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So where the h%ll has Scout been?

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Crying in his beer, guys. I lost myt entire harddrive, everything in the can, gone, kaput. Which means my next update and any hope of a future update to my Battalion Delay Defense is gone as well. I even have to go back and download all of the patches and mods I was using.

Actually after browsing some of the discussions going on I'm kinda glad I was gone. Henri's up to his old tricks of starting a debate and then ending up agreeing with everybody (musta taken some lessons from good ole Pillar) and the recon debate (totally irrelevant to CM in my humble opinion) has returned with new zest and fervor.

I'm trolling for ideas for my next project. I want to either do another tutorial or try something entirely different. I'm looking for tutorial ideas, but keep in mind I'm an infantryman and can only be authoritative on Tanks supporting infantry so dont ask me to discuss how to take down a city block with a platoon of armor.

My other idea is to host a sort of tactics forum of my own. The format would go like this. Once a week or so I would present a CM tactical problem on my website to include TO&E, terrain analysis, and detailed intel report. Particiapants would download a simple briefback form, then describe and illustrate how they would tackle the problem. They would then return the file to me. The best ones would get posted for open debate by others. At the end of the week I would post the actual enemy situation and offer a short discussion on how the battles may have gone. If we have some good debates going, perhaps the best solutions could actually fight out the scenario to see which TTP's worked the best.

Let me know if this sounds like something that would generate a lot of interest.

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great idea. i think that everytime i watch seven samurai.





Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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So Scout, where the hell have you been?


All true Americans love to kill deer, wade into them, spill their guts, shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a gob of goo, that moments before was your best head of garden lettuce, well, you'll know what to do. – Bruno Weiss

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Guest Pillar


Why not start some reading on Soviet art in World War Two?

You always said you were very unfamiliar with the topic, and perhaps you'd have a different take on it than myself.

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I for one think the Tactical Decision Game idea is a fine one. I suggested it a while back as part of some other thread, but I think it got lost in the discussion. I would suggest that you could also make the scenario openly available after the solution deadline was past so that anyone who was interested could try out their solution.

If you want a hand with developing TDGs, drop me a line: aeg@computer.net

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Why is it that I see so many people losing their harddrives to crashes or what-not? Is it because you're still running the same harddrive since 1985? or what? I've had a computer for the last 10 years and I've never had my harddrive crash. Well I did a stupid thing once and deleted DOS back in the Windows 3.11 days and it told me to reformat C: before I could reinstall DOS.


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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Maximus:

Why is it that I see so many people losing their harddrives to crashes or what-not?...I've had a computer for the last 10 years and I've never had my harddrive crash.

Braggart. Hard drives are funny that way. One will run for decades and the next one will die in a week. I had one die on me in February '99 that was only a little over a couple years old. The one in my previous computer had lasted me three years and as far as I know is still going strong. Cest la vie.


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Originally posted by Maximus:

Why is it that I see so many people losing their harddrives to crashes or what-not? Is it because you're still running the same harddrive since 1985? or what? I've had a computer for the last 10 years and I've never had my harddrive crash. Well I did a stupid thing once and deleted DOS back in the Windows 3.11 days and it told me to reformat C: before I could reinstall DOS.

I don't know what you do with your machine, but some of us punish our HD's mercilessly. I make CD art for some local bands. it's not unusual for me to have photoshop running manipulating 200-1000 meg files... Even with 512 meg ram, that's a lot of thrashing. I've had to replace drives twice in the past two years. My brother is the recording engineer of the family and had just found that he need to replace the Adaptec 2940U2W after only ayear ad a half's service. In contrast, the decrepit dual Pentium 100 system that I have has been happily running my scanner for 5 years now and my SCSI burner for 3 with no problems so far.

Meanwhile at the office, I'm burning thorugh my second stinkpad (err.. thinkpad) in 2 years and I've had to have my mobo on my current one replaced once (though I think that it was defective) while the quad Xeon 450 under my desk has been purring for a year (it's only running SETI and a small SQL db now, but in a previous life it was a test server and was pummelled for about a year with as heavy a load as it would take and it still has all original parts)

It's a crapshoot, number 1, and depends greatly on the load you place on it for seconds.

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Scout -

If you want to have a forum dedicated to discussing the "problems" that you create, let me know and I can set you up with a forum on my ezboard account.

This would give you a whole forum to use for discussion of tactics, theory, your tutorials and whatnot.


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Originally posted by ScoutPL:

Once a week or so I would present a CM tactical problem on my website to include TO&E, terrain analysis, and detailed intel report.

I would give it a go - and whether I returned a solution would depend on how I felt about my idea. I like the idea of mixing in a CM scenario.

You COULD generate a bunch of QuickBattles, until you find a suitable candidate, then use that as the problem. Post the scenario, along with the proposed solutions, so students could download it. Students and lurkers alike could read the solutions and play along - perhaps learning something.

This leaves the "textbook" on the shelf, and so it's nice comfortable (and correct?) solution is unavailable. The knowledge of both sides to the last bullet is also not available. It might seem rather bloodless without real names to attach to the participants, but you can't use a historical encounter and have the element of the unknown at the same time.

Once a week might be a little much for me to keep up with, but that's no reason not to do it.

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Great idea! When I was at Ft. Belvoir for Engineer Advanced course I found a book in the library on just this subject. Had a series of tactical problems with mission, toe, time, and terrain. You develop your course of action then compare it with the "book solution" OBTW it was a training book published around 1940.

ESSAYONS! smile.gif

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Sure why not start making simple training missions. Start with missions designed for a 1st or 2nd Lt. and move up to Captain or Battlion commmander. Hey if you start a nice library maybe West Point will steal your Hard drive and start training the next generation with them. Its a great idea but also a big job. On the other hand its not that big of a job cuz you can start small. Too bad you can't force people to limit there views to 1st and 2nd lvls.

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Yes, yes yes!

I've been asking / clamoring / begging for something like this for a long time now.

But it might be a good idea to put it through a few test runs before setting up a forum. Maybe you could use the CM Tactics forum for a trial run.....

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Originally posted by Croda:

Scout -

If you want to have a forum dedicated to discussing the "problems" that you create, let me know and I can set you up with a forum on my ezboard account.

This would give you a whole forum to use for discussion of tactics, theory, your tutorials and whatnot.



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Hard drive suggestion

Most computer can handle two HD. Have one to run your OS while the other does the "hard" data. If it goes your computer still works.

Better yet get a third external HD attached in by UBS and back up to it.

I've been running the two HD system for years and it reduces the headaches and worries greatly!

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Originally posted by ScoutPL:

My other idea is to host a sort of tactics forum of my own. The format would go like this. Once a week or so I would present a CM tactical problem on my website to include TO&E, terrain analysis, and detailed intel report. Particiapants would download a simple briefback form, then describe and illustrate how they would tackle the problem. They would then return the file to me. The best ones would get posted for open debate by others. At the end of the week I would post the actual enemy situation and offer a short discussion on how the battles may have gone. If we have some good debates going, perhaps the best solutions could actually fight out the scenario to see which TTP's worked the best.

This is something I'd be interested in. It's always good to get some feedback from the professionals. Sorry to hear about the demise of the Bn defense series; I guess that's the fortunes of war.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Welcome back scout. I look forward to your next installment on your web site. I suggest some people on this board keep their non-constructive, snipy, comments to themselves. People we are not interested in you trading insults. Grow up.

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