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History Quiz

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1. T / F. No poison gas was used during WWII.

2. T / F. Britain used bomber aircraft to target civilians first.

Year: 1940

3. T / F. Germany had more tanks than the allies.

4. T / F. German tanks were better than allied tanks.

5. T / F. The German army was larger than the combined allied armies.

6. T / F. The German airforce was larger than the combined allied airforce.

7. T / F. Belgium would not let English or French military units inside it's borders.

Year: 1941

8. T / F. The Russians were producing T-34 tanks.

9. T / F. The Germans were producing Panther tanks.

10. T / F. Zuhkov was still in a Russian prison camp.

Year: 1942

11. T / F. The German Luffwaffe was reaching it's peak effectiveness.

12. T / F. American sent the first Lend Lease convoy to Russia.

13. T / F. Germany had no labor shortages this year.

14. T / F. The first German mass execution took place in Russia.

15. T / F. The first US invasion of the war took place in North Africa.

Year: 1943

16. T / F. The battle of Midway marked the high water mark of Japanese expansion in the Pacific.

17. T / F. Lend Lease convoys were suspended because the Liberty ships would sometimes break in two in calm seas.

18. T / F. US Bombers based in England began daylight bombing of Germany production centers.

19. T / F. Radar was first used in an aircraft.

20. T / F. The first US bombing of Japanese soil took place.

21. T / F. The first incendiary devices were used in the war.

Year 1944

22. T / F. Toyko was the first Axis city fire-bombed.

23. T /F. Italy surrenders and officially exits the war.

24. T / F. FDR makes "unconditional surrender" official allied policy for the European Theater of Operations.


Check out http://www.geocities.com/funfacts2001/ or

http://hyperion.spaceports.com/~funfacts/ for military documents written during WWII.

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Ok, I will have a go.

1. t

2. t

3. f

4. f

5. f

6. f

7. t prior to 10th? May

8. t

9. f

10. f

11. t

12. t

13. f

14. t (Babi Yar?)

15. I will say true but I am not sure I can't quite recall if Torch took place in late 42 or early 43.

16. Not sure what you mean by this question. I would say it was the low point of the Japanese expansion. It was also the last serious attempt at expansion by the japanese. P.S.- it happened in 1942 not 43.

17. f ( pure guess )

18. t

19. f ( I believe this occured in 1942 )

20. f ( again 1942 )

21. f

22. f

23. t ( actually changed sides to allies as opposed to exiting )

24. f ( this was a joint decision made by Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt )

So how did I do teach?


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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1. T / F. No poison gas was used during WWII.

False. Japanese used poison gas AT grenades in Burma, at least.

T / F. Britain used bomber aircraft to target civilians first.

False. It was either the Japanese in China, the Germans in the Spanish Civil War, or the Italians in Ethiopia.

r: 1940

3. T / F. Germany had more tanks than the allies.


4. T / F. German tanks were better than allied tanks.

Not a T/F question because both sides had some good and bad points.

5. T / F. The German army was larger than the combined allied armies.

Way false.

6. T / F. The German airforce was larger than the combined allied airforce.

Way way way false.

7. T / F. Belgium would not let English or French military units inside it's borders.

True, until after it had been invaded by the Germans.

Year: 1941

8. T / F. The Russians were producing T-34 tanks.


9. T / F. The Germans were producing Panther tanks.


10. T / F. Zuhkov was still in a Russian prison camp.


Year: 1942

11. T / F. The German Luffwaffe was reaching it's peak effectiveness.

False. The LW peaked in 1941.

12. T / F. American sent the first Lend Lease convoy to Russia.

All convoys to north Russia left from England regardless of whose ships they were.

13. T / F. Germany had no labor shortages this year.

Depends on how you count.

14. T / F. The first German mass execution took place in Russia.

False. They'd already hosed off some Tommies during the Dunkirk thing.

15. T / F. The first US invasion of the war took place in North Africa.

False, it was Guadalcanal.

Year: 1943

16. T / F. The battle of Midway marked the high water mark of Japanese expansion in the Pacific.

False. Midway happened in 1942, and the Japanese captured some Aleutian Islands and invaded India afterwards anyway.

17. T / F. Lend Lease convoys were suspended because the Liberty ships would sometimes break in two in calm seas.

The ships did break due to faulty welding but this didn't stop convoys IIRC.

18. T / F. US Bombers based in England began daylight bombing of Germany production centers.

False. They started in 1942.

19. T / F. Radar was first used in an aircraft.

False. This had also started in 1942 at least.

20. T / F. The first US bombing of Japanese soil took place.

False. That was the Doolittle raid on 18 April 1942.

21. T / F. The first incendiary devices were used in the war.

False. Fire bombs had been in use from the beginning.

Year 1944

22. T / F. Toyko was the first Axis city fire-bombed.

False. The Brits had been firebombing Germany for years already, including the big mess at Hamburg in 1943. The big Toyko firebombing was in 1945 anyway.

23. T /F. Italy surrenders and officially exits the war.

False. This happened in 1943. Then they came back into the war on the Allied side.

24. T / F. FDR makes "unconditional surrender" official allied policy for the European Theater of Operations.

Dunno but I don't think it was FDR's idea.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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A lot of these questions are misleading. To state that the Germans were outnumbered in 1940 does not accurately portray the situation. Neither Belgium nor Holland were eager to coordinate forces with Britain or France. So, in reality, Germany did outnumber its opponents, since they did not operate as an individual Allied army, but, an Allied army, the Belgian Army, and the Dutch army against the Germans. The Germans could take on the Dutch separately, then the Belgians, then the British/French. It was three separate wars all coddled into one.

Also, german tanks were better than many french tanks in some aspects (turret design, commonality of radio's, etc...) but they suffered from severe unreliability, weak armour and armament.

I am pretty sure that Unconditional Surrender was solidified at Potsdam in 1943.

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1. No poison gas was used during WWII.


2. Britain used bomber aircraft to target civilians first.


Year: 1940

3. Germany had more tanks than the allies.


4. German tanks were better than allied tanks.

Depends on criteria. Many Allied tanks had better armament and armor. On the otherhand, German tanks tended toward better command & control capability. For my mony, CC out weighs armor or gun, so True

5. T / F. The German army was larger than the combined allied armies.


6. T / F. The German airforce was larger than the combined allied airforce.


7. T / F. Belgium would not let English or French military units inside it's borders.


Year: 1941

8. T / F. The Russians were producing T-34 tanks.


9. T / F. The Germans were producing Panther tanks.


10. T / F. Zuhkov was still in a Russian prison camp.

No idea

Year: 1942

11. T / F. The German Luffwaffe was reaching it's peak effectiveness.

False... they had already fallen behind in the West, and were still basically dominating the skys in the East in 43

12. T / F. American sent the first Lend Lease convoy to Russia.


13. T / F. Germany had no labor shortages this year.


14. T / F. The first German mass execution took place in Russia.

True... of course this depends on how one defines 'mass'

15. T / F. The first US invasion of the war took place in North Africa.


Year: 1943

16. T / F. The battle of Midway marked the high water mark of Japanese expansion in the Pacific.

False... it was the turning point

17. T / F. Lend Lease convoys were suspended because the Liberty ships would sometimes break in two in calm seas.


18. T / F. US Bombers based in England began daylight bombing of Germany production centers.


19. T / F. Radar was first used in an aircraft.


20. T / F. The first US bombing of Japanese soil took place.


21. T / F. The first incendiary devices were used in the war.


Year 1944

22. T / F. Toyko was the first Axis city fire-bombed.

Not sure

23. T /F. Italy surrenders and officially exits the war.


24. T / F. FDR makes "unconditional surrender" official allied policy for the European Theater of Operations.


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About question 1:

Japanese had been using live human subjects and civilans on poison gas and biological warfare by their notorious Unit 731. The "tests" were conducted mainly on the northeastern China provinces. The victums inlcuded also British and American POWs. X-Files season 3 has an epsiode entitled "731" to remind the US audiences that the US government had employed these Japanese "ex-scientists" and "doctors" for developing their chemical and biological warfare programmes after the war.

About question 2:

It was the Japanese who did that first. smile.gif

About question 10:

Zhukov was sent to deal with IJA advancing into Mongolia in 1939, and won at a terrible loss to both sides. Since then, the IJA had to maintain a large number of troops in the northeastern provinces of China to guard against possible Russina attack. He was latter summoned back to the Northern Front around Leningard during Operation Barbarossa in 1941.

Question 15:

The first US invasion against Axis was dated as early as May 1942 when the bombers aboard US carriers sank some Japanese small ships

in the port of Tulagar on the island of Guadalcanal. After the battle of Miday, (sorry forget when) the US marine landed on the island and took the only airstrip from Japanese hands and renamed it to Hendersen Field.

Question 20:

When the US decided to show her determination and ability to attack after the Peral Habour, Doolittle led a number of B-25, launched by the carrier USS Hornet, bomb Tokyo as a surpise raid. The lone USS Hornet penertrated the Japanese sea defense. The bomb raid was successful, though not much in terms of strategic sense, and most B-25 went deep inside China behind the Japanese lines. The polots returned with the aid of Chinese guerilla force.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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Originally posted by Tanks a Lot:

Regarding question 11:

I think the FW-190 was still the best fighter in the world during 1942.

It was excellent at low altitudes, but IIRC it didn't have a supercharger, and so was of limited effectiveness at the altitudes at which most combat took place on the Western Front.

For my money I'd probably take a P-51. There's something to be said for good looks smile.gif


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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It was excellent at low altitudes, but IIRC it didn't have a supercharger, and so was of limited effectiveness at the altitudes at which most combat took place on the Western Front.

For my money I'd probably take a P-51. There's something to be said for good looks

Most of the combat on the western front during this time were low altitude fighter sweeps where it was at its best. The P-51 didn't make an impact until late 1943 onwards. But it sure did look good.

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Originally posted by Bullethead:

13. T / F. Germany had no labor shortages this year.

Depends on how you count.

I usually count sitting down, but I haven't noticed a difference if I'm doing other things at the same time, like standing. The results are usually the same.

<NOTE - Tongue was firmly planted in cheek during this post>


"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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Tanks a lot, you use

{quote}whatever you're quoting here{/quote}

but use brackets, not the braces I had to use to illustrate the UBB code.


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Ah, didn't notice the part about the question being limited to 1942. I'm not even sure we'd begun sticking Merlin engines into the P-51s yet.

Hrm...actually, I still don't think the FW-190 was the best fighter of this period in the war. From what I've read, both technical specs and memoirs of pilots at the time, the Spitire Mk. IX was equal to the 190 in many respects and outclassed it in some.

Don't get me wrong, the 190 was a brilliant plane, and was probably the best fighter the Axis fielded during the war (I'm not sure I'd count the Me-262, it had a great kill ratio but IMO it simply didn't see enough action to be accurately rated), but at each stage of its development there seems to have been at least one Allied design which could go one better.

On the other hand, most of the memoirs I've read regarding Spitfire v. 190 were from the British side, probably because fewer German aces survived the war, so I am aware that those are almost certainly biased. But still, based strictly on the specs, I'd go with the Spit.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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