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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

No turn yet from Holien, though I did finally get the one he mentioned after some three tries from his end, Regards,

John Kettler

[ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]<hr></blockquote>

New turn sent not 30 minutes ago as I am now at home.

Sent one to George too, and now doing Toms which will go in next half hour.

JK e-mail me if you have not got it. I now after assessment realise I am in deep poo. Uncle Bill I do hope you have something special for me in this game as I now need it....


Here's wishing...


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Holien and I are rolling turns again. Yes, I am killing things instead of being a target drone. Tom has finally been heard from, and the battle has become even messier than before. Tactical problems abound! I have sent CDIC a turn as well, but he is on hiatus, being out of town until Friday.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

Just seen my next turn for JK.

Thankyou WB Thankyou...

Not quite what I prayed for but beggars can not be choosers and I will make do...

Now Mr JK Rocket man the boot has been switched again!!!


Turn to follow in 9 Hours time.


N.B. It has now gone 9 hours turns sent to JK and George and Toms will be out soon.

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As I am sat at work on a Friday and feel like doing an update here goes.

JK is throwing men my way and so far I am doing a good job at batting them back.

His XX is a pain in the derrier and will get a medal for what he has done so far, unless I can get my hot paws on him. Heh Heh...

His XX are also causing much loss to my X and unless I can declaw them they represent his best chance of victory from what I have seen so far.

Tom and I are trading X for X and so far he is slightly up on the trades. I hope that I can rectify that soon, but I need to be careful as they are dangerous cats with very sharp claws.

George and I are in a stalemate (or waiting game) and I feel a storm brewing and just hope I have battened down all the hatches to prevent my ship from sinking.

The AAR for CDIC is on hold although once this weekend is out of the way I should have some more free time and lots more the following weekend, barring the drinking time in London. So I can complete that epic tale.

I am off line this Saturday Day and Night and will be back online Sunday late day / early evening depending on the snow in Cumbria and traffic on the M6


P.s. Is it only our section that has the mouthy gits in it? How are the other sections progressing?

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Sample Wild Bill briefing:

"Enemy opposition weak. Quickly seize objectives and hold against counterattack."


The approaches are quite exposed, are mined, wired

and protected by roadblocks and pillboxes, not to mention infantry and MGs in upper floors of buildings. Even though the area is heavily photographed and Resistance elements have helped build the enemy positions, nothing shows up during setup. Did I mention that you can't see most places, that your fire support ranges from nil to laughable, your force is depleted, maybe can barely move, and the "counterattack" is bigger than

most of your force?

Alternatively, you start with almost nothing, get reinforcements in weird, inconvenient, even under fire places, then advance into the teeth of a down the throat shooting gallery or are suddenly betrayed by an unexpected keyhole into a covered approach or by an enemy unit that pops up where none was expected.

Don't get attached to your troops, for they won't last long. Pray, though, that all the other people face defenders as talented and tenacious. Otherwise, you take both the personal morale hit of the loss and the statistical hit vs. the median of others playing the same position.

Based on all of my experiences so far in Rumblings,

Wild Bill is a demonic personage who delights in torturing the people who play his scenarios, either that or he's on speed and read way too many accounts of "Situation X" while studying the history of OSS training. The best approach is to think of yourself as a 'droid and remember C3PO's maxim: "We 'droids are made to suffer."

With one finished game and two in progress, I'm suffering enormously and have a score of 4000 on the Holmes-Rahe stress scale. I console myself with the knowledge that I am inflicting a great deal of pain on my foes and by so doing, am perhaps raising the bar on those playing my position in the scenario. Wild Bill's building a golem with all the angst manna he's harvesting from his victims.

Just remember, the default value in these scenarios is military nightmare. Wild Bill is a master at constructing them.

CDIC returned from several days away with a turn so awful I wish I could return it. To call it suboptimal would be a vast understatement.

Holien screams bloody murder at my unfair X, my ahistoric Y and my plentiful Z, but he's dug in, has lots of R, S, T and just got U accompanied by V. How the H won this historically is beyond me. I fight on!


John Kettler

[ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]</p>

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

CDIC returned from several days away with a turn so awful I wish I could return it. Too call it suboptimal would be a vast understatement.


Oh, does that mean you did not enjoy it as much as i did John?


I feel the retribution mounting. John can be consoled by the fact that he has too many armour sound contacts for my liking - the mayhem of battle will indeed get worse i fear. John is counter-attacking from 2 directions and my losses are mounting - but the ratio of infantry losses seems to be in my favour for the moment. Armour wise i am faring well so far.

The battle with Von Lucke is concluded, we both estimated the result wrongly......a surprise, but nonetheless it was a good counterattack by Von Lucke - I missed all the allied good bits and joined the battle just as the Axis were resupplied with overwhelming firepower.

George and i have swapped first turn setups - the battle will begin in earnest soon.


PS. Looks like group 2 should get extra AAR points for the posts on this thread, the other groups seem to have read too much into the extreme fog of war blackout :rolleyes:

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Just remember, the default value in these scenarios is military nightmare. Wild Bill is a master at constructing them.

CDIC returned from several days away with a turn so awful I wish I could return it. Too call it suboptimal would be a vast understatement.

Holien screams bloody murder at my unfair X, my ahistoric Y and my plentiful Z, but he's dug in, has lots of R, S, T and just got U accompanied by V. How the H won this historically is beyond me. I fight on!


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Just a quick 'independant' observation John. You wouldn't happen to be a Pom would you? smile.gif

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Time for the traditional CM gamer's lament.

"The way is clear, the yammerers are gone, yet my

in box remaineth empty!"

Nothing since very early morning from Holien or CDIC. Guess that means that Tom's about to send me another one of his widely spaced turns. That game will be finished about the time the sun goes nova.


John Kettler


Section II unfought foes, am looking for one or two more battles.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

No, KR, I'm not. Was born and reared here in the United States of America. Haven't even been to the U.K. What makes you think I might be a Pom, which I presume is short for "Pommy" as in being English? Where do you hail from?


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Yes "Pom" equals English. The reason for the observation is based on the general mood of your (always entertaining) posts. One could describe them as generally negative in outlook regarding the disposition of your own forces while bemoaning the strength of the opposing forces. Sort of fits the bill if you know what I mean. ;)

Please don't take this personally as it's really only meant in jest & I always look forward to your posts with anticipation.


Jim R.

P.S. I hail from Orrstraya

[ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>

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Jim get back to the gaols where you belong mate... "Put another barbie on the shrimp..."

As for JK he is not a normal American and I would like to meet him as there are so few of them.


JK As for your Red Dwarf question I think it was because they could not get the same actor for the following series, hence the switch.

I have just got back and laughed my socks off at JK's post. A fair rendition of my moanings and our game!!!

BTW your unfair X is XXckd and your turn awaits you. (Evil snigger...)

CDIC glad you are having some fun with JK Rocket man. Us Brits need to gang up on these damn chaps.

Sorry for the tardiness but I spent the weekend in a Jacobean mansion in Cumbria being shot at, and finally dying in a hail of gunfire in a bathroom. (Murder Mystery)

I am now ready to return to reality and send rounds flying.



P.s Sent Out George's turn, YIKES!!!! And Hussah for the boys in blue in regards to the turn sent to Tom

[ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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Time for a nonupdate.

Tom has been returned by the Zeta Reticulans and was therefore able to send me a turn.

Holien did an evil thing to my R. His evil chortle is justified. Is that why his alter ego was shot to

death in Cumbria this weekend? His G force is enormous. A counterattack seems to be starting. Before it arrives, though, I've shifted some D and moved my F.

CDIC is fighting me through virtually the entire depth of the board and much of its breadth. Bullets whizzing both directions are more common than oxygen molecules. His Z losses continue to mount. Meanwhile, my Y has taken a hammering, but my Q is fighting back. The stopper remains in place, in spite of some attempted seal cutting. The attempt was punished.

KR, I'm glad I'm so entertaining. Rest assured that if I actually got to mop the floor with someone in Rumblings, I'd gladly post to that effect. So far, every single battle I've fought has been of the "to the limits" sort in which the combat task is insane

on the face of it, the forces grossly inadequate in quantity, quality, timing or all three, support arrangements grotesquely poor and in which the usual form involves doing everything with nothing. Don't get me started on the intel!

Have sent out turns to all of the above and am ready to roll.


John Kettler

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The infamous 'Von Lucke', a member of the notorious 'Section 2 posse', is wanted for crimes against pixels.

His last known address is: blane2@Flash.net, although we believe he may be hiding out in the Albuquerque, NM area.

If you have any information on his whereabouts please contact us at the address listed below:


A free download of the CMBO demo is being offered as a reward for information leading to his capture.

Contact your local Fallshirmjager and help put this fugitive behind bars where he belongs. Together we can make Normandy a better place.

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What? What? I've sent you two emails since Nov. 01 (with my attached turn), both of which have gone unanswered!

I seem to be having this problem with Tom, as well. Is it something to do with AOL (Tom's ISP also)? Are they deleting my emails because of my "el Schahin" (it's Arabic) monicker?

PS: Just sent it to you again (this makes x3). Let me know if you don't recieve it.

[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: von Lucke ]</p>

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Morning Update.

JK Rocket man is moaning big time and I think I will make him an honorary Brit. This will only come into effect if I can get him drinking some decent beer. ;)

JK will now feel a stew being brewed at buildings near you as my three witches go to work cooking his forces. I just hope that he has no more surprises as I have the boot and want it to stay on my foot for the rest of the game.

I just want to publicly honour one unit that managed to kill (recorded) 18 plus of his men before they managed to sneak out the back door leaving 3 of their own. Good going chaps, the grenades down the stairwell worked wonders!!!

JK is an absolute gent and I look forward to the AAR, which should be soon as we have I think 7 turns to go, and he is turning them out daily.

Tom is sat back waiting for me to deal with him. I have sent in some flyboys who are for once not shooting at me, and not doing much to him. The game is still in the balance and could go either way.

George has been sent his turn and I am now in for a severe beating and just hope my lads can take it and hold onto what they have. There are about 15 turn’s left in that game and I might get it finished before the 6th Dec with a fair wind.

My AAR with CDIC is planned for this weekend as my beloved is in Paris and I have the pad all to myself, wondering how much she is spending. :(

Well back to work and I look forward to the next turns.


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Holien is blowing the Q of R apart with his D, which he has in vast abundance.

I'm not sure how to react to his back patting on forces in heavy buildings being able to defend them strongly vs. attackers who must generally first cross open ground, then endure a hail of S as they storm the F. Basically, it's a hose fest, especially with nearby defenders chipping in. My means of suppressing the defenders have been grossly inadequate to the combat task throughout the game, and my casualties plus his reinforcements haven't improved matters. Holien has a full military toolkit plus dominant terrain in several forms, excellent cover, considerable depth,

covered withdrawal routes when pressed, and crossfires all over the place.

By contrast, my situation is not unlike the old adage about all problems being solvable with a hammer if that's the only tool you happen to have. My hammer's way too light for the job, and I need a crowbar, a sledgehammer, a jackhammer, and several other important items, such as dynamite. To mix metaphors further, Holien has a pat hand, while I need to draw an ace. I shall continue to punish him at every opportunity, but the correlation of forces is far from favorable. How the H did this for real

and won is beyond me. Obviously, the defending commander wasn't as good as Holien. I could really use some serious support right now.

Nothing lately from CDIC or Tom, but I did send my setup to Von Lucke. Am defending. Evil awaits!

Guess I need to update my AAR for Holien. Got so wrapped up I haven't made a note since turn 5 or so.


John Kettler

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JK is using his final troops to charge my hapless defenders. I just hope they have enough strength in their fists!

No turns from George or Tom in a day or so. If you did not get my last e-mail please say and I will resend.

JK the video is on way to you and these last four turns will be crucial. As with all WB games they rarely end before the allotted time.



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Wild Bill is not my shepherd,

I profoundly want.

He showeth me green pastures

Yet soweth them with wire and mines.

He girdeth them with pillboxes

Which laceth me with MG fire.

He granteth the foe dominant terrain

While he maketh me to attack in the open.

He plagueth me with mortars and artillery,

and seareth my flesh with tongues of fire.

He rendeth flesh from bone with iron chariots

and crusheth and blasteth life from mine troops.

For these and worse is his name become accursed;

his work blighteth the spirit and saddeneth the heart.

Unless thou somehow winneth!

Battle's joined with von Lucke. Turn 1 and both of us are already taking casualties. I've heard of high combat tempo, but this is ridiculous!

The relentless attack against Holien continues, a process which would be a whole lot easier if the previously mentioned accursed one had given me any

number of military bounties and/or the means to really hammer Holien. Wild Bill's design philosophy here seems to be that if less is more, none must be stellar, especially after giving the foe with a full military quiver.

Tom remains AWOL. CDIC hasn't been heard from of late.

That's all I have.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Wild Bill is not my shepherd,

I profoundly want.

He showeth me green pastures

Yet soweth them with wire and mines.

He girdeth them with pillboxes

Which laceth me with MG fire.

He granteth the foe dominant terrain

While he maketh me to attack in the open.

He plagueth me with mortars and artillery,

and seareth my flesh with tongues of fire.

He rendeth flesh from bone with iron chariots

and crusheth and blasteth life from mine troops.

For these and worse is his name become accursed;

his work blighteth the spirit and saddeneth the heart.

Unless thou somehow winneth!


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

John, without a doubt this is your finest by far. You rarely disappoint. :D

In case you may not have caught on to what I was trying to say before I was implying that you remind me a bit of a typecast "Whinging Pom", but the rider to that is that you are one of the funniest to boot. So I take it all back and let your humour do the talking.


Jim R.

[ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>

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JK Rocketman is truly talented. Have you ever wondered why his best work is early in the morning? He is reputed to be a West Coast man and his nocturnal habits could be linked to his twitterings.

Of course there are two sides to any story and mine will come out in due course. Needless to say there are things I would have done differently if I had been JK, would they have worked, who knows?

All we can do is wait until all the games for that scenario are played and see if all those playing the side JK played suffered the same fate.

Of course some of his musings are tongue in cheek (I would hope they were) and his real views may lie closer to the median. I await his AAR to see how he really thought about the game and see if he takes ownership for his actions.

Anyway I see in my Mail Box a turn from JK and Tom and I look forward to playing them on my return home tonight.

For Tom and George if you happen by this watering hole of innuendo my beloved is away in Paris from Friday to early Sunday. This means I can keep American time on Friday night and maybe Saturday depending on how much I drink at the London CM meet.

If you want to get some quick turns in, tell me a time and I shall do my best to be around to oblige. I have 2 and a bit weeks of play left before a lay off until the beginning of January.

Fishman you are so funny you could be a Brit as well. Our game was a blast and I have been sooo lucky in playing some nice friendly chaps, even CDIC.

KR if you are in Sydney I will be there for 10 or so days and will be visiting many bars, fancy a drink?


P.s. Just seen KR is in Adelaide which explains his British interest as it is the most British of all Aussie Cities. ;) I will be there over the weekend of 21st Dec sampling the wines and catching up with an old work colleague and his family and then upto Sydney for the 24th.

[ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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