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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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I see no reason why each scenario couldn't be released as soon as all the games involving that scenario are finished (or very nearly so). I will let Wild Bill know promptly when this becomes the case with a scenario.

I also see no problem with releasing the scores for a scenario once all games with that scenario are finished.

Treeburst155 out.

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Sorry to do this to you Treeburst but i think it would be best if i left the RoW.

I don't want to!!!.

Things in "Real Life" have changed alot for me over the past few weeks. I just can't keep turns flowing out sorry.

I'm not sure what you wish to do in the way of a replacement etc. If you need my assistance just hollar, i'll do what ever i can.

Sorry Mate :(


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That's OK, Stixx. I know how real life can be at times. We will find a replacement for you. He will inherit your battles and take up where you left off. I gather he might inherit some rather nice positions too. Good luck to you, Stix!

Hey PanzerLeader and CDIC!! Would either of you guys be interested in jumping into six games currently in progress? You two are our official remaining replacements so you get first shot at it. Apparently you will be inheriting some decent situations in these battles. Feedback from players indicates Stixx is quite competent.

I will send you your briefings and passwords, notify your opponents, and they will send you the latest file. You will be the first to take command in the middle of a CM firefight! It would be an interesting challenge. If you are interested post here. If you are both interested, WineCape will have his daughter choose out of a hat.

Anyone else who is interested in taking up for Stixx feel free to post here too. CDIC and PanzerLeader have first shot at it, but if they decline we will let WineCape's daughter choose from anyone else who expresses interest using the "names in a hat" thing. Please think about it first. You will have to complete six games already in progress, and also play a seventh from the beginning. This must all be done by January 31st. Thanks!

Treeburst155 out.

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Hmmm...I'm not getting a great response on Stix's replacement. Panzer Leader declined and I'm still waiting to hear from CDIC who is very busy this next coming week.

We'll give it a couple weeks. If no replacement is found we will simply have to drop the eighth player from Section II. This would mean the Section II people will each play a slightly different set of scenarios than their brethren in the section.

This is not especially good, but it's the best we can do if no replacement can be found. I'll keep trying to draft somebody.

Treeburst155 out.

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Given all the moans, lamentations and cries of the excluded back when you announced the selectees for Rumblings, how is it that we now can't find someone to jump in to replace Stix (sorry, mate!), who's leaving us? Frankly, the mere thought that we're not being stampeded blows my mind.

Yours in shock,

John Kettler

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My guess is that people don't really want to jump into six games in progress all at once. That's quite a PBEM load, although they could just put a few on hold and still have time to finish.

It could also be that nobody wants to start in the middle of the games. I think it would be interesting and different to take up where somebody else left off. It's only been about twelve hours since I announced the opening. We've a good chance someone will be interested. Keep your fingers crossed.

Treeburst155 out.

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I would like to jump in as as replacement.

In fact, picking up games already in progress has a special appeal to me, not a burden, so no problem here. My PBEM response time was jumpy several times within the last months, however, things usually even out over several weeks. I want extra time for my first move (setup or pick-up).

If interested, please mail me at redwolf@cons.org

[ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Thanks, Redwolf!! I'll let you know within 48 hours or so. I have to give CapitalistDog a chance to respond since he is our last remaining official replacement. I've emailed him.

If you do take over you will not have to hurry. You have plenty of time to get oriented and complete the games. I will send you all the briefings and passwords you need along with your list of opponents. Thanks again!

EDIT: In order to keep things moving along I think Redwolf should get the job if CapDog does not respond. No others need apply.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Hi Guys,

I have not been following this thread for a while, i got a e-mail from treeburst which i read a short while ago and yes i shall be honoured to take over from Stixx.

I guess i had better spend a while to read over the threads again to catch up with the news.

Treeburst can e-mail me the necessary info, files and passwords, give me a couple of days to get in the swing of things and view the files/battles - besides i have a lot of sleep to catch up on after a hectic few days (and nights) at work, but i will be back to normal soon.

Looking forward to enter this tourney, thanks for giving me the chance. Stixx i shall do my best for ya. We can share the spoils of war if all goes well :D


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OK then, CapDogInChina will take up for his fallen commanding officer, Colonel Stixx. Redwolf will be given first shot at any further openings, followed by White4. Thank you Redwolf and White4 for volunteering for combat command.

To the six of you who were playing Stixx:

Send/resend your latest "Stixx" file to CapDogInChina. I will send him everything he needs within a couple hours. Welcome aboard CapitalistDogInChina!

Treeburst155 out.

[ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

To the six of you who were playing Stixx:

Send/resend your latest "Stixx" file to CapDogInChina. I will send him everything he needs within a couple hours. Welcome aboard CapitalistDogInChina!

Treeburst155 out.


Ooops... :eek:


If you read this, please send the latest in our game to CapDog. I've cleaned out my PBEM folder and recycle bin a while ago, and I don't think I have it anymore.


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It appears my email is unreliable at best for now.

Leonard Dickens,

The mail I've been trying to send you was simply a confirmation that I received your AAR and that I now have three of them on record for you. From now on I am going to do this with AARs so people can correct me if I lose one somehow. I'm organized and careful so I shouldn't mess anything up but I will admit that once, in 1979, I made a mistake. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Ok Guys i received a bunch of turns already :eek: Treeburst sent me all the briefings which will give me some great reading for quite a while, i have printed them all out this morning - last night i sat until 3am reading over the previous long thread from a couple of weeks ago. I see the scoring system has changed and it looks good. I am trying to catch up fast, if those in group 2 would be so kind as to give me a brief e-mail to explain the events of the battles with Stixx (It will save you the trouble of e-mailing me several movie turns)then i can get into the swing of things.

Sorry to those guys who just missed out, i shall take this opportunity with both hands :D

Be patient with me for a day or 2.


Terry (CDIC)

PS. If there are any rules that were agreed between any of you and Stix please let me know so i can continue in the same manner.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

PS. If there are any rules that were agreed between any of you and Stix please let me know so i can continue in the same manner.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Stix had promised to surrender on the next turn. Let me know if this is a problem.

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No worries Stixx - i won't let you down, i have heard a lot about Kingfish (good things i might add) and i shall enjoy sending you the vitory AAR to read ;)

I finished reading the briefings, wow, i can't wait to get going, but i got to do my homework first to ensure i don't screw up the battles. I am not sure if i can get hold of a few older movie files to preview? I think if you guys in group 2 have any movie turns to send over i can get a feel for the battles - Stixx, do you still have any?


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