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If I Said You Had a Beautiful Peng Challenge Would You Hold It Against Me?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:


That puts you up there with Mephus... I mean Joe Shaw and Mephusa...I mean Seanachai.

Regardless, I shouldn't be talking to you. Mum always said "Mace, me boy! MACE, GET YOU HEAD OUT OF THE PLAYBOY AND PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!! *gives clip around ears*

Just be wary of anyone 7 years or older than you...you can't trust 'em!" *gives another clip around ears just for the hallibut*


Hah Foolieo, your arch Kiwi enemy has returned to the field of battle. To wit I challange you government employee to the field of conflict. Send your setup if you dare!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

Fellow 'Poolers, behold the tragic horror of my puberty blues. It's the least I can do.


[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]<hr></blockquote>

Alas, poor lad ........ you just have to GROW OUT OF IT! In time that is ... in your case LOTS OF TIME.

[thinks]Funny how a BIG % of th' 'poolers snapping at th' bait seem to be th' lower ranked members of the HOAX Award. Is there a message in that??? [/thinks]

Oh, and HANNSIEBABY be a good chap and SEND YA' FECKIN' LAST JAB!oh TURN ........ is there SOME REASON (apart from molesting Unca Joe's Mormon Wives that is) why you don't want me to see the results??? Tosser.

Yours WithamoderatethoughnotinsignificantamountofdisrepectforyourchurlisherchildishremarksaboutmyUncleJack


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I can't say it out there, because of the lawsuits and the whole, 'Everybody's gotta show some decency ever since some limey Berli-wannabes knocked over the WTC', but Jesus Chongo, Hanns, didn't my post out in the forum state specifically all the information that you replied with? What are you, a delinquent monkey child let loose in some government expiriment to discover the true awareness of Internet users? Please, smurfette, reread my post and notice that everything you said was said, by me, except for your little WWWTFWWFWWJD piece of horse pucky.


And I'm not back, Elvis, just visiting. Though somehow I still get all of Molinaro's junk-mail. Cripes, what a whacko that guy is, he'll believe anything just as long as someone forges a picture of it. You'd think, being the graphical genius he is, he'd notice they're fakes.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Further I can but deplore his attitude toward the game of games, i.e. Golf. Bad back or no, Golf is Golf and NOT, thank Gawd, Australian Rules Football.


Or GRIDLOCKIRON for that matter, eh? So what is YOUR handicap, oh mighty JUST-A-VOLKSVAGON. If you are a REAL proponent of yon ROYAL and ANCIENT game of FLOG, you, the floggee, wouldst retort "Why, MYSELF of course". Before my crummy BACK gave in, mine best was 8 in the B grade pennant competition I played in Brisbane (DOWN STUKA......DOWN boy......) many moons ago - 1977 as I recall. So fess' up man. Are ye a PRO FLOGGER???

Dammit - if we could play Links2001 by PBEM I would challenge you NOW to a Tourney! Alas, CM is the nearest substitute. And your HANNSIESQUIRELING thingy is making HEAVY WEATHER out of it to boot (1 turn per week is not my idea of GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT. You should NOT have introduced him to MORMON WIFE No. 5 - Sybill wasn't it???). In flogging terms he is constantly hitting his ball OUT OF BOUNDS.

So there ...... tee that up and slice it into the Cesspool Hazard. I'm orf to th' Bunker to practice my wedge shots ......



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I would challenge you NOW to a Tourney! <hr></blockquote>

Aaauugh! My eyes! Edit your post, you idjit.

Point of order, Hanns.

While Aussiejeff may be incompetent, I believe his doctors said incontenent. Or maybe it was incoherent.

At least he posts that way.

Hmm, on second thought, he posts both ways. Or is it all three?

Ah well, screw it. Somebody change the babbling idiot’s diaper.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Alas, poor lad ........ you just have to GROW OUT OF IT! In time that is ... in your case LOTS OF TIME.

[thinks]Funny how a BIG % of th' 'poolers snapping at th' bait seem to be th' lower ranked members of the HOAX Award. Is there a message in that??? [/thinks]

Oh, and HANNSIEBABY be a good chap and SEND YA' FECKIN' LAST JAB!oh TURN ........ is there SOME REASON (apart from molesting Unca Joe's Mormon Wives that is) why you don't want me to see the results??? Tosser.

Yours WithamoderatethoughnotinsignificantamountofdisrepectforyourchurlisherchildishremarksaboutmyUncleJack



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Meeks ye wet wedgey sniffin' toothless hump on a ricket riddled weasel-stuffer! Mah wee span'l jus' sicked oop on mah stankin' shoe cos o' ye fetid pile of furry poo coated jabberin's. Af'n mah wee span'l cam aintae mah hoose wi' tha leeks o' yoo ain her soft an' gentle mooth, Ah'd jam ye doon her gullet wi' a dirty stick, roll her oop ain' mah imitation Persian rug, nail tha aind o' at tae tha floor an' twist tha other aind roond an' roond 'tll ye cudnae sae tha bump ain tha middle! Thain Ah'd feed tha whole stankin' lot aintae tha insinkerator WHILE AT WERE RUNNIN' - boot noo afore Ah'd dug mae a wee access hole tae tha main sewer fraim mah hoose tae tha local Cess an' plugged tha dank an' misty pipes wi' forrrty two an' a half poonds o' drain cleaner an' set tha hose tae trickle on at. An whan tha last o' ye span'l / Persian rug wrapped carcass ha' disappearrred doon tha electrac greender, Ah'd tak a wee dump doon at after ye, an' case ye tried tae make a run fer at. Bastarrrd.

Bastables ye bladder on a stick. Welcome back an' are ye oop tae hav'n ye spotty arrrse kicked all aboot some poxy map, JIMMAH??

An' af'n tha rest o' ye are waitin' fer a stankin' turrrn fraim mae - Ah just finished mah finals (wi' tha expaicted brilliant result)an' Ah'm enjoyin' mah feckin' sailf fer a change. Ah'll sae yoo Thurrsday, mon!



Edited tae ge' tha span'l sick off mah shoes!

[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Blimey, I do believe that I've managed to find the Queen's own panties! What an insufferable git I've been, and here my rampant babbling will force me to miss the critical Manchester United - Liverpool Juco match. Well, ta ta, I need to get off to the George Harrison memorial. You know, Ringo was truly an underrated drummer.

[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]<hr></blockquote>

That was, without question, the lowest, most foul attack against my undeniably pure person. My heart is slick with guilt and baseness, while mine own id demands that I sever ties with breathing creatures. Point to you, you vile Scottish Rhugovi.

Berli, I see you're wearing a hat nowadays. It makes sense, with evil no longer being fashionable and all, it's a wise move to hide the horns. I must say, though, you could wear something other than a beanie with the corpus christi spinning on it or the 'I love rabid witch hunts resulting in the slaughter of innocent sikhs and other minority religions' baseball cap.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:



Ahem.. . .AHem . . .AHEM AHEM . . .


<large>HEY JackAussie!</large>







old bugger!

That's right, thank you , no sir, THANK YOU! Idiots to the left,

yes move along now sir--

Oh my, I almost forgot -- if you are ever in the neighborhood

again, feel like dropping by and chatting or taunting another pooler,

or just plain hanging out and relaxing, please, by all means feel

free to <large> SOD OFF!!</large>

Thank you sir, now move along.

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

'I love rabid witch hunts resulting in the slaughter of innocent sikhs and other minority religions' baseball cap.<hr></blockquote>

Hey! That's my favorite hat!

Btw, that sickening scenario you foisted on me actually worked out well 'Tourney of Tribulations' or some such. How about you toss that up over at the scenario depot for others to 'enjoy'?

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Well, nothing left to be done but post pointless poetry until we get to page six. This one is for Jimmy:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>To a Haggis

Fair fa‚ your honest, sonsie face,

  Great Chieftain o' the Puddin-race!

Aboon them a‚ ye tak your place,

Painch, tripe, or thairm

 Weel are ye wordy of a grace

As lang‚s my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,

Your hurdies like a distant hill,

Your pin wad help to mend a mill

In time o‚ need,

While thro‚ your pores the dews distil

Like amber bead.<hr></blockquote>

[edited to draw this out]

[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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