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Sound off, folks: What's the story behind your "user name"?

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My last name is Freed as in "the prisoner was freed" When I was in basic at Ft. Benning, I was selected to be a "Squad Leader" Wow. Our DI called me Squad Leader Fred. I made the mistake of correcting him once. "My name is Freed Drill Sergeant" He said something like "You sayin I'm wrong you motherfu*kin piece of sh*t" Er,...um,... no Drill Sergeant. Anyway, a couple of years later this same DI shows up to be the First Sergeant for my infantry company. By that time I was a Sergeant myself (E5) and on his first day he walked up to me and said, with a big grin on his face, "How's it going Sergeant Fred" From that day, everyone called me Sgt. Fred or just Fred.


Later, Dave

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My nickname fits me for several reasons:

1) In grad school, I was studying religion in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Martyrdom was a side interest.

2) I get killed in CM a lot.

3) I get kind of whiny when I have to take out the garbage or cook dinner.


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Comes from an old joke, and my name (Lee).

The army was running out of armaments, and sent a new recruit to the front without a rifle. The old sergeant told the recruit to just point his finger at the enemy and go "bangety, bangety, bangety". Well, the green recruit was scared, but sent to the front anyway. As he was lying in his foxhole, he spotted an enemy soldier. He pointed his finger and yelled "bangety, bangety, bangety". The enemy clutched his chest and fell over. Another approached. "Bangety, bangety, bangety". He, too, fell over. The recruit was feeling pretty good now. Another great big enemy soldier appeared, walking slowly towards the recruit. The green soldier pointed his finger, "bangety, bangety, bangety". Nothing happened. The huge enemy just kept walking slowly towards him. "Bangety, bangety, bangety". Nothing. The enemy was getting very close, and the recruit was beginning to panic. In desperation,. the recruit stood up and pointed both fingers at the hulking enemy soldier, "bangety, bangety, bangety!" The big enemy soldier slowly walked over the quavering recruit trampling him into the ground. As the big enemy soldier trudged over the hill towards the rear, he could be heard muttering "tankety, tankety, tankety." biggrin.gif

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When I got into WWII flight sims a couple of years ago, I wanted to use "Jake" as a handle cuz it sounded cool like Maverick or such. But it was taken by some idiot who never posted anyway.

So I thought some squadron guys were called by their trade names like "Doc". I chose Lawyer. Naturally used it when I came to CM, and it really pisses off jd, which makes it even more worthwhile.

BTW, I've never had any problem finding opponents or motivating them to try their best to kill me.



Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind.

-- Catfish Hunter

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I'm an old miniatures gamer. Have a 15mm Mongol Conquest army painted that I've played a lot of DBM (miniatures ruleset) with.

Obviously, the Mongols were ruled by Khanns.

The Papa part comes from the first time I showed up at the weekly gathering with the Mongols. One of the regulars in our group realized that if he got drunk enough, he could sing the beginning of that old Chaka Khan song, only inserting the words "Papa Khann" instead.

End of story.


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I use this name because of my e-mail addy (wwb_99@yahoo.com). Makes it easy to remember login ID, etc.

The 'wwb' is my initials.

The '_99' I picked when I got the addy, in 1999.



Before battle, my digital soldiers turn to me and say,

Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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That's funny Binkie! I did the same thing in UT. Except I called myself SissyPants and won 3 DM in a row. joeski comes from childhood. First name Joe Last name Skowronski. You would be surprised how many time I've come across this name on the net. Or can't use it because it's already taken. Rather fascinating eh?


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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My username originated while playing Quake at Grad school. We were on a T1 or T3 connection. Needless to say I could clean up when playing Deathmatch or capture flag against people on modems. Everytime I blew someone to bits I would say "Gotcha" (got you for the non-native English speakers).

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My wife has an odd sense of humor and used to go around saying things like vomit to lighten things up. We would just start cracking up. Take that, add in one of my favorite movie scenes from Monty Python's Meaning of Life where the fat guy keeps puking all over the place and then needing a name for Quake and you end up with Vomitmeister. I've even got the following license plate on my car: VMTMST 1

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This name is one of the (many) Central Asian variants of the Alexander; as in "the Macedonian who kicked butt." I've always liked the name and may bestow it upon my son when I purchase him.

Unlike A the G himself, I do not share in his tactical genius nor sexual proclivities... only thing in common is in the "drink 'till you pass out" category.

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I suppose I have to reply to this...

I usually go by Reaper on all the shooters I play, but it seemd a bit out of place here. I went to sign up for a "big cat" name on @Home (Japdpanther, JagdTiger, etc...) but all were taken. So, I took an old Heavy Gear design I had made (Carcajou - French for wolverine; all Northern Gears are named after dangerous mammals - and wolverine was too common), and I added the "Jagd" to it to create a wholly unique, not-to-be-found-anywhere-else tag.

Thus the sig...

Of course, ever since the pic was made, I've kinda wanted to change it...




What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

CM Recon

[This message has been edited by Jagdcarcajou (edited 02-14-2001).]

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A good friend from HighSchool used to call me this way. I adopted it as a nickname, but I continue to use different nicks in different online environments (for example: Fleischwurst, Wurstwasser, Pvt. Piddleborough).

Although it may sound italian, it is simply derived from my name, Michael Miler.


"I am no fool!"


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Originally posted by Bluefish:

I'm a fisherman and here on Long Island we catch em' by the dozens!!

Originally posted by Kingfish

I'm a fisherman and here in Florida we catch em' by the dozens!!

Maybe I should change my name to Salmonfish. Every summer I catch something like 200,000 pounds of 'em. Works out to something like 56,000 salmon!


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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My name: Brian Wharry

Track coach used to call me: Be Wary

Now my motto is: Be Wary of B. Wharry

(though in junior high when I couldn't spell, I wrote: Be Weary of B. Wharry, which was probably appropriate considering my social status at the time. smile.gif)


"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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Originally...... jdmorse (because I am without humor, intelligence or inspiration)

However, I decided to go for something truly cutting edge, something that speaks volumnes, that makes the world take notice (except for jake the Snake Lawyer who I could care less about, prancing about with his big city frou frous) and so decided to change it....the rest....is history


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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