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I have a couple of questions about etiquette.

First, I am playing a game against Mace right now and we are about 15 turns into a 40 turn game. It is the silliest rune game I have played and it has become tedious and devoid of fun. I assume at this point that I will lose the game although I may be able to pull a win out of my ass. But the game just isn't enjoyable in the least. I feel to just send him a surrender file would be unfair to him because we have already spent a great deal of time playing it. However it is just a drag. Do I send a surrender and offer him a rematch or plod on through to the end?

Second, I just finished a game this morning (results posted at bottom) and am about to finish a couple others. The losers and soon to be losers have implied that they would be interested in a rematch. It would be proper for me to give these patheic souls a rematch however I have promised David and LLLEEEEOOONN game when I finish off some of the slugs I am playing now. I can not deal with more games than I am currently playing. Should I grant the rematchs or deliver on my commitment to David and LLEEEOONN?

In one of the more exciting and fun games I have played by email I have defeated the tenatious chrisl. It was a bloodbath (not unlike our game Mark25). Bigtime fun...I wish we could have both won but I am happy it was me.

Elvis - Winner

chrisl - Loser


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Elvis wrote:

> I feel to just send him a surrender file would be unfair to him because we have already spent a great deal of time playing it.

Never feel compelled to waste more time just because you've already wasted a lot. Everything is a learning experience, and you should never be afraid to draw a line under something and move on.

Whoops, that sounded like sensible advice... err... Elvish, you pansy! Are you gonna surrender your manhood and walk out on a manly battle of manliness??

> Should I grant the rematchs or deliver on my commitment to David and LLEEEOONN?

Don't let me gatecrash your party, I'll just kill you more when I get the chance.

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I have a couple of questions about etiquette.
Elvis, as the Official Emily Post Type of the Cesspool I am the proper person to whom to speak (note the trouble I went to to avoid ending in a preposition, you might want to take notes).

Your position with Mace is a delicate one (... let me rephrase that) you're in a delicate position ... nope, not any better ... to hell with it, it's only Mace, screw him. He's so stupid he'd probably fall for the old corrupted file routine, you know, "Oh damn, the file was corrupted and now I can't play that scenario again, don't know what could have happened, too bad." Or you could just surrender and get out of it. I know what you mean though, he is the most BOOOORRRRRRINNNNNGGGGG player I've ever seen. I think that's his tactics, he gets you so bored you surrender just to get out of it.

As to the other players it depends on their standings in the 'Pool. If you have legitimate challenges from Knights you are honor bound to complete them ... unless you can come up with a good excuse (see the Corrupted File trick above). If it's a Squire, screw him, if it's a Serf ... what the hell are you doing talking to serfs man, get a grip and maybe a tad of self respect at the same time.

Hope this helped.


p.s. Jeff, you either need to stop mixing your medications or take LOTS more of them.






[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-20-2001).]

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it had a hand-cranked turret. Why was it faster? I could guess... stronger gunners, greasier ball bearings...but I don't know for sure.

Signed, Croda

-NOW- I understand!!!! Croda, you dumbwit! Of course I can challenge you.

Je maintiendray!

[This message has been edited by JunoReactor (edited 03-20-2001).]

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Hell, Mace is soooooooooooo boring I am about to surrender to him in our game where I am destroying his palsied and liver spotted tanks in droves, just to put myself out of my misery!


•Non illegitimi carborundum est

•If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Ok you unwashed wretches..

Tome update:





Iskander now has JD as his sponsor.

New catagory added on the squires page for the serfs and pissboys.

unclaimed pissboys

Von Shrad






Since robarat is in a squire challenge with Foobar I am sure he had a knight at one time. If someone can remember please let me know.

Game Updates

Moriarty.. still going, still dark

Iskander... Game is fun, if getting your arse kicked is fun.

Mace... Has sent a setup, I shall return it and start dying soon.

Hakko... still in that turkish prison.

GiTom... Interesting little Draw we have going here.

Goanna...waiting for a rune setup.

Croda... should be sending something my way, lord I might even win this one!

If I have forgotten anyone... don't care.

Elvis Your question is a good one. If the scenario is bad and your hating it.. You could offer a surrender or a cease fire but you would be obliged to offer a re-match asap. Also, if the other person insist on finishing, that would be prudent also.

As for those waiting for games from you... I understand compleatly. I just make myself a waiting list and use it. Thats why I offered Hamsters, Seanachai, and Mace first crack at the openings I have now. After them I several others waiting, some outside the pool. but not forgotten.

Why so many insist on waiting to play someone as bad as I is beyond me. I'd really look forward to playing you again, as our last game wasn't official, and I got my arse kicked.. but I think both of us are going to be really tied up shortly.

Thats about all from the Lorak, the rest of you can go back to sniffing each others butts.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Lorak:

New catagory added on the squires page for the serfs and pissboys.

unclaimed pissboys

Von Shrad






I'll take Wildman as my lacky. I've always wanted an Officer to lick my boots.

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Speaking of etiquette: I changed usernames and stopped all of my PBEM's. What if I were to continue one PBEM? Considering that I have committed the "unpardonable sin" of not continuing the other PBEMs, what do I need to do be forgiven? I know that I have been cast out of the group I was never welcome in. Find the conundrum. Do I strive for acceptance? Not really. I know I'll never meet most of you in person during this lifetime. Still, I am so drawn to this gathering of grunts and scratches on the walls of communication.

Tufts of hair sit upon my floor becaue I cannot rid myself of this message board and the game that is so attached to it.

You thought of me as a persistant gnat that would not leave you be until you played me. Then I plagued you with bad jokes via email. Now I am a memory of a wafting remnant of a flatulant emission.

Sometimes, when I think nobody is looking, I sneak in a ten minute game of me being British and sadly losing. "Bastards" is the most common word during that time. Combat Mission is my weakness and my record shows it.

Suggestions? If I know you, I might reply. If I don't, you are welcome to shut your "piehole".



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Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

Considering that I have committed the "unpardonable sin" of not continuing the other PBEMs, what do I need to do be forgiven? I know that I have been cast out of the group I was never welcome in.

Ahh Hiram, you were never cast out, in fact I suspect that your little corner of the pool has been kept, well not clean, but it's there. I hate to say it but I suspect (although if they admidt it, I'd be surprised) that the denizen's of that time hold a fondness for your presence (even if it was to be able to pad their record!). Frankly I missed the daily fun of wondering which Hiram was going to show up. And as I told you before, you developed a particular persona in the pool.

In fact, I still have our pbem in the "pending" folder. True that this part of the world is kind of like scabies, horriffic to look at, but you can't tear your eyes away.

So if you want to spit in the cat's eye and call it a bastard and continue on, all right by me......


•Non illegitimi carborundum est

•If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by mensch:

so using my only usable braincell I will fire a synaps and assume that was an acceptance to my challange..

You pot-smoking, transplanted-Canuk (I won't mention also your hair, testicles, and other unmentionables), you're so lame that grinding your mouse-like balls into the virtual pavement with my stilletto heel isn't even worth the price of having to interact with you; even via email. Call me names, claim a win, do whatever your hairy backed, chest thumping ego demands, but I would rather eat the peanuts out of gunny bunny's excrement than have to tolerate my mailbox being filled with your wet-brained mewlings.


Ps - how come you don't write anymore, jd? =)


Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

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Ok Marlow,

Wildman is your squire.

Sorry for ya.


OH and Kitty and Mensch. You have been around long enough to know that the battle has to be finished before a result is posted. It also needs to be a given as to who the winner was...


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Guest Wildman

Originally posted by Marlow:

I'll take Wildman as my lacky. I've always wanted an Officer to lick my boots.

Oh JOY, Oh JOY, Oh JOY!!!!

I have a Knigget of my very own, and I will hug him, and squeeze him and I will call him George! No, no, wrong cartoon.

Thank ye O wonderful and worshipful Master. Perhaps I can get something for you? Scotch, sherry, soon I will have Berli's blood in a pitcher, will that do?

...Man I can't believe I have to do this...and me an officer and all...scheeeeez..no respect, I get no respect..





Ok, I'm now a squire of the most wonderful and kwazy guy Marlow, but when I finish kicking StevetheRats but around, I'd better be <b>rewarded!</b>

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Ok Marlow,

Wildman is your squire.

Sorry for ya.


OH and Kitty and Mensch. You have been around long enough to know that the battle has to be finished before a result is posted. It also needs to be a given as to who the winner was...

You goat-kissing toad! THERE WAS/IS NO GAME!

Game update:

Lorak Loss - mensch Loss

Kitty - Always wins



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

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Originally posted by JunoReactor:

it had a hand-cranked turret. Why was it faster? I could guess... stronger gunners, greasier ball bearings...but I don't know for sure.

Signed, Croda

-NOW- I understand!!!! Croda, you dumbwit! Of course I can challenge you.

Je maintiendray!

[This message has been edited by JunoReactor (edited 03-20-2001).]

Who or what are you? And if you are challenging me then you had better back it up with a QB, because the last person who dropped an empty challenge on me had his dog's ears removed and has since been lost off the face of the earth.


Woot! - Maximus2k

Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by Kitty:

You pot-smoking, transplanted-Canuk (I won't mention also your hair, testicles, and other unmentionables), you're so lame that grinding your mouse-like balls into the virtual pavement with my stilletto heel isn't even worth the price of having to interact with you; even via email. Call me names, claim a win, do whatever your hairy backed, chest thumping ego demands, but I would rather eat the peanuts out of gunny bunny's excrement than have to tolerate my mailbox being filled with your wet-brained mewlings.


Ps - how come you don't write anymore, jd? =)

Kitty, that is 1000 times better than the emoticons you used to display. I thoroughly enjoyed that post. Thank you. You brought a chuckle to my sad frame.

that was damn good stuff.



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We believe that handsome paragon of wit, weilder of the witty riposte and handler of the breasts of many a fine woman, Elijah Meeks, is Roborat's sponser.


Jefe: Killing us.

jd: Dying.

Lorak: Better the hell be sending US the setup, dammit!

Goanna: Up in the air.

PeterNZer: Down in the toilet.

Croda: We can't even bear to open the file, not that we're losing, it's just that Crodaburg is such a goddamn mess.

MarkIV: Lucky.

Seanachai: Unlucky.

Aitken: Lazy. Probably a coward, too. Most likely of questionable lineage.

Deke: Dead.

Priest (Our own little squire): Stupid.

Stuka: Mad as a Mensch in a Mace factory. I mean, crazy as two whores in Bauhaus's hovel. Sick as a Sasquatch with gamey manuevering.

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Iskander.....you silly poof your isp is bouncing stuff....Okay you ungrateful wretch, get out here and grovel. Else I'll get out the belt, the one with the metal studs and little bits of Croda's flesh still adhering. Course since your head is down the toidy you are probably clueless (as are all squires) to your elevation in status. No matter, we shall soon learn ye manners ......

Hamsters is gnawing my leg, lizardbreath beating me about the head, chrysalis/1 is laughing his head off at rune's evilness to me in our game, so I have taken to ritually abusing Berli and Mace. Grenouille hasn't been seen in a sang froid moment, MormonWives and I trade killing tanks and shooting up the countryside, and theformersquirenevertobekinighted Cromagon awaits to prove he can finally win in a fixed game.


•illegitimi carborundum est

•frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-20-2001).]

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I am gonna see how these piss boys shake out, (pun intended) cause the last thing I need is some groveling, butt kissing, toadie that couldn't win a game if Kitty held him at scissors point. (Ouch! Just hurts thinking about it)

I have finally succeeded in goading Joe Ma into a game. He will die now like all the rest of you sniveling snot noses.

Also.. I assume the gathering of 2 half-wits and an intellectual is still on for Tuesday the 27th at Kieran's? Hmmm? Is that right? Seanachai? Teke-torch?



"It's takes a big man to cry, but it takes bigger man to laugh at him." - Jack handy

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I, though a serf-wannabe (can you possibly get any lower?) hereby inquire as to the requirements to become a feckin' serf? A newbie is a newbie, apparently lower than a serf, but at what point (upon whose bayonet) does one rise to the level of grand ineptitude afforded a serf? I notice the dekester and dalem's lot (I know, I know, I'm beginning to partake in that lame excuse for humor known as Name Changing™ ) have passed by the wayside, but much to your mortification, I am very persistent. Like the snot in your nose during flu season, like the hemorrhoidal itch in your arse from sitting in front of your computer so much, like the... well, you get the drift.

So, when does a newbie become a serf? Talk amongst yourselves....


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Originally posted by Croda:

Then prepare to be beaten by he who is Sub-AI.

Ahh, the Pool has the misfortune of having a Croda involved, be it Inner or Outer.

Think of it, Croda has nowhere to go but up.

Being true to his nature, he has begun at the bottom, as a total zero. Since the instance of his membership in the Pool, there has always existed the mathematical possibility that Croda will win a match.

Note the careful choice of words, possibility, not probability.

In the universe, there are many things that are possible, but so remotely probable that people commonly dismiss the potential for occurrence of that condition.

Imagine for an instant that all the atoms that make up the chair you sit in move in the same direction at the same time. Impossible??? No! Improbable??? Yes!Improbable in the degree of a Croda win.

Unfortunately, there is something about the Pool that draws improbable events here...

Seanachai posts in 25 words of less...

Joe Shaw marries a Mormon wife, or two or three...

Berli buys a box of Girl Scout cookies...

Mace has sex within his species...

Lorak has the Cesspool scores correct...

and yes *sigh* Croda wins a battle...

Hence, we can see Croda "wins" as the unfortunate by-product of the probabilistic nature of the universe, nothing more.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Hammie if stupid equals you thinking that I was going to surrender then I am stupid. Cease fire as you proposed yes sure no problem but there will be no surrender. I know the conditions of your units and call me stupid but when I have a fresh platoon and you have a mish mosh of 2/10 squads well then I will take my chances.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Hiram, ye palsied peddler o' poodle poop, ye were ne'er "cast oot". Ye just took a wee breather. Will ye noo cam back agin, will ye noo cam ba-ack agin...didnae ye ken or did ye ken? Will ye noo cam back agin? bastard. Feel free tae pick oop our gam, but ye'll have tae send mae the latest file, mah swine computer crashed a wee while ago an' Ah lost tha lot.

Mace has aboot drawn has inexorable attack tae a fitting conclusion - go' tha crap beat oot o' him.

Speedy widnae lay doon an' die. Ah'll have tae smack ham wi' a haddock.

Nijis as rolling oop mah poor wee troops wi' his assault force. 60000 tae 2.

Elvis as thinkin' he has an' easy win on his hands. Nae doubt at's mah poxy tactics tae blame, agin. Ye knoo wah' they say tho...lucky ain' CM, unlucky ain love.

StukaPukaPants as wonderin' where tha blow will fall. An' Ah'm wonderin' tha' mahsailf.

Seanachai will noo doubt wreak a terrible revenge fer has recent defeat at mah skillful hands.

MarkIV, af'n tha word "Oberndorf" means anythan' tae ye, send mae a setup.

As fer tha' festerin' string o' fetid newbies traipsin' an lak a plastic shoppin' bag hangin' oot a lost dog's arse, Ah continue tae ignore ye vacuous chatter.




You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Oh my God! er.. self.

Kitty has called me a loser! I try so hard to hide that fact until I actualy play someone.

Leeo... I'll go ahead and add you as a pissboy. Since we actualy have that area now.

Meeks/Hamsters I will infact send you a setup in the morning. I also have noted that you are Roborats sire.

Now sod of all you sniffers of other peoples bottoms!

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Some points:

i) A victory is still a victory no matter how it's achieved,

ii) Elvis is still fighting like a trooper, and hasn't fled to some corner of the map to cower using the excuse of "give me the rest of the game, I think I left the kettle on and I better send all my remaining forces to check",

iii) It takes two to cha-cha (I have no idea what dancing has to do in this case, but hey point iii sounds so damned good).

btw Joe, where's your surrender?


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