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Kinda OT: Lots of new people here

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Not complaining!

I was new here myself not too very long ago.

However, I have noticed a LOT of new people within the last couple weeks!

Was there some HUGE CMBO marketing campaign that I missed (we interrupt this programming to announce that CMBO will SOON have official TCP/IP capability!), or is it the "YAY! Got the game for X-Mas!" thing happening?

Anyhoo, glad to see it, and carry on...

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Guest machineman

Speaking of new people, who the hell is this Rexford guy, anyway? He's sure shaking up the grog world. Havn't seen so much new info in a long time. Nice to see as that well had seemed to be running a bit dry.

Hmm, maybe he knows something about optics...

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I'm pretty new here, well I'll tell you how I came upon CMBO. One sunny day, I was home from school with the flu, now I had been playing WF and EF with all it's add-ons for a couple of years, and to tell you the truth I was getting bored. Fast forward to the day I was sick. I went to C-NET web-site and did a search for "World War 2 Combat" It gave me a few different games, all of which I think I downloaded. I went through each game, installed/played/deleted. Then I came upon CMBO,...I installed/played/fell in love, couldn't stop playing, came here signed up, bookmarked all web-sites to do with CMBO, begged my mom to buy. Well, My mom is ordering it on Monday~VICTORY!!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

That is the story of me, to note, I haven't gone back to WF/EF because, I un-installed them so I could download more mods and such!


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Same with me, I had been playing for a couple of months and reading all the posts, then one day I realized I could get better faster if I asked advice from the experts so here I am.


Look at that I am a Member, when did that happen?

[This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 01-06-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt.Tom:

Look at that I am a Member, when did that happen?


When you hit 30 posts.

I did much the same thing just about a year ago--I was looking for a game to play in the evenings at a conference for a week (sort of outside my field, but obligated to be there) and was hoping for something vaguely squad leader like. Found the beta demo, played against the AI a lot and lurked on the board. Only signed up when I had a question (or maybe a bug report). I ordered way in advance, because even the beta demo plus a scenario editor was well worth $45. I think I played at least one turn a day from the release of the gold demo until christmas, with a few days when I was traveling that I missed.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Well, I originally stumbled upon CM in the Fall of '99. Saw one of those infamous, "Battalion is ready! Are you?" banners and I clicked on it. That brought me to battlefront.com but at that time, CM was still in it's Alpha days, but nearing Beta.

Anyway, the graphics at that time didn't grab me at all. Besides that was about the time Hidden & Dangerous came out and I, stupidly, compared CM's graphics to H&D, a FPS-type game. Needless to say, I wasn't impressed.

Well right after the Y2K fiasco, I clicked on the same ol' banner again from a TGN site and I then discovered that the Beta Demo was out. I had never downloaded a demo before, and I said, "Hey, what the hell." and I downloaded the 30MB demo. This was one of those late night things. Then the next day, I installed it and fired up, "Last Defense" and then I saw the tracers fly and I said, "Whoah, this is freakin' awesome!"

So I immdediately fired up the internet connection, went to battlefront.com and placed my order in January, 2000. Became a member of this board originally as "Wehrmacht", but the board crashed soon after that and I lost that name. I then chose "Ol' Blood & Guts" with the obvious password of "patton". Then around May 2000, the board crased again about the same time the "Refreshing Monkeys" hit the board waiting for the Gold Demo release. I tried posting while it was down and I lost my "OBG" name and since that was about the time the movie, "Gladiator" was showing, so I re-registered as "Maximus", which was Russel Crowe's character name in the film.

So moral of this story is, don't try to post while the board is down or the system will lose your registration when it tries to increase your posting number. LOL! Not really, but I'm coming up on my 1-year Anniversary pretty soon. biggrin.gif


"Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII

"Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-06-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by machineman:

Speaking of new people, who the hell is this Rexford guy, anyway? He's sure shaking up the grog world. Havn't seen so much new info in a long time. Nice to see as that well had seemed to be running a bit dry.

Hmm, maybe he knows something about optics...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let's just say Rex is an old hand I have followed his & his partners ground breaking work for years now in the WW2 armor & penetration feild.

Regards, John Waters


"We've got the finest tanks in the world. We just love to see the

German Royal Tiger come up on the field".

Lt.Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. February 1945.

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Guest Rommel22

Every time people come to my work (I work at CompUSA) and people look for games especially wargames. I show em the CMHQ site with all the POTD's (those have the best pics) and they are amazed. I hope those people I show it to buy it. Some of them can't belive their eyes and write down the website and so forth. I do my best to get people to buy it. I think what I am going to do is get cd's (I can get em free since I work at a computer store, can say oh it's for "store use") and have the demo on them, and give the cd's to people with the demo on it. So they can try it at home.

yeah, i think I'll do that.


"If you are a Republican under 30 you have no heart! If you are not a Republican and over 30, you have no brain!"

Winston Churchill

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Well, since everyone is sharing their "how'd I start up" experience, Ill toos mine in.

I found the Alpha demo originally, played it, and mostly looked at the graphics like a dope. Naturally, that turned me off. Plus, things like squads 'dissapearing' when killed and the fact that I didnt know what the menus (because Im a lazy slob who doesnt read read me files), further detered me.

Then, months later, I somehow found the beta demo on some game d/l site and tried it. Fell in love as soon as I started playing. The overall improved look and feel sold me.

BTW - Rommel22: People like you should recieve thanks not just from BTS, but from every CM fan for getting more followers to our cult - err, game. Keep it up m8, and feel proud knowing you and others like you are supporting CM2 and beyond!

[This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-07-2001).]

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Ordered CMBO before Christmas(for myself of course!)after reading all sorts of articles/reviews from mags such as PC Gamer and CGW. It ranks past my old favorites PGII and Close Combat II. The only thing I wish CMBO had was some huge campaign going from the start of the war to the end with veterans upgrading equipment i.e. switching from PzKpfw IV's to the Panthers over time. Also the awarding of medals appropriate to the armed force. Come on guys, you know you wanted to see those heroic individuals/crews get awarded for their actions! At least CM kept track of their kills!


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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I'm also rather new here, having had CM for only 6 weeks.

I was introduced to CM by the 5 star review in Computer Gaming World magazine, followed by an article in a subsequent issue of CGW titled "Combat Mission Kills Wargaming" (read wargaming will NEVER be the same). CGW had the gold demo on one of their CD-ROMs so I installed it, played Valley of Trouble, and was hooked immediately. Fuhgeddaboudit!

I read this forum every day, from home and from work (shhh). I have learned a tremendous amount from the posts, both about being a better CM player and about WWII history. I'm impressed with the level of knowledge, the maturity, and the great sense of humor of the CM community as evidenced by this amazing forum.

I enjoy being a member (albeit a quiet member) of the CM community. I just wish I had the level of expertise to post something worthwhile on the forum. In the meantime I'm an extremely happy lurker.

[This message has been edited by JessRobinson (edited 01-07-2001).]

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I began reading this forum around the summer of 99. I read but never posted.I finally got CM about 7 months ago and have been here or playing CM ever since.

I almost wish the game never came out. I miss sleep, a life,food, I even miss my cat who is always meowing for attention now.

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I'd heard about the game before, and thought that was really sweet, because I've always been interested in the wargaming genre, but all the stats and grognard stuff scared me off.

But, one day I was bored, so I downloaded the demo and fired up Valley of Trouble... and as soon as I zoomed in on that concrete bunker getting bombarded by 105MM... and the screen shook, and the dirt flew, and my ears bled... god, that was it.

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9.1 at GameSpot. I can't stand it when a review is glowing and full of superlatives like that. I gotta find out more. I did. I had downloaded the old demo a long time ago and took it off my HD after playing 1 turn because of the funky graphics. Yep. I kinda like the way things turned out. CM for me is like a girlfriend you didn't really try to get, things just worked out that way. With time, her true nature was revealed to you.

I invite the absolute beginners to my website. It's for people new to wargames who like the gameplay of CM but are not WWII experts. And you will find some interface mods there as well. Enjoy.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

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Rommel, I bet your boss will love you telling people to go buy games elsewhere wink.gif Seriously, go for it. I've been using my position in the industry to preach the CM gospel far and wide. I figure I've exposed a couple thousand people to it by now.

The more new people around here, the better. A superb game like this deserves the widest possible player base and industry recognition. And the more money BTS makes, the more cool games, since these guys obviously really care about games.


I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


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I've played for about 6 months now but am still called a newbie because of my win/loss record. hehe

I would strongly suggest wandering over to Deanco's website for his gunmetal mod. It made my life so much easier.



Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Since everyones sharing, and it is kind of interesting to see how others found CM (since it's not in stores)-

I was considering buying SHOGUN a few months ago... around Sept I think. I kept looking at PC Gamer mag on the shelf in Wal-Mart, checking out Shogun stuff (I believe it was a review) and every time I did, I saw them raving about this game CM.

I finally convinced myself to buy Shogun. Installed it, played it, liked it. While on the Shogun forums, people kept mentioning CM... Finally someone posted a link, and here I am.

Shogun is long gone on EBaY, as it was removed from my PC to make room for CM mods...

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