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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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JK leave Tom alone as he needs to concentrate on our game.

He is a tad miffed at recent events and I hope he does not get more annoyed at what I sent him this morning.


Seriously Tom if you read this I do appreciate your words and hope that you can squeeze the last few turns through the door.

I don't know what you do or your time commitments elsewhere but whatever you can throw of your time my way I am very very grateful.

As for the game, it is only a game and bad stuff happens at times.

As for George have a good holiday (vacation) and I look forward to finishing you,

Opppss finishing off the game when you get back. Watch that rear VL as I think it has my name on it. ;)

Good hunting for the Crimbo Tree. I hope you have a fairy for it. smile.gif


P.s. I am halfway through the AAR for the game with JK. I hope to get that done and out the door by this weekend if not sooner. CDIC get your act together and do one for our game I need some reading material!!!

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish:


I can't stand the waiting anymore. Let me back into the tourney. I need a fix!!!!!<hr></blockquote>

KF have you finished all the games?

If so then I suggest we play the one that JK was getting all heated on.

As we have both played it we could play it again and prove to JK that it can be won from his side?

Or we could play any of the others, baring the two I have yet to complete.


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Tom sent me a turn the same night I last posted. The bloodletting continues across the full width of the board. He's pushing hard on both flanks, with more success on my right.

I was force fed an unripe persimmon by CDIC in the next to last turn. Casualties were fierce, but I got myself into good field position in what amounted to an unplanned sacrifice play.

von Lucke has finally penetrated into C behind his

cloud formation, but lost another D in the process of approaching. His E has my F under direct fire, but my G has a surprise in store.

I await further developments.


John Kettler

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I lost a hard drive about 24 hours ago. Any email sent to me since then was lost. I'm up and running again with no data loss (daily backup) other than the last few emails I received. I saw them, but did not get around to reading them before the catastrophe. So, if you've written in the last 24 hours you need to resend. Thanks!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Following a series of foulups verging on farcical, I finally got the last turn from CDIC. The turn had an extremely high pucker factor. The outcome is classified, but I can say that CDIC and I tore each other apart and beat each other into bloody pulp. Both of us are feeling naked, but for different reasons.

Holidays notwithstanding, I'd love some turns from the rest of my foes and am looking for another Section II fight as well.


John Kettler

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How ironic that I'm now getting turns from Tom but not from the rest of you! Please send some soonest. Also, I have an opening for one or two games in Section II and two of you left to fight, having completed battles vs. Kingfish, Holien and CDIC and with battles in progress vs. Tom, von Lucke and Peter Svensson.

Tom is pushing for a breakthrough on my left (exciting and about to become excessively so) and is driving hard for a major VL in my right rear. Meanwhile, I'm chewing up his men to my front right, am counterattacking the near flank of his push on my rear while facing it head-on in my rear. I guarantee a fierce fight there.


John Kettler

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More major computer problems here! Apparently my hard drive troubles were only the beginning, and maybe the result of, a failing motherboard. My machine is totally whacked, and crashes every twenty minutes. I've tried everything. Soooo,

I'll be offline for few days replacing motherboards, hard drives, sound cards, whatever it takes.

I'll meet up with yall later this week.

Treeburst155 out.

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Tom has done me proud this weekend and we are within two moves of finishing the game. I will keep quiet about the battle, as xxx is xxx about it.

As for George stop messing around with that Christmas tree, and leave the fairy alone. I wait patiently for the next turn.

With a fair wind and my opponents willing we should have these finished this week and the AAR's done before I slip out of the country.

The rematch with KingFish playing the same game JK was moaning about is underway and he has yet to see my XXX and I to see his XXX.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Are you guys swapping porn video's now! What is the world coming to...



Jim R.<hr></blockquote>

Tut Tut Tut,

Some people always have to bring the conversation down to their level.

Shall I bring my collection over to BritVille?

Will it get past those customs men or will I have to bring a crate of XXXX.


P.s. KF says he won't make the same mistake twice. I hope I don't. KF turn to be sent tonight.

[ 11-26-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

As for George stop messing around with that Christmas tree, and leave the fairy alone. I wait patiently for the next turn.


Gack! I dinna think no one could see me! Turns incomming tonight as soon as I put away my ski's.

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Well have played four fo the seven games now (two complete) and I have a few comments.

Wild Bill you are a lying SOB!!!!

You say British Attack in the briefing but what I get is;

British Attack,

Meeting Engagement

British Defence

I am not sure what the hell is going on now.

Seriously, can you and your crew give us some insight on how you designed these things? I mean they are extremely finely balanced. Do you have a formula or something?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Olduvai:

Gack! I dinna think no one could see me! Turns incomming tonight as soon as I put away my ski's.<hr></blockquote>

George you still have your gloves on as you sent me the old turn.


I await the correct turn, take your ski gloves off...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Capt:

Well have played four fo the seven games now (two complete) and I have a few comments.

You say British Attack in the briefing but what I get is;

British Attack,

Meeting Engagement

British Defence

I am not sure what the hell is going on now.


I know what scenario YOU'RE playing. Honestly, the fog of war is getting awfully thin around here. :D:D

[ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

[ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]</p>

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Wild Bill continues his well established tradition

of proctology via RotoRooter in my game against Peter Svensson. The intel brief was codswallop, and I've run into @#%^ from which I've taken major lumps the last couple of turns and have suffered ^&* among my Z. And did I mention it's !@#$?

CQB is the order of the day in my fight vs. von Lucke, who is harrying my attempts to deal with the penetration by shooting through gaps in his screen

as his main force advances to the dulcet tones of the steelthroated warbler. My task is to wipe out the penetration before the main force arrives, to which end I'm busy shifting forces. The battle's extremely chaotic and confused. Most of his effort is directed against my right, but there is much lighter activity in the center.

Tom has mounted some audacious and sneaky maneuvers

which surprised me and did a lot of damage. Some of those involved paid dearly for upsetting me thus. Others seem well positioned to do all sorts of mischief. I've been dishing out the pain, too, via carefully coordinated small counterattacks.

Am still waiting to hear from my two so far unfought foes in Section II. Time's running out, and the holidays are fast approaching. We need to at least start our games.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Capt:

You say British Attack in the briefing but what I get is;

British Attack,

Meeting Engagement

British Defence

I am not sure what the hell is going on now.


All I can say is - carefully read the joint scenario briefing e-mailed with the scenario. At the risk of thinning the fog of war even further (sorry JK smile.gif ) the joint briefing for the scenario I think you're talking about includes the phrase:

"The [british] must take the [objective] quickly and prepare for a ... counterattack."

It'll sure be nice when we're all done and we can really talk about the substance of these scenarios without beating around the bush... ;)

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I got a mixed bag movie from Tom, said movie accompanied by a nuke of a declaration. I don't know quite what's going on or why, but I believe the game with him is about to end abruptly. Stay tuned!

Am attempting to suppress Peter's @#$% and thus limit casualties while continuing the advance. Of course, I don't know where the rest of his troops are.

Haven't heard from von Lucke today.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

I got a mixed bag movie from Tom, said movie accompanied by a nuke of a declaration. I don't know quite what's going on or why, but I believe the game with him is about to end abruptly. Stay tuned!


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Please stop annoying Tom as I have one turn left to play with him and I want to get that done before it is too late.

George thanks for sending the turn I don't understand why you have been soooo bad? Unless it is because of what is happening to you?

Kingfish has just discovered what JK discovered and is starting to cause me pain in our re-match of the game that people keep talking about.

It is quite fun re-fighting it with fresh blood. (Well warm blood...)

Anyway I await anything from Tom and will send George and KF their turns tonight in 4 hours time.


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Stop the presses!

The previously described nuke of a declaration was sent to me by mistake and doesn't apply to me. The battle rages on. Well, it would rage on if I got a turn.

Peter's defenses would benefit greatly from a nuking. Then they wouldn't be so viciously boisterous in this classically Wild Bill uphill fight into the teeth of the defense. What genius back at HQ decided this was a good idea?

Nothing from von Lucke, nor have I heard a peep from either of my two as yet unfought foes. Surrender or fight!


John Kettler

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In spite of my best efforts to blind and suppress, Peter continues to macerate my men, and more of his keep popping up in militarily awkward positions. My HQs are busy kicking and cajoling men who've been put through multiple meatgrinders. I have managed to get some support forward and am sweating out

the arrival of requested fires. Let's say I need them!

von Lucke has resurfaced, moved into %&(* and hurt me in several ways, but I continue to exact casualties and throw both spanners into his works and emery dust into his gearbox at every opportunity. Steel throated warblers continue their

loving songfest to his men. I think he's feeling frustrated.


John Kettler

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