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Hardest fighting you've ever seen in CM ?

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I've just finished an operation (East Omaha) with an end result of 1500 casualties on both sides in 60 turns. That's 25 guys getting killed or wounded per minute and it sure felt like it.

One squad got 22 confirmed kills, losing 3 men themselves.

Anyone else kept track of such record numbers ?

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During a 1500pt PBEM game with TankBuster we had 2 plts. run headlong into each other and commence hand-to-hand in about 30 seconds. I lost everyman plus 2 Pumas and I think he has 2 men left. I had a squad with 19 confirmed before they met their maker :mad:

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Way back when I was playing the demo, "Chance Encounter" as Allies, I managed to get a US rifle squad isolated in the church on the Axis side of the board. They held off a steady stream of rushes before getting eliminated. 29 confirmed kills, and I felt horrible for leaving them hung out to dry like that.

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one time i had a smg platoon with a stealth bonus, and i wanted to see how many kills i could get with it running around flanking people. i had 25+ per squad (and the hq got 9), but i lost a entire squad and the rest were pretty battered

i won that battle to say the least :P

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I had a decent fight at a four way intersection in a city battle. This was hard fought turf.

Their was a rubble tile about one tile from the actual intersection that the germans were using as cover. They kept trying to push back my US squads that were using the surronding buildings on the opposite side of the intersection as cover. One builiding changed hands twice:major hand to hand going on in there.

Well to make a long story when all was said and done. 139 or so germans lay in the street and one Panther was knocked out. This was just one area of the over all battle. It was pretty impressive for such a small stake.


ADDENDUM: I know alot of the guys on here really get off on the armor to armor battles but for me it's the infantry fights that always stand out. I love the games where it gets hot and heavy and the lead is flying for some tiny little patch of grass or some half demolished building. It even gives me the willies sometimes to think how that must have been! Don't get me wrong, I do like a few AFVs to spice it up though, especially when the Infantry have to overcome it. But Rifle/Grenade Vs Rifle/Grenade is where its at!

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: Mord ]

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In an ongoing game I have with Asteriskander, the following has occurred so far:

The terrain is a snowy village nestled in the Vosges mountains, January 1945. Snowy, with a frozen river running through town. I have gebirgsjagers, he has loads of green American infantry and about a billion Shermans.

On the first turn, I ran about a company and a half of troops up a hill on the German left flank (towards an American infantry company there). By turn ten or so, an American infantry company up there was completely annihilated (I think the only unit that escaped was the Company HQ, and then only because he ran away faster than I could keep up) at a cost of about a dozen or so crack gebirgsjagers.

Meanwhile, in the center of the line, turns one through five were particularly bloody for Isky as he tried to take an initial victory location (a large two story building at the extreme front edge of the German primary defense line. He finally took it by turn eight. I lost two or three squads and an HQ unit. He lost at least two and a half platoons. By the time we were finished there, over 100 bodies littered the building, upstairs and down. Truly magnificent.

I would tell more, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for Iskander!

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord:

ADDENDUM: I know alot of the guys on here really get off on the armor to armor battles but for me it's the infantry fights that always stand out. I love the games where it gets hot and heavy and the lead is flying for some tiny little patch of grass or some half demolished building. It even gives me the willies sometimes to think how that must have been! Don't get me wrong, I do like a few AFVs to spice it up though, especially when the Infantry have to overcome it. But Rifle/Grenade Vs Rifle/Grenade is where its at!

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: Mord ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I couldn't agree more. My all time favorite is when my platoon of Canadians wasted a platoon of Germans down to the last man in a single turn without taking any losses (sorry Craig tongue.gif ). Who says the Commonwealth troops are rubbish in close combat ?

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In my last game (a PBEM) two of my british infantry squads racked up 26 and 27 confirmed kills before subcomming to the infantry wave. I always wonder how many more they actually got. I thought this was a great feat considering how a lot of people dismiss them due to lack of firepower. These guys certianly paid for themselves. But what do I know. :D

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My best game (against the AI) was about a week ago... I had one platoon account for about 110 kills. They had a great position- reverse side slope mine field and road infront of them, man those poor british just marched to their doom...

One of the teams even killed a halftrack with his faust...

All in 35 turns...

Just my two cents,


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I have an interesting story in a created fictitious battle. I had a thick row of trees with mines meant to prevent German penetration, but somehow, one tank found a way through and everyone plowed in behind him. I thought I was in trouble, being that it would easily allow the Germans to flank my defenses, and I had only an M19 MG, one platoon of rifleman, and a Hellcat hidden away. They were supposed to just sneak in and hit the German rear later, but instead took on the entire force. In an amazing feat (but that's another story), the Hellcat main gun wiped out a Panther, PZ IV, armored Halftrack, and Hetzer while it's MG took out 5 or 6 infantry and about 6 fleeing tank crewmen. This accounted for all but one other halftrack, which was brewed up by my MG. This meant I had stopped the entire armor push on one of the two German attack directions. The MG picked off almost twenty other little buggers while the rifleman claimed an entire AT gun crew and 15 or 16 infantry at the same time. Since the battle isn't finished yet, tally's are still rising. That's why I don't know yet how many people have been killed by my quickly called off-map artillery strikes. They have nailed dozens of troops. I would geuss all together, around between 70 and 80 troops in a small spot of ground.

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One of my many ambushes with Polish Paras had me defending a small village with one crack Pol. Abn. Platoon, a vet Pol. 6lbr. AT gun, and some minefields/barbed wire against 2 SS Platoons, a 250/8 HT, 75mm spotter, and a StuH42. Make a long story short, ambush pulls off great. StuH42 taken out by PIAT, HT taken out by gun and PIAT. However, SS infantry then goes all out trying to get my gun. Meanwhile, my paras are raining lead down on the attacking SS at the bottom of the hill. At the end of the victorious battle (for me), I counted 30 dead SS surrounding the gun (which also died after 4 minutes of assault, but the last guy standing pulled the lanyard, killed an SS in a building, and was then gunned down). That was a thrilling battle!

Also, not in CM, but in Sid Meier's Gettysburg, I held off a Confederate attack near Power's Hill using good terrain. At the end of that, there was a mass of grey "bodies" at the bottom of that hill. My guys lost about 170, the CSA lost about 800. Sometimes fights can get real bad! I love infantry battles as well!

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Hardest fighting unit? In a recent PBEM game I had two SS Motorized squads holding out in a house when they were forced to repel an attack by a US Rifle 45 platoon. The squad upstairs claimed 25 confirmed casualties, while the downstairs one inflicted 12. Each squad only lost one man. 37-2, not a bad return. :D

Unfortunately the 25-kill squad was wiped out when the building collapsed several turns later. :mad:

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