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Maple Leaf Up!! The PENG THREAD goes North!!!

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Ishmaelkander, sorry mate, I suscribe to the school of, 1) we play games here 2) if you are amusing we keep you around. Unlike some other useless wanks we tend to have drop in. Unfortunetly, you seemed to show some promise. Consequently my assent.

Since you seem to be reneging on what you asked for, ie a game, it no doubt indicates you have no desire to play a game and actually subject yourself to losing. Contrary to your image, I enjoy the journey rather than the reward. If you make it amusing, all the better.

So I shall grant you your wish. Go "taunt" someone else. Whether I play you or not IS inconsequential to me. Shoot I have too many games going as it is. Hang here if you wish and insult but merely running off at the mouth is so passe. It is a challenge thread afterall. Frankly, I cannot find the wherewithall to care to respond in any particular way other than to ignore you.

So it'll be a cold day my friend before we shall play. And if I sound pissy it is because I am in a rotten and foul mood after tangling with a particular administrative law judge who is attempting to screw my client. So take your babbling elsewhere, CAUSE I DON"T (nor will I ever ) CARE.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Minor update. I just had to tell you all because I'm a barsteward like that.

Wankmoan's counterattack force is all but withered away. Three lovely JadgEdges (75/70) came strolling out of the bushes acting like hard men, puffing out their chests. Now there's only one left, and that's gonna pop soon too.

However, his girl guides defending the crossroads are stubborn little bitches. They're harder to dislodge than sheep from a holly bush.

As you were. Gloating ceased.


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After a long absence from the board I felt it necessary to aks this question. Why do I suddenly feel the urge to drink a Molson and warm my hands in the freshly exposed intestinal tract of Seanachai?

Back to work now, nothing to see here you looky loos.

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Alroighty then, how's aboot an oopdate.

chupnuts: My patented disjointed attack has him wondering. The plan is working ...

berli: He still thinks I'm going to follow his shoot-n-run troops blindly into traps ... Feh!, I say. I can walk those guys into traps all by myself.

blousemouse: Has just experienced a coordinated arty-armor-infantry attack, much to the chagrin of his FJs. It's a good thing his arty couldn't hit the state of Texas ... not that that would be a bad thing, mind you.

Pelvis: Thinks he has a chance. Nope. Rune pretty much took that away in Turn 1.

Geier: Too soon to tell.

Goanna: The battle has yet to be joined but I'm sure it (another Rune-ism) will live up to bloody expectations.

Kitty: Big ol' tank fight a brewin' on Berli's "tank map." Her Panther crew is spending a lot of time in church lately. Pray as much as you want, boys, I got a shell with "salvation" written on it just for you.

Lorak: Already whining about Berli's 52-card-pickup game. Troops are strewn about all over the map. It's night. It's foggy. It's raining. What'd ya expect?

Mystery guest: I have been challenged by someone who says he'll taunt his way into the pool after he drags the innards of what's left of my troops around the map. We'll see. I think my conscript Volksturms are up to the task, don't you, Berli?

Senility: Sasquatch likely will win this one but he'll be sorely bloodied doing it. After having done the fire dance a couple of times, he now has met the 3 MG pillbox. Never knew infantry could be cut down so fast, hehe.

Spamdorf: He'll win this one soon, but I'll take away a couple of moral victories. Finally, an AT minfield worked. And, what a beautiful sight to see 3 squads walk headlong into a dug-in flamethrower. There's some hurtin' cowboys there.

thumpnuts: Well, he's holding most of the cards, i.e. a couple of Panthers, in this one but there are still some challenges facing our sometimes-contributor Thumpre.

So, there we have it. In true fashion, I'm well on the way to losing most of my games. Top that, Lorak. muahahahaha.


"Moriarty, you suck." -- Dunno, but somebody must've said it somewhere along the line

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Ahh... Moriarty,

I haven't even begun to show you how bad I can lose. You'll have futher proof shortly, as soon as the first movie, most likely.

Tome update:



Tis sad being the Lorak.. Seems I can not escape being hounded by Meeks on Matts chat server everynight before bed.

So I have agreed to give him a TCP/IP game this evening.

As a side bet...we have the following.

If I win: Meeks sends in a picture of him and his girl.

If Meeks wins: I have to place a war section on the cesspool site saying how much we hate the Krew and all the stupid gits that might end up there.

Seemed decent to me. But as I am an idiot... what do I know?

For my games....

Germanboy... Is still Dying, but he is doing it with style. In fact I may even decide to lose this one.

Moriarty... It seems that both of us are out to prove how bad we really are... How low can a Draw score be? 1-1?

Hakko....I'm really looking forward to this little map made by Germanboy. Oh, I'm sure I'll lose. But nice sceanery helps.

GiTom... Thanks just because I cheated and moved the flags, that I might win. Hogwash. I can lose no matter what.

Wilhammer... Not of the pool.. But he is beating my arse so bad, I just had to post it. Does Moriartys ego some good.


Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Okay...I am drunk beyond beliefe, so sucks to you all...

Aqua fardienteboolahbvoolah whatever- don't be messing with the Clash. The Clash pretty much kick all ass ever.

As for the rest of you - Bugger l'enfer off.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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I have a bitch. Will someone donate some money to PeterNZ so that he can get some other e-mail than British Telecom and their coconuts tied to odd bits of string and wired to his 486 (or Pentium III, not much difference really) which will allow me to kick his ass more? I am curently defeating his worthless hide, but it is too close to tell, and I may loose a tank that is trying to flee from his evil clutches, but he is foiling me by resorting to the prehistoric communication systems of great britain.

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Oppulent Lifestyle Update:

Thankoo, thankoo, thankoo zzoo mooch for all your heartfelt compliments on my looks, profession, and lifestyle. Especially the WildThang and Auntie Seana-who-cares, who lamely attempt to make their own lost lives meaningful by tossing catty (sorry Kitty) comments at the Legal King.

Such Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.

FYI. Today, I had lunch with a banking lobbyist at a fancy Washington restaurant, AND YOU DIDN'T. He paid the hefty tab, of course. While tasting the tender morsels of superior everything, I thought about the homeless and piss-drenched lovables here at the Pool. Sure I did.

Let them eat ****e, said I, for it is the best of all they shall ever encounter in this World. And it is surely more than they deserve. Thereupon, the waiter immediately brought us a round of Inna-gadda-da-vida (circa 1966) to sip while the Pleasure Ladies soothed my soul, which was fatigued from dealing with the endless complaints of the working class deadbeats who inhabit this den of vermin.

So, piss off, you tit-headed Losers.


Only the Lawyer knows what Evil lurks in the minds of men....

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Originally posted by jd:

Ishmaelkander, sorry mate, I suscribe to the school of "spank me on my white ass."

ramble . . . ramble . . .

So I shall grant you your wish.

-->Really! then get out the Scope and start gargling my...er...["kindler, gentler"]...quarter-twenty NUTS!

blah...blah... "CAUSE I . . . CARE."

--> Must be a golem that wants to be real!

Sickening deputy-Cochran: for those of us that work in the "wealth-generating" sector of the economy, it can take a little more time to get back to the board than those who knock off for martinis at two o'clock!

You setup is on the way. I'd tell you to burn in Hell, but as a lawyer, you're used to it....


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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Originally posted by YK2:

blither, blither, blither, where's my hairnet?


Y'know there, Emma, my folks did such a good job conditioning me as a pup to be nice to the ladies that I am not even tempted to refer to you as a certain "MP Blair's" cast-off bird.

Cheerio! And you're welcome for the US saving your island twice. But then, we are fond of the your quaint accents!


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Kitty: Big ol' tank fight a brewin' on Berli's "tank map." Her Panther crew is spending a lot of time in church lately. Pray as much as you want, boys, I got a shell with "salvation" written on it just for you.

Panther? Church? Hehe Unit misidentification is a bitch, isn't it? And so am I. >=)



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Oppulent Lifestyle Update:

So glad you had a nice day. *I*, on the other hand, had nothing to brighten my day but a nice, mellow, lovingly hand-rolled Havana. Oh, I'm sorry, can't you get those in the land of the free? wink.gif

And it's "opulent" you ninny. You should launder some of that embezzled money by investing in an education.

Oh, and if you're quite done setting up, send along the first move -- I hate to bother (as it has only been two weeks), but I'd like to get started before the next millenium.


When it's my turn to march up to Glory,

I'm gonna have one HELL of a story...

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Oppulent Lifestyle Update:...Today, I had lunch with a banking lobbyist at a fancy Washington restaurant, AND YOU DIDN'T. He paid the hefty tab, of course.

Amateur. Now you're indebted to him. I, on the other hand, took a bunch of clients to a much better lunch at a San Diego restaurant with a much cuter hostess, and will expense the whole thing.

I get the miles, they are indebted to ME (I don't care if they buy our stuff, but they will, 'cause they know I don't care), lunch was magnifico, and not a dime out of pocket. Driving back, interests rates cut another half-point. CHA-CHING. If this is recession, I wish Herbert Hoover was back in the White House...

I would normally hasten to point out how stupid your smug little post was, since you had to rack up years worth of student loans to get where you are, while I only had to learn Powerpoint and the location of the spell-check button (oppulent?). I would probably add something about doing the whole deal in my golf shirt under the palms, while you shivered under your look-alike London Fog with the salt seeping into your Gucci stitching, but I won't.

Why not? you ask. Is Mark IV getting sensitive?

No, says the little kid selling keep-me-out-of-gang candy, scurrying empty-handed from my door, ears burning with shame. Nu-uh, says the flat little ground squirrel rug I swerved to splatter on the way to work. Not even, says ashen Croda, his pleas for mercy unheeded as my steel dragons blow fire round his heels. Non! cries the wretch Pawbroon, who did lighten my day by asking whether beating the likes of him wasn't... gamey.

No, this uncharacteristic display of charity is in return for a post that was:

More than one line.

Creatively nasty, though stupid.

Somewhat above the schoolyard blather/latrine graffitti we've had to endure in this igloo of a thread.

Sharpen up, you twits.

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Originally posted by YK2:

Christ..... I've said this before and I'll say it again, OGSF your too bloody good at this Scottish stuff, its sooooooo bloody hard I admire ye laddie. smile.gif

Aww, tha's awfie nice o' ye lassie. At gavs mae a waaarrrm gooey feelin' all....MACE! GI' OFF AT YE MONGREL!!

Noo, aboot tha' yappin' wee piece o' shaggy cow ****e, IskanderPandaBum! Sae, yer wantin' a severe drubbin', are ye? An' ye thank Ah'm tha mon wha' cud gav a hamster's wee puckered arrrse wha' ye want?

Ah'm a wee bit busy, but seein' ye bleatin' an' garglin' on ye ain spittle ha' melted mah gentle heart. Sae send me a setup, ye piddlin' Cesspool puppy, an' Ah'll smack ye twitchin' nose aintae tha linoleum wi' mah copy o' tha Argyle Times.

Anythin' ye like, but noo green or conscript bastards and let's keep at tae 1250 points or less.

An' as fer savin' our wee island twice, ye took yer time aboot it on both occasions, an' Ah dinnae recall seein' your spooty arrrse runnin' around tha' place either. yer big girls blouse!



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I have trouble with my email, but I'm going to blame Peter.

I get files pretty regularly from Peter. In fact here's a quote from his most recent email. I'd taunt him about it, but it's so pathetic that it really isn't worth the effort:

Peter"my head is spinning"NZer said in an email:

well god damn

nevermind the panther..

seriously, how did you manage to so totally wipe out two of my squads??

I've never seen squads die so fast in a toe-to-toe fight?

Patience, grasshopper. I'll tell you later.

I haven't however received a file back from that little blooming snapdragon.

Oh, and Lorak- you overlooked my victory over Seanachai that was mentioned a page or so back. If you would be so kind...


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 02-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by Lorak:

If Meeks wins: I have to place a war section on the cesspool site saying how much we hate the Krew and all the stupid gits that might end up there.

Well, I hope you are planning to do the honorable thing and send him a grossly unfair setup, in which he gets a bunch of conscripts with cheap german halftracks to attack a veteran combined arms force well supplied with vehicle mounted M2s, arty, and medium armor.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Well, Lorak is defeated and handily I might add. Major victory, naturally. Probably would've been a tougher battle but his men didn't seem to have any fight in 'em, seems they just wanted to talk over the dispute and kept trying to get me to look at their pictures and yell at my men for cussing. Of course, we killed them all and fed them to our dogs, using their bones to fashion a primitive shelter from the elements.

Edited to point out that after killing Lorak I proceeded to murderate him a second time.


Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?!

No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Unit misidentification is a bitch, isn't it? And so am I. >=)

It looks like some poor fellow is going to be brutalised! Permanent injury may even be done to him: limbs torn asunder, disembowlement, maybe even decapitation all done by the skilled hands of the fiesty one!

All i can say is: You lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky bastard!!!!


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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Lawyer:

Such Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.

Well well, what have we got here? A man who knows his Maggie quotes. Unfortunately his taunts are as impressive as being savaged by a dead sheep would be. Not that Mace would not be able to tell us.

Lorak, I resent you getting in on some stupid deals cooked up by Slappy. Especially since you are wont to lose your game.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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To those who thought my email was a spamming(*cough* *Kitty* *cough*), 'twasn't. It is merely a backup plan, or more if it is generally accepted. I was thinking about it and decided to at least create it before I forgot. Should we go belly up here, we have a home...

That is all.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Well well, what have we got here? A man who knows his Maggie quotes.

Actually, Andreas, I don't think that one was Thatcher. I believe that was originally a quote from our very own, unlamented Spiro Agnew. It was he, as I remember, that came up with the 'nattering nabobs of negativism' back when he was the 'keep the mob distracted' dancing bear of the Nixon administration.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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