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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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I agree the horse race is fun to watch as it unfolds. I would probably vote for full disclosure inspite of how it affects player tactics toward the end, just for that reason. However, modifying tactics based on various statistics isn't too realistic. Every battle should be played like it is the ONLY battle.

On the bright side, the revelation of the tourney results will be fun. For example, Player A scores an 80-20 victory on a scenario, only to find out at the end he was only 2 points over the median for his side of that scenario. LOL! There will be much to discuss when all is finally revealed.

Scoring AARs

AARs will be scored as follows:

I edited this out as I thought of a problem. I'm back to the drawing board on this.

9-5 in favor of full blackout! Cast your vote today!!

Treeburst155 out.

[ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

I would probably vote for full disclosure inspite of how it affects player tactics toward the end, just for that reason. However, modifying tactics based on various statistics isn't too realistic. Every battle should be played like it is the ONLY battle.


I agree it's not realistic to modify our tactics depending on what we know from sources outside the scenario. But sometimes you just can't help yourself. For example, yesterday I was going to do the setup for a PBEM with one of my regular opponents. Not thinking properly, I opened the scenario on the Allied side, only to remember a couple of minutes later that my opponent wanted to play Allies. Figuring I'd just forget what I had learned, which wasn't that important anyway, I re-opened the scenario to set up the Germans. But I just couldn't forget what I knew about the Allied set-up, and that knowledge spoiled the fun. So I had to go find another scenario.

What I'm trying to say is: thick, damp, fog of war is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. And once it starts lifting, there's no way to bring that curtain down again.

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On the subject of being kept in the dark ... I've noticed that the mailings between my opponents and I have been rather ... spartan. No-one wants to give anything away through an inadvertent comment or quip :D

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Nabla has written a DOS program that will calculate final tourney results from the raw CM scores. It's a great time saver for me and anyone else who wants to manage a tourney using the Nabla system. One thing it does that is different than my scoring explanation is that at the end, after totalling all the Nabla scores for a given player it then gives the players' average.

IOW, final results will be posted as an average of all your Nabla scenario scores. This changes nothing. The ranking of players remains the same. The average of the highest score is still the highest and so on.

At the end, final scores for the entire tourney will most likely range from -12 to 12. IOW, the winners of each section will likely average approximately 12 points per scenario. This estimation is based on running hypothetical tourneys using typical game results through the scoring program several times.

Having now a fairly good idea of what the winners' scores will be I can assign a sensible number of bonus points for AARs. These AAR points will be added to your final tourney score after the program does its thing.

Each AAR will be worth 1/4 to 1/2 of a point. If you turn in 7 decent AARs your final tourney score will be increased 3.5 points. This represents about 30% of the winner's likely score (not including his AARs) and is ample reward for taking the time to write AARs IMO. If your final tourney score is 8.00, but you write 7 decent AARs your final score will automatically become 11.50. AARs are well worth writing. I doubt the winner will be anyone who doesn't write at least a few decent AARs.

Does this AAR plan sound good? Too much AAR bonus, perhaps? Not enough? Does anybody see any problems with it I didn't think about?

9-5 for information blackout. Cast your vote!!

Treeburst155 out.

[ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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In regards to AAR's that seems fair and I am happy to go with that.

I am still working on my 1st AAR and will soon have to do my second, it does take creative time to write something and a little reward will help keep me focused on it.

Well now back to how to lose and yet win.


Wild Bill has a lot to answer for while I got some extra sucker my opponent got more and I am being swamped...

"Time to die with honour"...

May I learn so much more for my next defense!!



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Hmmm, lets see now ...

(56 players) * (7 AARs each) = (lots of reading)

I think towards the end of that lot TB155 will be giving maximum marks to AARs like:


Turns 1-25:I kicked Napoleons' butt, and it felt great!



[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: JonS ]

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I vote full blackout. AAR scoring is fine.

On another note, I think Wild Bill has produced some amazing scenarios. The tactical challenge of these scenarios is extremely high and so is the unpredictablity factor--my sense of "who's winning" often seems to swing wildly from turn to turn. When these scenarios hit the general CM world I think the other players will be amazed at what Wild Bill has put us through.

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Full blackout and the AAR scoring both seem kosher to me.

I second what Combined Arms said. Who appears to be winning a scenerio seems to swing back and forth quickly. These are among some of the most fun scenerios I've played. I've also seem some units that I've never bought for QB's or seen in other scenerios. That add's to the cool factor as well.

Good job guys with the tourney.

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Wild Bill you are a marked man...

I have just got the start of my second Defense game and my words on the e-mail to my opponent go along the lines of "This is insane"....

As for my first defense game that has 6 turns left and I am on the way out.

A clever assualt by my opponent and some bad decisions on my behalf. (I would blame you but I know when I goof, so in all honesty I can't!!!)

I can only hope that there are worse players than me out there doing the same defense. (doubtful about anyone being worse...)

The AAR is nearly done and after waffling on here I shall eat and finish the master work.

To people who want to play these when they are released please do so with care, in a darkened room and with a friend close at hand. Failing that a stiff .... (behave yourselves) drink....



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holien:

To people who want to play these when they are released please do so with care, in a darkened room and with a friend close at hand. Failing that a stiff .... (behave yourselves) drink....



The next time I play these I'll be sipping some fine S. African wine.

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The most AARs I could receive would be 168. :eek: Peter Svensson has expressed interest in setting up a site for them. They are quite interesting to read. I'm not really grading AARs. As long as it is a fairly detailed account of the battle it gets 1/2 point. If it is too brief, then it will get 1/4 point. Write a few good pages detailing the highlights of the battle and your thinking and you'll get full credit. If you send in an AAR that is way to brief, I'll let you know that you need to expound a bit more to get any credit. One reason for encouraging AARs is to provide entertainment and feedback to Wild Bill and his testers, WineCape, and myself. Another is that the AARs can be very instructive to all CM enthusiasts. Players of lesser skill can get inside the minds of those who do well and learn to play better.

It looks like full blackout will be a reality. You are now cutoff from HQ. You are alone with your battles. You have little

knowledge of the progress of the war that rages around you. Do your job, and pray the friendlies on your flanks will do their's too.

At the end all will be revealed. Final ranking, individual game scores, the median score for each side of every scenario, AAR points earned, the works. In the meantime, enjoy the fog.

Treeburst155 out.

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Congrats to Von Lucke who has done the deed and is the "Daddy"... (A British thing for the Yanks reading this, don't ask).

I am now looking for someone else to kick me...

Ohh beat me beat me... I love that pain...

I have thrown down the gauntlet to Stix and await his reply.

I can handle one more, maybe two more games.

As from the 9th Dec I am travelling the world via SF, NZ, Aussi and Singapore for a month so I guess I need to get as many games complete before that date so I don't hold the tourney up.

I have asked my G/F if I can take a portable but she was somewhat reluctant... Hmmm I don't know why...


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This is a quick note to say that, barring further unforeseen woes, I should finally be able to roll in Rumblings, thanks to having received and managed to install Stuff It Deluxe, in spite of grossly wrong instructions. I can now compress and decompress all manner of file types.

Stix has been sent a zipped version of my German setup, and Tom has been sent my first real turn, also zipped.


John Kettler

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The games vs. Stix and Tom are working, at least well enough that we can play. Stix apparently had a few problems. None here on my end. Tom was dumbfounded to hear from me at all.

The game vs. Tom has begun with shattering force. Hordes of blank came swarming out of the blank, doing blank to my blank. They did blank to my guys, taking blank in the process. Next turn, I plan on doing blank, blank, and blank to them.

Isn't a total blackout great?


John Kettler

[ 10-07-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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I've been one of the few fortunate ones to read the AARs from some of the players. It has been very illuminating and entertaining.

Most of them read like a war diary or a combat newsman reporting what is going on around him.

A very energetic and talented group of gamers are participating...none of whom I would care to go a few rounds with in either PBEM or TCP/IP :eek:

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