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How The Peng Challenge Was Won And Where It Got Us

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Originally posted by harpooner:

Maybe that's how they do it in Australia, but here in the real world (not some backwards-ass third-world country on the edge of the hinterlands of Mesopotamia) we act like manly men. We rise to challenges like warriors.


Just some quick points:

i) We Aussies would like to have a battle of wits with you, but it's obvious you're not equipped.

ii) Stuka may be a drooling idiot, but he's an Aussie drooling idiot, and thus far more intellectualy capable than yourself.

Now please go away and grow some brain cells!


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Harpooner, is that your name, or what you have to do to get a date?

I have a hard time listening to someone make fun of Austraila when they live in Mexico's sister state California. Where you born there in Santa Cruz? If so you have been exposed to toxic water, air,food,and people for your whole life. It shows to, the way you ramble on like a kid with a new dictionary.

Me, I am forced to live here. I have chosen to get as far a way from huge populations of retarded monkeys as possible, but it hard. You see I am a psychologist, and they are forced to be where the crazy people are, that would be Mexic...er I mean California.

So keep posting your mindless drivel, it lets me know I will have a job for a long time.

Thank you for your support.

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Originally posted by harpooner:

I'm a frickin' idjit who has just learned to post

Duuuuuuuddde, where's your brain? Uh huh huh, snicker snicker. So like, your really starting to harsh my mellow, man. The world is full of enough pretentious genitalia without you sticking your microscopic member in our collective ear. Uh-huh huh. Why don't you just bugger off to Humboldt county, Duuuuuuuuuuude, and chatter at some of them squirrels in the redwoods. At least then you'd be talkin' with someone at your owne level, dude. You know, it's kinda like you suck, but then on a whole other level, there are layers of suckiness in you that I can't even grok, man. Just chill a little, and like, let your harsh brain-waves(like you had any, huh, uhhuh-huh) wash over the pool in a natural, organic manner. DUUuuude! You suck, man! Move along to somewhere that gives it up for the man, you pig-yearning, overly-zealous freak of nature. Whoa, man, I think I'm startin' to peak.

So, as I've told you before, Bugger off you serf piss-boy wannabe.


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 04-04-2001).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*


I cannot send you a setup for the following reasons.

1) As I understand the rules, I cannot play against kniggits until I have won my squire's challenge. I will surely destroy Roborat eventually, but it will take a while.

2) That was plain said. You didnt even taunt or insult me. You gotta wine me and dine me a little.

3) You didnt even mention parameters or anything.

This leads me to believe that you said "send me a setup", the way L.A. slimeballs say "let's do lunch". Your kind make me puke. Piss off.

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Tome Update,



Ahh and now for another boring update from me...The Lorak.

Moriarty...Umm, I have just ran out of things to say about this lovely Berli map. Basically we just run around and shoot at anything that moves.

Iskander... I have never seen a more gamey use of artillery in my life. Like the allies really ever used it.

GiTom... One turn to go, and I believe I'll have to add another loss to my record. I will add it in protest since he used the gamey tactic of holding the flags.

Mace... Just started a lovely little wild bill scenario called "watch Lorak weep". Should be exciting!

Croda... We haven't really started, but I am defending indefensive terrain. Obviously Gamey as I can feel my inner Croda sending out spy reports when I sleep.

Hakko... still in prison....

Thats about all you unwashed wretches.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Don't you get it people?

There is no harpooner.

Its just Meeks. Little,teeny,tiny befuddled old Meeks. Pretending to be someone else pretending to be a friend of Meeks. Sad isn't it?

The real Meeks is the one in the tartan hotpants and leather muscle shirt, who pretended to go to the North pole to find love with a polar bear. Sure he found love but it wasn't the dreamy eyed, hold me close in the morning kind of love that he was seeking. No siree, it was all hard, fast, savage love with lots of knashing teeth, tufts of white fur and a bear like grip on Meek's shoulders.

After the stitches had healed 'Hamsters came along. Again this was just Meeks in a hamster costume, the same one he was made to wear during his stay at the state correctional institution. Even the hole the inmates made in the seat of the costume is still there.

Now there is Hardspooner and no prizes for guessing that its our old heterophobe, Meeks again. This time he's dropped the hamster suit and its mommy's underwear he's donned while feverously pounding away at himself in front of the keyboard. You have to admire the lad. The fact that mommy is still wearing the duds at the same time fazes him not a jot.

She even helps him by holding the dictionary so he can get the big words right.

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PBEM Report

My battle with Leeo has plummeted into chaos, with men panicking and dying in the darkness and the rain. And that's even before the enemy joins in.

Meeks started our latest engagement with a terrain disadvantage. Despite my men displaying their finest aptitude to sitting around and taking pot shots from a safe distance, he is now in control of one VL. That said, he has dropped approximately 36,041 shells on my positions, exacting the horrendous toll of 2 casualties.

Germanboy has apparently been detained by the police or some such, and is not currently able to send turns. I don't know what's happened to Elvis, maybe I should resend his turn, but That Would Be Too Clever™.

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David (and chrisl) I received your turns last night but they were goofy again..rather than asking you to resend only to figure out why they are goofy before you have a chance to resend I have elected to figure them out. However at the moment I am waiting for Peng to finish setting up his massive defenses for a TCP/IP game we are about to start. So I may not send them until the morning and if the weather is as nice as I am told it will be then it won't be until after 18 holes of golf. I prefer to make your death slow and painful.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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I believe the proper way to start this is to direct Lorak to pay attention. Hey Lorak you toady scribe, WAKE UP!!

I have been crushed by the horde of rodentia. Hamsters has forced me to consume his droppings. No other way to look at it unless of course you all want to be regaled with his gamey use of AT guns that stripped me of all armor support inside of three turns.

Hamsters I still say that any attempt to delineate your ignorant, insufferable inadequacies would be lost upon the neurological debacle between your ears, but I do bow to your victory.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Your kind make me puke. Piss off.

Send me your vomit then and I'll play that, it would not only be a more challenging opponent than yourself, but I think a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Btw, when a Knight says jump....


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Originally posted by harpooner:

Maybe he's a hermaphrodite or something.

You Meekses ought to know all about hermaphrodites, since Elijah and his sister seem to be one.

Anyway, you seem to be quite as insane as the rest of the family, and at least as annoying. I will take you as my squire and sponsor your attempts to get battles and achieve kniggethood in the pool. I would recommend that you single out Oleeo and obliterate his grease stain of an existence. I will supply a battle if necessary.



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Originally posted by chrisl:

harpooner, I will grab my ankles before thee if thou can only beat in decorous combat that lovely squire of the hour, Leeo

Oh, chrisl? Piss-off, you lurking molester of new flesh! You really make me sick. Not only have you not the guts to challenge me directly, you also lack the brains to figure out that no piss-boy with half a cerebellum would have you as his liege. All of the serfs scurry from the thought of gaining the attentions of your trembling, waxy hand, and leering, red-rimmed eye. Now dawdle off to molest the unprotected schoolboys playing in the sandboxes of your weak, enfeebled little mind. Wanker. (That was in honor of Elvis, who has at least had the guts to meet me directly on the field of battle, as opposed to the malodorous, pale and pathetic mewling pleadings of chrisl).


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Btw, when a Knight says jump....


Well, you finally got an insult in there...

Now we just need a ruling from the higherarchy. Lorak, am I allowed to play this excrement, whilst still locked in my deadly squire challenge?

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I'm an annoying newbie.

Who said anything about decorous combat? I was thinking something bloody and destructive, degenerating into hair pulling, eye gouging, and the spitting of broken teeth at one another. The two of you would be quite entertaining to watch in the arena.


'Aye, ye'll likely win this one. Much as a fat boy wi' a baseball bat can manage tae kill a frog ain a bucket. Ye'll prolly get a medal an' all.' - OGSF

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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Well, you finally got an insult in there...

Now we just need a ruling from the higherarchy. Lorak, am I allowed to play this excrement, whilst still locked in my deadly squire challenge?

You idiot. He's making up the rules as he goes along, just like the rest of us. It's in the rules right here (thumbs through old GI:AOV rulebook)"264.3.14159 Squires with the name Foobar or Fubar who are also destined never to become full fledged kniggets of the cesspool are allowed to fight sheep loving aussies and kiwis as long as they lie about at least two parameters of the setup".

There you have it. Send him a setup as long as you lie about two of the parameters.


'Aye, ye'll likely win this one. Much as a fat boy wi' a baseball bat can manage tae kill a frog ain a bucket. Ye'll prolly get a medal an' all.' - OGSF

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Germanboy has apparently been detained by the police or some such, and is not currently able to send turns.

GameyBoy thought he heard his inner Croda mutter "gamey" and has disappeared up his own bung hole in a frenzied attempt to have it out with the little critter.

Thats why no-one has heard from him.

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Roight, an update then.

Chuppy has been merrily shooting up anything that moves. He's just waiting to hoist my ineptly led forces by their own leeo-tards.

Berlinktinkywinky is in true gamey fashion running his troops out of the buildings before I blow them up. Not very sporting. Lots of big boomie things going on. He has executed some very nice ambush thingies ... much to the chagrin of my armor.

Blousemouse is resorting to deviously gamey tactics. Large map, large points, few turns. My valiant pommies will continue to eviscerate his blatantly hysterical use of fallschirmgerbils with pointy things.

Geier is continuing to gut my feeble forces. He will learn a lot about how not to fight in a city. He should pay me for the lessons.

Goanna, the sneaky, globetrotting lizard, slid his way into Chicago for about 35 seconds, leaving a message at work, before skedaddling out of town ... must be a portent of the skewering I shall give his feldgraus after he stops brewing up my armor.

Lorak, to the best of my knowledge, is merrily blowing his own guys up with all sorts of things that go boom in the night. Interesting tactic.

Senility is slowly making his way across the winter playground that the pseudoCanuck loves so much. Just can't get enough snow, y'know. Mebbe everyone should send him a winter scenario. He most generously paraded what appears to be a Crommie and another light armor thingy out so I could get the right range for my guns. Very considerate, old chap.

PushBroom, you're on deck if you're up for another tussle. I'm thinking a game with lots of speedy, cheap armor thingies and sturdy troops. What say you?



Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball

Crap -- Moriarty

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Too busy leading a hectic life to taunt you a second time.

You should realize that there are people out here who actually are literate and that don't need the aid of reference books to blow your very limited vocabularies out of the water like a 15-inch shell hitting a dinghy.

Try reading, fellas. It will open up brave new worlds for you.

There are more words than cum-pyoot-ur, ya know.

One would have to guess not from the recent level of discourse around here...

Also, it appears that Assies (ooops, I mean Aussies, forgive my poor spelling, please) have a masturbatory fixation, as all of their taunts seem to go back to that juvenile, hackneyed theme. Grow a volcabulary churlish knaves.

Lastly, STUKA rides a jet black tricycle, and sucks his thumb.

All in good fun, criminally illiterate, backward reprobates.


I would taunt you more, but I have to keep up on my dozen+ pbem's, none of which involve the Peng posse, yet, but you'll get your comeuppance soon enough. Meeks is schooling me up.

Now....I guess it's time to get back to the simpleton's 3rd grade level insults...have at...



"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

[This message has been edited by harpooner (edited 04-05-2001).]

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<center>Mud Matt = Coward</center>

<center>you git</center>


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!"


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The Academy Award Winning Nefarious Legion of Croda, Inc. would like to take this opportuinty to annouce its utter Crodification of the former Hairy Obeast. The little bugger had trouble getting into turn number two, and lost by a score of 99 to 1. Some would say we did well to score 99 points. We would question how the gamey bastard scored any points at all.

Nevertheless, he has paid for trifling with the Legion.

As for the foolish Harpooner, he is obviously not Hamsters. Take a look and see who had been posting vast amounts of drivel in the past thread and has since disappeared, only to be replaced by a new moron posting vast amounts of drivel. Yes, Harpooner is Joe Shaw, I am sure of it. The scary thing is that Shaw is Meeks' cousing. Ewwwwww.


Woot! - Maximus2k

Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.

You are quite correct, but sniper is an easier term to use than 'Semi-regular soldier hiding out and shooting enemies unawares.' - wwb_99

The New CessPool


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