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Sound off, folks: What's the story behind your "user name"?

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I choose this name after playing my first game of CM...I was so throughly destroyed by the AI in the Fire & Manuever training scenario that this name seemed appropriate.


Steve of BTS - "With a company our size, every sale does in fact count (unlike every vote in certain assbackwards states :D)."

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Easy enough.

Bunch of friends + beer + me + beer + my first name of 'Bart' + beer + late night + beer + Kirk Douglas' Spartacus on the late night tube = Barticus

Was funnier that night, for some unknown reason.



"I have slipped the

surly bonds of earth...."

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Very interesting thread...

OK. Jedi - easy, I' a huge Star Wars fan

Jobu - well, there's a movie called Major League about a baseball team. came out in late 80's. Anyone who saw it might remember the Cuban guy that like to do vodoo stuff. His last name was Cerrano. My Last name is Serrano. His little vodoo doll's name was Jobu. My friends started calling me that one day and it stuck.

Hence ...


plus I'm not that creative to come up with something better

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Mine is quite easy: Dschugaschwili is the "real" name of Stalin (spelled the way German speakers would translate the name from the cyrillic character set). Not that I was a big fan of Stalin, I just thought "sounds cool" when I first read it in one of my history books, and I've used it for computer games ever since. It's quite funny to hear people try to speak this name when they first read it. biggrin.gif


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The Sig comes from playing way too much of that "other" tactical level game.

Once at work during lunch I cranked up a battle and a buddy walked in just as a Jerry squad took a big hit. Amid all the sound effects, he heard quite loudly and clearly "Herr Oberst!" and it stuck.

Being of German descent doesn't hurt at all either.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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My nick is "Meat Axe," which is what one of my old girlfriends in college called me once when the macho posturing got too much to bear.

But I never ever use it. Just call me Terence, which is my name.

I'm named after my uncle who died in WW2 near a small town called Eschweiler. He was in the 101st Infantry Division.

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Jackal was given to me while serving in the US Army with the CAV. I was with a LRRS team and found my calling at sneakin' and peakin'. I trully loved my job to the point of going to whatever means necessary to sneak up on the "enemy". Four years of eating mud gave me this name.

A Jackal is a fendish (spelling?) animal with no respect for any other creature. Their nasty, low-down, and are down-right mean bastards that will stoop to any level to get what it wants.

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The rise of the various himitsu kessha (secret societies) and Japan's desires for an Asian empire in the 19th and 20th Centuries can be traced back to a number of concepts that developed in its ancient past. The premiere concept exploited by the ultranationalists was a decree made by Emperor Jimmu in 660 AD, the policy of hakko ichiu (All eight corners of the world under one roof). While Emperor Jimmu's policy really only extended to Japan, China and Korea, the world he knew at the time, it was the belief that all of the world should be brought under the imperial rule of the divine Emperors, a sort of religious manifest destiny. While various leaders tried it over the centuries, it was a goal that was to color Japanese thinking through the Second World War.

The tenets of the modern form of hakko ichiu were to develop after 1868 and would take the following form:

1) Japan is the center of the world, with its ruler, the Tenno (Emperor), a divine being, who derives his divinity through ancestral descent from the great Amaterasu-Omikami, the Goddess of the Sun herself.

2) The Kami (Japan's gods and godesses) have Japan under their special protection. Thus the people and soil of Dai Nippon and all its institutions are superior to all others.

3) All of these attributes are fundamental to the Kodoshugisha (Imperial Way) and give Japan a divine mission to bring all nations under one roof, so that all humanity can share the advantage of being ruled by the Tenno.

'Nuff info for ya'? And yes, someday I will control the entire world, oh yes, just you wait and see.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Fascinating topic - what took it so long?

H.A.W.K. Homeing All-the-Way Killer

A medium range Air Defense missile

(now retired to National Guard and other countries military units)


MEK = mechanic

I was a 23R in the Army - HAWK Missile Systems Mechanic. Not very imaginative, but easy to remember and always available.

I also use my old D&D name Aquilon and Elric from the Michael Moorcock series.

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Cool linkage with Blade Runner, that film also ranks way up on my all time favorite movie list. HMMM, come to think of it, there are many good potential handles there: Roy Batty, Nexus 6 (I think that was model number), Taffy Lewis, and on and on... A veritable goldmine of worthy monikers.

My handle dates way back to the Compuserve days when I was playing and talking about Steel Panthers a bunch. I wanted to use JPzr, but it was already taken so I just went with jgdpzr. Like others, when I signed on here I didn't really think about it much, just went with something with which I was familiar. And yes, as I have stated in other threads, the JpPzr IV is my favorite WWII afv.

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Irish Pale Ale..... my other addiction.


"Been here a week now......waiting for a mission.......getting softer.........every minute I stay in this room I get weaker ......and every minute Charlie squats in the bush he gets stronger......each time I looked around the walls moved in a little tighter...."

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