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Nordic Wannabee Tournament

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Mr. Steak Sauce, I can start with you as soon as the scenarios (and passwords) are delivered.

Attention: THumpre, Ricochet, Massattack and White4 (I e-mailed you tonight). I was hoping to play

two games at a time, going in numeric order from #1. So I would like to start with Massattack and A1steaks asap, followed by Ricochet, White4 then


Let me know if this works for you guys. I am flexible... I am just trying to keep everything strait.

Good hunting all!

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Let me describe how the games will be passed out.

Once you have arranged to start a game one of you must email me. At that point I will pass out the game files for that match. The German player will always start the game. He will receive the .cmb file, the general briefing, and the German briefing in separate files. At the same time the Allied player will receive the general briefing and the Allied briefing. The briefings are separated from the .cmb so people can't peak at the other guy's info.

When the German player starts the PBEM game with the .cmb file he will find himself in the setup phase and the game begins. All passwords will be preassigned by me. Your password for a game will always be at the end of your side-specific briefing.

I could flood the players with all the scenarios and briefings at one time except for the fact I don't have the time to do that. I have to make doubly sure the right files go to the right guys. There are numerous places in the file sending process where I could make a big mistake and ruin FOW for a game. So far it's only happened once. Since I have to be careful I can't just whip out 150 files in one sitting. What I do is send out a steady stream of games each day. I will no doubt be behind for a few days, especially since the Nordic Championship is kicking off at the same time, but within a few days I will get the original game requests delivered to you.

I just thought I'd explain all that because I have a sneaking suspicion all of you are going to want all five scenarios at once. Have mercy on me! tongue.gif

Treeburst155 out.

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Treeburst, Thanks for your hard work, I'll

take them when you send them,(itchy trigger finger). I still have this nagging feeling

that I'm going to run into a zipppin files

problem. I believe the files that will be sent to

me need to be zipped, no matter what the size.

Someone please tell this isn't so, that Hotmail

isn't as evil as I think it is!!

Kurt :mad:

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Hi all, and 'specially the ever lovely and fresh section 3.

On gaminess, the only one of the posted list that really annoys me is #1, the gamey use of fire. If you think it nongamey, sing out, so that I can start praying now that I get a scenario with flame vehicle, so I can abuse you. It is not that I don't like abusing flame, you see, or that I am bad at it... just that I think it sucks. My rule of thumb is: you are allowed to fire flamethrowers at units, or at squares which are known to be enemy occupied.

Incidentally, I find that even in normal, balanced CM, using crews, zooks, etc. as recon is a bad idea. The men are each individually costly compared to riflemen; as an opponent I am happy to see crews where I can maul them. Now consider that we are talking about imbalanced CM -- the chance that a crew is going to turn the tide is significantly less.

I prefer to play TCP. TCP:PBEM::crack:powder. I highly recommend it even to you newbies... who knows, you might find yourself with a new habit. I am in EST (GMT-5), just so ya know.

[ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: Wreck ]</p>

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To section 3 (and might I say, quite clearly the cream of the sections): pleasure to be aboard with you! My relevant info:

Prefer PBEM, but will play TCP/IP if time is available and someone is dying to play that way.

In California, so -8 GMT.

Have no qualms about using or being abused by any number of potentially gamey tactics. I will follow whatever gamey related rules my opponents wish to follow. Just make up a list that you care about and those will be the rules.

I can play any and all PBEMs immediately.

Thanks Treeburst!

Here is Section 3 info to date:

Cpl Carrot- rjb109@i4free.co.nz (PBEM; +13 GMT)

The Commissar- commissar84128@icqmail.com (either; EST -5)

Dogface21- zippo79@onebox.com (???)

Warhammer-kurtlindquist@hotmail.com (PBEM; EST -5)

Wreck- leonard@dc.net (Prefers TCP; EST -5)

Lopaka- rwinant@fenwick.com (Prefers PBEM; PST -8)

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It would probably be better if you hold off on game requests until I give the word. I might lose the emails if I have to hang on to them too long. Remember, the scenarios aren't even ready yet.

When you do send in your game requests, be sure you give your forum nickname. This is the only way I really know who you are. Otherwise, I have to go by your email address which doesn't always work and requires an extra step for me. This applies to game results too. I always need your forum name somewhere in the email.

Also, make sure you have touched base with your prospective opponent before requesting a game. He

may not be ready to start a game with you yet. If this happens the files sit on his drive for a month and he loses them. Then I have to resend.

Finally, we have discovered a scheduling glitch. This means the game schedules will most likely change. Your section assignments will remain the same however.

Everybody sit tight and be patient. smile.gif

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Ive got an idea to make the load easier for you. How about you send things like our briefings to us early, so that when the date comes, all you have to send out is the .cmb files? Less work, more play!

Or maybe even start early (the Nordic tournament guys dont have to know, wink wink, nudge nudge) ;)

My updates opponent list so far:

Cpl Carrot: Scenario 1, PBEM, Nov 15th

Warhammer: Scenario 2, PBEM, Nov 8th (official start date specified, since no other date provided)

Lopaka: Scenario 4, PBEM (as preffered), Nov 8th.

Wreck: Scenario 5, TCP/IP, Nov 8th. Also Wreck, would you like to meet up at our luxury TH chat room on the 8th (or whenever) to begin our engagement?

OK, only need to hear from Dogface now. Speak up!


In relation to which E-MAIL serivd to use. I recomend icq mail. It is my service of choice. Failing that, get netscape mail.

ICQ mail: www.icqmail.com

Netscape mail: www.netscape.net

Just wanted to add that both of the services above offer 3MB's of storage space each, and you can attach files of this size to your e-mail as the max ammount.

[ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>

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Seems like I missed this, crap ;(

Got my connection back some time ago and of course headed here to battlefront ASAP, in hopes of finding a decent tourney to join.

Dear Treeburst: I've been reading the forums regarding the other tourneys, and must congratulate you for good community work AND changing the style of running the tourneys to "dictatorship" concering "gamey" rules. I was about to chip in with my opinions earlier while browsing the boards. Online leagues/tourneys always include flame wars and arguments regardind rules, cheating and whatnot in my experience, and need someone who can just make out the rules and then make decisions, tho I hope you don't need to be harsh, people here seem awfully nice. I suspect wargaming fans are more mature then, say, FPS genre and Twitch players, where I have been in clans/teams that were forced to "age-racism" by having their hobby ruined my immature players continually.

Maybe I'll get to join a tourney you guys are running later on. People would be happy having me to smash and destroy, I am not particularly genious or heroic playing against humans!


A. K.

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Sorry guys, my computer TOTALLY crashed, I am sitting in a King County Public Library typing this.....GRRRRR. I have to get a new HD and I have no accses to the net(except...here...gross..) and absolutley NONE to CM! I dont know when Ill be back in, but I cannot commit to the tourney, sorry. As soon as Im back in buisness, Ill let you know. Good luck to you all!

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