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Why can't someone real start the Peng Challenge Thread?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

I spent the weekend drinking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hah, I spent the weekend at the mid-Atlantic Oktoberfest, featuring a score or more of the best small breweries from Pennsyltucky ("you've got a Pod in Pennsyltucky") to the Caroliners ("birthplace of aviation, albeit not of its inventors"). After finding a deliciously-malty, 16-proof Scottish Ale, I realized that life was far too wondrous an experience to spend it with you lot of drooling lackwits. Now that I'm back at work with only horrible, lukewarm office coffee to sustain me, the Cess seems much more palatable. Lars, your turn has moved to the end of the queue, behind Seanachai (who hasn't even finished his setup, so expect a reply sometime after... well, never...).

Agua Perdido

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[edit: EGAD! the kid posted. Lesson...don't go to the kitchen to make coffee with a post window open. I don't know if I should make him sit in the corner or give him a cookie]

[Edit: edited again at Jo's request]

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah okay, might as well make it this one! HERE BE CESS...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now by Gawd THERE'S a ringing endorsement for you. I'm glad to see that MadMatt didn't actually CHOOSE this stupid thread title over my GENIUS title of: One Peng to 'Pool Them All, And in the Challenge Malign Them ... I mean who could choose something {actually ANYTHING} by Pawbroon over something {actually ANYTHING} of MINE!

I see that Pawbroon ATTEMPTED to post the rules (okay, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, I couldn't actually understand what they were but they MIGHT have been rules) so at least he learned that much.

CM Player and dalem, could you clowns perhaps EDIT YOUR STUPID POSTS! I have to scroll now and you know how I hate that. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.


{edited to berate CM Player and dalem}

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen in a galaxy far far away:

Care to explain, or are you just enamored with the sight of your own typing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Was commenting on GB's recent return and numerous postings.

P.S.- My typing is sexy isn't it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Bruised and battered by too many PBEMs...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sacré Bleu, I take a bit of a vacation, and some time off and I miss a whole bloody evolution of the MBT. Sigh.

Now monsieur, please explain why none of the the "trop de pbem's" are from the game we had only started. Quel pretense idiot!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Ma chèvre a une petite tête. Dweezil est un chien de porc avec les hanches d'une femme. Le gaz français de fromage de version de leurs arrières.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Translation: My brain is bigger than a small hedgehog. The chicken dances for me

with thighs that entice. The french people like the trombone.


Hope I helped out.

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Holy ****e!

That was funny as hell Hiram. Great post to follow my first time back in hell.... 4 eeks or so.

I am sure that most of you have been singing the blues during my long absense. Not because I was missed. Nay, just that all of you have had 4 more weeks to come to grips with the stinking pile of crap that is your lives.

Does my heart good to see Germanboy back posting a bit. I do so hate to lose someone with so much information to share.... {snicker}

I am sure that a lot of you have posted several results of your games.

Sadly, I don't care. I will go back and read the threads I have missed. But If you guys think I am going to take pen and paper and document every game result posted over 30 or so pages.... your crazier than Meeks.

It is much easier for you guys to remember the couple of games you have finished. So just fire off an e-mail to me and I'll get the records updated.

Now I will venture back in time and try to get caught up on whats been going on.


Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Great post to follow my first time back in hell.... 4 eeks or so.


Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Looks like the alien abductors smartened up and brought Lorak back to the pound. Tell us all about the "experiments" they performed on you.

Slapfagen will get excited and tend to himself. Maybe then we could get some peace around here.

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(though do nudge me awake when my chin begins to drag on the floor)

By the numbers;

Alpine Pergatory is boring me to tears with a predictable defence policy of having rank upon rank of dug-in elite guns. However, in his drunken stuper I fear he may have made a mistake in placing them. I am approaching them from behind.

Margo and I have so very nearly finished. I believe that he has seen the final tally and has impounded the last file until I commit some verbal outrage, like "Hard luck son, you played well." In reality I would say something like "You fool! I could have played better than that using 5 Afghan rebels and an RPG."

Sherlock's nemesis Moriarty has just this second scored his first kill. A Stuart. While I, on the other hand, have a veritable hoard of assorted grey scraps painted on my boys bedposts.

Slop Drippin' and I are going to have an orgasmic time finding each other in this fog fest. It's early days but this just may save my chin from grinding into bonemeal.

Wildman is checking tyre pressures of insignificant light aircraft somewhere in the world and is unavailable for whoopass. I missed his new email address, so if any of you bods out there have it could you kindly pas it on. Cheers.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Sacré Bleu, I take a bit of a vacation, and some time off and I miss a whole bloody evolution of the MBT. Sigh.


[shudder]After wading through three quarters of the last thread, I am truly grateful and glad that the demands of the fates kept me from it [/shudder]

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Originally posted by Lorak:

It is much easier for you guys to remember the couple of games you have finished. So just fire off an e-mail to me and I'll get the records updated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hah, you think I want to remember them? I was drunk the whole time, how am I supposed to do that? I foggily remember a win and a loss, or somfink. I also hazily recall being kniggeted by Berli but I’m still repressing that.

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I'm worked... no surprise there.

My former Lord and Master, jd makes an appearance the same time that Lorak returns from his henteasing sessions... truely truth is ficter than strangion!

To everyone that waited with twitching gland for L's return I commend: get over it; you're Cesspuligans, not ladder-freaks. The more we ob-cess (vague pun there somewhere) with win-loss stats the more we come to resemble that Ladders and -- gulp -- shandoofus -- let us all NOT go down that aisle.

[o/t] At my second effort at being banned, I'd like to say to St. Rat that while I still think of Tony Blair as a Grinning Hyena, thank God Almighty for those who consider themselves British and that aid us in the defense of Western Civ.[/o/t]

And in ten hours, everyone else can join the Conga-line that converges on my ass to congratulate me on making it halfway through the time that Dante says I am alloted.

You all owe me turns... except those that don't.

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News came across the wire earlier today that Peter was in NYC. Plans are already in the works to meet up. I would prefer to meet in NYC but those pussies Hiram and Peng are pushing for Philly. If any of you other limp wristed peace lovin bleeding heart liberals want any say in his destiny let me know.

I guess the up side to Philly is if we went to O'Neals you could buy us beers online.

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Lorak ye flubble on tha belly o' a one-toothed snappin' weiner dog, chalk thas oop ain ye stankin' tome o' ignomy:


Dalem Didnae win...

At were a stoot an' skailful defence bah mah skailfull an' stoot hamstertruppen....e'en tho tha snoo lay roond aboot an' tha squealin' Frainch hordes o' Dalem's Lot cam hurtlin' thru tha trees lak banshees.....mah brave laddies didnae falter....thah stood firrm an' layeth tha smacketh doon....*smacketh* *smacketh*....an' tak thus widye...*smacketh*...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

He posted that string of characters you ninnie, with his name cleverly embedded in it. But you knew that. Hmm...maybe he's gifted.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You named your child 'kijooopki'? You sick swine. Don't they have foster homes in Sweden? Child protection services should be looking into your home.

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It's been a while to mark some updates...allons mes enfants.....

Tonight I regale you with a sampling of games from rune's latest evil offerings, the Lost rune pack

AquaPissant is facing me in Cutoff a night scenario. My the crickets are lovely. Or was that rickets. Only time will tell.

The Baleful Bard and I seek to actually bring our string of draws to a close. In Fertile Ground we are recreating High Noon Of course I look like Gary Cooper. Or perhaps for a patriotic bent, Hamilton and Burr. Anyway it's mano a mano at 640 paces, err meters. His Sherman vs my Stug. Shots are simultaenous. First round - miss. Second round, again mutual exchanges. Oh bad luck the Sean, you pulled it... I didn't.

Marlow mentiones someting about houses falling from the skies in Bourgebus Ridge I shall see if I can accomodate him.

Moriarty seems to only want to play on foggy hillsides. When last seen his poltroon of über men were running back to the river.

crisl is showing why Monty didn't make it to Arnhem in time. In XXX Corps Breakout or is it 'breakdown' he has re-created the light brigade's charge , with similar results. By turn 9, he has lost 8 tanks, 9 armored vehicles , halftracks, carriers etc. and 2 AC's. He has several platoons shot up running around like chickens as the sky falls down around them while I lost a few men and two 50mm AT's. He has a LONG way to go in this one.....

Mark IV is apparently drunk so nothing from him. The Justicator manages to continually fail to return turns in the aptly named Joe's Revenge. Because I am forgetting the tactical balance every day he fails to return the file.

Carry on

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

[o/t] At my second effort at being banned, I'd like to say to St. Rat that while I still think of Tony Blair as a Grinning Hyena, thank God Almighty for those who consider themselves British and that aid us in the defense of Western Civ.[/o/t]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's a pleasure, sir. Though, our efforts are rather constrained to pointing laser pens at buildings, flashing the occupants in the eyes and drawing lovely patterns, etc and refueling your aircraft with premium grade of the hoof.

Time is approaching that we both must rise from the trenches and march on. Good luck y'all.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You named your child 'kijooopki'? You sick swine. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why you cultural imperialist! That happens to be a very respectable Finnish name that means 'he whose diaper boquet smells like dijon mustard'. And yes, thank you, my triginosis has been acting up of late, in actual fact.

Now for updates:

Against Sir theAI I have lost at that history lesson called Jabo! Kijoopki enjoyed it, but my lovely wife wondered whether this was my way of 'handling' the generalized anxiety of these dark times. As advertised, it really was hard to win. Next time I'll try it as the Germans. Lorak, can games against the AI be officially recorded? If so:

Sir theAI 98- Total Victory

CMplayer 2- Crawl back under my rock defeat

The game against Slapdragon is still at the whack-a-mole stage. He's playing the moles. The latest furry head to pop up was a Honey tank which was plugged in the rear driving away from the battle. It never knew what hit it. So I strongly suspect the 'trap' he's been boasting about is the tried 'n true withdraw trick. You get your opponent interested in the game and then surrender. I don't see how he could pull off anything else.

Sir Lars Is putting up a bold fight of it, all things considered, since a certain songbird revealed his whole OOB. This might be the first game where I actually succeed at connecting two pincers in a full scale entrapment. (bagging not a corps like they talk about in the Ostfront books, but at least a solid dozen or so routed conscripts)

Panzer Leader seems to, well...let's just say he returned turns faster when he thought he was winning.

And last but not least, the saga of Jo Xia whose virulent quips never fail to light the 'hot chili pepper' icon (warning of flames) on my mail program. We've started a scenario by Berli, I believe, a byte battle with paratroopers assembling near a little town. It's a perverse little fight, clearly the product of a deranged mind. But I won't say more so as not to emulate MrSpoiler.

Now good evening to yousalls btw, I'm off to bed. Pls _try_ to be funny so I'll have something better to read tomorrow morning than soiled old newspapers. I hates the whole lot of you pups from the bottom of me heart.

[ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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