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This Peng's not Challenged, He's Bleeding Demised!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Yah, dat's right! *scratches bottom*

We don want no stinkan pooftas here, dis is a top-notch cultchard place dis is!



Err...... Eye beleev th' currect Ozzeee pranunseeayshen ov "bottom" shood innfact bee BUM.

Yoorz korrektinglee,


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It been a long weekend chasing drunkin women. If I hadn’t been so plastered myself, I might have caught more than one. Remember lads, no matter what she says, drinking two bottles of red wine at 4 A.M. will make you pay a very dear price indeed the next day.

Once the asperin kicked in, I was able to look at the tripe in my Inbox. So without further ado,


Buzzsaw – After the longest game of ”Crodaburg” ever, Buzz finally made it inside the wire.

Final score –Allied 51, Axis 46 – a stinkin DRAW!

Truthfully, he had won it at the end, but the last couple of turns he lost too many of his own men. Shouldn’t be shelling your own side, Buzz.

MrSpkr – We have just traded the first of many AFV’s. A Nashorn for a Super Pershing is a fair trade, isn’t it?

CMplayer – Driving his two remaining Shermans around like they were Ferraris and complaining about ambushes. His few remaining squads decided they didn’t like my side of the river.

Agua Perdido – The gamey rush for the city blocks is over. The gamey bitter fighting begins.

If I missed anybody, you know what to do.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Stop playin' wid Joe's wimmen <hr></blockquote>

Oh no!

You've mentioned Joe Shaw's women!

That may mean another display of his Mormon Wives.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Oh no!

You've mentioned Joe Shaw's women!

That may mean another display of his Mormon Wives.



Ooops! Does this mean ...

Run away!!! ...... R-U-N A-W-A-A-A-Y!!! YEEAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jd:

Excite.com is R.I.P. and so is my old email, the new onefor those of you whose destruction is to continue it's now jdmorse@attbi.com

Carry on now<hr></blockquote>

Send me a feckin' turn, you sandbagging old hag.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Original posted by Joe Shaw:

It was, I believe, my former squire Agua Perdido who added the caveat to the above: " ... and half a goddamned brain."<hr></blockquote>

Now, much as I would love to take credit for someone else's hard work and/or inspiration and/or plagiarism, I will. That was my idea. Seanachai never mentioned anything like that phrase before I started using it as a .sig (unattributed, of course, because I thought it up!). That prating, pointy-hat-wearing old punter had nothing to do with it. As I recall, he was off with his Keebler brethren committing unspeakable acts against E.L. Fudge (held prisoner in a hollow tree lo these many years to keep him quiet about the Truth that They don't want you to know... the cookies are just a smear campaign (especially when they've been sitting in the sun on the back seat of the car too long on the way home from 7-Eleven)).

I suppose this explains why the game he set up is so heavily forested, and why my ecotruppen keep finding empty drums of vanillin... Your vile defense of artifical flavors and preservatives shall be your undoing, you tool of the corporate oppressor! Stock up on your Red-Die-A-Lot #5, Seanachai, it's Elf Kebabs for dinner tonight.

Agua Perdido

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Hmmmm? What's that? ANOTHER request for MORMON WIVES? My, my, my the lads just CAN'T get enough can they? I know that you'd ALL like to thank FlossieJeff for asking for this, had it not been for him I'd likely have forgotten for ... who knows how long. So, to my friends in the CessPool and at the specific request of FlossieJeff:


And what did Brigham himself think of the practice of "plural marriage"? This, in his own words, is his reaction to learning of the institution of the practice: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>"Some of these my brethern know what my feelings were at the time Joseph revealed the doctrine; I was not desirous of shrinking from any duty, nor of failing in the least to do as I was commanded, but it was the first time in my life that I had desired the grave, and I could hardly get over it for a long time. And when I saw a funeral, I felt to envy the corpse its situation, and to regret that I was not in the coffin, knowing the toil and labor that my body would have to undergo; and I have had to examine myself, from that day to this, and watch my faith, and carefully meditate, lest I should be found desiring the grave more than I ought to do."<hr></blockquote>

Well, you've seen the photos, you've heard his feelings on the subject ... can you blame him?


[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmmm? What's that? ANOTHER request for MORMON WIVES? My, my, my the lads just CAN'T get enough can they? I know that you'd ALL like to thank FlossieJeff for asking for this, had it not been for him I'd likely have forgotten for ... who knows how long. So, to my friends in the CessPool and at the specific request of FlossieJeff:

And what did Brigham himself think of the practice of "plural marriage"? This, in his own words, is his reaction to learning of the institution of the practice:

Well, you've seen the photos, you've heard his feelings on the subject ... can you blame him?


[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<hr></blockquote>

Damn you Joe!! Damn you and your telestial heaven beleiving, non alcholic drinking, white shirt wearing, bycicle riding bretheren.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Joe was just teasing us. That's the Brigham Young University Cheerleading Captain.

What a hottie!<hr></blockquote>Well you gotta figure that out of 19 wives one or two wouldn't be completely repulsive. She couldn't be a BYU cheerleader though ... she's too young and shows too much skin.

But I have to remind everyone that it's really due to FlossieJeff that you have that photo so you should really be thanking him.


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I think if she let her hair down and got out a bit of eye-liner and lip-stick, and perhaps got into a bit of leather gear with maybe some stiletto heeled thigh boots, you know, the ones that lace up from the rear, WE COULD BE ONTO A REAL WINNER HERE Joe!


Ohh yeah, bring it on!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

I think if she let her hair down and got out a bit of eye-liner and lip-stick, and perhaps got into a bit of leather gear with maybe some stiletto heeled thigh boots, you know, the ones that lace up from the rear, WE COULD BE ONTO A REAL WINNER HERE Joe!


Ohh yeah, bring it on!<hr></blockquote>No, no, you're thinking too small Stuka ... no Bauhaus no, HE'S THINKING small ... no I'm not saying that at all ... no I wouldn't use SMALL in THAT context ... no, no please don't, please ... {sigh} ... no that's not what most would consider small, you're quite right.

Sorry Stuka, you know how it is. Anyway, how about:

"3D Celebrity_amateur_Morman_wives_in_leather.Com"

Those stereo photos we were talking about ... hmmmm?

Yes, Bauhaus, thank you ... yes, we'll mark that down as a vote FOR. Thanks again.


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WOW!! :eek:

Now THAT is what I call a [wolfwhistle]REAL SHEILA!![endwolfwhistle] Hey Joe (hmm -somehow those words suddenly remind me of a strange Experience I once had) have ya' got any "spares" who want to emigrate to the land of milk and honeys, please, huh...pretty please...??? Us nice, tanned, muscular bronzed Aussie boys will treat 'em REAL NICE!!

Yours lustingly,


(pant, pant, sweat...sweat...)

[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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Well yes, Lars but let's remember that young Johnnie Walker (how's THAT for a name to give to your kid, no wonder he turned out the way he did) is OUR countryman ... and a Taliban/al Qaeda soldier ... and he's FOR SURE a twit.

I thought that Stuka's characterization was ... compendious.


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Not quite a 'countryman'.

I do beleive he'sa onea tham dang southerners and as such is not worthy of the title 'countryman'.

Yep, once they cross the Manson-Dix...err, Queensland border, its all downhill from there.

Hell, even Joe Shaw is more Aussie than Flossie.

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ANd now for some UPDATES:

Lawyer, Joe Shaw. Berli and Speedbump all profited by the implosion of my hard drive. I of course was winning all our matches, but those stingy bastiches will never acknowledge it.

Leeo is discovering why it was so darned hard for the Canucks to advance a mile in Holland. No, no, its not the dykes - its the incompetence of the Allied commanders. So far, he has lost about half a company of infantry, three or four armoed vehicles (including three tanks to one well placed gun), and several pairs of trousers. I have lost a couple of schrecks, an mg, and Hans, our company waterboy. IF hLeeo makes it to my main line, I will gain my revenge.

Goanna has imploded. I have destroyed at least 2/3 a company of armored infantry, a couple of halftracks and a pair of tanks in exchange for on Churchill. This one is in the bag.

PL talks a good game, but has been so frightened by my setup that he has turned tail and fled. Or somthing.

Masochistic Speedbump has demanded a rematch. The setup involves a green British force (me) attacking his entrenched German regulars across large expanses of open ground in a snow storm. This shouldn't take long.

The rest of you should sod off now.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmmm? What's that? ANOTHER request for MORMON WIVES?<hr></blockquote>

Ok, which one of you vile, pissant, scumbag, sodding bastards made this request? Shaw! A request for Mo... Mor,,, (screw it, I can't even say it) is a clear indication that kangaroo (sit down all you Ozzie slime) court is in order!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Ok, which one of you vile, pissant, scumbag, sodding bastards made this request? Shaw! A request for Mo... Mor,,, (screw it, I can't even say it) is a clear indication that kangaroo (sit down all you Ozzie slime) court is in order!<hr></blockquote>COURT! Right, with Stenographers of course! Do we have any {Joe steps aside and presses himself against a wall} ... volunteers for the JURY?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

young Johnnie Walker...FOR SURE a twit.


Joe, young Johnny is no longer on OUR side, now is he?

How does a kid named after such good booze go so wrong?

Stuka’s characterization of Flossie was at least succinct if not compendious.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Joe, young Johnny is no longer on OUR side, now is he?

How does a kid named after such good booze go so wrong?

Stuka's characterization of Flossie was at least succinct if not compendious.<hr></blockquote> Now Lars, don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs lad. No, I'm not sure what that means but it has something to do with trying to one up your elders of which I am one.

Your original statement to Stuka was that FlossieJeff was a COUNTRYMAN ... it had nothing to do with being on one side or another. Since Johnnie Walker didn't renounce his US citizenship he is still {shudder} a countryman.

And according to the dictionary sitting on MY desk, "compendious" is defined as: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Stating briefly and succinctly the substance of something; concise ...<hr></blockquote> So my usage of the term is correct ... so there.


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