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The Peng challenge, a thread that will live in infamy

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I'm staking claim to this puppy and bringing the Mutha thread back to its rightful home.


Thats right kiddies, Oz- bloody- stralia!

I'll be back in a jiffy with the rules, right after I bolt to the fridge and crack another tube.

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Rules, rules, ah yes thats where they are,

(1) Mace is a git

(xi) Sod off!

(a-3y) If you don't know the rules by now, refer to rule (xi)

(t/4) If youv'e got a pair, then sound off about it but don't tell us about them, coz no-ones interested, ok?

(7.3g) Newbies better be wearing asbestos undies in here because we don't like you, nobody likes you, so get used to it.

*Did I mention Sod off? No? Well Sod off then.

(R2-D2) If youv'e got a wit sharper than a Morrocan buccaneer's rapier, than come on in and have a go, but be prepared to run home crying when the big boys call you names.

(13a/3.xIV) Theres lots of other rules, which you'll only find out when you break them, so be warned. If you don't know all the rules by heart, then get lost, you shouldn't be here.

I'm bored now.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Puka, don't tell me you've been watching Pearl Harbour again?


I refuse to watch a 'War' film that has girls and kissing in it.

War is about blokes'n'guns'n'sploding stuff.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Someone seems to forget the sacrifices we Aussies made on French soil in WW1...that's gratitude for you!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Some of my ancestors did the sacrifice thing too, funny thing is though, they had pointy hats on and did not say things like "struth", "Gudday mate" or "Now thats a knife".

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Well, I'll be blowed, look's like you're the host this time!

Regardless, the Peng Challenge is back on Aussie soil and that's going to annoy the rest of the poolers no end!

Well done, Stuka, you've done us proud, mate! :D

btw Pawbroon, neener neener neener!


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Yeah sure, go with punctuality over style. {grumble grumble} Damn deputy moderators, I ffel like I've been rogered by Barney Fife.

Oh well, as Mace says at least we have the "right class of people" running the thread this time. Anything to piss off the Kiwis and French. Good on ya Stuka, even if you do run on an odd number of cylinders.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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That does it.

Not only have I been gazzumped by a pair of freckled ginger spods, but my bloody hard disk has now terminally errored.

My opponents, if they have the gall to call themselves such, will have to wait while I sue my retailer for a new one. They have the gall to express the opinion that failing to supply me with a product that is fit for its intended purpose is my own problem. Obviously, consumer law is not a forte of theirs, as seems to be selling worthless iMacs to punters that don't know better.

While I relish the thought of getting back into the swing of things with the reptilian-insect crossbreeds that I am sparring with, and taking those slimey pile 'em high retailers to the highest court in the land, I am not so content at dealing with...

(bless me father for I have sinned)


I mean, come on, they're hardly carbon-based animals in here (JR Morose springs to mind immediately). God only knows what they're like out there.

My 'opponents' (being as loose as possible) are, if my memory serves me correctly are:

Aqua Perido




Wildman (if he's still here. If not, chalk up a magnificent win for me Lorak. I have the files to prove it. Well, hopefully I do, if I can recover my data)

Have I forgotten anyone? You're probably not worth remembering anyway.

Summing up, then, just hold up a while. And maybe I'll see you in court some time?


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Well, it appears that once again we have managed to survive a painful and embarrassing "changing of the gaurd." I am also glad to see that Ju-88's title won the gambit - it was by far the best. That "Tie me down" thing was drivel, and "Where the Red Fern Grows" or whatever seemed a little...sappy.

As for Australia, well up here in the real world, we think of Aussie's as nothing more than knife-wielding, funny talking, sheep herders and gator wrestlers. They all own Land Rovers from the WWII era and live in smallish trailers on vast plateaus.

In the cities (was it one or two?) there are no men but only hot bikini-clad women who like to surf and can wrestle boa constrictors with their tongues. So we are told from childhood: "When you go to Australia stay in the cities!"

Outside the cities are nothing but desolate landscapes, plateaus, and the occaisional roving tribe of kangaroos/rabits/aborigines. There are a few villages, each comprised of a tavern, a post office, and a heavy-set foul mouthed widow who will cook you up a mess o' eggs in the morning.


I beat Col. Sanders dammit! Remove his name or count the win, cause I licked him good.

I lost to Berlichtingen but it wasn't by choice! The computer told my men "The war is over for you."

I am about to beat Mrspkr soundly, but he has a good excuse: "I've never had to consider time as a factor before."

My liege Seanachai is doing me the gracious favor of cavorting and spinning in a great dance before my gun-sights. I shoot his digital diva's with great abandon.

Dame Achin' thought he would trick me by using ALL his points to buy a great lump of british tanks, but I have turned that lump into a burning slag heap with only flesh wounds. Dame, you have a certain style in the way you lose.

Pawbroon and I casually exchange turns, but I don't think either of us do any more than open and hit go.

Jshandorf has tight little ring around the (for once!) closely packed flags, but I am confident that in this assault I will PENETRATE deeply (go get'im Mace)

I am also playing a group of SSNs who are unworthy of note and do little but hone my skills at defeating ignorance.

Tally ho, old chaps!

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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3 Aussies = 1 bungled Peng Thread.

They're getting better. I'm picturing one to hold the monitor up (probably impaled on some sort of knoife), one to hold his arm outstretched, one to smash the keyboard upward into his finger. Rules, threats, and the general atmosphere of hostility go in the first post, don't they? I will consult Lorak and Peng about returning all convict scum to SSN status. At least Goanna tried... he can be squad leader.

Speaking of SSNs: Moriarty has taken to the alleys, befriending street people and supplying them with formal letters of introduction to the Highest Circles of CM illuminati. Like a well-fed trout, I snapped at the passing bait out of irritability rather than hunger. And what do I get?

A setup that languidly describes geography, but fails to indicate minor details like whether I am attacking, defending, sitting in the pub instead of working, or rushing hell-bent for leather for the central flags in the classic 200 BC-era Meeting Engagement. Also, a 1500-pt. setup on a Large map. Picture the mission briefing: "Here, captain, are two platoons and a truck. Conquer Asia and report back by 0800 hours."

SSNs. Ya can't live with 'em, and ya can't trick 'em all into moving to Australia.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

…we think of Aussie's as nothing more than knife-wielding, funny talking, sheep herders and gator wrestlers. They all own Land Rovers from the WWII era and live in smallish trailers on vast plateaus.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader cuz he's an Idiot]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Realy Poopsy Leader, you have it all wrong!! they all live in the waste land driving things that were once cars battling it out for Gasoline and Broads! Since there are few Broads or Sheep as they call them, they build nifty cities called "Thunder Dome" and breed pigs for that tasty Bacon and Poop. They usually forget which is which and tank up on Backbacon and chow down on something which they think smells awful and tastes even worse… but they don't say anything about it cuz all Ozzie food stinks.

Once and a while a "Hero" comes out of the wasteland to battle Good, so Evil can continue. He usually has some moth eaten dog named "lucky" which pisses on his Backbacon or Other breakfast to give it flavor and to say "I wuv you".

Jeez Footsy Leaderless get it right for once!!

oh yes.. Sod off!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I beat Col. Sanders! I licked him good.

My liege Seanachai is doing me with great abandon.

Jshandorf has tight little ring I will PENETRATE deeply<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Really, Mouse, this is all much more information than I EVER cared to know.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

That "Tie me down" thing was drivel, [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You call one of Australias all time great songs drivel!!!!!!

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Cause I hate you all....


Well, lets start off with that snappy little bag of pus, Spock! You ASL playing freak. I know your kind. If fact just bumped into a few hanging around or local Wizards of the Coast store. Smelly bastards.

You are going to die when I get those reinforcements I was promised. You mind me.

Berli, why you gamey little ****. In our tourney game he has the nerve to storm like 6 shermans across the lone bridge, that is surrounded by tall pines, into the heart of my panzertroopen. You have never seen 251/1s scatter until you see a pack of M4s dive into the middle of them. I was laughing so hard I almost forgot to get pissed, which I did after I watched the movie a second time. Those m4s are DEAD Berli. You hear? Dead.

Peng Blows up buildings I am not in. Shells the wildlife. I am really starting to believe he plays drunk.

Mouse (I like that name) Hey, boy I made a Ring-O-Death around the flags. Come and get them you panty wetting wanker. You think you are gonna win! Huh, punk? Huh? Not! Say hello to my little mine fields. Boom!

Marlow Ahhh... Games with Marlow are always fun and interesting. We are playing the gamey fog and Marlow troops pop out of nowhere better than those damn gofers in that game with the mallet at Circus Circus. Damn I loved that game. Crush Crush Crush

Am I playing anyone else? Do I care? Are my pants too tight? These questions and others will be answered next week! Stay tuned...


P.S. Vegas... Took my money and kept my soul. My god, now I know where are the beautiful women live. And to think... if I would have not gamble that money and just paid that one girl... oh well...

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I refuse to watch a 'War' film that has girls kissing in it.


Not sure what war movie with lesbians you were watching but I am sure it had "Probe" and "Penetration" in the title. Cover was probably sticky too...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Berli, why you gamey little ****. In our tourney game he has the nerve to storm like 6 shermans across the lone bridge, that is surrounded by tall pines, into the heart of my panzertroopen. You have never seen 251/1s scatter until you see a pack of M4s dive into the middle of them. I was laughing so hard I almost forgot to get pissed, which I did after I watched the movie a second time. Those m4s are DEAD Berli. You hear? Dead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You forgot to mention that I used those M4s (including a croc) as transport for MY infantry. Not gamey, just smarter than you. Just like you to bring halftracks to a tank fight

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