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Sound off, folks: What's the story behind your "user name"?

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We see these every day, and we take them for granted. But I bet the very first time you thought: "wonder where he got THAT from".

Some are simple. "Murph" is for Murphy, my last name. But what the hell is up with Slapdragon, Griffincheng+, Coda, Pvt. Ryan (ok, I can take a guess on that one...), ScoutPL, KwazyDog, Fionn, Pillar, etc. etc.?

Everyone has a user name. Everyone thought it up from somewhere. Most of us probably have pretty weird explanations. What's yours?


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Black Five is what we call the XO in a Marine tank company. Since that is my current billet it seemed to make sense. The CO is Black Six and the three platoon commanders are Red, White and Blue One respectively.


1st Platoon

Red One PltCmdr

Red Two PltCmdr Wingman

Red Three PltSgt Wingman

Red Four PltSgt

Anyone at the company level is Black X. It probably boils down to the CO wanting to be Mister Black or something like that. I don't think anyone would want to be Mr. Pink. I used to be Red One but always wanted to switch to Red Five just so I could say, "Red Five standing by." smile.gif What movie?


If you are unwilling to bite,

Do not bare your teeth.


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My nickname comes from paintball. I wear all black and have a priest's collar. I use a blood red gun named Demon (get it!) I was younger and thought it sounded Gothic. It stuck.

Also since Fionn doen't usually post I will try to answer for him. It is his name. Fionn Kelly. Good guy who got a bad rap. Too bad he added a lot to this forum.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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Main Entry: grif·fin

Variant(s): or grif·fon /'gri-f&n/

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English griffon, from Middle French grifon, from grif, from Latin gryphus, from Greek gryp-, gryps

Date: 14th century

: a mythical animal typically having the head, forepart, and wings of an eagle and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion.

Cheng is my family name. That is what the word pronounced in GuangDongWa. (Cantonese)

"+" refit add 2 rear-firing phaser-3s for drone defense. Also sheild 3,4,5 are strengthen.


"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 02-14-2001).]

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first name russell...middle initial m...last initial z...just in case u wuz wondering

Originally posted by vcents:

Last name is Nichols...

Figure it out.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....good one

i) The surname's Knight

ii) I give people headaches!

I suppose that says it all.


i just thought you gave blinding pain to the eyes and any exposed mucous membranes



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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When I first got interested in CM, I was mostly playing Achtung Spitfire and Over the Reich. I was at a school computer and needed to come up with a name for this forum in the five minutes before class.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

My name is not Johnson, not even close. But if ya were into Shadowrun the RPG, you would know what a Mr. Johnson or a johnson is. Its the guy that hires mercenarys to do jobs, But he is just the middle man from the employer to the grunts. Its a generic name like Mr. Smith if ya get a hotel and your on the run or something. Its like I'm nondiscrept baby.

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Mine is simple enough. I loved to use AT guns in Close Combat ABTF, people rarely suspected that 17lbr hidden in the little wood shack smile.gif Before Pak40, I used my name but finally decided it was lame, so I chose a new nickname based on my style of play.

Anyone at the company level is Black X. It probably boils down to the CO wanting to be Mister Black or something like that. I don't think anyone would want to be Mr. Pink. I used to be Red One but always wanted to switch to Red Five just so I could say, "Red Five standing by." smile.gif What movie?

Two movies: Resevoir Dogs and Star Wars

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Leonidas was the Spartan commander at the battle of Thermopylae, circa 480 BC. The Greek cities needed time to organize defenses against an army of Persians. A small Spartan force was sent to block Thermopylae - a mountain pass through which the Persians had to travel. There were about 300 Spartans holding off about 10,000 Persians. It was a suicide mission. They held out for about a week, until someone betrayed them and showed the Persians another way around the chokepoint the Spartans were holding. Then the Spartans were surrounded and wiped out to the last man.

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Oh, WTH, I'll play. Juardis, pronounced who-ar-dis.

15 years ago. All day skiing at Snowshoe WV, all night drinking and playing spades. My partner said "your bid Mr. Abbott", which of course came through some of the fogginess as "your bid Mr. Ed". So the question was naturally asked, Mr. Ed? The reply to which was "no, but if the shoe fits" bwahahahahaha. Yeah, I didn't think it was funny either, but my coworkers just couldn't get over their drunken wit. So Mr. Ed stuck.

Now then, fast forward to the daily Hearts game in my 2nd level boss' office. Hearts is a brutal game and one I do not recommend playing with your 2nd level boss. Mr. Ed is now evolving to Eduardo, which then evolved into, and say this in your best Ernest T. (from Andy Griffith) voice, "it's me, it's me, it's Juardis T." So I evolved to Juardis T. And since no one can pronounce the freaking name let alone make it up, I use it. Thing is, I still hate it. tongue.gif


Jeff Abbott

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