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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Combined Arms and Spanish Bombs,

Yes, the scoring formula will give one flag to your opponent and one to you. For the reasoning behind all this see page 3 post by JPS here

Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote>

OK, I get it now. I think I had read that before but hadn't remembered it because thinking about it made my head hurt. But, through the pain, I see logic.

Now, the only question is, which flag do I get? I'll take the one on the right.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Just in case you are serious, you don't really get the flags, you just split the unclaimed victory points. The flags were both contested. The points for both will therefore be split between you. ;)

Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote>

Got ya.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Treeburst155 and Olduvai,

My Merriam-Webster's COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY, TENTH EDITION defines exsanguination as "the action or process of draining or losing blood" and shows the word first came into use circa 1909.


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Well, don't I feel like an idiot!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Only two more games of "We Can't Wait" still to be completed.

Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote>

And one of them is one between Bertram and I. It will be a while in finishing so nobody should get their hopes to high. Sorry.

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The battle with von Lucke is officially concluded, even unto having submitted the long AAR and such to Treeburst155.

George and I are engaged in a swirling fight at frighteningly close range while at the same time he's probing both of my flanks looking for a weak spot. I predict further losses next turn and fervently hope they won't be mine. Have inflicted

some good thumps early but paid for them too.

I have officially decided that every other scenario

I've played in Rumblings was for wimps. My current battle against Peter is ultimate proof of the existence of hell, a hell designed by the Satan of scenario designers, Wild Bill.

The battle, apparently historical, puts my forces into a boiling maelstrom of destruction of the most stunning proportions and forms while at the same time negating every advantage my force would otherwise have. By and large, I can't see, can't shoot and can't move. Meanwhile, I'm taking fire like you wouldn't believe and from everywhere at once. Casualties are enormous and mounting, tactical cohesion's shredded, defenders are popping up like toadstools after a spring rain, and to complete my bliss, he just got more. Consequently, I'm being counterattacked by the new arrivals who are supported by the initial defenders. Am appealing for the release of micronukes and really need them. Am halfway through this wargamer's hell.

Nothing from Tom, nor has anything been heard from the unfought one.

Must go now for PTSD treatment! Will the playing out of the fight against Peter lead to permanent

institutionalization? Stay tuned!


John Kettler

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I just started my last game of the tourney.

You are a sick, sick man. Any scenario which has troops throwing grenades at each other on turn 1 makes me think that you're either insane or inspired. :eek:

I'll let you know which one it is based on if I win or not. smile.gif

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Tom sent me a turn I wish had vanished forever. In it came a series of painful developments which I'm ill equipped to handle. His massing of force is most disturbing.

Peter and I continue to maul each other. I did manage to recapture one VL but am suffering severely for the privilege. My force more nearly resembles sausage than a military formation, yet I fight on. I killed something most dear to him last turn by way of a going away present for his holiday trip. Generally, the weapons I have are grossly inadequate to the assigned task. This deficiency is being made up in blood. Lots of it.


John Kettler

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Ah John! We'll have to one day sit down, enjoy some coffee, soda or beverage of your choice and discuss the horrors of war.

"Saten of Scenario Design," huh? :D:D:D

I was on a mean streak when I did these little heart-breakers and I feel encouraged by these and other choice comments, many of which cannot be used in mixed company ;)

Hang in there guys, we are headed for the home stretch!

Seriously, I really appreciate the good spirit of play that exists here. That is what makes wargaming so much fun!

Wild Bill

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I am in hell!! In my latest game, I have been locked in closet with the lights turned out, my opponent and I start with our noses touching and then someone says "go".

My troops are freaking out and doing their best imitations of Italian Light infantry in the "rout roll".

I think the casualty rates were lower at Omaha.

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To Mike, My Section II Opponents, and Wild Bill Wilder and His Scenario Team:

It is with great regret that I must withdraw from the Rumblings of War tournament. Some of my earlier opponents may be aware of the family tragedy that struck my significant other earlier in the year. Unfortunately, the repercussions of that event continue to unfold, and my girlfriend must return to her home so that she can care for and provide support for her mother. Kim is the woman I love and the one I want to spend my life with, so it was an easy decision for me to decide to accompany her to Alaska.

Unfortunately, given the confluence of the holidays, the speed of which these latest events have unfolded, the support that my girlfriend and I will need to provide (and receive!), and finally the great unknown of the Alaska wilderness make my return to the internet, the battlefront board, and pbem CM play unpredictable. Though it is no great thing I do for my opponents or inevitable replacement, all things considered, withdrawing from the tournament seemed the best thing to do. I have discussed it with Mike / Treeburst155, and he indicated that a replacement would be found for my remaining two games.

So I would like to say some thank you's and apologies before I sign out of the tournament. First the thank you's.

A big, huge, massive Thank You to Mike for hosting this tournament (and for having the foresight to see that problems such as mine would arise). A similar thank you to Wild Bill and his scenario team. These games of CM have been some of the best gaming experiences of my life, and I am sure that when the scenarios are released to the general public, the kudos will be a-flowin'. Thank you to my Section II opponents, some of which were forced to wait patiently through the first phase of my crisis. To a man you were understanding, supportive, gentleman, and most of all -- incredibly worthy opponents. A special thanks to Tom / TGHCGN@aol.com for his excellent command of the german forces arrayed against me in our game, and especially for his support which touched my girlfriend and I in a deep and profound way. Tom, knowing you and your wife were praying for us was a gift and beacon neither Kim nor I shall ever forget.

And now for the apologies. First and foremost, I apologize to my replacement whoever he/she may be, as I know it is never as satisifying to join a battle in process than develop your own plan. I hope that you are able to gain some satisfaction from the play that I have left you. I would also like to apologize to CDIC and John Kettler, who's two games I am forced to abandon. As my other opponents, you are both gentlemen and worthy opponents, and it is been my pleasure and honor to meet you on the virtual battlefield. And finally, a general apology to Mike, Wild Bill and his Team, and my section II opponents, for I will not be able to accomplish my oft-threatened and now never delivered AAR's. I am a profound procrastinator, and I am very sorry that all of you end up suffering for my laziness.

And so, without further ado, I will leave with the words of some american guy who I am sure will eventually make an appearance in the CM world, probably CM IV or CM V -- "I shall return."

I hope to see you all here when I do.


"Olduvai" George

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Olduvai ]</p>

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Good Luck in Alaska, George! I'll be looking forward to seeing you online again this Spring.

We are promoting your second in command who has already been sent his briefings. He is Major MickOZ!! So, your troops are in good hands and the fight will continue. You don't have to worry about the war. You can deal with Real Life and know you left no hard feelings behind.

CDIC & John Kettler,

Send your latest moves in your game with George to MickOZ. He is ready to go.

Treeburst155 out.

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Hello to all and best wishes to George with hopes for a speedy return to all things CM. I'm honoured that Treeburst has invited me to stand in as a surrogate George in the two battles with CDIC and John K. After playing catch-up with the postings in the thread, this appears to be a great tournament... as I would have expected it to be considering the organisers, scenario designer and participants!

Terry & John.. I've got your e-mails and after a staff-led recon of the battlefields and terrain, I'll begin churning out turns within next 48 hours. The short notice caught me with some RL commitments but these shouldn't hold me up too long.

Happy holidays to all..


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Godspeed to you and those you hold dear to your heart, George!

Charl Theron



To me, the sensation of drinking a great wine or eating a great meal is the same sensation of having performed well. All this comes from the senses. That's what life is all about.

-- Maria Tallchief, American ballerina

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