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CMBB Multi-player Option (Team Play Feature)

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Does anyone know if there are any plans to implement a multi-player (Co-Op - Team Play) mode in CMBB ?

I would like to see something where 2 players (Or more) can control their own units and play against 2 other players (Or more, or even the AI)in a team. This would be a great feature IMHO.

For expample one player controls the armour whilst another controls the infantry, or they each control a combined force of say 1,000 points each in a 2,000 point quick battle against another 2 players.

This would be a great feature if indeed it could be coded into the game.


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This topic has come up many many times, BTS has publicly stated that multi player will not be a feature in CMBB, but will be looked at for the engine re-write.

I don't have a link to that statement by BTS, but it came up once in a similar thread I started some months ago and from what I was told they have stated the same thing earlier.


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If that won't be available before the engine rewrite, what about Multiplayer in sense that 'players' could be changed during a battle? If your PBEM opponent quits when half of turns have been played, AI could take his role and continue (provided the original PBEM player tells you his password). Or a battle where AI just doesn't get it and is losing battle, AI could be helped by a human player for say, three turns, and then AI could continue from that.


After some thinking, this could also lead into new kind of game play modes. What would happen if in the beginning of a game, PBEM opponents could decide that a 35 turn battle will be fought so that every fifth turn will be plotted by the AI? Or first humans play 3 turns and then AI 2. This would sort of simulate giving orders and then losing communication to your troops, they would have to manage on their own. And if both parties could have different human/AI ratios, then a better player might have more AI turns and thus the beginner might have better chance. Now we have troop amount bonus and experience bonus, not being allowed to plot all turns would be a new kind of handicap.

That could be also a bit like those suggestions about different turn lenghts. You would have to make longer term plans, which AI might throw away if it sees things differently. This would add randomness to the battle.

[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: SlowMotion ]

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Terry, hi,

I agree completely, multi-play would be a great feature. I think you will find it will be in CM3.

One big advantage of multi-play is that, in my view, it is the only way to deal with what I believe is called “relative spotting”. You only spot the units “your own units” can see, not those spotted by units commanded by others on your side.

All the best,


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