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The PENG Challenge Thread Goes To The Dogs

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Lorak said:

Are you *gasp* looking for order here? Eris will not be pleased.

Was it you? did you make this poo-stain scenario???????

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-. --- - / .- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / ..- ... .-.-.- / .-.. --- .-. .- -.-


I believe that answer has been given to you in the past. Let not your hate blind your eyes from the one most foul.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

I am actively seeking the creator of this squire challenge scenario. Because I am going to kill him. "Welcome to Hell" was aptly named... If I am ever appointed kniggethood, I will declare a Blood Hamster against the sadistic bastard, if he has the spine to show himself.


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Originally posted by Mace:

.- / .-. . ...- . .-.. .- - .. --- -. ---... / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / .. -.. .--- ..- - ...

-- .- -.-. .

Nah, no revelation, Mace, just plain truth.


Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball

Crap -- Moriarty

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Originally posted by Lorak:


-. --- - / .- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / ..- ... .-.-.- / .-.. --- .-. .- -.-


I believe that answer has been given to you in the past. Let not your hate blind your eyes from the one most foul.


Yes, all.


Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball

Crap -- Moriarty

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Please, oh kindest of Crodas. Please, oh keeper of Crodaburg.

I've got a nice squire challenge scenario that I would be willing to offer up to you. I think it may rival Crodaburb for vileness, though it will not at first be apparent. It looks fairly well balanced, but I'm afraid to play it. I would be happy to do a tournament save of it and send it to you for your joust, but only if you both swear to post regular updates.



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Originally posted by Lorak:


-.. .. . / .- / .-.. --- - / -. --- .-- .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / --. .. - .-.-.-

Lorak the loathed

I'm trying. Your turn will be coming soon.


Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? -- Oddball

Crap -- Moriarty

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More quotes from Wildman:

Ya, I'm fecking brilliant aren't I. I may yet lose this game due to your obviously gamey tactics of using SMG squads deep inside building where I can't supress them.

note to self: Self remember this tactic and use whenever appropriate

Die you gamey as a GERMANBOY bastage!

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Guest Wildman

Please Berli, I know my prose and wit are second to none, but have you no shame. Why depress the Pool with the knowledge that they have a better chance at scoring with Cindy Crawford that matching my sheer intellect? Oh well, continue on, I’m sure the others appreciate it anyway.

--There is no such thing as bad publicity--

[This message has been edited by Wildman (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Go gcreime na gráinneoga cealgrúnacha do thóin bheagmhaitheasach.

Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD

wot he say? who left the door open to let these damn for-in-ers in?

oh I get it your talk with your mouth full.. tell you what.. take the potato out of yer mouth me boy and we can talk over a cold glass of blood about your "to be" loss against the one and only mensch.

I suggest some sun would help your pasty white complection too!

so assuming you are human and not some wierd sicko like Hiram. I wack your pasty face with a rock and hope it does two things, 1) knocks out that potato out of your mouth that the rest of us can understand ya. 2) make some improvements to your ugly mug.

you my sir are to be set up (more ways then one.)

I know you understand english cuz you use every fecking alphabet in your name so use them.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!"


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Gentlemen of the CessPool, I rise today (sit down ... hang on, where's the roster damnit, ever since Bauhaus went on vacation it's very confusing ... ah Mace) to suggest that a new position be created to provide counsel and guidance for the CessPool as a Hole. Obviously such a person must have experience with corrupt and inefficient organizations that have Byzantine rules and unworkable policies.

Such a person, while not actually a Knight or Squire, would be accorded all the rights of a Knight while they would not have any of the status. This person should be called Consigliori and would provide advice of a legal and regulatory nature to the CessPool. Naturally, such a person would have to be highly corruptable himself and subject to the basest of bribes. There would, of course, be no actual duties or responsibility and his rulings would be met with the same universal scorn as all other rulings.

Luckily, we have such a person in Lawyer (no bolding for serfs ... BUT, should my proposal be adopted ... his name WOULD be eligible to be bolded) and I hereby recommend him for the position of Consigliori to the body CessPool. Our other attorney, frankly, is a common, garden variety attorney and would be unlikely to be as incompetent and venal as would Lawyer (no bolding for serfs).






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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Next, my opponent. His lack of initiative has made this experience even more unbearable. In his free time, I imagine he finds it very exciting to sit in public parks all day, feed fnord pigeons, and think naughty thoughts about underage girls. Had I anything left inside, I would hate him as well. But I am on a budget. The creator of "Welcome to Hell", is the only one I can currently afford any sentiment towards.

Good, my tactics seem to be working. I was hoping that my sneaking around the map would distract him enough to throw him off his game plan. What I did was sneak my boys off the map and into the scenario playing next door, where they were able to sow considerable confusion in a brit versus germans match, when they suddenly appeared in the axis rear areas, sporting weapons that hadn't been issued yet.

And you have the nerve to complain, you "oh my computer has crashed and has to be rebuilt, the patches wrecked that save file, I have to go overseas to avoid the IRS, etc. About the only excuse I didn't get was my dog ate it. I even had to backtrack to an earlier game file, when he mangled the current one (of course I took advantage of that to move my units around a bit).

I also point out that I was forced to my hide out and use guerilla tactics methods as I made an early mistake, I assumed that foobar actually had some grasp of tactics. After studying the map, I split my units into two groups to do a two prong attack, with a core group as reserve. Unfortunately, that idiot piles his entire force as far forward as possible on one flank, with the result that the opening move resulted in the two groups starting on top of each other. The ensuing carnage, while entertaining, resulted in my entire flank getting wiped out, for the cost of a few sections, a armoured car and a stuart. I had to lie low, sneaking around to try and pick off units one at a time. Luckily some unexpected reinforcements arrived, allowing me to have some firepower again. Unfortunately, these units were crewed by Berli and Bauhaus, and promptly were knocked out and were last seen sprinting at high speed to the rear, with of course berli leading (think about it).


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G

[This message has been edited by Roborat (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Heard in a recent game with Hamsters:

Heer Colonel; HEEEEYYYYYYY ABBBOTTT!! Those Amins have lots of Jabos, want this flack battery?

Abbott; Nah..

(Off in the distance a short while later) mmmmmmmmmmmm, Flphewwww, CRASH, BLAM, SMASH. (a little while later) da da da da da da, clang, bang, clang, Bail out!

Heer Colonel; Where’s ABBOTT!?!?!

Oh and whats a Jabo? Does anyone else think it is gamey that I can't have any?

[This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

First Roborat said:

I made an early mistake, I assumed that foobar actually had some grasp of tactics.

He goes on to say..

The ensuing carnage, while entertaining, resulted in my entire flank getting wiped out, for the cost of a few sections, a armoured car and a stuart

Hmm, sounds like you fell for my sucker punch... Oldest one in the book.

Do not mistake the unorthodox for the inept. Wait, actually, please do. It will make the endgame much easier to wrap up.

My favorite part of "Welcome to Hell" was during that initial point blank brawl, where a French Rifle Platoon of mine came under fire, while out in the open. Unfortunately, the bastard designer of this map immolated every scrap of terrain on the thing, leaving the only available standing room being out in the open.

Luckily for my ALERTED rifle squads, the map edge was only 30m away. They simply pranced off the edge, and I suspect entered into some other PBEM as suprise reinforcements.

The other thing that has been enjoyable is watching tanks dance, a la CC3, as they try to maneuver through streets that are invisibly obstructed somehow by the burning buildings somehow..

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Yes, the tanks pathfinding is quite amusing. I have taken to plotting long range movement, just to see the path that the ai comes up with to get there. One route resembled a spiderweb, and filled most of the map.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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To Sir Stuka, a report; To the rest of you knee-jerking ankle-biters, SOD OFF!

Picture, oh liege, a tranquil meadow during a night storm. Clankety, clankety, clankety, enters the behemoth dragon Cromwell. "Whoooooosh, bang!" fly flaming arrows from the valiant huns. Imagine the horror, as it was all for naught! The Cromwell reverses from the meadow, secure in it's +10 armor plating of loathing. spewing fire and death at my brave an noble troops. Though some of my cadre fall, many more cloak themselves to be as one with the forest. The Tommyknockers move calously in amongst my troops, mistaken for rocks and trees. That is when the Britlanders begin to die-a-lot. The death still continues, but the evil Aitken has tasted the steel of my weapons, deep inside (sit down, Mace) where his fear is like the frozen pit of a glacier.

As for Wanker Elvis, he is still certain he is on a Sunday stroll through the park (though that stroll is made with the weight of cross-hairs upon him).

Agua Perdido is MIA. A turn or two over the many days since challenge rendered and challenge wrought. 'Tis it fear? 'Tis it incompetence? Nay, I say 'tis gross overconfidence, from which he shall soon be wrenched.

I must now wend my way back to the front, for it is in your noble name, my liege, that I do battle. By your leave, sire, I am away!


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Go gcreime na gráinneoga cealgrúnacha do thóin bheagmhaitheasach.

Originally posted by mensch:

wot he say

Tha' there as Gaelic, ye gimpy prawn sniffer. Strictly transla'ed, it means:

"May maelevolent hedgehogs' gnaw at ye useless butt."

Setup received - ye're an fer a wee beatin' wi' a haddock, laddie.

Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD

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Keep up the good work, squire LeeO.

It pleases me greatly that David of Aitken is hurting. I must have my new piss bucket forthwith, as OGSF seems to have 'borrowed' the old one for purposes unknown, although I'd suspect it is for something "gamey"!

Oh no! I said the word! We are not the Knights who say 'gamey"!.....or are we?

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