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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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Urgent Question about prisoners. I have done a search and it seems that you only get points for prisoners if you exit them off the board on your base line?

Or they are on the map at the end.

Is this true?

Does that mean exiting prisoners off the map sides will get you no points?

Does anyone know the answer to this?



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Tell it to the widows! As for your moles, have you tried ultrasonics? The technology is supposedly good against all kinds of pests. We had gophers in Arizona years ago; got rid of them with spring traps. I still remember those huge dirt encrusted front teeth. I sent you another turn in my martial throwback.

CDIC is practicing destruction on a large scale and has become quite good at it. The vacuum index for me on the game is off the scale. I sent him a turn.

Kingfish is bringing in X with Y to do Z. Meanwhile, I have dealt with D by bringing in P and Q, with a result of R. The news isn't all bleak, though, for I killed F and G this turn and hammered

L with M. There will be a quiz. I sent Kingfish a new turn.

Tom hasn't been heard from in a while, but he owes me a turn.

Will be leaving the house in about three hours.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

Urgent Question about prisoners. I have done a search and it seems that you only get points for prisoners if you exit them off the board on your base line?


They may be on board or exited off *your* edge of the map. Both brings you prosoner points.

Note the difference with your unit's exits where it doesn't matter which side your exit.

Also, make sure you know which map sides have been set to be friendly to you. The designer may have goofed.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf:

They may be on board or exited off *your* edge of the map. Both brings you prosoner points.

Note the difference with your unit's exits where it doesn't matter which side your exit.

Also, make sure you know which map sides have been set to be friendly to you. The designer may have goofed.<hr></blockquote>

Hi Redwolf thanks for the info.

Is there any easy way to tell if a map edge is mine or neutral or my opponents.

I can infer this from the scenario brief and from map layout but can I be sure. So is there a way to tell for sure?

Also if I happened to walk my prisoners off a neutral edge what would the score implication be?

What if I walked them off my opponents edge? Would he get his men back?

I looked through the manual and there is no help on this and it is none too clear.

In these games it is crucial to get as many points as possible and I have already I feel messed up and I want to know exactly what to do to get maximum points.


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I actually do not know the answer regarding map edges, but if i capture any prisoners i just walk them back to the rear along with a bailed crew or beat up platoon down to its last man or without ammo. So long as the enemy troops do not get near them they will stay as your prisoners. You get double points for captured units. I doubt if i will go hunting for a few prisoners in the dark - i have enough on my plate trying to keep my **** together and preventing my men from committing suicide due to extreme fear and battle stress! :eek: :eek:


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:


if i capture any prisoners i just walk them back to the rear along with a bailed crew or beat up platoon down to its last man or without ammo.....

I doubt if i will go hunting for a few prisoners in the dark - i have enough on my plate trying to keep my **** together and preventing my men from committing suicide due to extreme fear and battle stress! :eek: :eek:


CDIC I wish I had men spare to guard them, most of them are dead. I have already walked a couple of groups off the edges and by the sounds of it lost some valuable points...

Our Game is so close that I need everything I can get against you.

As I now realise you have been playing this game for some time and you know all the tricks. ;)

I have my hands full with what you have left and by the sounds of it (from rocket man and your own upbeat assement) I am one of the few to be able to limit your lead in the group.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

Is there any easy way to tell if a map edge is mine or neutral or my opponents.


Give one of your units a withdrawal order and pan the plot line 360 degrees around the unit. The plot line will turn white whenever it points to the friendly map edge. Once you find out the edge cancel the order.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish:

Give one of your units a withdrawal order and pan the plot line 360 degrees around the unit. The plot line will turn white whenever it points to the friendly map edge. Once you find out the edge cancel the order.<hr></blockquote>

Smart one...

That will do the trick. So if the edges were friendly you could point the unit at any edge?

Thxs Kingfish.


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A quick note to let you all know that I'm back and have already sent out a complete series of turns.

CDIC is fretting over the *** of my *** and blank***. He has reason for his concern.

Tom and I have become even more creative in our carnage. He has *** my in the *** with ***, but took *** and *** in the process. Moreover, my ***

continues, and *** is about to make its presence felt.

Kingfish is the recipient of what I'll delicately term "strong cleansers" but is proving to be an extremely stubborn stain and seems to be planning further such nasty spills. Time for the ZAP 2000!

These hypercensored posts are a pain!


John Kettler

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Time for an update.

Tom hasn't been heard from in a while, but my in basket has been full anyway, thanks to the efforts of Kingfish, CDIC and Holien.

Kingfish and I have but two turns left. There have been some incredibly exciting developments, but I'd have to take that L-pill if I said what they were. Suffice it to say I like them. The game itself is very much up in the air.

Holien stomped the the whey out of my guys and kicked the curds for good measure. Am delighted to report that I put real pain on him as partial compensation for the casualties he inflicted on mine. Some of the means were novel.

CDIC is finally doing something other than advancing triumphally. Some of his men are dying, with more to follow. He's trying to scare me with talk of ***, but I think it's whistling in the dark

on his end.

That's all for now. Oh yeah, Wild Bill's a sadist.

Can he ever craft hairpulling scenarios!


John Kettler

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Kingfish is again micturating in my breakfast cereal. He made a *** appear out of thin air, and the thing *** one of my *** right while it was ***. Worse, I thought he had ***, but it was really a ***. I continued to inflict pain on him, though, for I *** his *** and finished off his ***. My hard work may all be for nought, considering that he's moved up *** in an effort to deprive me of what I've shed blood profusely to gain. One turn to go!

This game has been a military nightmare of the first order, interspersed with brief periods in which things actually seemed to be working. I have wrought all kinds of havoc on Kingfish's forces, but I don't know whether that will be enough to win the day.

CDIC has reacted strongly to my latest moves and seems to be stuck between vigorous response and resigned duck in a shooting gallery. The battle is officially a confused mess. His *** and *** are



John Kettler

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Mornin Chaps,

JK Rocket man I have finally sent the turn after a period of mourning (or should that be moaning... ;) )

CDIC and I are now at peace and an AAR will be on it's way soon.

CDIC is a great chap and his humour (he knows) knocked me off my chair at work a few times. The chaps in the office were a bit surprised too.

As for my three remaining games George is dealing with some family issues and I hope we can get that game fired up again soon as we are about a third of the way through. In the game I have taken XXX and await his response which is bound to follow, desperately trying to find my shovel!!!

JK Rocket Man is about half way through his treatment and has had some minor (very minor, sob sob) successes. BTW WB on that game I do think it was unfair to give him his favorite toy, unhistorical to say the least!! This game could well be my favorite as it happens in an area I like to visit, it is also low tech which makes a nice change.

As for dangerous Tom, I am getting fed up with his taunts as he continues to put round after round into a dead XXX waiting for it to burn. I refuse to give him anymore targets until he stops the above taunts. ;) We are about a 1/4 the way through that game and while he has a slight advantage nothing serious has happened yet.

Well off to get my morning paper and I await California to wake up as my last three games are against those dodgy West coast chaps.



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Holien and i have wrapped up our battle earlier than expected. The night battle was a tremendous fight, fog of war showed i was doing pretty well and my confidence was high in the first half.....but i began to get a clue how well i was doing when my global moral went below 10 percent....then down to 8 percent when a close assault on his AFV went dissastrously wrong....it was downhill from then on until the AI decided i had had enough and hoisted the white flag despite my protests to continue fighting with my 4 trucks!. Holien played a great game, despite his earler setbacks he promptly hauled himself back into the game to grasp a sensational Victory.

I guess what was most amazing was that we did not talk about sheep at all in our e-mails.....most unusual for a welshman eh boyo ;)

John Kettler is gleefully revelling in the arrival of his new toys, he now has the hardware necessary to push me outta town - the next few turns will be exciting.

Tom and I are locked in a tactical dilema - i don't know whether to go forward or back due to threats from both angles, whilst he is hesitating to take that major flag....well, what's it to be Tom?

KingFish and i are also completed, twas a very close battle and the result was about right, an excellent scenario that one.

I have not heard from Psvensson for a few days - but when he gets back a special surprise awaits him ;)

Von Lucke is hammering me in the last few turns of our engagement - but is it too little too late for him?

George and i are not yet underway - Hey George, whaddya say? Shall we get started?


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Kingfish and I have finished our fight, and our troops look it, too. Would say who won, but that might be better left to Treeburst155.

Holien was going to churn turns today, but I have yet to see a single one since his original declaration.

CDIC hasn't been heard from since I sent out the last turn in an extremely chaotic battle.

With my Kingfish game complete and the remainder progressing nicely generally, I have room for one or two Section II foes. I promise a sanguinary experience!


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

CDIC hasn't been heard from since I sent out the last turn in an extremely chaotic battle.

Which was about 13 hours ago - enough time for 7 hours sleep and a half day at work for me - it'l be another 6 hours before i can get to my home computer John.....i can recommend replaying the last movie turn 438 times in the meantime ;)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Holien was going to churn turns today, but I have yet to see a single one since his original declaration.


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Bugger I sent you the turn and was waiting upon a response all day Sunday. (Well inbetween mole hunting and mowing the lawn.)

Tom kept me busy Sunday night and I am now a third of the way through the game with him. Or should I say he is a third of the way through my forces... :(

JK I will rectify that when I get home in 10 hours time and resend you the turn. I do hope it gets through as we are getting to the interesting stage and I am praying for more reinforcements.

Tom your turn will be done tonight after I try and figure a way to get myself back into the game. Or could you help me with that?

George I do hope you can get back online soon. I hope all is well with the family.


P.s. JK Rocket man can you resend the last turn you sent me just in case I did not get (or BT lost) it. A friend sent some digi images on Saturday and I still have not recieved them.

[ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

I guess what was most amazing was that we did not talk about sheep at all in our e-mails.....most unusual for a welshman eh boyo ;)


Look matey boy if we are going to trade national insults I shall respond with a few of my own...

Now let us consider why a Scotsman has been working in China so long?

Hmmmmm could it be (only a suggestion) that it is one of the cheapest country in the world to live?

As for Sheep we leave that nowadays to people that have them, such as the Kiwis and Aussies, all the Welsh sheep have been burnt due to a bit of a outbreak in the UK.

So the Wellies have been put to other uses...

Good luck in your games and I hope people don't come knocking on the back door, armed with automatics and grenades, when you are upstairs next to a burning house. ;)


[ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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George I got your turn and will process it tonight when I get home from work.

Tom same applies to yourself as does it too JK as well. (I have turns to plot and 30 mins before going to work is not enough time to do it well.)

JK is making a strong come back and getting several 1st time hits at some range. I can see him smiling at the last turn, while I winced with pain.

My strong start with JK is about to be clawed back and I await the urgently requested reinforcements. All I can hope is that I have removed enough of his XX so that I might squeeze a draw out of him. However, he has an X and I XX to counter that so who knows what the XXXX will happen. Finally he got rid of X after many attempts and I was really surprised that it lasted sooooo long. Very unusal for an X.

Ahh well back to work and dreaming of victories and defeats to come.


[ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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No turn yet from Holien, though I did finally get the one he mentioned after some three tries from his end, and my turn from CDIC was unfortunately corrupt, meaning I have to wait until he gets home from work in China to get the repeat transmission. I believe the problem was a powerful geomagnetic storm (8 on a scale of 9) which put just enough static in the file/line to make the turn unopenable. I've seen multiple reports today of phone and Internet problems. Mine were so bad I couldn't get online most of the day.

I did finish my AAR for my recently completed game with Kingfish and sent it to Treeburst155. Fair warning to all--reading it can lead to major sanity loss. Still nothing from Tom.


John Kettler

[ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]</p>

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