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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

JonS, I never said what you "quote" me as having said.<hr></blockquote>

Yes, I know. It was long, and I don't like to repost entire long posts. That was why I included the phrase "snipped"

That aside, what you wrote made me laugh, but did leave me wondering about your grip on reality smile.gif

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No, You haven't missed anything - I just thought I "save" the results of those battles to ends of my AARs. But I can see that You have the right (and will) to know results beforehand, so I will post the results for You ASAP. No prob, after all You must have the statistic in order! But as I said, I will write AAR from every battle.


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The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. (Well that is only to be expected when one considers the source of the reports... ;) )

I apologise if I have truly upset anyone. :(

As for names. Well that is really not much of an indicator and I did not use the TRUE name.

If I had then the devil would have surely been unleashed.

Rocket man has yet to see what I have against him in one of my Favourite areas of interest. And I can assure you that if he has rockets I will be very surprised.

On the other hand the scenario seems to have been designed by WB to put Mr Kettle Pot on the receiving end of his favourite weapon.


KingFish that is so unfair actually saying what goes on in that scenario. Dooohhh.

Now the fish is out of the Kettle I was amazed that WB had designed such a game. Using XX as Horses was fantastic and gave the game a whole new dimension.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish:

It's a raid by Finnish ski troops against a Russian supply column somewhere near lake Lagoda. What's really cool is the way the horses panic once the heavy arty...<hr></blockquote>

Mr. Kettler, targeting horses with your beloved rockets will ensure that you end up in the dock for war crimes after the battle. Please desist in your rocket mania and re-direct them against troops...

Charl Theron



Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the

rosy wine.

-- Charles Dickens "The Old Curiosity Shop" (1841)

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Quick update.

CDIC has way too much of almost everything and is using it to great effect. Kingfish has nasty terrain and even nastier occupants. Worse, their friends keep dropping in unannounced. Tom has promised a turn in our special meatgrinder, but no joy so far on that.

Following some technical problems, Holien and I have begun. I guess I should have my troops put on shower caps over their helmets, since Holien seems to be predicting a Nebelwerfer shower. Of course, it could just be trash talk. Time will tell.

My meticulous event documentation has been overwhelmed by all the chaos and confusion (carpet removal, tile, parquet floor construction, massive termite damage repairs, wrecked sleep cycle and an article deadline) on this end. My writeups will therefore summarize the last several turns' developments. I simply lack the energy to do more, especially with five games going at once (4 here and 1 in the Invitational).

That's all for now.


John Kettler

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Just an update...

Wild Bill you are truly sick and should be booked into a place where you can not inflict such pain on the unsuspecting public.

I thought I had seen it all....

This one that I should not have named is crazy and I am making a right pigs ear of it...

I need more practice.... I need more live men... I need more tanks... I need candles, damn you I need candles...



P.s. This is British humour and should be taken with a dash of salt. Those Aussies will understand the whinging Pom as you are a cross between a Yank and a Brit and hence have a small dose of British humour in you...

(Places Helmet on head and starts digging a deep hole to hide in, while singing "Always look on the bright side of life, da da, da da da da" ....)

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

Those Aussies will understand the whinging Pom as you are a cross between a Yank and a Brit<hr></blockquote>

We are?

Not to much Yank in us down here old boy. We do however, Unfortunetly have whinging pom in us.

Oh well, such is life :rolleyes:

Hey CDIC how are those battles coming along bud?

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CDIC is running rampant, firing lots of...and ...while doing...and worse. Tom and I are vying at squad vaporization. I've never seen squads die so fast in single combat. Brutal! Holien is shooting at me in spite of my best suppressive efforts, and Kingfish and I are both screaming bloody murder about our untenable military positions while killing each other at a truly impressive rate.A regular charnel house!

Turns are really pouring in, and Holien is doing his best to crank turns before his epic holiday begins.


John Kettler

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Hi Stixx,

I shall try to give an update of sorts, whilst also trying to keep the code of conduct for "Fog Of War"

I took over 4 battles which were well under way and one that was in setup stage (So i count it as starting afresh) and i started one more.

The 2 that i started afresh have gone very well so far (Against Holien and JKettler). Although those 2 battles are still young i am confident. The 4 that were in progress have been ok, but some not so good.

Against Kingfish - we have been pretty even throughout with regular AFV kills on both sides, he is very agressive and playing well - i am on the rack but holding him off for now - i see the next 5 turns as critical as he closes in on my positions.

Against Peter Svensson - we am doing well, but in the last 3 turns some unexpected visitors turned up to spoil the party :( We then had some relief with the arrival of a few new units of our own - which could swing the game, either way !

Against Tom - he also had some much needed new arrivals and i am a bit concerned, but you had done all the hard work for me in this one - a job well done Stixx.

Against Von Luke the news is not so good, his new arrivals had a catastrophic effect on our army and we are seriously outgunned. :(

I must say that these battles are excellent, the opponents are a good bunch too ! I shall update you more in a private e-mail Stixx - but i would say our position right now is quite favourable.

I hope i did not say anything out of turn here guys.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

CDIC is running rampant, firing lots of...and ...while doing...and worse. Tom and I are vying at squad vaporization. I've never seen squads die so fast in single combat. Brutal! John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Now let me guess at the squad vapourisation game...


Would it be a tad XXX and a little XXX on the XXX side.

I would have to say that is the worse (most dreadful and fearful) game I have played of WB's.

How soldiers in WWII did it without modern day equipment is beyond me. Bloody brave men.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Holien is shooting at me in spite of my best suppressive efforts, and Kingfish and I are both screaming bloody murder about our untenable military positions while killing each other at a truly impressive rate.A regular charnel house!

Turns are really pouring in, and Holien is doing his best to crank turns before his epic holiday begins.



Send me a turn... Send me a turn I need more....


P.s. As for Mr Stixx (appropriate name in some games...) which city do you reside in?

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Important message to my opponents in Rumblings!

The house is being tented and fumigated early Tuesday morning, but I'll probably leave here sometime Monday. Once I do, I will have no ability to continue our battles until I get the all clear

from the termite company. I'm certain I won't be here at all Tuesday, and may not be able to come back Wednesday night either. That depends on when the insecticide concentrations reach acceptable levels. So, I'll be back either Wednesday night or Thursday. Until then, I'll have neither E-mail nor PBEM capability. Thought I'd let you all know.

CDIC, had the forces I was given been even remotely

proportionate in quantity, quality, and capability to your endless, lavishly equipped, looking down my throat and massively supported by armor and artillery force, you wouldn't be able to make such self-congratulatory posts to Stix. I have been doing everything with nothing most of the game and while militarily handicapped from the start.

Holien, I did send you another turn. Your squeals of military woe don't seem to be borne out by your extensive, overlapping defenses or their volume of fire.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

[QB]Important message to my opponents in Rumblings!

The house is being tented and fumigated early Tuesday morning...

...to rid it of the Pooler infestation that has occured. They will be using 150cm Rockets to eliminate these pests and he hopes to have a home to return to....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Important message to my opponents in Rumblings!

The house is being tented and fumigated early Tuesday morning, but I'll probably leave here sometime Monday. Once I do, I will have no ability to continue our battles until I get the all clear

from the termite company. I'm certain I won't be here at all Tuesday, and may not be able to come back Wednesday night either. That depends on when the insecticide concentrations reach acceptable levels. So, I'll be back either Wednesday night or Thursday. Until then, I'll have neither E-mail nor PBEM capability. Thought I'd let you all know.

CDIC, had the forces I was given been even remotely

proportionate in quantity, quality, and capability to your endless, lavishly equipped, looking down my throat and massively supported by armor and artillery force, you wouldn't be able to make such self-congratulatory posts to Stix. I have been doing everything with nothing most of the game and while militarily handicapped from the start.

Holien, I did send you another turn. Your squeals of military woe don't seem to be borne out by your extensive, overlapping defenses or their volume of fire.


John Kettler<hr></blockquote>

Hmm and I thought moles were bad. I have two of the buggers working my lawn over. I hope it goes well and you don't have to wear the mask too long. As for my moles I have gone for the high tech solution of planting wine bottles (minus the wine) and hoping the wind blowing over the tops scares Mr mole away. Failing that bonfire night is fast approaching and the stores have started to sell fireworks. ( smile.gif Evil Grin)

Rocket man I got the turn and don't seem to have scratched your considerable forces. And your protestations about your lack of XXX and inability to deal with XXX make me giggle, you will be annoyed when you actually find out I have XXX as well.

If you had as little and poor quality as I have then you would know my defences are a pretty but useless facade.

I can't wait to see the AAR between you and the Scots man in Shanghai as it bears no resemblance to any games I have played so far. ;)

As for my game with CDIC I had a tad of luck and I might get a draw if I am really lucky.

I had a good few turns with him on Sunday and we are a third of the way through the proceedings.

I will be starting the final game this week once I take a stab at what I should be doing and how to do it. Hmmm now I think about it I bloody hope this is not the one JK rocketing was muttering about.

Bugger if it is...



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