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Filth like Fionn "Gamey Cherry-picker" Kelly

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I'm tired of people like Fionn complaining about things they feel are "gamey". Sure, buying 4 elite King Tigers and 3 Veteran panthers when your opponent didn't specify any restrictions is pretty abhorrent and dishonorable (Sound like anyone we know Fionn?).

Before you Fionn zombies go into flamewarrior mode I want to make a few things clear. I am not a "gamey cherry-picker" as many of you manage to put it in between droning Fionn's name mindlessly and spouting gospel on how the "Short 75" rule saved your Combined Arms League.

Why don't you ego-trip another rule into existance and ban a relativly underused unit like the Wasp. Oh my, apparently dubbing real world tactics as "gamey" has already been done. It is disgusting to see people that are too simple to accept a challenge and too dishonorable to refrain from buying half a dozen "ubertanks" when their opponent doesn't say "Don't be an asshole and buy a bunch of ubertanks". Furthermore I find it extremely sad that people don't just stop playing someone that they find out is using a setup that they feel is exploiting sections of the game.

I wonder how often American tankers told the Germans that Panthers were "gamey" and banned them from the battle. What about Allied Riflemen asking that fewer Volksgrenadiers be fielded due to the effectiveness of SMGs?

Nice way to take the easy way out guys.

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who cares?

Let people play how they want, if people want to play with restrictions, so be it, if not, who cares?

Myself, i like kinda realistic forces if possible (not mixing nationalities or forces), but i'm not overly fussed, others want to try and 'recreate' a sense of the every-day battles that occured in the ETO, and get pissed when the other guy doesn't share the same sensibilities. Guess folks should communicate more.

Again, why are you so riled up about this?


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Jeez, i just re-read your topic title, where do you get off? Do you know Fionn was an important part of the crowd that helped make CM what is is today? (Check your manual). Go away and do something useful with your life, like donate 6 pints.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Lawn mower for sale. Newly sharpened blades, all original parts. If interested call.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Interested. Side or rear bag?

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argie, Fionn's status on this forum doesn't matter to me. I don't care if responds or not althought I do know that he still reads the forum.

Peter, Apparently I care and undoubtedly other people do too. I'm "riled" up about this because I'm tired of seeing Fionn's name everywhere. I decided enough was enough when a new league starts up featuring Fionn's ego induced "rules" (which everyone seems to swear by as if Fionn were a god). I also find it interesting that people listen to a "cherry-picker" about what is "gamey". When he himself is "gamey".

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And here come the Fionn Zombies...

Hey Bruno, post something meaningful to Combat Misson in the Combat Mission General Forum or please don't post at all. Same goes for you tailz.

Peter, I consider Fionn part of the same crowd that rexford is in. As far as donating 6 pints goes its good to know that you're a zombie as well. I have a good site about forum archtypes that you might like. I think you fall under the category of a "Me Too".

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Oh, hehe, right you are Tank Man/kid, aye aye sir. Any particular way you'd like us to dress.

Ah, why don't you get a life, another hobby also, and take your vulgar nonsense elsewhere.

You don't like someone on the forum (in this case the hobby), you don't have to. But if you cannot post your thoughts in an intelligent manner, demonstrating at least a fundamental ability to communicate in a civilized tone then you should maybe try a hobby where your ramblings don't offend anyone. It's good for you, good for us, good for everyone. You "are" the weakest link. Good bye!

[ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tank Man:

I'm tired of people like Fionn complaining about things they feel are "gamey". Sure, buying 4 elite King Tigers and 3 Veteran panthers when your opponent didn't specify any restrictions is pretty abhorrent and dishonorable (Sound like anyone we know Fionn?).


You saying you played him and thats what he picked as units?

He just likes to have plenty of his uber-nufferwaffleflingythingys is all. They practically turned the tide of the war you know.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>if you cannot post your thoughts in an intelligent manner, demonstrating at least a fundamental ability to communicate in a civilized tone then you should maybe try a hobby where your ramblings don't offend anyone - Bruno Weiss<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think you should definitly reread my post and describe exactly what was unintelligent and not in a civilized tone. Perhaps you would like me to curse like a sailor and get banned like Fionn. I'm not sure you truly understand the words we use in the English language, Bruno.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tank Man:

And here come the Fionn Zombies...

Hey Bruno, post something meaningful to Combat Misson in the Combat Mission General Forum or please don't post at all. Same goes for you tailz.


something meaningful... heck, I was just following the OT you started! Anyhoo... it is bad form to slash in a forum where your target can't respond. (And I don't even know this Fionn guy... you're just being a poor sport!)

Where's the padlock?? Shoulda clicked by now... Matt must be getting a haircut...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tank Man:

argie, Fionn's status on this forum doesn't matter to me. I don't care if responds or not althought I do know that he still reads the forum.

Peter, Apparently I care and undoubtedly other people do too. I'm "riled" up about this because I'm tired of seeing Fionn's name everywhere. I decided enough was enough when a new league starts up featuring Fionn's ego induced "rules" (which everyone seems to swear by as if Fionn were a god). I also find it interesting that people listen to a "cherry-picker" about what is "gamey". When he himself is "gamey".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Then, what's the point?

I'm not a Fionn's zombie, I play almost ever with historical forces, I use Fionn's rules ONLY if my opponent wants it.

BUT you make an statement in a public forum accusing somebody of something. As this is Public, is not fair that Fionn can't reply to you. If you have an issue with Fionn, solve it in private. If you want a public fight, go to anywhere Fionn have access.

If you are doing it only to vent your frustration, or making a point, make it in a more intelligent way than insulting somebody and calling everyone as zombies because they like some people you don't like.

If you wants attention, you got it. Now be mature enough and go with your issues to a place where Fionn can answer to you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tailz:

Where's the padlock?? Shoulda clicked by now... Matt must be getting a haircut...


Maybe Matt can buy that lawnmower and cut his hair with that? It has the optional Farfenuggerwaffenflopper overhead grass thrower device.

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Really now. Hmm, let us see. Someone pops onto the forum, calls someone a piece of filth because they apparently played that person and lacked the good sense to communicate with them first, and agree to the game parameters. Then, in an apparent fit of rage, runs to the forum to post their little snit in name calling ridicule against someone not even here. Designing the post from the gitgo to solicite a response which they desire in order to conduct another name calling argument in order to relieve their little frustrations.

How constructive! Truly a golden nugget of a contribution. At least Fionn "did" something aside from sniveling. What precisely, have you done?

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Lewis, I did not play Fionn, but I did read his AARs which detailed the match and his unit selection. I'm not sure what you mean by "uber-nufferwaffleflingythingys". Perhaps you mean Nahverteidigungswaffe (often pronounced amongst the hotseat group I play in as the Naverdehuntingsdenwaffee)

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Flamethrowers cost 37 points, which means they take up a large part of your resources, more than the cost of other more useful teams. They start out with 2 people. They are supposed to be awesomely wicked and cool. As a fact, they never hit anything. Their range is too short.

And the same is true of other flames.

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Bruno, I used to respect Fionn a lot, but after his "rules" to prevent "gamey" tactics I feel that his ego has gotten out of hand. If you are angry with me and feel that I have offended you through offending Fionn in some way then I can easily switch my complaints to what rexford has done.

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I tell you what Tankman, If I see you offend ANYONE than you can kiss your time here on the Forums goodbye as you will be banned.

Are we clear?!?

You DO NOT come into our house and start a thread like this, espically against someone that is not able to defend himself.

Consider yourself served with your one and only warning on this matter.


[ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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