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Personal Campaign Game proposal

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I've talked a bit via email about this and gotten great feedback - thought I would throw this out to the general population and see if anyone is interested; any feedback or constructive comments are welcome. I have no idea how workable this is, and you will notice I have not come up with a point system yet for bravery awards. It's not a good way to go quite frankly, but should be an option.

These rules are intended either for use by one's self, or as part of a larger campaign as proposed by Jason and L4 Pilot - I know there are other campaigns out there as well. This is a look at it from another aspect - focussing solely on one personal unit.

The CMBO rulebook is correct that having a system like this (where a unit's basic characteristics undergo widespread change over the course of a few battles) is totally unrealistic, but these rules are offered for fun only; if nothing else, the listing of awards can serve as a basis for others to come up with their own system to suit their own tastes or desires.

Looking forward to your comments.




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Hi Michael

This is very interesting adapation of the system from 'that game with no name' smile.gif

Am going to try it out in my next fresh Pbem game to see how workable and thereby enjoyable it is ?

BTW Did you get those aditional Webpages I sent you after the first and did the open and view ok ?


Gary Barr


Sgt Steiner



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Originally posted by Sgt Steiner:

Hi Michael

This is very interesting adapation of the system from 'that game with no name' smile.gif

Am going to try it out in my next fresh Pbem game to see how workable and thereby enjoyable it is ?

BTW Did you get those aditional Webpages I sent you after the first and did the open and view ok ?


Gary Barr

Hi Sarge -

Apologies for not emailing you back - I could have sworn I did, but as you see, I have been busy! Yes, the attachments seem to have worked; if I still owe you anything in return please let me know! Thanks again for your generousity.

I have insomnia (it occurs to me now that taking two Excedrin Migraine tablets laced with caffeine is not a good thing to do at bedtime) and I have added a rudimentary points system to my medals section. I still say this is a weak way to reward "bravery" but perhaps a playtest or two will see how realistic it is.

My research on Silver Stars is not complete, nor do I know much about the DSM or DSC; perhaps someone can point me to an online source of info.

I've tried to make the medals as tough to get in the game as they were in real life - the Iron Cross 2nd Class was fairly common and thus a little easier to get in my system. The VC is tougher than the KC or MOH - not to say that KC winners were any less brave, just that the British were more conservative (some would say stingy) with their medal awards.

The German Cross was kind of an odd duck in that it wasn't technically part of the Iron Cross series of awards and you could get the Knight's Cross without having it. Hard to simulate in a points driven system like mine; we'll see how (if) it works out.

Looking forward to your feedback.

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