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Credit card charged on 8-14-01, no CM yet.

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1- Placed order early Tuesday morning, 8-14-01.

2- CREDIT CARD CHARGED for $53 same day, 8-14-01.

3- Sent email to several addresses listed.

4- Got one response from Madmatt, not helpful at all. All he said was, your email verification should have all the details you needed to know.

5- Sent order # to Maddmatt, simply asking if my order had shipped yet. No reply.

6- Madmatt posted on another thread that I should receive CM by the end of NEXT WEEK!


You TAKE NO TIME AT ALL charging a fella's credit card, yet you take EONS of time to ship a simple package via US Postal service?

Your website says that CM is IN STOCK and SHIPPING NOW. Uh huh... shipping whenever we feel like getting it out the door.

Sorry, but my point has JUST BEEN PROVEN. BAD customer service. You cahrge a guy's card, it oughta be shipped the same freakin day... Bad.. just bad...

8- And to everyone chiming in with their .02 cents as to how they had to wait 5 years to get their copy... This game is NO LONGER a hot off the press item. It is NOT a new release. It is OLD news. Over a year old. You cannot tell me they are having trouble meeting orders or what have you..

9- I'm sorry if they only have 4 people on the payroll. This is their job. Any business without timely shipping and customer service is NO BUSINESS AT ALL.

10- I'm severly ticked now that I seen my card is charged yet no CM until END of next week. Yes I am ticked.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: corn55 ]

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You ought to cancel your order. There's no use doing business with people like this. There are plenty of copies of Panzer General 3d on the shelves, perhaps they might appreciate you as a customer better.. Itsall about dollar votes.

Or better yet, just go down and break into their storage warehouse, take what's rightfully yours, and put CM up on a warez site to punish them for their atrocious treatment of you.

I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that you have all of our most sincere sympathies. Good luck in the future.

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This is the standard way that internet business is done. Have you ever bought from Ebay or Amazon or EB games or any other plethora of online businesses? I am sorry you are having such a bad experience with your first time buying (it would seem) from the internet but this is the way it works. Your credit card was processed at the same time the order was processed to be shipped.

Now I do not know how experienced you are with business but let me explain how it works anywhere (online or not) in the world.

You the customer pick a product in which to purchase. Then you the customer pay the seller of the item to aquire it. Then the seller processes the transaction (whether it be a ring up at a cash register or a credit card charge) and then you the customer receives the item.

You chose to purchase Combat Mission, you then made BTS aware of your intent and provided your credit card number to purchase the item. BTS has processed this order by charging your credit card and at the same time sending your purchase order to the company that handles shipping. Now your order will be shipped and you will receive it as fast as the US postal service can get it to you. This is how the world of business (especially online business) works! Period. End of discussion.

It seems odd to me that so many people have had great experiences going through the exact same situation as yourself and yet you see it in a different light.

I suggest that you be patient and preserve the right to participate within the community that supports this game as you will find the group not only to be helpful but entertaining.

I doubt you will be given many more friendly responses from the members of this board. Please email MaddMatt directly as the only person you are hurting is yourself here and your chances in being able to use this forum, which is a wonderful resource.

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Let's take a deep dreath here and think about this.

Say you own a widget shop, and I call you up and place an order for widgets, normal parcel shipping, and give you my credit card.

Shipping will take about ten days.

Are you, as the widget salesman, really going to send my widget to me without charging my card first? Are you gonna wait until ten days AFTER the thing was shipped to TRY to charge my card? What are you going to do if my card is declined?

You really need to take a huge chill pill and calm down. I am not a 'it took forever for me' guy - I bought mine off Ebay during one of the sellouts - but my gosh you sound either incredibly naive and immature, or just incredibly impatient and immature. Calm down and stop being a burr under everyone's saddle. Wehn you get the game, you will have questions about it -- this community is more likely to listen to you if you don't come off so obnoxious.

Oh yes, one final comment about the customer service -- although I bought mine from Ebay, Madmatt has helped me with a couple of installation and other issues -- this even though BTS hasn't seen DIME ONE from me (yet - CM:BB is coming soon, and I plan on getting a couple of copies as gifts as well as my own).


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The reason Corn hasn't got his game yet is that BTS's transporter unit is down. MadMatt is working on it, but he isn't as quick as Scotty would be so it's taking a little longer to get fixed. That's the reason for the delay. Once Matt gets the transporter fixed he can just beam the game disk into Corn's CD slot and the manual into his hands.

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This is your 2nd post to whine about something you don't have the rights to whine about yet. My credit card was charged 10 days before I got the CD in my trembling hands.

IT'S ONLY BEEN 3 DAYS!!! take a pill and chill.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: YECoyote ]

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Corn I feel your pain. Hey when you FINALLY get your copy of CM, be sure to check that the CD has been put in the mailer. It SHOULD be immed visible when you open the package. Make sure they included the Shelf-box packaging, the art work is supurb. If it isn't, and BTS is cheating you again by ONLY sending you a manual, why I'd throw that manual away without opening it. I mean treating you they way they have, Really!

(OMG I crack my self up , I really do he he)

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Wow! :eek: I've seen some clueless people in my life but this guy tops the list. He is now at the top of another list, the list of people that I will never play (which is a very short list by the way, with only two people on it). I'm amazed at the restraint the forum users have shown so far.

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As Matt already told you, you should have your game by the end of next week. I still think you will have it sooner than that. But when you get it you will love it so much. You will scream like a little girl with anticipation as you scramble to get the celophane off the jewel box that contains that precious CM:BO CD-ROM. God, I remember how much trouble I had trying to get my finger nail under that clear little piece of plastic. I finally got the wrapper off the jewel case and then opened it to see the gleaming treasure inside. I wanted to yank that disc out and get it in my computer as quickly as possible, but I told myself to remain calm. After all, I didn't want to snap the thing in half as I removed it from the jewel case. I eventually got it in the drive and started the installation. While CM was installing I noticed the nice thick manual that was included inside the package. What a joy that was - to have such a great manual along with such a great game. Well that was over a year ago and I still love CM and am eagerly awaiting CM2. I am sure your experience will be similar once you receive the package. Be patient.

(jd, ;))

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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Madmatt locked up the other thread so he wouldnt continue to get flamed

And he posts again

with no regard for the answer he recieved

or the realities of shipping

No wonder this thread is like Sharks Sniffing Blood in the Water

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]

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