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Maple Leaf Up!! The PENG THREAD goes North!!!

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While I await Herr Oberst's fifth file, please note that Mace and I have finished a 40 turn assault (I won, of course) which was started AFTER H.O.


Babs - Win

Mace - Loss

Ho - Slow!


When it's my turn to march up to Glory,

I'm gonna have one HELL of a story...

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Originally posted by Stuka:

OK, pond-scum, its an hour to go before I'm off to the church for the 'big one'. I have'nt even had time to lurk and there is a new thread plus 5 pages of the old one to catch up on...Sheesh!

Nice to see both Croda and myself have taken our rightful places at the round table.

To anyone hoping to see a return file from me...Muahhaahahahaaaa. It ain't gonna happen!

A pestilence on you all.

Well it's 4pm in Queensland now so I expect the ceremony is over and old stukapuka is at the photo session. It is now that he is beginning to wonder just what the hell he has done and being thankful that the reception is yet to come so he can soon get blind drunk.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Guest MrHappy

Originally posted by Kitty:

I guess I'm not much more than a bunch of skin wrapped around a vagina.


That's GREAT, Kitty. I love vaginas. I even got to touch one once. Well, not with permission, but I touched it just the same. It made me very very very HAPPY! biggrin.gif




MrHappy sez, "C'MON GET HAPPY!"

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Originally posted by MrHappy:

That's GREAT, Kitty. I love vaginas. I even got to touch one once. Well, not with permission, but I touched it just the same. It made me very very very HAPPY! biggrin.gif


Well, I certainly hope the wildlife enjoyed your attention and your tender touch, because obviously by your charming nature there would be no human being who would let you get within 100km of them!

you are a pathetic loser, MR Happy, and if I ever, EVER, catch up with you I'll pull your arsehole so high over your head you'll look like a tired monk at midnight!


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Originally posted by MrHappy:

My mother should've aborted me when she had the chance. Unfortunately, here I am to spread sexual harrassment and distasteful joy through misquoting others!



Ouch. Don't be so hard on yourself. Though I have to admit, I agree with the first part.


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Originally posted by MrHappy:

That's GREAT, Kitty. I love vaginas. I even got to touch one once. Well, not with permission, but I touched it just the same. It made me very very very HAPPY! :D


As I don't recall ever posting that I suppose I can now sue you for libel. Or is it slander? Lawyer?



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Guest Madmatt

Mr. Happy,

Comments like that are banable. I think you owe Kitty and pretty much everyone else that read your message an appology. Sexist comments are not acceptable, even in this thread.


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When you advertise something as a cesspool/cesspit you really have to occasionly expect some human garbage (yes I mean you, Mr Hopeless) to float in.

Before any of you regular pool-lurking types take umbrage:-

Mr Hopeless = Mr Happy .... and not you

just so there is no confusion ... you are supposed to offend people on purpose in this thread aren't you ? .... sometimes it is hard to tell with all the bonhomie one finds around here smile.gif (and you would think Canada would bring the worst out of people biggrin.gif)

BTW congratulations Stuka I hope it went like a dream - you know nice but in a kind of dazed way. Those sharp focus weddings can wear the guests a bit thin.

Oh and Hiram how about that PBEM file mate ?

I know I didn't challenge you on this thread but I think you can remember our game. You know the one where all your units are, unaccountably, squished together in a corner of the map doing absolutley nothing other than keeping their, no doubt, eagle eyes focussed on an entirely empty church. Why is a mystery, but how is easy to work out. Give them some orders - then they will move. While there are reports to the contrary the TacAi is not real spontaneous.

edited to better fit Madmatt's specifications (see below)

[This message has been edited by Degrees of Frost (edited 02-03-2001).]

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Guest Madmatt

Okay, let me make this Crystal Clear so everyone is on the same page on this.

This thread is SUPPOSED to be a good natured taunt and games wanted style affair. As with everything in life there are limits and lines and that post above crossed them.

I have asked that the Cesspool clean up its image recently and I thought that was occuring, now I am not so sure.

If you guys (and gals) can't conduct yoursleves with a little self restraint and control while trying to be funny then the future of the Cesspool is doomed on this forum.

Follow the rules and guidelines of the Forums, keep the language in line, and have fun. If you can't do this without resorting to sophmoric and crass humor that tries to achieve nothing more than abuse or shock reactions then you aren't welcome here.

It's very simple. Play by my rules or go to hell.


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-03-2001).]

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Matt -

I understand where you're coming from. But wouldn't it be more sensible to warn/ban the specific troublemakers instead of threatening to close down the thread?

For example, how many threads about CM's graphics have turned into idiotic flamefests? Yet I've never seen you or any of the other BTS employees threaten to shut down the thread and to never allow any future threads on graphics. So why now?

Many of the people who post here are some of the longest standing members of this forum, have made a huge contribution to this forum, and have never stepped outside the rules which you're (rightfully) insisting upon. However, because of the nature of the internet, there is no way for these posters to police the 'Pool in any meaningful way. About all we can do is what we have done - heap scorn on posters who we feel are out of line.

Nine times out of ten, this thread IS "a good natured taunt and games wanted style affair." When it's not, it's not because the majority of the posters here want it that way, it's because some yahoo - in this case Mr. Happy - decides that he wants to be Super Kewl Cespool d00d. What can we do about that?

Ban the people responsible, but let the rest of us have our Pool.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Madmatt:

1. This thread is SUPPOSED to be a good natured taunt and games wanted style affair. As with everything in life there are limits and lines and that post above crossed them.

2. I have asked that the Cesspool clean up its image recently and I thought that was occuring, now I am not so sure.

3. If you guys (and gals) can't conduct yoursleves with a little self restraint and control while trying to be funny then the future of the Cesspool is doomed on this forum.

Matt, Chuppie is spot-on (don't know how that happened really)

1. It is, we have conducted ourselves quite well. The poster above is not part of the regular crowd here, as you may know.

2. We did - I feel there is a noticeable difference between the thread where you rightfully put the boot in the first time and this one.

3. I have to disagree with you on the insinuation that we can not conduct ourselves. The regular posters here can. Some morons can not. I see the problem that the mere existence of this thread can give some dimwit the idea that they can get away with murder here, but that is not something we like to see, anymore than you do.

The point that Jon made is correct - ban the people who abuse the licence given here like Mr.Happy did, but don't throw us in with them. If you believe that the existence of the thread makes this behaviour so much more likely, then that is a different story. In fairness I don't see it that way, but you are the moderator here.



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Originally posted by Degrees of Frost:

Oh and Hiram how about that PBEM file mate ?

I know I didn't challenge you on this thread but I think you can remember our game. You know the one where all your units are, unaccountably, squished together in a corner of the map doing absolutley nothing other than keeping their, no doubt, eagle eyes focussed on an entirely empty church. Why is a mystery, but how is easy to work out. Give them some orders - then they will move. While there are reports to the contrary the TacAi is not real spontaneous.

Hey Frosty Dude...I recently had to re-do my computer so I need your email. This is an excellent time for me to encourage people to keep their profiles up to date and accurate.

thank you and die


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Arrrgh.... Just like my beloved motherland, this thread has been spoiled by "tourists" smile.gif

Matt, shut 'er down, lock 'er up, and hang up the "Gone Fishin'" sign.

If the cesspool concept is to continue, perhaps it should be in a thread started by BTS, labelled "Cesspool", with the purpose and acceptable limits stated clearly in point form in the very first message.


...and Kingmaker taught me that if you go to any town in Britain, sooner or later the plague will get you. - Offwhite

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[sERIOUS]Okay, this is just ridiculous. Matt is, of course, quite correct as to the recent post by "Mr. Stupid". He is also correct as to some more recent comments by others, including regular members of the thread. I, for one, would hate to have the 'pool removed simply because we can't help being crass. Taunting and hassling are one thing, crass and juvenile comments about sex, race, religion and politics are entirely another. None of us are innocent but surely we can avoid the ignominious fate of being locked while Gunny Bunny's thread is still going strong?[/sERIOUS]

I loath and despise you all more than I can say ... opps, should have staying in SERIOUS mode for that one.


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neee-naaaw neee-naaaw neee-naaaw neee

David gets out of squad car with flashing blue light strapped to helmet

Right you lot, get back in line! If we're going to continue lurking around in the shadows here, we've got to remember that we're part of a fly-on-the-wall documentary, and our activities are broadcast to a pre-watershed audience! Anyone saying, posting or linking to anything not suitable for toddlers will be stoned and sent PBEM setups with Elite 120mm rocket FOs versus Conscript infantry! Enough of the puerile schoolyard crap-flinging, we can be childish without being immature!

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"As I don't recall ever posting that I suppose I can now sue you for libel. Or is it slander? Lawyer?


I believe the mnemonic is:



Thus, stomp the coward for libel, Kitty (confirm, jd?).

A worse case of sour-grapes I have not seen.

Matt, maybe an old-fashioned "time-out" is in order...of course, we would just keep playing CM but taunting from Hiram's offshoot on GI Combat... (joke! joke, dammit!)

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Leave for a day, come back, get hit with a brick.

First point:

I really hope no hard feelings are shared by any in this latest fiasco.

Second Point:

I think both parties in this incident and several others in incidents in the past have gone a little overboard. Due to the spoty moderating of this thread ,(no offense to Matt or the others, just a lot of postings for them to monitor), I think this was a classic case of the second player throwing the punch getting caught. I even believe Kitty would admit to going way graphicaly overboard lately.

Third point:

Really I have none. I guess we just need to continue being civil.

As you all know Croda has started a forum up. I am wondering If it might be better to actualy move the Peng thread there?

I was thinking that the cesspool has evolved into a gaming club more than anything.

So We could look at Croda's More as the

"cesspool gaming forum"

Where...egads... there could be more than one thread.

We could have a taunting thread of course.

But also talk about other games, maybe even fight in some of those like steel Beasts, Have a squire thread for people wantig to join... ect..

Turn the Cesspool into something more than just taunting. I'd obviously link to it from my page.

This would also allow us to self moderate ourselves. Something we lack the ability to do here. But even if things get out of hand, It will not be on BTS's private forum.

You know we all have each others e-mail, so we could take this private, but i wanted to post my thoughts on the matter.

I'm not saying abandon this forum, just that it might be better to rearrange our posting habits.

Lorak the loathed.

ps. in case you missed it.

Croda's forum is here.


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Hello all. No, I really mean it.

I am in a somewhat sombre and confused state of mind as to whether I should be posting this update here, or if at all.

Anyway, I shall continue as if nothing has happened. Yes, the 'head in the sand' approach suits me fine. For now.

Chuppy has loaded the dice before we started this one. He sent over a map, which he is defending, much reminicing a billiards table. While he watches my every move, he is dug in tighter than a sheep in a holly bush. I take considerable solace in the fact that I have won this battle, whatever the outcome. You see, if I don't actually obtain a surrender or points victory, I have won on principle; the fact that our dear Chup has blatently and transparently cheated worse than a spoilt 5 year old selfish brat that the MoFo™ models himself on. Heads I win, tails you lose Chuppa!

Crudite and I are battling it out on one of my infamous 'longmaps'. He is another defender, though I have no complaint against him. In fact, I have advanced clearly 2 thirds of the map completely undetected. A demonstration of pure tactical genius. I am now in a position to pounce upon the poor fellow at next to even odds, but with a numerical advantage. Your only options, my dear friend, is to either raise your white flag immediately or run like the wind that is building up in your bowel cavity.

Iksander though not officially a clan compadre, is a regular spectator, and I count him in. We are near the end of a spectacular piece of showmanship on my part. Of my forces, which equates to standard Brit. platoon and a Stuart, I have lost a PIAT and a couple of men from my squads. He, on the other hand, is running faster than Mace after spying a particularly tender lamb flicking its pretty eyelashes in his general direction.

Margo has simply disappeared from the face of the world. He was about to enter my foggy valley to pick me out of the lovely flower beds I have made myself home in, but has since failed to show up. I might get up out of my trenches soon and start looking around the village, as it is quite quaint and situated in a beautiful valley.

Whoremoan and I have been slugging out this original 'newbie' battle out for quite some time. To give you some idea of how the battle is progressing, he has not said a word to me in our corespondance for some time. He just sulkily and duely sends his file over for me to toy, humiliate and sacrifice. He is a stubborn chap. I would have thrown in the proverbial towel long ago, but he insists that I travel around mopping up every single panicked and exhausted pathetic combattant.

So, that's my story. Although I know you won't read this, I do feel it my duty, in the vein of the originators, to give fully qualified and honest situations of the 'sitrep'. I could consider it a waste of my time, server space, or whatever. Actually, I do. I shall cease now.

Would you all do me a favour before I go? Go out to the unpopulaced country, collapse unrecoverably and slowly rot while the foxes, birds and insects devour you one mouthful at a time and **** you out in some other part of thw world? Thanks.


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