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This place is the wrong place to have a differnet opinion.

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This is my goodbye to this board, as I'm sure some of you would be glad to hear.

Before I go I would like to point out that there seems to be an eliteism on this board. Attacking "newbies" for asking "silly" questions and reading stuff into posts or just assume things or jump to conclusions seems to be an everyday occourance at this board. And also name calling. For so many "adult" and "educated" people to behave in this most childish way, is quite remarkable.

It seems the "elite" the ones who have been here for a long time, and know alot about WWII and WWII equipment, thinks this board is somehow "theirs". And everyone who either disagree with them or don't do as they say are stupid, and subject to attacks.

Well, if you want the CM "familiy" to expand (but I guess you don't), maybe you should try to be a bit more open minded. Its real cheap being though when don't have to actually face the people you are attacking.

Tolerance for people who have a member nr below 4000 is a seldom sight. You are like little kid, ganging up on the ones "weaker" than you. And no, this is not because I "lost" the recent argument, it's because of many factors, over a period of time. We've allready lost valuable members because the childish behaviour of some on this board, and if it continous, I bet Im not the last.

And I would especially like to point out one, Slapdragon. You Slapdragon have repeatedly abused people. I wonder how big you are in real life.

So you may be saying, oh look at him run. He can't defend himself, he just bails out. Yes I can defend myself, but I don't have to put up with the abuse I've been resently exposed to. I have better things to do.

When arguments are the like of pointing out spelling errors, name calling and just abuse, its hard to have an proper discussion.

The day somone of these guys in question takes selfcritizm, is a remarkable day indead!

To the rest of the truly friendly people here, don't let them ruin the strong community here. Try to make a stand when you see someone being abused. You don't have to agree with the person, but no one should be abused for telling their opinion. And all the best to you.

And, good luck to BTS, your making a great game, keep it up!

PS. Lock this up, quick!

PPS. Yeah, bring on the flames, but I don't think you have anything constructive to say. I guess it is just the usual **** throwing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Before I go I would like to point out that there seems to be an eliteism on this board. Attacking "newbies" for asking "silly" questions and reading stuff into posts or just assume things or jump to conclusions seems to be an everyday occourance at this board. And also name calling. For so many "adult" and "educated" people to behave in this most childish way, is quite remarkable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Congratulations on your rapid possession of the moral high ground.

This board is 'online'. It is 100% text based.

People HAVE to base their replies on what you write. It has to be 100% clear. If there is any ambiguity then these will cause confusion. Work on your semantics, your spelling and grammar. Use precise words and back up your arguments with sources.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It seems the "elite" the ones who have been here for a long time, and know alot about WWII and WWII equipment, thinks this board is somehow "theirs". And everyone who either disagree with them or don't do as they say are stupid, and subject to attacks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I don't fit into the 'elite' category. I have been here for a few months, and I know buggerall about tanks etc. But I disagreed with you. Everybody disagrees with people sometimes. You're being touchy and I think that growing a thicker skin would help you.

Compare these two statements:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> PPS. Yeah, bring on the flames, but I don't think you have anything constructive to say. I guess it is just the usual **** throwing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Well, if you want the CM "familiy" to expand (but I guess you don't), maybe you should try to be a bit more open minded. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now who's being narrow minded?

For heaven's sakes, stop over-reacting. You will be pulled to pieces if you go around making a stand on something. It happens to everyone sometimes, and Maximus an awful lot ;)

So grow a thicker skin, and deal with the fact that people have differing opinions. You won't convert them. I spent a week trying to convince Blades on the evolution thread. I spend longer trying to convince people on the SDI weapons thread. We had rows, (and what rows!) but it's just discussion. Maybe you aren't mature enough to handle criticism of your ideas and would be better off leaving.

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I must say that in your highly contentious 'Tampa' thread, YOU were the first to break protocol and curse at people.

YOU refused to respond to well organized and valid arguments, instead picking "sound bytes" from the posts of those you disagreed with to respond to.

YOU didn't respond effectively to your detractors which lead to the death of your contentions at the hands of your own inferior debate skills. This angered YOU and YOU responded with acrimony.

YOU spouted the inflammatory, fact-free (and yes, most of us do utterly disregard the "facts" your unabashedly left-leaning media sources spewed for they were merely exercises in opinionization), flame-bait thread informing Aussies that they should "...be ashamed to be Australian."

YOU can't make some of the seriously nationality-bashing comments you made (which are 180 degrees from the good-natured bickering the rest of the forum sometimes engages in) and expect to walk away unscathed.

That's simply crap, and YOU are the puckering hole it spilled from.

This is a great forum, with a slew of intelligent, well-spoken free thinkers and I hate to see anyone leave. Usually.

In this case, however, as you gather your Tonka trucks in your arms and storm off to whatever home you never admitted to coming from, I've only this to say.

Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass.

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Panzer76, we sorry to see you leave the forum in this way. The topic you are mainly concerned with was indeed hotly debated, but I think that was to be expected. Everyone was entitled to their opinions though and I was glad it didnt turn into an all out flame war as I expected it too, especially considering some of the comments that were made. I find it unfortunate that you feel the need to leave because others did not share your opinions on certain matters, but that is your choice and I wish you the best. Maybe once youve had a rest from the forum it wouldnt hurt to take another look at the thread in question...

Something I must comment on though are your comments referring to the people on the forum as being elitist, which I do feel are unfair. Yes, there have been times when peoples patience worn thin, but I see that as being in the past and I have been very happy in general with the way people have been handling themselves on the Combat Mission forum as of late. I have seen people being very helpful to new members and it has allowed us more free time to concentrate on what we should be, CMBB. To be honest today is the first day in a long time where I ended up having to watch the forum to a point where it has infringed on other work Ive had on my plate.

And yes, I think it best that I do lock this topic up to stop any further problems. smile.gif


[ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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