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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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There have been hundreds of requests for modifications of CM to be added for CM 2, the eastern front, some good, some seemingly good untill you realize the problems involved (bad), and some just flat out thoughtless and peevish (ugly). I don't know what BTS's priority list is, but here are my top three requests:

1. Trenches.

2. More building types. We need factories and grain towers.

3. Destructable barbed wire. I hate the fact my engineers can't blow up barbed wire!

What's your top 3?



"Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

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1) I agree with trenches, if this includes A-T ditches. Given the extent of field fortifications in Russia, I hope that CM 2 will have these.

2) Telephone poles. No kidding. Panzer Commander had them. Muzzle Velocity had light posts in the city. It's a small thing that would have no effect on gameplay, but would make a big difference for me. INcidentally I finally tried the Wittman scenario - talk about a gorgeous map. The one in the Kelly's Heroes operation at CMHQ is really great looking too.

3. Steel (RR) bridges - like the Ludendorff at Remagen. It would be nice to have a good looking bridge for the Arnhem, Nijmegen, et al scenarios.

4. (oops, cheating) - tunnels - to represent culverts, or full scale tunnels (again, like they had at Remagen).

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Sewers might also make city fighting interesting. Imagine advancing along, building by building, then being ambushed by a platoon of smelly SMG troops.

For antitank ditches, rough and marsh work pretty well.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Man, this must be the 100th thread on "What Improvements do you suggest for CM2?"...

Okay, I'll take the bait wink.gif :


-Improved city fighting, one way or another.

-Ridgelines and slopes and hills should be easier to notice from a higher perspective...I hate having to go down to ground level to pick up all the terrain subtleties...It all requires too much micromanagement right now.

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Sewers might also make city fighting interesting. Imagine advancing along, building by building, then being ambushed by a platoon of smelly SMG troops.

We're definately going to need sewers to do any Stalingrad scenarios. From what I've read they were used quite extensively in that battle. Obviously, our troops won't be doing any tunneling during the game (time scale), but my understanding is that this was done at Stalingrad on a couple of occasions. I guess BTS could handle this like a building that's at -1 level. No shooting unless both parties were in the tunnel.

I agree with the anti-tank ditches.

I would like a way to buy hull down tank emplacements that the tank can back out of.

I'd also like to see a way for engineers and artillery to remove barbed wire with explosive. I don't know if the German had bangalore torpedos or not, but those sure could blow a path through wire or mines.

The only other thing that I think we'll need for sure is some type of cold weather adjustment for troop performance and equipment breakdowns. My understanding is that the first weather played hell with a lot of German equipment that wasn't designed for really cold weather and of course the German soldiers weren't dressed appropriately either.

[This message has been edited by StellarRat (edited 02-05-2001).]

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Larger engagement ranges: Happened a lot on the open steppes with tank battles taking place at longer ranges than happened on the Western Front. Here's to bigger maps!

Trench works: Be fun to roll up extensive defensive works with a group of pioneers!

Multi-level and larger buildings: how about more than 2 levels per building? Throw in the tractor works while you're at it.


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Relative Spotting

Command and Control for tanks (i.e. modelling tanks without radios)


Field telephones (FO that can't move?)

Partisans/ Ski troops

Larger buildings/ row houses

Will the Italians be included?

Will be interesting. As infantry will have very little ability to kill tanks in 41/42/43, apart from engineers in close assualt, AT guns will become more important in the defense.

And Hill 621/ The Tractor Works (the two best SL scenarios in my opinion)

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Sewers? For one scenario/battle? Kind of stretching it a bit. Stalingrad was a major battle but it seems like that's what many people here think the whole Eastern front consisted of. Would it be worth the time to do this and could it be done with the current CM engine? If "sewers" were necessary, it would probably have to be handled somewhat abstractly.



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Originally posted by Mace:

Larger engagement ranges: Happened a lot on the open steppes with tank battles taking place at longer ranges than happened on the Western Front. Here's to bigger maps!

Bigger Maps - Longer Ranges !!!

I will drink (vodka) to that.


"Too much of a good thing...

is wonderful." -- Mae West

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Originally posted by Tiger:

Sewers? For one scenario/battle? Kind of stretching it a bit. Stalingrad was a major battle but it seems like that's what many people here think the whole Eastern front consisted of. Would it be worth the time to do this and could it be done with the current CM engine? If "sewers" were necessary, it would probably have to be handled somewhat abstractly.



Sewers were also used during the fighting at Ortona in Italy ("Little Stalingrad"). I'm sure there are other examples. I think it is a worthwhile feature to add to the CM "family" at some point or other, not necessarily in CM2.

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

I'd mention horses, b-but...they...said...

I'm sorry, Ive got something in my eye...

*runs off weeping*

IE: No horsies.


I'd also like to have seen horses... but no biggie... I guess...


"Fear is for the enemy...

Fear and Bullets."

"They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

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Originally posted by StellarRat:

They had horses all the time in PanzerBlitz. What's reasoning behind no horses? Was PB all wet?

If I had a horsey, I'd name it Pretty.

Because horseis ARE pretty.

Alas, I've got no horsies.

Look for Steve's post at the bottom of the first page:


Basically, modeling problems and the way they were mostly used for raids and partisan actions (although I see no reason not to model partisans). Mostly the whole difficult modeling bit is to blame, then.



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

[This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 02-05-2001).]

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There needs to be something showing c and c on tanks. Maybe just a difference in the delay on movement or my favorite: Command Tanks! I see many people wanting to have sewers but I'd rather see thing move in the other direction, UP! Multistoried buildings were present in any "city" setting and I'd love to see them! Tank emplacements! Trenches!


NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.

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Originally posted by Stefan Wennerberg:

Buildings with rooms on ea. floor.

House-to-house fighting seems pretty difficult for me to imagaine in the curr. CM1 engine.


More simply, just make big buildings with LOS except for interior walls to simulate factories.

Will CM2 have buildings that span >1 terrain tile?

Jeff Heidman

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My big one is city fighting. At the moment it's really...unsatisfying. I can't really see a way of doing the Eastern Front without pretty much ripping out the existing building code and starting from scratch.

For example, like Jeff said, you're going to need buildings that take up more than one tile.

Other issues I can see - fire and damage. Both affect the whole building instantaneously, which won't work for factories for obvious reasons. I'd be mightily upset if one squirt from a flamethrower miraculously sent the entire Tractor Works up in a blazing inferno, or if a single tank shot brought it crashing to the ground.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Other issues I can see - fire and damage. Both affect the whole building instantaneously, which won't work for factories for obvious reasons. I'd be mightily upset if one squirt from a flamethrower miraculously sent the entire Tractor Works up in a blazing inferno, or if a single tank shot brought it crashing to the ground.

I agree. There is going to have to be some type of creeping fire and damage logic like they used in Squad Leader to accomodate large buildings.

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