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Use those crews

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I think, in any new games the computer enemy A.I.should be programmed to use its crews in a more usefull way,instead of just running them to the back or the map. We all use our crews as spotters,folorn hopes or as effective attacking units against artillary,anti-tank units etc.I,ve got more arguments on this point but lets see what you've got to say.

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The few times in games when I deliberately used crews in a offensive role, I warned my opponent first and used some excuse like, 'well it's airborne and they're desperate and tough muthas'. But I felt I had to check it out first because many opponents will lose respect for someone who uses crews in that manner. The rationale is that crews are specialists who will be needed the next day, after the current battle is over. An infantry commander at platoon or company level might not even be obeyed if he ordered a bailed tank crew into an attack, I believe (at least as far as American troops are concerned).



[ 09-16-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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I got my name Hansfritz from the driver and passenger of a german motercycle side car that I used in a sneeky deceitfull manor during a 1/72 scale model wargame.I'm not scared to bend reality in a game.Especially to win.Any way these are short sharp battles where crews after jumping out of there cripled tank want revenge for there dead or injured friends.

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Tank and heavy weapon crews are worth far more to your army than they are to you as infantry. If you need to use crews, for all they're worth with their pistols and low ammo, the chances are you ought to withdraw or surrender.

That said, 2in mortar crews (and US 60mm and German 50mm) could reasonably be used to supplement your firepower if they lose their weapon, because they're essentially riflemen anyway, they don't lose their ammo when they abandon, and a few pistols at close range is a vicious bit of firepower compared to rifles.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hansfritz:

these are short sharp battles where crews after jumping out of the[ir] crip[p]led tank want revenge for the[ir] dead or injured friends.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sure, if you can picture or rollplay the situation such that every guy is Rambo then go for it, and have fun. Personally I only want maybe 1 game out of 10 to be like that, but everyone's different.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>hansfritz wrote:

Any way these are short sharp battles where crews after jumping out of there cripled tank want revenge for there dead or injured friends.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If they took that attitude in real life, they'd end up dead or injured themselves. Any crewmen in their right minds pick up their wounded and hotfoot it to the rear to collect some new kit off the production line and go back into battle tomorrow.

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I find it comical whenever a Sherman takes a hit, the crew bails, then the crew melees a Shrek team. Yet for the last ten years I have never come across a memoir or passage exemplifying a heroic deed similar to what transpires in-game. Maybe every Finnish tanker was trained in this manner, however I do no recall a single instance on the Western Front when this happened.

Crews ought to 'disappear' one turn after they are on the field. If a vehicle is knocked out on turn three, the crew should remain on the map for the duration of turn four, then disappear at the beginning of turn five. Why?

1.I do not believe crew members are accounted for in the point values. Some vehicles have eight men crews whereas other vehicles have two men crews.

2.Vehicle crews, unless in a very unique situation, generally withdrew from the combat field.

3.The targeting AI relishes wasting ammunition at crews. I despise seeing an entire platoon and supporting vehicles burn 25%+ of their allotted ammo points attempting to wipe out a single crew.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FFE:

I find it comical whenever a Sherman takes a hit, the crew bails, then the crew melees a Shrek team.... Maybe every Finnish tanker was trained in this manner, however I do no recall a single instance on the Western Front when this happened.


Finnish crews never bail, not even if they're tank is on fire. In fact, there are still Finnish crews out there today, manning their rusting hulks, defiantly awaiting the next Russian invasion.

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Go Wild Bill.Remember when I rammed and imobilised your Sherman with my sidecar.Lit a cigar on your still hot exhaust,and threw the but into your artilery park and blew it sky high.I still made it back for frankfurters at breakfast. Lighten up CMplayer,I dont like beeing called a bastard.So you can spell correctly fecking snob.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Hans:

Lighten up CMplayer,I dont like beeing called a bastard.So you can spell correctly fecking snob. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is why I edited my post. I saw that you thought CMplayer called you that but it was Pvt. Ryan.

You do see the smiley face by his post don't you?

You will also notice there is none in mine.

BTS...please make the A.I. a gamey bastard too.

von dick head

[ 09-16-2001: Message edited by: von shrad ]

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I said basically what I did above. I came to your defence because I thought you wrote 'Gamey Bastard' and a smiley and that HansGB was reacting a little to strong IMO to a running joke. Then I scrolled above to see it wasn't even you, knowing your complete lack of humor anyway, so I edited my post.

Then I saw that HansGB called me a dick head and after several minutes of tears and reflecting I came back....

Ah...it is really very boring

von dick head

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

knowing your complete lack of humor <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sob, cry...so you didn't even like my 100 bazookas vs Sturmkompanie post? I am

very ssad. And that mean, mean man Fritz.

He is just like the bad guys germans in

the book I'm reading. They had lotz of

red cross packages but didnt give them to

starvving pows. That fritz wuld do that I

bet, the british git.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Fog of war Von Shrad,fog of war.Enemies on all sides.The're all out to get me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lol....Peace Hansfritz

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Sob, cry...so you didn't even like my 100 bazookas vs Sturmkompanie post? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course I saw it CMPlr. (Using the tone of voice that I do on my young daughter when looking at her scribbled 'art')

[Happy Voice] It was beautiful. It was the best ever. I wish I could scribble...er...post like that. [/Happy Voice]

von shrad

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Anyone who understands the damage point system in CMBO will not use crews for fighting or scouting and on the other hand will happily spend some ammunition in exchange for fat points.

The whole discussion misses the destinction between tank and other crews. A tank crew comes out broken with low ammo. A mortar crew may be 6 men with normal morale. Using a mortar crew to go after an AT team or a spotter may in fact may make sense. But still it is risky, if they get caught by other enemy units you have a big point drawback.

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