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Maple Leaf Up!! The PENG THREAD goes North!!!

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You people want a hangover cure?

Well there is only one 100% foolprooth hangover cure. I know it well and out of the kindness of my heart I will share it with you.

It is simple...



Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


[This message has been edited by Speedy (edited 02-04-2001).]

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coupla things here:

a. Homebrew. gotta love it. did massive amounts of brewing BC (before children - now hundreds of dollars of equipment lie dormant in the basement) even won a couple of ribbons (one best of show in Philly and some first and second place prizes too) NEVER a hangover from hommade, but you may find that certain emissions may render the local air quality in the dangerous range. keep a window open.

2. hangover cure number one:

one small can of wine cured sourkraut, kept cold in the fridge over night and eaten directly from the can - no rinsing. half a pound of pepperoni gnawed directly from the stick. two or more 12 ounce beers of any variety, preferably on the lawnmower end of the spectrum and not of the black patent or chocolate malt imbued varieties. lastly, 1200 to 1500 mg of Ibuprophin with one of the beers.

D. In the last 48 hours there have been more fine posts on this thread than in the last 48 days.

5. When enumerating a bulleted list, always, no wait, never, no. um always use a number and only after, no that's not it. uh, OH! YEAH! when enumerating a bulleted list, uh use an alphanum no wait, uh

f. The old firm has challenged me. I have challenged shandorf, or was it jd? damn.

2. regarding certain posts by certain members of this community. we know who the waterheads are. we know who has ALWAYS posted without any genuine malice (for the dense and irony impaired, please refer to page II {or was it 3?} of "Of Cabbages and Kings" phase two in which doris gets her oats, or why people are thin skinned and should not worry so much about things). We are also aware that this is not our private playpen, and that there are those in the world who have not one bitty clue that there are Pods among them, and that while sometimes the Pods will help the humans, in general Pods will mostly just be irritating in non-detrimental ways. Therefore , let it be known that even though there are certainly those who deserve no quarter, dime, buckthreeightyseven or centime... whats this?

MEEKS. ON ICQ!!! a call to arms.

piss off you lot, I've got some killing to do.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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I hate you all.

Looking back, my big mistake was going to the fridge, looking for oranges to sober up, finding beer and taking that instead. Sniff, I feel like a bushy-tailed freshman again. Except without the ability to down massive amounts of alcohol without hangovers.

Hi Peng. Got girlfriend GI? Of course I realize it was my inspired taunting that kept you around. God bless your atrophied heart, laddie, god bless us each and every midget one.

I need a shower really freaking badly. Bye.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Hakko Ichiu wrote:

> Must avoid cheap joke, must resis...

> How about a nice, thick kosher salami instead?

Nee-naaw nee-naaw nee-naaw nee screeech

Roight then Ichiu, you useless bread bun wrapped around a salami, if I catch you harassin' the ladies again, I'll 'av you back to the station for a bit of a chat. Keep it in yer trousers, we don't want to 'av to add you to the bauhaus list.

Constable Aitken

Board Police

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what happened? i get online to check out my pbems.. thanks Hiram (your the only one who sent me a return file) and the rest?? like 30 emails... ban threats, sorry, and bla bla bla.. ok I don't mind being on the pool mailing list for important things like when peng was sick or Stuka getting hooked up or Mace found the use for brain cells..

Lorak.. one note

Sludgemuffin kicke my heinie! large.. yup .. i gave up big deal... woopie... I would give you the score but the git is keeping the return file.. pecker..oops I mean, jerk.. doh! uh... big o meanie!.. geez that felt hollow.

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Scribe thusly:

Mark IV: WIN (65)

Croda: loss (35)

Two ragtag companies and 3 support vehicles assaulted uphill, without benefit of cover or light, against a village held by the evil Crodentruppen, and evicted his arse (can I say that here? Is this thing on?).

Losses were heavy. This was mostly fought with the beta patch, and my Veterans panicked at the opening shots, whereas my Regulars fought like demons spit from the bowels of Hell, despite stumbling into a minefield. A crodische counterattack posed a minor inconvenience and killed a CO, to no avail, and Justice prevailed in the end. As though there were any doubt.

Sadly, the one and only time I ever bought a Croc, it got blasted before I could indulge any cool pyros. So he is still a punk.

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I am reduced to sending PeterNZ his turns by third person, but he did kill one of my M24s in a masterful move (my tank ran smack dab into a hidden light tank).

I should have done a day game, the gamey bastard has about 30 of those light tanks.

Chrisl is next on my list when more dust clears. I have great hopes for this one.

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Scribe thusly:

I need some TCPIP up in here. If there is anyone within the sound of my keyboard...

"Ya'll gonna make me lose my mind,

up in here

up in here

Ya'll gonna make me act a foo

up in here

up in here

Ya'll gonna make me lose my cool

up in here

up in here"

Geoffrey Chaucer did not write that


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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See the new link in my sig for unbridled fun and bridled sheep.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Peng made a quicker comeback than Jesse Jackson. I guess he feels we need some moral guidance that only he can provide.

Sir, how dare you compare me to that worthless ninny? My ability to prevaricate, obfuscate and generally fudge with facts, lies, preposterations and edumacations is far greater than that piker's. It is so typical of you Warshington types to assisinate a Pod's character with such outragousness.

And to suggest that I have any morals at all is simply so insulting that I have no choice but to retain you to sue you for every penny you have. We'll go 50-fifty on the settlement.

Have a nice day, pretty boy.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Sir, how dare you compare me to that worthless ninny? My ability to prevaricate, obfuscate and generally fudge with facts, lies, preposterations and edumacations is far greater than that piker's. It is so typical of you Warshington types to assisinate a Pod's character with such outragousness.

And to suggest that I have any morals at all is simply so insulting that I have no choice but to retain you to sue you for every penny you have. We'll go 50-fifty on the settlement.

Have a nice day, pretty boy.


Alright...that post alone should prove that Peng is a queer. His tush-pushing ways are evident. He clearly said "good bye" in another post and now he is magically back. What gives? Yup, you guessed it. He is a rump-ranger. I knew this day would come. The only way possible I can think of that he would disprove this would be for him to play me in either a TCPIP game (he's afraid) or a PBEM game (trepidation follows him daily).

This is just my opinion and I beg the "god's who censor" that I not be banned for my foul language. I have not described anything phallic or rectal in nature. Please keep in mind that I work and play well with others.

So, Peng. You can live in your "Cabbages and Kings" memory, but the future is the Cesspool. Deny it and fear it, the thread lives on.

Watcha gonna do when the Cesspool runs wild on you?


-There is one among us who objects to the "Cesspool" label. He is German, looks Japanese, and lives in England. Go figure.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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I just felt like telling everyone that I've decided to kill Peng and to kill him good.

In other words, to do it myself.

Hiram, we all know how you feel threatened when certain persuasions are mentioned so why not take your now sweaty hands off the keyboard and fugged aboud it?

If it makes you nervous, just ignore it and maybe it will go away. Besides we shouldn't say stuff like that anymore. You know, like rump ranger and stuff.


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And all that talk about the single malts has made me change my sig. That, coupled with the fact that it is now colder than a welldiggers ass where I live.

I would also like to tell the world that I will not send FrenchPersoon his file today. Why? Because he is French and the French today stole our national treasured heirloom in overtime.

Look you vile Frenchmen, we have less people in this whole bleedin country than you have in Paris alone. You got the football covered so was it too much to ask to let us win the handball trophy again? We've only won it four times in the last ten years and besides you cheated. So give it back or there will be trouble.



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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Originally posted by Geier:

I just felt like telling everyone that I've decided to kill Peng and to kill him good.

In other words, to do it myself.

Hiram, we all know how you feel threatened when certain persuasions are mentioned so why not take your now sweaty hands off the keyboard and fugged aboud it?

If it makes you nervous, just ignore it and maybe it will go away. Besides we shouldn't say stuff like that anymore. You know, like rump ranger and stuff.


I'm amazed and suprised that you even noticed me. 6 months later

Am I offensive?

What should we say? Please send me a list of things we are allowed to say. Then I will strive to comply.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Please send me a list of things we are allowed to say. Then I will strive to comply.

1. I surrender.

2. Mark IV is a CM god. All others are his playthings.

3. Red Wings rule.

4. You [annoy, vex, irritate] me.

5. You think you're going to beat me but you're not, haha.

6. You are otherly-abled and should play easier games.

7. Do a search.

8. Hamster, gerbil, wombat, nutria, chinchilla, porcupine.

9. Your [tank, truck, head] exploded real good.

10. I suck at this game.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more. This approved list should get you through the weekend.

Edited to caution you regarding #10, above. This could be misinterpreted. Please substitute "could use some help with" for "suck at". Taunting's fun, but safety first!

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 02-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mark IV:

1. I surrender.

2. Mark IV is a CM god. All others are his playthings.

3. Red Wings rule.

4. You [annoy, vex, irritate] me.

5. You think you're going to beat me but you're not, haha.

6. You are otherly-abled and should play easier games.

7. Do a search.

8. Hamster, gerbil, wombat, nutria, chinchilla, porcupine.

9. Your [tank, truck, head] exploded real good.

10. I suck at this game.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more. This approved list should get you through the weekend.

Are you the same guy I had a draw against?


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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At were nae pretty. Mah poor wee men kid feel at afore they even heard at. The deep, sonorous rumble o' tha Wermacht armour on tha move. All ailse were eerily quiet, tha wee furry beasts an' fowl o' tha air ha' fled - just the dreadful vibrations reaching through tha groond aintae tha bellies o' mah postrated G.I.s'.

Thain tha squeakin' an' clankin' of metal, tha' gutteral shoot's o' tha feldwebels urgin' their men onwards, tha belchin' roar o' Porsche engines....tha first o' many black tipped snouts began tae rise fraim the green Spring grass on the gentle ridges ain front o' mah men. Leaves fraim tha birch and poplar trees showered down on tha tremblin' figures hunched ain their foxholes. Tha death an' awful violence o' fire an' steel were surely ainly seconds awah.....

Or they would be, af'n tha' mangey stoat Hiram wid actually advance has units forward an' ontae tha field o' battle. But noo, he seems tae prefer nancy'in aboot ain tha back corners o' tha map, apparently clueless aboot hoo baist tae engage has forces wi' tha enemy (tha's mae). Mah boys are sleepin' ain shifts....



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Are you the same guy I had a draw against?

No, that guy was drunk (hey, it was Christmas), and achieved a draw against you as Germans in the set-up fiasco known as "10 Minute Break", which is like some kind of CavScout fantasy shooter.

You will recall (from p. 6 of this unfortunate thread) that your idol Germanboy suffered catastrophically as the Germans in this same wildly unbalanced scenario. I know nothing of Major Tom's abilities, but it is safe to say that Germanboy has more tactical acumen in his dandruff than you could acquire by grafting Fionn's head onto your own shrivelled torso.

This allows me to consider my Draw a Major Victory, according to the modified curve standard in use by the World Massacre Association.

I should also point out that accusing G'boy of looking Japanese is extremely insensitive and very close to the line, young man. Many people (most notably in Asia) look Japanese, but go on to make important contributions and live healthy, normal lives. Many other people look like dissipated white trash, yet in spite of their superficial advantage, never rise above the level of Eagles fan. So we should be very careful about making judgements about people based on how they look.

I will continue to work with you to improve your sensitivity and cultural awareness. We take care of our own, here in the Peng Thread.

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Strangely enough I would have to agree with Mark IV, even though he is named after a sub standard piece of prussian trash. In my current game against Hiram I have killed 3 of his tanks along with a reinforced platoon of Infantry by losing just 1 stug, another vehicle of questionable character on the first turn (these were in pity positions, he had to kill something, eh?) as well as around 2-3 Infantry. The only thing that could possibly save him here is the arrival of the Jabo's, which, lucky for him aren't under his direct control.

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Originally posted by Mace:

I would really like to improve my win-to-loss ratio, and from what I'm reading here, am I correct in saying that Hiram's the man(?) for the job?


Of course he will find some way to take away the thrill of victory. He definitely is Germanboy's student.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

At were nae pretty, wha' mae an' ta chevioot an' ae'...


No surprise there...and we thought you'd never be back...keeping your word like a Covenenter should, I'd say....

The fact that you've stooped to PaulTroons disgusting, petty, self-abusing....FRENCH, tactics of rewriting the hex code so you have my poor tired troops running all the way up hill to your position while you conviniently "EDIT" out my TD's is so typical... explains LITTLE things like why Flodden didnt go quite to plan, didn't it?!?!?

Just wait, I bought six spotters for a reason, y'know....

PS Please note that I very politely did not mention the "gamey-bastard" tactic of running the PSW into my flank and rear... too, bad it's dead: you were obviously thinking of bauhaus when you did it....


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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