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Minimum Tank List for CM2

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Quick question for Spanish Bombs: Clash fan? smile.gif

But seriously -

IMO I'm not worrying that too few AFVs will be modelled. If KwazyDog is already working on the IS2 (as he alluded to on another thread) I'm assuming that BTS has a fairly large list of vehicles to include in CM2.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Space Thing:

smile.gif Let it be said here first. "BTS, you have no deadline. Please do it all and do it right, however long it takes." smile.gif I humbly thank you ahead of time. smile.gif

I am sure they will gladly take you up on your offer of an interest-free credit line that they will need to live off themselves, and pay Matt and Dan, while they produce CM2 including every last vehicle that saw combat on the 'notnamedforfearofupsettingPCpeople' Front.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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According to Avalon Hill the following AFVs fought on the Eastern Front:

Russian:RF=Rarity Factor


T37a 1.3 SU100y 1.5

T50 1.5 SU14 Br

T40 1.3 (m35) 1.5

T40a 1.3 SU45 1.4

T60 1.0 SU57 1.3

T60a 1.0 SU76 1.0

T70 1.1 Su76m 1.1

T26s .9 SU122 1.4

SU122 1.4 SU152 1.1

T26s SU122 1.5

OT-133 Flam 1.3 SU85 1.3

BT5 1.3 SU100 1.3

Bt5a 1.4 JSU122 1.3

Bt7-2 1.2 JSU152 1.3

BT7a 1.4 BA32-1(AC)37mm 1.4

BT7m 1.1 BA32-1 45mm 1.4

T34a 1.1 M5a (ht)1.4

T34b 1.0 M5b 1.3

T34/ATO-41 1.2 M5c 1.3

T34c .9 M5d 1.5

T43 1.5 SU37(AASP) 1.3

T34/85 1.1 SU37-2 1.5

T35-2 1.5 GAZ67b 1.2

T28 1.3 Zis 1.1

T28c 1.3 JAG 1.4

KV1 1.3 Zis(a) 1.3 (aatr)

KV1a 1.0 Zis(B) 1.4

KV1c 1.0 Zis© 1.3

KVIIa 1.4 Zis(d) 1.3

KV8 1.4 Zis(e) 1.4

KV85 1.4 Zis(f)(m8) 1.2

JS1(85mm gun) 1.2 Zis(g)(m13)1.3

JS1(100) 1.4 Zis(h)(m31) 1.3

JSII 1.2

JSII(pike) 1.5

This is from the Amour listing in the rule book from the Squad Leader Gamette Cross of Iron.

I wil post the Germans Later tonite.


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My first post got messed up when i submitted it .

The rf for the left hand list is between the lists,the rf for the right list is to the right of that list.

The German afvs are as follows:


Pz1b 1.1

PzIId 1.0

PzIId(flam) 1.4

PzIIf 1.2

PzII 1.4 "Luchs"

Pz35(t) 1.2

Pz38(t) 1.1

Pz38(t)s 1.5

PzIIId 1.0

PzIIIe 1.0

PzIIIj 1.1

PzIIIL 1.1

PzIIIm 1.2

PzIIIm(flam) 1.5

PzIVc 1.2

PzIVd 1.1

PzIVe 1.1

PzIVF1 1.0

PzIVf2 1.0

PzIVg 1.0

PzIVh 1.1

PzVd 1.5 Panther

PzVg 1.2 Panther

PzVIe 1.3 Tiger

PzVIb 1.4 King Tiger

StgIIIb 1.1

StgIIIf 1.0

StgIIIg/105 1.2

StgIIIg/75 1.0

JdPz38(t) 1.1 Hetzer

JdPz38 1.5 Flamm

JdPz38d 1.5

JdPzIVg 1.2

JdPzIV 1.5

StuPzIV/43 1.5 Brummbar

JdPz Tiger 1.5 Elefant

JdPzV 1.4 Jagdpanther

JdPzV 1.6 Jagdtiger

Spw250/1 1.2 (ht)

spw250/3 1.2

Spw250/8 1.3

Spw250/9 1.3

Spw250/10 1.3

Spw251/1 1.1

Spw251/2 1.1

Spw251/1w 1.3

Spw251/16 1.4 Flamm

Spw251/9 1.3

Spw251/10 1.2

Spw251/22 1.4

Psw222 1.1

Psw231 1.0

Psw233 1.2

Psw234/1 1.2

Psw234/2 1.3 Puma

Psw234/3 1.3

Psw234/4 1.5

Psw42 1.4 Mautier

PzJagI 1.1

PzJagIId 1.1 MarderII

PzJAGIIm 1.0

PzJAGIII/IV 1.3 Nashorn

sIGIb 1.4

sIGII 1.3

sIG38h 1.2 Bison

PzAII 1.2 Wespe

Pza LrS 1.1 Schlepper

Pza III/IV 1.2 Hummel

FPz38(t) 1.4 (spaa)

FPzIV/20 1.3 Wirblewind

FPz IV/37 1.3 Ostwind

Kublewagon 1.0

Opel 6700a 1.0 Blitz

Bussing-NAG 1.2

SdKfz 11 1.3

SdKfz 7t 1.2

SdKfz Flak 1.4

Lkw Flak Truck 1.5 20mm

Lkw Flak Truck 1.5 37mm

This is also from the Cross of Iron armor listings.

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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

You chaps forgot the KV-85 ...

Wasnt that one pretty rare? As I recall (OK, so its largely from the Panzer Commander game pamphlet) there were only a few of those creatures. The KV-1S was more common, I think.

I don't know about the Panzer Commander game... But it was a long time ago I read about it... So you might be right it was a rare tank...I just like the look of it..Don't really mind if it's not included.. biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Rupert_2 (edited 02-17-2001).]

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Doghouse....The Rarity list from the Avalon Hill game of Cross of Iron brings back fond memories. My rulebook says Copyright 1978.

The lists were revised for ASL.

If I were you, I'd start ducking for cover. biggrin.gif

This topic usually gets some interesting responses. (Rarity)

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Old is an appropriate descriptor. I still enjoy the Historical games sometimes.

Rarity in CM at the moment is not an important factor to me. With historical dates restricting purchases now, and a small time frame in relation the Eastern Front, the impact is low. When you have a vehicle that was used for a long period and due to production and losses changing historical availability, the effect could be applied to point values.

I think the current points work and if players wish to change them with a system that 'adjusts' the points then thats up to them.

(At this stage I don't know if rarity is planned for CM2).

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I just checked the "revised" RFs for the Germans for 1944 onward, and I don't think they apply all that much. For one thing, ASL didn't differentiate very much between Western and Eastern fronts when they came up with those rarity factors.

If you compare the rarity factors in ASL with the vehicles in CM for that year, there are some notable differences. For example the PzIII is missing, although from what I saw on the 'net, it seems to me that CM did the right thing by omitting it -- there weren't many left by then. Yet ASL gives it a rating of 1.3.

e.g. 1944, listed by RF (.9 is common, 1.6 is almost impossible to find):

0.9 -- None.

1.0 -- None.



Marder (III)tM


SPW 251/1

SdKfz2 (vs. Russians) <-- there is always an exception to every rule. smile.gif

SdKfz 11


StuH 42

Marder II

Marder III(t)H

SPW 250/1

SPW 250/9 (vs. russians)

SPW 251/10

PSW 222 (L)

2cm Flak LKW

3.7cm FlaK LKW




StuG 75/18(i)


JgdPz IV

JgdPz IV(L)

SPW 250/9

SPW 250/10

SPW 251/sMG

SPW 251/2

PSW 222

sIG 38(t) M


SdKfz 10/4




StuPz IV

SPW 250/sMG

SPW 250/7

SPW 251/9

SPW 251/16

PSW 231(8 rad)

PSW 234/1


FlakPz 38(t)

SdKfz 6/2

SdKfz 7/1

SdKfz 2



Pz III(Fl)

Pz M15/42(i)



StuH 42(L)

StuG 75/34(i)

StuG 105/25(i)

PzJg 35R(f)

Marder I (France)

SPW 250/8

PSW 233

PSW 234/2

PSW 234/3

PzA LrS(f)

FlakPz IV/20



Pz P26/40(i)

Aufklaerer 38(t)

PzJg Tiger

StuG 75/46(i)

JgdPz VI

JgdPz 38(t)(Fl)

FlakPz IV/37

If we go by these RFs, then one could argue that the units with RFs of 1.5 and 1.6 could have been omitted in the game, since they were so rare.

I don't know if anyone will ever produce accurate "rarity values" for units, because how do you track what units were still around on a given date, it would take weeks to do that. Then people would ask "how many units were in Normandy on day x, how many units of each type were in Germany on day y", it would never end.

BTS do the best you can, that's all I ask anyway.

I didn't see any RFs for horses, bicycles or sidecars, that's too bad, it might have helped put an end to that debate... biggrin.gif

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