

Have a nice day... rotting in Hell

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Space Thing:

Yo, whats a Peng? I know what a thread is. But what is a Peng?


a small but anoying fuzzy green thing found in places like armpits, behind the stove, kitty litter boxes and OJ left out for a few days in the sun.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh, forgive me if I have ever given the impression that I liked you


actually I though you lothed us seeing we have perking qualities that you don't have... like

1) minty fresh breath

2) grey matter

3) sex life (sheep don't count)

4) and hair.

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You missed a mighty crushing of Elvis by ME. Thanks very much, good lad, now sod off and update that page.


Mark IV - send me a 1.1 file

Geier - send me a 1.1 file

Meeks - send me a 1.1 file

There, o, and Chupie needs to send one too, as does that guy who i was playing in a horrid night game with halftracks and his unstoppable bazooka of doom. You know who you are. I don't remember.

the moral of the story kids

Send me a 1.1 file!



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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