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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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The song is called "The Battle of New Orleans"

and was a major hit during my childhood. It's available on a TV promo in a songs that tell a story compilation and begins.

"Well, in 1814 we took a little trip

Along with Gen'ral Jackson down the mighty Mississip

We took a little bacon, and we took a little bean

And we beat the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.


We fired our guns, but the British kept acomin'

Not so many now as there was a while ago,

We fired once, and they began arunnin'

Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico."

I love that song!

Here's my favorite verse:

Oh, we fired our cannon till the barrels melted down

Then we took an alligator and we turned him right around.

We filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behind

And we touched the powder off (pause) the gator lost his mind."

And you thought the donkey mounted cannon and camel mounted Gatling gun were wild!

Since we can't discuss anything meaningful here, Tom, send me a turn, please. I could use a distraction from all the floor installation racket (parquet) on this end.


John Kettler

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I have some major real life changes that are about to occur that will start taking up alot of my time.

I'm not sure if i will be able to continue in RoW. I will do everything i can to stay "active" but there are only so many hours in the day.

I do not wish to pull out now especially after i have done some serious ass whipping of some of my opponents but..... Real Life takes priority.

I'll inform you of my situation as things get closer.

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Sorry to hear that. I presume that I should continue doing my set-up in the case that we can play it?

Or should I hold off until you can ensure time?

Either way my third game is 9 turns from the end so if anyone else in group two wants to kick off a new game e-mail me and I will respond to mike with your e-mail.




[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]

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My gratitude to the participants that have send in their very entertaining AAR's (some even with map snapshots + annotations!). It sure is a pleasure to read them. I( kindly thank you for your effort.

Best of luck/roll of the dice to all in forthcoming battles,

Charl Theron



Wine Connoisseur, Noun. A specialist who knows everything about something and

nothing about anything else. An old wine-bibber, having been smashed in a

railway collision, some wine was poured on his lips to revive him. "Pauillac, 1873." he murmured … and died.

--- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil’s Dictionary" (1911)

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Do what you can, Stix. If worse comes to worse we'll get CapitalistDogInChina or PanzerLeader to take up where you leave off.

You still have 3 1/2 months to finish your games. You have six games going right now. You could put three of them on hold until the other three are finished. You would have time to do that I think. Anyway, good luck with real life.

Treeburst155 out.

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.RTF format is fine for me Juha, which can be read by most applications. I have the ability to also view AAR's in MSWord97 format or as .html format as done by Peter Svensson.


Charl Theron



Try to tell people that [wine is] really a simple business, something to

enjoy and forget about, like television. They smile knowingly and shake their heads. They know that wine is a complicated, mysterious business, best understood either by intense people in white coats with clipboards or by soigne people in black ties who look like Sir John Gielgud.

-- Frank Prial, NY Times September 4, 1985

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Just curious, in the event that Stixx has to leave us how would we work Capdog or PL into the tourney? Stixx and I are almost to the halfway point in our game, so FOW is for the most part gone. I assume it's the same with Tom Norton. Do we have a couple of reserve scenarios for such a situation, or do we start over playing the same ones?

Again, just curious

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I read from the comments that they would continue as if you were playing Stix. I.e. they would have to deal with what was left by Stix.

By the sounds of it that is not too bad a deal for the new players, if Stix is to be believed.

Sure some would say that they (new players) got through not by their own merits but it is better to have it continued (by a different hand) than killed IMO.

I don't think there can be any other way as it would mean you having to replay and if you were winning that would be unfair.

But if we have 3 1/2 months to play these games then it should hopefully be possible to finish them in that time.

I know that from the 9th Dec to the 5th Jan I am doing a world wide walk about (flights permiting) and do not expect to be able to play. Hence I need to get the other games going now.

So if any other players in section 2 read this are you ready to start? E-mail me and Mike Please ASAP.

BTW I have read your ARR "KF" and it is very entertaining and sums up our conflict well. I am going to update mine slightly and re-send it later this week.(On a more personal note "KF" I hope it is just a fluke those two chaps in FL.)

So anyone else want to kick of our games. I have 7 weeks to play before I am cut off. I can manage some TCP/IP games if you can and will even stay up late to meet up with our cousins abroad.


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Stixx,Tom, Treeburst155,

Thanks for the update, guys. And to think that I was attributing the lack of turns to obsessive watching of war on terrorism television coverage!

Stixx, I hope you get things sorted out satisfactorily, but since we've barely begun, shelving our game temporarily wouldn't be a big deal at all. Would hate to see you forced out of Rumblings altogether, though. Please let Treeburst155 and me know your plans once you know yourself.

Tom, obviously you're alive. Since you're not citing real life woes, please send me a turn. It's been days now since I last had one. Besides, you can hardly say nothing's happening right now in our game.

If Stixx either has to shelve my game temporarily or even leave Rumblings I'll be glad to fight another player in Section II who's available. I have three battles going at present, two in Rumblings and one in the Invitational. What with construction going on, deadlines and other matters, it's about all I can handle for now.


John Kettler

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Should Stix, or anyone else, not be able to continue they will be considered casualties of war and replaced by another officer. Naturally this officer would assume his new duties right where his fallen comrade left off. This means completing any unfinished games. Hmmmm.... that could be quite interesting....taking over for somebody else right in the middle of several games. The new commander will also inherit the fallen leader's final game scores.

Restarting games would not be fair to the new player and could cause players to not make the January 31st deadline. Using different scenarios would mess with the integrity of the scoring system. The only good way is to have someone step right into the shoes of the fallen commander. We'll cross that bridge when and IF we come to it.

Treeburst155 out.

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I am at work but if Mike reads this can you fire the e-mail of the set-up my or Georges Way.

I have 5 turns left of my game with Peter and can start another on top of Georges.

Anyone else in group 2 want to dance?

I will do an individual petition tonight to the remaining players in group 2.

Cheers George I look forward to the battle. So far I have had a roller coaster of ups and downs. I wonder where our battle will take us?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When will the "public" be able to read these AARs?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Trust me, you do not want to read the AARs. You'll want to D/L each one and save them for a double blind PBEM or TCP game. Do everything you can to preserve the FOW for these 8 scenarios. You will not be disappointed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish:

Trust me, you do not want to read the AARs. You'll want to D/L each one and save them for a double blind PBEM or TCP game. Do everything you can to preserve the FOW for these 8 scenarios. You will not be disappointed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Having tested these as well, I'll second that! These babies are keepers!

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Tom has finally been heard from mit turn in hand, and we managed to get several turns played tonight. I put some lumps on his boys, so I feel better.

As for preserving FOW in the new scenarios once they're released to the public by not reading the AARs, I strongly concur. You'll be kicking yourself otherwise.


John Kettler

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Just finished the Third Battle last night with Peter.

That scenario was wicked and he was caught out with some crazy happenings as was I at the beginning.

I am just starting two more (Stixx and George willing) and from looking at the maps and reading the briefs I am scared.

Based upon the last three games these will not be easy and I will have to work hard to win them.

So don't read the AAR's unless you have no intention of playing the games DBL BLD. Preferably with a close friend who will sooth your ego when bad stuff happens (as it surely will).

I would try and give a favorite of the three but they have all been good fun and offered true challenges to both players. So I can't choose one above all the others.

Who knows maybe they will be out for Christmas?

Certainly some should be out by then because once all the games of a particular scenario has been played then the results for that scenario can be published and the game released for general play.


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